A Sequence of (mostly) ActiveShoulder Stretches for Improving Shoulder Flexibility and Strength
The following set of active shoulderstretches can be done as a sequence. Most of the stretches are muscle assistedand so the effect is to strengthen the arms and shoulders as well as stretchthem. And so you could think of these asshoulder stretching exercises.
1、Single Arm Overhead Reach(When stretching your
shoulders it can be very helpful to feel and operate your ribs, shoulder, elbow
and hand. In this simple reaching exercise start with the arm relaxed, then
reach up with the same-side ribs up, then your shoulder. Make the arm feel long
by straightening your elbow and reaching with your fingers. Smoothly relax and
repeat. After practicing one arm at a time, try it with both arms
simultaneously reaching up)
2、Hands Clasped
Palm Press(This
exercise can also be used to exercise the rotation of your forearms. Start with
your hands clasped in front of your chest with palms facing back. Turn your
palms outwards as you lift your arms overhead. Straighten your elbows when your
arms are over your head and reach up with ribs and shoulders. Return to the
start and because this shoulder stretch has an asymmetrical hand position,
switch the interlock of your fingers.上身尤其是胸部挺直,接著雙手旋內交叉放於胸前,退出手掌、雙手上舉、緊接著上身向上提拉,如圖一所述。
3、Stretching the
Side of the Shoulders with the Arms Up(For this over the head shoulder stretch reach an arm
overhead with the elbow straight. Grab the forearm with the other hand. Pull
the straight arm out to the side to stretch the shoulder of the grabbing hand.
Then pull the straight arm inwards to stretch its shoulder.For both of these
actions keep your neck feeling long and your chest open. (This actually applies
for most shoulder stretches.For both variations, gradually resist the stretch
so that your arms feel like they are working against each other.)對於單手舉起一側的肩部肌群的拉伸效果是非常棒的,拉伸一側的起始姿勢是提升儘力向上提拉,接著施加另一側手臂,拉住你的上舉前臂,拉伸同時你應該暗示你的頸部,使得頸部感覺向上拉伸,就如同上吊時候的牽引感覺,此外該動作可以用於發展肩部肌肉耐力,兩側手臂長時間中的靜力拉伸可以持續性的發展上肢肌肉群的耐受性。
Triceps Stretch(Since the arms are already overhead you can use this opportunity to
stretch your triceps. Grab the bent elbow of one arm and pull it inwards. To
vary the stretch (and exercise the external rotation muscles of the arm being
stretched) try to rotate the arm being stretched so that the forearm is more
5、Arms Overhead
Shoulder Reactivation Exercise(This isnt so much a shoulder stretch as it is an
activation exercise. With elbows straight and wrists crossed, pull your arms
outwards against each other. Youll be exercising the trapezius. This type of
exercise can be helpful for shoulder flexibility since you are practicing
muscle control near the limits of most peoples range of motion. Work at
smoothly pulling outwards then smoothly relaxing.)該動作拉伸主要肌肉是三角肌,該動作適宜那些肩部僵硬、手臂活動受限的人群,非常有效,長期練習,手臂活動幅度勢必增加,而且有效防止肩周炎頸肩不適的病症。
Horizontal Plane Shoulder Stretches(水平方向拉伸肩部)
6、Choke HoldShoulder Stretch
Thisshoulder stretch looks a little like a choke hold. Start with one arm out tothe side but slightly forwards and with its elbow straight. Grab onto the upperarm with the other hand. Then pull the straight arm back.Youll bestretching the rear of the shoulder of the bent arm. Youll also be exercising
the straight arm.(如圖很顯然,該動作是一組抗組練習,及發展柔韌性,對於肩部肌群的力量也是有效果的,一隻手拉住另外一隻手的上臂,伸直手臂對於抗組手臂做相反方向的活動。)
7、Hug YourselfShoulder Stretch
8、Straight Elbow Hug Yourself Stretch
his islike the previous stretch except you do it with elbows straight.You may find thatyour pectoralis major cramps up in this stretch. You may find it helpful tofocus on spreading your shoulder
9、Eagle ArmPosition Shoulder Stretches
The two
previous stretches can actually be used as substitutes or preparations for the
eagle pose arm position. If you can actually get your arms into eagle pose then
the door is open to more shoulder stretching possibilities. With forearms
vertical (viewed from the front) you can tilt your arms to one side or the
other. Find the side that gives you the best stretch. For me this means pullingowards the top-arm-side
10、Safety HelmetShoulder Stretch
Thisshoulder stretch can be used to work the external rotators of the shoulderswith the arms overhead or while pressing the arms overhead. With elbows bentbring your elbows together in front of your face. Keep the elbows pressingtogether, press your forearms backwards over your head. From there keep theelbows pressed together and try to separate your hands by rotating your upperarms externally.
11、Penguin Shoulder StretchVariation
Thisvariation of penguin shoulder stretch can be done while standing. Place a handagainst the side of your waist or hips with the elbow bent and pointing out tothe side. Use your free hand to pull the elbow inwards.Hereagain you may find it helpful to protract (spread) the shoulder blade of the
arm being stretched so that the outer tip of your collar bones move forwards.這個姿勢有點像是像是企鵝,一側手掌內旋靠於腰部、如果柔韌性不好,臀部也可以,用另外一支手掌拉者該手臂的肘關節,做相反方向的活動,該動作有助於鎖骨外側後方肌群的拉伸。此外你可以同時在兩側肌群同時拉伸,對於肩胛骨周圍的肌群(菱形肌)拉伸效果顯著。
Arm Behind the Back Shoulder Stretches(手持背部的拉伸方法)
12、Arm Behindthe Back Lateral Stretch
some tricks from the arm overhead shoulder stretching set, you can repeat the
process with these two arm behind the back stretches, pulling to the
straight-arm-side and then to the bent-arm-side to stretch the outside of the
shoulder with elbow straight and bent respectively.(該方法從圖中可以看到,一共兩種,前者拉伸時候,伸直手臂一側手掌超前,但是另外一個方法側相反,需要你手臂超厚,前者對於三角肌前中束和肱二頭肌群拉伸較好,後側拉伸三角肌後束和胸小肌群。)
13、BindingPreparation Shoulder Stretch
14、Rearward ArmStretch
For this
shoulder stretching exercise, reach arms backwards then work at retracting the
shoulder blades (pulling them inwards) while at the same time pulling the arms
inwards. To get the arms higher, drop the front of your chest and pull
downwards and inwards on the front of your shoulders.
15、StretchingArms Back with Hands Clasped
You canactually work the opposite muscles by pulling the hands outwards as if tryingto pull the hands apart. Notice the shoulder position changes in the last twopictures. In the first picture the fronts of my shoulders are ope, in the nextpicture the fronts of my shoulders are moving downwards as is my chest
16、ReversePrayer Shoulder Stretch
If youcan get into reverse prayer position you can play with it to vary the shoulderstretch. To get your hands higher try dropping the front of your chest andspreading your shoulder blades. You can also try pressing the finger tips intoeach other so that the palms move away from each other. Or try moving the handsto one side.
17、High PenguinShoulder Stretch
Becauseof the similarity in technique to penguin shoulder stretch Im calling this"High Penguin Shoulder Stretch". Place a hand against your chin orcheek bone with elbow pointing forwards. Use the other hand to pull the elbowinwards while resisting the hand with the chin or cheekbone.
With the
elbow pulled inwards towards your chest, you can use the chin to push the hand
outwards so that you stretch the shoulder in external rotation.(圖一中需要你手臂反向與下顎,用你的下顎和另外一隻手進行相反方向運動,該動作一定要學會,死磕豬把它定義為久坐人群的必須練習的拉伸姿勢之一,死磕豬的肺腑之言,愛智求真的你一定要記牢呀!!!)
喜歡死磕豬今天所分享的內容,就點個喜歡,捧捧人氣!!!作者簡介:簡書日日更新的一員,90後的一枚,平凡的掉在人群里找不到的普通人一個,但即使普通,也對未來充滿希望和熱情,希望通過不斷努力,讓自己變得更好。(運動人體科學專業,勵志改變國人的健康狀況,讓每個小夥伴過上幸福生活!)參考文獻This 20-Minute Workout Will Change the Way You Think About Resistance Bands
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