
Obama Re-Elected for Second Term, Chinese Netizen ReactionsbyFaunaonWednesday, November 7, 201243commentscomments

The results of the United States presidential election were among the most reshared and forwarded (「retweeted」) microblog posts on the Chinese internet today, along with extensive coverage on major Chinese news portals. Below are a sample of Chinese netizen reactions…OnSina Weibo:@微天下:NBC reports, Obama has won the [United States] presidential election.

Comments onSina Weibo:高速交警海波:The possibility of not winning wasn』t high.淘主婦:Bet on the wrong one.

Melody_Virgo:As expected.Virgin_肌肉奶奶:Congratulations, Obama.百搭明:Yet another smooth 4 years.尼安孜:Have to look at the same face, for another four years.aone_atwo:A neighbor cheered.昱宙:This fast?每一次看看:Good news. America is doomed!核動力小三輪:

The next few years for China will be easier now…

小格格同學:Yeah! Tuition won』t increase anymore!

Garfield-2005:California』s 55 votes are tooniu.One_Only_昆仔_Oli:Poor Romney.90後張發旭:How come China doesn』t have this kind of hair-raising election?????小小蟲_Bazinga:California has too many votes.最深最深的藍:New situation! Romney has been shot!

大豐非:Long live democracy.穿馬甲的小熊貓:I』ve witnessed the poor little guy successfully defeat thetall, rich and handsome~路殿下:My law school is in complete silence hahahaha…MingShinn:Is this obvious!? The results were definitely going to be like this.阿瀧豫滴:Uh oh, America』s ordinary common people must suffer another four years.百分之六十二:So the18th National Congresscoincides with the American election!Nick_Yiyi:Although reelected, they lost the House of Representatives, so the path forward will be challenging.

gmail被封:Congratulations Obama, thatstupid cuntwho said he wants to label China a currency manipulator deserves it.Mr-Butler:Time for some change, eh?Nathan-YXH:I also hoped he would win, at least everything will more or less remain the same.心-隨-悅-動:California is soniu~ Obama is alsoniu~楊璟陳璘:Win or not has nothing to do with China, they will all be against China, containing our development.高中這三年:Should I be crying, or crying, or crying, or crying, or crying?高麟vip:Where does Romney』s confidence come from?—————-TMD:With Romney』s religion and excessively conservative ideology…this was inevitable.如果我問你:Time to buy gold.老故事周偉思:Whether for China or the world, I really don』t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.豆丁包包子:The economy will never recover.

葉國仙:This election had 「serious」 fraud,recommend the United Nations establish a No-Fly Zone!!!心若離不棄:Good! Obama reelected! To be honest, I didn』t feel very good about Romney~

橡膠藝術札記:My friends all say if he doesn』t get elected, invite him to come to China.馬馬很靠譜:Too bad, guess we won』t be able to be currency manipulators now…

最近換新英文名華楠Tiger:Feels like this election is similar to the Taiwan elections at the beginning of the year, where those supporting China』s development winning. Romney, theDPP, a lesson in blood and tears.朱正龍:Presidents and company workers both needing to compete for their positions, this is a good system. Only by immediately having a sense of danger/crisis upon immediately taking office can one wholeheartedly work for the people, because there will be people poking you in the back if you don』t do well, and you can』t use attacks, reprisals, or secretly take them out.

見圳城長:No matter who is the president, the Pentagon will always be a wolf in sheep』s clothing, and Imperialist America will always be self-serving. I』m more concerned about the results of the17+1.烏里_Luohong:Won, hope Obama will cherish and make good use of God』s favor.冷香沉醉:Congratulations

Definitely can』t let Romney mess up the America I yearn for over the next for years. Americans are sensible, relax. This planet over the next four years will become even better. This is excellent. Tonight someone will 「represent」 us in sending congratulations to Obama.

林小篆:Romney had over 1 million more popular votes than Obama but still lost the Electoral College.悲傷罐子:From the black civil rights movement of the 60s in the 20th century to Obama being elected the first black present in the 21st century, to today, where Obama has been reelected for a second term, Americans have used only 50 years of time. On this kind of incredible ability to correct/change its society, who can still say that capitalism is decadent and degenerate? With one foot in its grave? Instead, all of those people who have said capitalism is dying have one by one passed away in history like smoke!投資任:Obama won the population, won the East and West coasts, won the Northeast, the Northwest; Romney won the land, won the vast interior, won the Southeast, Southwest. Americans, especially the lower classes have benefited/favor Obama』s policies and are willing to give Obama 4 more years of time. Congratulations, Obama!

爾月東升:America elects a president, and some of our countrymen makes it seem like its their wives giving birth to a child… the worry and anticipation… and then its born… and its good news all around… Think about our own country』s matters, have you voted before…?

閱讀參考:Why do Chinese people pay attention to the United States election? It』s because of media hype, because of market attention, but at the bottom of their hearts there is also a political longing. In the face of the wave of democracy, one country cannot integrate in the world economically, and stands apart from the world system politically. With only those few friends in the entire world, whether it be dying Syria or unreliable North Korea or Castro, who often faints during his speeches.股民朱古力:The tragic American people, only now knowing who their president is. Only by comparing people can you know who is superior, we already knew [who our president will be] several years ago!

real陳博:Obama reelected, looks like there』s no need to worry about Sino-American relations anymore, because the 「aggressive China」 Romney didn』t win. China should be lighting fireworks in celebration!何函樨要crazy:Faint, they cast votes, but what about our country!!艷明_Qu:Although it is the American election, and putting aside all political factors, I too genuinely hoped Obama would win the election. Because I rather like Obama.共在菩提樹下:America』s first reelected president of African descent.懶小mo桃子:There』s nothing to be happy about, why the hell do so many people support Obama?王瑤:The first president to be reelected while unemployment is over 7%, making history! Ok, congratulations~ I still rather like Obama.一隅天藍:America』s show has ended, now the world』s eyes turn East…What do you think of the United States presidential election and results?Who would have been a better president? For America? For America』s relations with China?

Images: NetEase (1&2), Sina (1&2)And just for fun…the following microblog post by the officialweiboaccount of Durex condoms had more reshares, forwards, and comments than most posts about Obama』s victory…@杜蕾斯官方微博:The difference between Obama and Romney is…



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