


1. A) It was dangerous to live in.

2. B) A storm.

3. B) They were trapped in an underground elevator.

4. C) They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.

5. D) Close some of its post offices.

6. C) Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.

7. A) Many post office staff will lose their jobs.


8. D) He will lose part of his pay.

9. B) He is a trustworthy guy.

10. D) She is better at handling such matters.

11. C) He is always trying to stir up trouble.

12. D) Reserved.

13. A) They stay quiet.

14. C) She was never invited to a colleague"s home.

15. B) Houses provide more privacy.


16. D) They will automatically be given hiring priority.

17. C) Visit the school careers service.

18. B) Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.

19. C) It may be sold at a higher price.

20. A) It is healthier than green tea.

21. D) It does not have a stable market.

22. B) They prefer unique objects of high quality.

23. B) They could only try to create atnight.

24. A) Make wise choices.

25. A) To boost the local economy.



(The ocean is heating up. …)

26. A) absorb

27. C) contribute

28. K) levels

29. G) explore

30. M) picture

31. O) voyage

32. B) combined

33. E) emissions

34. D) depth

35. N) unsure


(Many men and women have…)

26. E) challenges

27. J) searched

28. D) categorizing

29. K) similarities

30. L) slightly

31. G) percentage

32. O) traditional

33. I) regardless

34. H) proving

35. M) suggests


(When someone commits a…)

26. K) rarely

27. O) tortured

28. J) minimal

29. D) determine

30. G) inadequate

31. B) creates

32. E) direction

33. M) strengthen

34. L) shelters

35. C) critically


(The Secret to Raising Smart Kids)

36. F) As predicted, the students with…

37. C) In particular, attributing poor performance to…

38. I) How do we transmit a growth mind-set to…

39. B) People can learn to be helpless…

40. G) Such different outlooks had a dramatic impact…

41. E) We validated these expectations in a study…

42. A) I first began to investigate the basis of…

43. J) In addition, parents and teachers can help…

44. D) Later, I developed a broader theory of…

45. H) A fixed mind-set can also hinder communication…


(Can Burglars Jam Your Wireless Security System?)

36. I) Jamming attacks are absolutely possible…

37. D) Jamming concerns are nothing new, and…

38. J) Let"s imagine that you live in a small home…

39. F) Wireless security providers will often take steps…

40. B) The most likely type of burglary…

41. H) We like the unique nature of that software…

42. C) One of the main theoretical home-security concerns is…

43. K) At the end of the day, these kinds of systems are…

44. G) SimpliSafe was singled out in one recent article…

45. E) Security devices are required to list the frequencies…


(When Work Becomes a Game)

36. C) It might mean monitoring employee productivity…

37. J) Gamification is "not a magic bullet," Werbach warns…

38. G) Some people, Werbach says, are motivated by…

39. D) The concept of gamification is not entirely new…

40. K) Still, gamification only stands to become more popular…

41. E) But the word "gamification" and the widespread…

42. B) Increasingly, companies are tapping into these desires…

43. H) Gamification does not have to be digital…

44. F) A number of companies have sprung up…

45. I) Some people do not take naturally to gamified work environments…


(Passage One: "Sugar, alcohol and tobacco…)

46. C) They were subject to taxation almost everywhere.

47. B) They find it ever harder to cope with sugar-induced health problems.

48. A) It did not work out as well as was expected.

49. D) Adjusting the physical composition of their products.

50. A) There is no single easy quick solution to the problem.

(Passage Two: You may have heard some of the fashion…)

51. D) It affects models" health and safety.

52. B) Government legislation about models" weight.

53. C) It has great influence on numerous girls and women.

54. B) It has now a new law to follow.

55. D) It will have models with a higher BMI.


(Passage One: As a person who writes about food and drink…)

46. B) He intends to get rid of the tipping practice.

47. C) It forces the customer to compensate the waiter.

48. D) They can have some say in how much their servers earn.

49. A) Service quality has little effect on tip size.

50. D) Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.

(Passage Two: In the past, falling oil prices have given a boost…)

51. C) The impact of cheap oil on global economic growth.

52. D) Consumers will spend their savings from cheap oil on other commodities.

53. C) They use their money reserves to back up consumption.

54. B) Its negative effects more than cancel out its positive effects.

55. A) People are not spending all the money they save on gas.


(Passage One: Recently I attended several meetings…)

46. D) They lack talent to fix their deepening problems.

47. A) Good classroom teachers.

48. D) They are much bigger than is desirable.

49. A) It requires talent and practice.

50. B) Hiring more classroom teachers and allowing them to teach in their own way.

(Passage Two: The secret to eating less and being happy…)

51. D) It may be a pleasant way for kids to reduce their food intake.

52. D) Most kids and adults would choose a smaller meal that came with a non-food item.

53. B) Adults chose the smaller portion on the mere promise of a future award.

54. A) The emotional component of the prizes is at work.

55. C) We can lead people to eat less while helping the restaurant business.
















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