夏洛特公主滿兩歲啦!王室發布最新萌照(圖)New photograph of Princess Charlotte as she celebrates 2nd birthday


A new photograph of Princess Charlotte, taken by her mother the Duchess of Cambridge, has been released to celebrate her second birthday.為慶祝英國夏洛特公主兩周歲生日,由母親凱特王妃為她拍攝的一張最新萌照近日曝光。

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said they are "delighted" to share the photograph to mark their only daughter"s special day on Tuesday.威廉王子和凱特王妃說,他們非常「開心」地和大家分享這張照片,紀念夏洛特公主5月2日的生日。

The photograph was taken in April by the Duchess at their home in Norfolk.這張照片是凱特王妃今年4月在諾福克的家中拍攝的。

She is pictured at their Norfolk home Anmer Hall, wearing a yellow cardigan, decorated with images of sheep, while she sports a navy clip in her hair.拍照時,夏洛特公主正在諾福克安墨堡的家中,身穿一件黃色的羊毛衫,上有小羊圖案。夏洛特公主的頭髮上還別著藍色髮夾。

據說夏洛特身上這件價值12英鎊的羊毛衫來自John Lewis,瞬間就被一搶而空……


The Cambridges have followed a trend they set with their daughter"s first birthday and given royal fans a new image of the toddler princess.夏洛特公主一周歲時,威廉王子和凱特王妃就曾公開過一張她的照片,如今他們遵循這一慣例,給王室粉絲們發布了一張這位寶寶公主的最新萌照。

In a statement Kensington Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess are very pleased to share this photograph as they celebrate Princess Charlotte"s second birthday.肯辛頓宮在聲明中說:「在慶祝夏洛特公主兩周歲生日之際,威廉王子和凱特王妃非常開心能和大家分享這張照片。」

"Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank everyone for all of the lovely messages they have received, and hope that everyone enjoys this photograph of Princess Charlotte as much as they do."「他們感謝所有人送來的愛心祝福,希望大家和他們一樣喜歡這張照片。」

The latest picture of Princess Charlotte will be all the more precious to admirers of the Royal family thanks to the scarcity of her public appearances.由於夏洛特公主極少公開亮相,這張最新照片對王室仰慕者來說更加珍貴。

Members of the royal family, including Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge holding Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Prince William, Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Philip stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after the annual Trooping the Colour ceremony on Horseguards Parade in central London, Britain June 11, 2016.

Princess Charlotte has only appeared or been photographed at public engagements a handful of times, including a charming tea party in Canada last year where the world watched as she played with animals and balloons.夏洛特公主僅有幾次公開亮相或者被公眾拍到,包括去年在加拿大舉行的一次歡樂的茶話會,當時全世界都看到了她與動物嬉鬧,拿著氣球玩耍。

Britain"s Prince William, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George and Princess Charlotte board a floatplane for their official departure from Canada in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October 1, 2016. REUTERS/Chris Wattie TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Princess Charlotte plays with balloons during a children"s party at Government House in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada September 29, 2016. REUTERS/Jonathan Hayward/Pool

She made an appearance on Christmas Day when she was taken to a church service close to the home of her grandparents Carole and Michael Middleton in the Berkshire village of Bucklebury.去年聖誕節夏洛特公主亮相時,她與一家人一起前往教堂做禮拜。那裡距離她的外祖父母位於巴克勒貝利伯克郡的家不遠。

She was pictured in the arms of the Duchess when the royal party arrived at St Mark"s Church in Englefield, with older brother Prince George holding the Duke"s hand as they walked in. When they left, the royal children were clutching candy canes.拍照片的時候凱特王妃抱著她,一家人抵達了位於恩格爾菲爾德的聖馬克教堂,走進教堂時,喬治王子牽著爸爸的手。離開時,兩個孩子手裡拿著拐杖糖。

The young royal was first photographed on the day of her birth - May 2, 2015 - when the Duchess held her daughter outside the private maternity wing of St Mary"s hospital in Paddington, central London, where the princess was delivered.2015年5月2日,夏洛特公主出生在倫敦中部帕丁頓聖瑪麗醫院私立產科中心。凱特王妃抱著她出現在醫院門外,這也是她出生後第一次被拍到。

She was named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana in tribute to her grandmother Diana, Princess of Wales and her great-grandmother the Queen.為紀念祖母威爾士王妃黛安娜,和曾祖母英國女王伊麗莎白二世,她被取名為夏洛特-伊麗莎白-黛安娜。

The personal birthday photograph has become something of a Cambridge family tradition.親自拍生日照已經成為威廉凱特一家的傳統。

For Princess Charlotte"s first birthday, Kensington Palace released four pictures taken by her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge.為慶祝夏洛特公主一周歲生日,肯辛頓宮公開了凱特王妃為其拍攝的四張照片。

They revealed the little girl was already walking, as she leaned on a toy trolley full of colourful bricks on one shot, beaming with delight at her toy teddy in another.從照片上可以看出,夏洛特公主已經會走路。其中一張照片上,夏洛特公主推著一輛玩具車,車裡有彩色積木,另一張照片中,夏洛特公主抱著泰迪熊開心大笑。

Britain"s Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and his wife Catherine, poses for a photograph in this undated photograph taken by her mother, at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, Britain and released on May 1, 2016. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge 2016/Courtesy of Kensington Palace/Handout via REUTERS.

Britain"s Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and his wife Catherine, poses for a photograph in this undated photograph taken by her mother, at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, Britain and released on May 1, 2016. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge 2016/Courtesy of Kensington Palace/Handout via REUTERS.

Britain"s Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and his wife Catherine, poses for a photograph in this undated photograph taken by her mother, at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, Britain and released on May 1, 2016. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge 2016/Courtesy of Kensington Palace/Handout via REUTERS.

Britain"s Princess Charlotte, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and his wife Catherine, poses for a photograph in this undated photograph taken by her mother, at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, Britain and released on May 1, 2016.

Prince George"s second birthday saw photographs of the lively toddler in his father"s arms, taken by Mario Testino.喬治王子拍攝兩周歲生日的照片時威廉王子正抱著他,由馬里奧-特斯蒂諾拍攝。

Her second birthday marks the beginning of a busy month for the toddler, who is due to act as bridesmaid for her aunt, Pippa Middleton, on May 20.兩周歲生日到了,對夏洛特來說,忙碌的一個月也要開始了。她的小姨皮帕本月20日舉行婚禮,夏洛特將擔任伴娘。

The wedding, in the Middleton"s home of Bucklebury, will see Prince George take on page boy duties as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge support them from the pews.這場婚禮將在凱特和皮帕的家鄉巴克勒貝利舉行,喬治王子將擔任花童,威廉王子和凱特王妃也將到場支持。




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