新郎竟是女兒身?印尼險些上演「同性婚禮」 雙語 點擊即聽

新郎竟是女兒身印尼險些上演「同性婚禮」Old flame saves bride at Indonesia same-sex wedding[ 2011-07-28 14:01 ]

File photo of a wedding in Indonesia. An Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushes by stepping in to marry the bride.

Get Flash PlayerAn Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushes by stepping in to marry the bride.Family and guests gathered to read the Koran at the Islamic ceremony in western Java, but the groom did not bring relatives and suspicions were raised when "Rio" failed to show documents, the Jakarta Globe newspaper reported on Wednesday."The suspicion became bigger as her heavy voice suddenly changed into a female one," the newspaper quoted local police chief Krisnandi as saying, adding the groom had a male physique and had known bride Nuraini for seven months."The family finally got Kiman, the ex-boyfriend, as the new groom for Nuraini in order to save face in front of their guests," Krisnandi said.Homosexuality is not illegal in the world"s most populous Muslim country, though same-sex marriages are not allowed. Same-sex marriages became legal in New York earlier this month, prompting hundreds of gay and lesbian couples to wed.(Read byRenee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)點擊查看更多雙語新聞(Agencies)印尼某家庭近日舉辦婚禮時,意外發現新郎竟是女兒身。所幸新娘前男友挺身而出,娶回新娘,才保住了女方顏面。據《雅加達環球報》本周三報道,親屬和賓客當時齊聚西爪哇島,舉行伊斯蘭教的婚禮儀式,並誦讀《古蘭經》。但新郎 「里歐」沒有親友相陪,又拿不出相關證明,引起人們的懷疑。該報援引當地警長克里斯南迪的話說:「當新郎原本厚重的嗓音突然變成女聲時,我們更懷疑了。」 他還說,新郎體型酷似男性,與新娘努拉妮相識已有七個月。克里斯南迪說:「為在賓客面前保全面子,家人最後找到新娘的前男友基曼,娶走了新娘。」印尼儘管禁止同性婚姻,但同性戀是合法的。印尼也是全球穆斯林人口最多的國家。本月早些時候,同性戀婚姻在紐約正式合法化,促使數百名男同性戀或女同性戀新人結婚。相關閱讀強震引發婚姻思考 日本流行「離婚典禮」英國婆婆指責準兒媳「無教養」瘋傳網路《花花公子》創辦人85歲梅開三度新娘落跑調查:大多數美國人支持同性婚姻威廉大婚英國公主「馬桶帽」網上拍賣經濟不景氣 美新人流行在殯儀館辦婚禮「分分合合的戀情」英文表達大S「秘戀」終成正果(中國日報網英語點津 實習生史莉萍 編輯:Julie)Vocabulary:save/spare someone"s blushes: to do something to prevent someone feeling embarrassed(保住顏面)Koran: 《古蘭經》save face: 保全面子


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