



讀《網路時代的翻譯教育與實踐》後作者:陳漢卿 文章題名:網路時代的翻譯教育與實踐 發表刊物:《齊齊哈爾大學學報》2002年第5期 摘要:本文探討翻譯工作者、翻譯理論教學和研究人員如何在互聯網時代掌握現代化的翻譯工具,充分利用網際網路的翻譯資源,加快翻譯網站的建設,推動翻譯活動和翻譯學研究的現代化進程。隨著計算機和互聯網的普及和發展,全球已進入一個信息化、網路化和全球經濟一體化的新時代。科學技術日新月異,各個國家和地區在政治、經濟、科技和文化等領域的廣泛交流和合作使社會對翻譯的需求越來越迫切,傳統的翻譯模式已無法適應信息化和網路時代的要求,計算機輔助翻譯軟體和翻譯網站便隨之應運而生,並且在近幾年來有了較快的發展,為翻譯工作者提供了前所未有的機遇和挑戰。網際網路為翻譯教學和翻譯理論研究不僅提供了無限的資源,而且提供了現代化的教學和科研手段,也為翻譯理論教學和研究以及翻譯界的交流與合作提供了極大的便利。綜觀國內外的一些翻譯網站,除了承接翻譯業務之外,還都在自己的網站上設立多項欄目,介紹最新的翻譯成果、翻譯研究動向、開闢翻譯論壇等,吸引從事翻譯實踐及理論研究的學者或愛好者在網站上發表自己的科研成果、學術論文,參與翻譯問題的討論。隨著網際網路的發展,翻譯網站的建設還有更大的發展空間,實現網路共享的翻譯資源將會更加豐富和完善,翻譯網站之間的交流與合作將更為密切。作為21世紀的翻譯工作者、翻譯理論教學和研究人員就必須轉變舊的封閉式的傳統觀念,學習新知識,掌握現代化的翻譯工具,充分利用網際網路的資源,加強翻譯界的交流與合作,加速翻譯的現代化和網路化建設進程,迎接網路時代的挑戰。 關鍵詞:網際網路;網路時代;翻譯;翻譯學;網站 作者聯繫地址:華僑大學外國語學院,郵編362021 Author:Chen Hanqing Title:Translation Teaching and Practice in Net-Era Publication:Journal of Qiqihar University, 2002,No.5 Abstract:This article descusses how to have a good command of modern translation tools and make full use of translation resources from the Internet. That those who are engaged in translation teaching, practice and theory studies in this net-era can speed up building translation web sites and promoting the modernization of translation activities and studies. With the popularization and development of computer technology, the world has stepped into a new era of information technology, network and golbal economic integration. Science and technology changes with each passing day, the extensive exchanges and cooperation between all countries and regions in the world in politics, economy, science, technology, culture and other fields are in more and more urgent need. Computer aid translation software and web site emerge as the times require so as to meet the need of information technology and the net era, and have developed rapidly in the recent years, which makes translators face an unprecedented opportunity and challenge. Internet provides not only unlimited resources but also modern teaching and research means and great convenience for exchange and cooperation in the field of translation as well. From some of the translation web sites both at home and abroad we can see that there are special columns of introductions to latest achievements and trends in translation studies besides their translation business. Translation forums attract those who are engaged in translation practice and theory studies to express their opinions, publish their research achievements or papers and join the discussions in translation problems. With the divilopment of the Internet, there will be more development space for translation web sites; tranlation will be richer and much improved and the exchanges and cooperation between them will be more close and extensive. Key words:Internet;net era; translation; web site Adress:School of Foreign Languages, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362021, China 讀後感:隨著網路的快速發展,促進了翻譯的活動和翻譯學現代化的進程,在這個產業變得成熟的過程中,需要標準,需要規範化的市場,更需要廣大翻譯者和所有相關部門共同的努力。

將王維的《鳥鳴澗》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。鳥鳴澗(王維)人閑桂花落,夜靜春山空,月出驚山鳥,時鳴春澗中。Twitter around slot between mountains(WangWei)Sweet osmanthus fall, easygoing,Silent in night, noiseless in the mouuntains,it is spring,Moon rises, birds fly,Twitter in the mountains,now and then.

讀《普希金與翻譯》後作者:胡世雄 文章題名:普希金與翻譯 發表刊物:《四川外語學院學報》2003年第3期 摘要:普希金是現代俄羅斯語言文學的奠基人,翻譯作品約佔其抒情詩歌總量的五分之一和敘事,戲劇作品的相當大的一部分,在政論、扎記、書信中也經常提及,其翻譯思想和翻譯實踐對俄羅斯翻譯界影響很大,但長期以來卻一直少見有人對此有相對系統的論述。本文根據普希金所受翻譯熏陶和教育、其翻譯實踐,與翻譯界的聯繫、有關翻譯的言論等,論述普希金對翻譯事業的貢獻。作者認為,普希金從小就受到良好的外語教育且在家庭和學校都身處外國文學和翻譯活動的氛圍之中,從少年時代起直至辭世前夕,普希金始終重視翻譯活動。他懂多種外語,一方面親自長期從事文學翻譯,其翻譯作品從內容到形式都有一些大膽的處理,且不少屬公認的精品;另一方面與翻譯界保持著廣泛而密切的聯繫,探討翻譯問題,推介翻譯作品,關注並幫助他人的翻譯活動和作品問世;他所創辦的《現代人》雜誌也積極組織刊登有關翻譯的稿件。在翻譯理論創建方面,普希金主張,翻譯的目的應該是為發展民族語言和祖國文學服務,翻譯的選材應注意譯文內容與現實生活的結合,具體譯法應忠於原著的內容和風格,不添枝加葉,恣意潤飾或大肆刪改,譯文語言應自然、流暢、盡量用目的語表達,譯文形式宜不拘一格,注重神似,等等。在19世紀上半葉,普希金以自己在翻譯實踐、對翻譯目的和任務的理論探討、對譯文語言和形式的技術處理、對譯者和譯作的關心和幫助等多方面的獨到建樹,為幫助俄國翻譯事業健康發展,利用翻譯促進俄羅斯自己的語言和文學事業的發展,從而推動俄羅斯文學走向世界輝煌作出了不朽的貢獻。 關鍵詞:聯繫;選材;忠實;語言;音韻;散文體 作者聯繫地址:重慶市四川外語學院俄語系,郵編400031 Author:Hu Shixiong Title:On Aleksandr Pushkin`s Perspective of Translation Publication:Journal of Sichuan International Studies University 2003,No.3 Abstract:Aleksandr Pushkin is the founder of Russian modern literature.His perspective of translation and his translating practices are quite infuential in the translation circles throughout Russia, but relevant systematic comments are rarely seen in print. Pushkin had a good mastery of several foreign languages and was engaged in literature translation for a long time. His works of translation, many of which are broadly recognized as excellent translations reflect his daring translating approaches and techniques in coping with the content and form of works of literature. Additionally, he kept broad and close association with the translation circles by discussing academic problems in translation with them, introducing or recommending translated works to them, and helping them to translate or to have their works published.This paper is concerned with Pushkin`s perspective of translation, his association with the translation circles, his comments on translation and his contribution to the course of translation. The writer of this paper believes that Pushkin paid close attention and remained committed to the course of translation. He attached importance to the selection of works to translate and laid emphasis on the faithfulness to content and style, the flexibility of of and the fluency of language. He formed his own unique theories on the technique, purpose and work of translation and made great achievements in the development of the course of translation in Russia. Key words:association;selection;faithfulness;language;rhythm(名詞,韻律,格律,節奏,節拍);prose Address:Department of Translation, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China 讀後:in Russia. Key words:rhythm(名詞,韻律,格律,節奏,節拍)

王維的《雜詩》翻譯成英文 試將王維的《雜詩》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。雜詩(王維)君自故鄉來,應知故鄉事,來日綺窗前,寒梅著花未?譯文:Miscellany(WangWei)I come form my hometown,And know somthing about it,In the front of the window with decorative pattern,If the Wintersweet blossom?

李白的《秋浦歌》翻譯成英文 試將李白的《秋浦歌》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。秋浦歌(李白)白髮三千丈,緣愁似個長,不知明鏡里,何處得秋霜。譯文:Waterside song in autumn(Li Bai)White hairs are so long,Worry so much,Do not know,in the mirror,When and where appear that.

賈島的《尋隱者不遇》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。尋隱者不遇(賈島)松下問童子,言師採藥去,只在此山中,雲深不知處。譯文:Look for the man ,while not come across(Jia Dao)Ask a child where is the master,He is going to pick medicinal materials,Just in the mountain,Cloud thick,while do not know where he is.

讀《譯介學和中外文學關係研究的新課題》後感作者:查明建 文章題名:譯介學和中外文學關係研究的新課題 發表刊物:《中國比較文學》2002年第2期 摘要:隨著網路的普及和語際轉換技術的發展,文學翻譯將出現新的景觀,同時也會給翻譯研究提出新的課題。就目前互聯網的發展趨勢,網路時代的文學翻譯有可能出現以下幾種趨勢:一、網路對文學翻譯的促動。網路的超容量、高速傳遞信息的功能加快了新作品的傳播速度,同時也加快了新作品閱讀、翻譯的速度。在網路文學空間,外國文學新作品獲得的公平性必然促成文學翻譯上的競爭。譯者要想贏得讀者,使自己的譯本能在眾多譯本中脫穎而出,從而贏得文學聲譽和經濟效益,就必須更精益求精地對待自己的譯作。同時,網路的翻譯文學批評環境也促使譯作更為完善。二、對傳統翻譯觀念的挑戰和解構。由於網路空間的相對個人化性質,網路文學譯者不會像傳統譯者那樣有政治、意識形態等方面的顧忌。他們會更多地以個人的意識形態和審美傾向來選擇作品翻譯。在翻譯方式上,可能更多的譯者會採取以譯者為中心,借翻譯來表現自己的文學才能,表達自己的情感。網路文學翻譯會出現清末民初時期譯作夾雜的現象。三、網路翻譯功能使文學傳播,接受方式出現多元化。網路負載的世界文學資源要遠遠大於紙媒傳播的文學信息。讀者在網上即可以讀譯作,還可以藉助翻譯軟體和電子詞典來直接閱讀原著。隨著網路翻譯軟體系統的開發、完善、跨民族、跨文化的文學閱讀會越來越便捷,中外文學關係也更趨複雜。譯介學和中外文學關係研究需要擴大研究範圍,更新研究方法,以適應網路時代帶來的文學翻譯和文學交流上的新變化。 關鍵詞:互聯網;網路文學空間;文學翻譯;中外文學關係 作者聯繫地址:上海市上海外國語大學比較文學研究所,郵編200083 Author:Zhang Mingjian Title:On the Internet-based Literary Translation and Its Challenge to the Studies of Literary Translation and Sino-Foreign Literary Relations Publication:Comparative Literature in China,2002,No.2 Abstract:The rapid development and extensive use of the Internet have been bringing about changes in the traditional literary translation and exchanges.Firstly, readers will greatly benefit from the Internet in the quick and convenient access to the new foreign literary works and their translations. The competition and criticism of translation in the Internet context impel(及物動詞,推動,推進,激勵,驅使,逼迫)the translators to produce their translated texts with higher quality so as to win a larger readership. Secondly, the Internet-based translation will challenge or deconstruct(未查到)the traditional conception of literary translation. In the translational selection of the texts, the Internet translators, unlike the traditional ones, may much more care about their own rather than the dominant ideology and poetics, In translation strategies, more translators may take translator-oriented approach and rewrite the originals in various ways,such as half-translation and half-creation, adapting, etc.Thirdly, the readers lacking in foreign language competence can read the originals directly with the help of the continuously updated translation software, hence the channels of literary communication and exchanges are widened.The network technology will not only enrich the repertoire of translated literature but also play an important role in expanding the channels of cross-cultural literary reading and exchanges. Key words:Internet;literary space of the Internet;literary translation;sino-foreign literary relations Address:School of Social Sciences, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China 讀後: impel(及物動詞,推動,推進,激勵,驅使,逼迫)

柳宗元的《江雪》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。江雪(柳宗元)千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅,孤舟蓑笠翁,獨釣寒江雪。譯文:Snow in the riverMany mountains without a single bird,Many roads without a single man,A small boat,a old man, with straw hat and straw coat,Fishing lonely,cold river, with snow around.





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