(年運)佩妮 2013年占星運勢(完成)

譯文: 白羊座——譯者:長葉暗羅 ◎ 生活 對於白羊來說,2013年開啟了一個新的重要周期。天王與冥王已經完成了三分之一的刑相位,所以你正在挖掘情感與資產的補給,以抵擋損耗與意料之外的改變。你為計劃與人際關係做著準備,從容等待時機,不太可能在困難一出現的時候就認輸。 以這種方式,本年度你將穩步前進。收穫新知與新技能將是成功故事裡的重要章回,某些白羊將擔當起教育者的角色,或是某個團體的發言人。另外一個成長的領域將是家庭與家人。 也許你會喬遷到更好的居所,看到家庭固定資產的增添,改善或是出售某個所有物將會增加你的財富。2013年也許不是這十年里最好的年頭,但你會由此而前進。最好的改變與機遇期出現在臨近3月末,10月早期和12月後期。 ◎ 愛情 近些年來你學得了很多,究竟一段漂浮的關係你可以保持多久;你也懂得了,伴侶們能夠映照出你自身的弱點,所以在一定的程度內,你的愛情生活誠實而坦蕩。潛在的困難可能位於私密領域:也許你失去了對伴侶的信任,或是你的性生活清冷寡淡。 不要讓這種局面延續下去:協調問題,否則你們之間的距離將成為無法逾越的鴻溝。某些白羊將會再度許下他們的諾言,或是和某個長期的伴侶結婚,倘若是喜結連理你想讓事情低調化,不用驚疑 - 起碼你們兩個人到達了浪漫的終極。 關鍵性的進展可能發生在3月末/4月初,以及8月下半;另外,10月18日的白羊座月食可能激發某個意外的求婚,改變一段長期關係的狀況,或預示著一個新的重要人物將出現在你的生命里。 ◎ 金錢 土星行經財務與聯合資產的領域服務於兩個目的:他將幫助你變得更富有資產更為穩固,也會帶來損失與代價昂貴的分歧。所以,從2013年伊始,消減開支,著手聯合經營或處理借貸和契約的時候,注意掩護好自己。 覓錢不易,所以不要指望慷慨的贊助人與僱主。有利的方面是,所有權的事項正合時宜。冥王同樣作用於兩個不同的面向:對某些白羊來說,帶來巨大的成功,甚至是名望,對另一些來說則帶來重大的工作上的難題:對照團體協作的環境,你更適合我行我素,所以不要害怕,亮出你承擔者的姿態來。 木冥對分將是7月和8月的主流,幫助你兜售你的天份,助長你的聲望,填滿你的荷包。 金牛座——譯者:一一 生活 今年土星可敵可友。說敵人是因為你將發現自己的缺點和計劃;說好友則是因為土星將幫你穩固劣勢,終於獲得成功。辛苦跟他人有關,你是否把自己的願望和需求排在他人之後,還是發現難以尋找你期待的幫助和欣賞? 但是請保持待命狀態,請牢記龜兔賽跑的故事。下半年旅行排在了日程上,假如你尋求擴展自己的技能,希望多拿些證書,希望參加測試,那麼你的表現很不錯。 事實上,努力加上自信是生活各個領域成功的保證。三次食相出現在金牛座,時間分別是4月25日、5月10日和11月3日。2013年生活中有了一些命運的味道,雖然大部分情況下不過是潛意識中願望罷了。 愛情 前文提到的兩次食相(分別是4月25日和11月3日)落在了代表關係的軸線上,結合土星過境伴侶宮,你的感情起起落落。可能碰到某人,在數月之內結婚,或許突然為了另一個人而從一份很長的感情中脫身,對夫妻而言可能意味著生活中出現重要的變化。 沒必要對這些事情恐懼,因為這一趨勢會被注意到。另外單身者如果在尋找戀人,可能會在學習或旅行途中找到命中注定的那個人。 對於一種可能會找到比你年長的伴侶,或者是帶有濃烈的摩羯特質的伴侶。如果你考慮約會,9月21日至29日期間怎麼樣? 金錢 木星行運經過代表金錢的宮位,你的收入將增加,進而促進投資,2013年上半年,對於有助於增加職業或財務積累的事情,不要猶豫。而且你會發現人們對你的才能很欣賞。 因為土星的影響,與業務夥伴之間可能出現問題,或許他們讓你失望,或許你決定不再反對他們。當決定起草合夥協議,與組織機構簽訂合同時,要保障自己的利益。 1月末,4月末,11月月中,經營規劃顯露出薄弱的環節,反覆思考對策。假如需要改變職業方向,跟旅遊、教育、出版和媒體有關的方面值得考慮。 雙子座——譯者:阿驁 生活 新年伊始你便邁開了正確的步伐,好意的木星加快了你的腳步還一路撒下美好。這顆行星將伴隨你到6月末,稍後他繼續前行,幫助你增加收入——這可是你這10年來最賺錢的時候。 海王星現在在你的太陽星盤裡的中天附近的位置,因此你會偶爾的厭世和不滿意自己的生活狀況:當你不再尋覓那個和你為伴的人在哪裡時,轉而思考你應該做什麼時,突然地情形就變了。 然而不是每個雙子在這些年來都經歷過信任方面的背叛,而是有持續誤解的趨勢: 寫下你的想法和意圖,做備忘錄。 土星在健康宮,很有必要做個全面的身體檢查,如果你很容易疲勞或者身體有輕微傷病,要注意可能會突然爆發問題。 愛情 在生活中某些成功的領域裡感覺到了被授權,但是特別需要關注的還是情感關係。再一次感謝木星吧,2013年是情感成長年。你開始開心地做自己,而不是依賴於別人的情感和經濟支持,迎來一段可以自由呼吸的成長中的愛情,你也會感覺到開心和有信心,你將吸引到正面的人來到你身邊。 處於同樣的原因,你將不再與那個總在你想做出改變時給你潑冷水的那個人在一起了。5月25日的月食將會暗示你當下的關係是否可以支撐你數年。 還有,5月和6月是最為引人注目的月份:一段新的愛情周期在這個時候開始,一些雙子可能要重新回顧或者再次確認他們的誓言,要訂婚或者是遇到相當特別的一個人。 金錢 你的生活正處於一個理想主義和富有進取精神的階段。很明顯的,你有勇氣脫離現有團隊自己當老闆或者成為自由工作者,但是如果不是當下的星象,你可能永遠都不會這麼做。1月的下半月可能是全年最強有力的時間點,你將實現你的想法,或者你已經採取的行動將把你帶進一個新的專業時代。 7月中旬到12月中旬也是特別的時間段,機會會主動來敲門。海王星發出警示:情勢可能急轉直下,那些你所依賴的人或公司沒法繼續向你提供保障了。 除非有足夠安全的保障,別輕舉妄動。行星們的影響下要格外注意了——2月下旬到6月上旬是好的時間段。由於木星的關照,金錢方面有利,可能是一筆意外的紅利,也可能是投資獲利。 巨蟹座——譯者:老殘 生活 如果過去的幾年裡你幸福得眉飛色舞的話那你真是屬於那部分少數的巨蟹,對多數巨蟹而言前幾年的生活並不容易。2013年6月26日木星進入你的位置後這種沮喪的局面將漸漸遠去,屆時你的生活將會天天向上。土星經過主管你創意的區域,這會提高你的形象和地位:人們會把你當回事,所以如果你眼睛瞄準著某個較高的位置,那麼去爭取吧;如果領導的責任落在你的肩頭,那麼驕傲的承擔起來吧。 另一方面,開展與補充與你家庭有關的事項將會花去超乎你想像的更多時間,關於孩子與後代的事宜會榨乾你的經濟和感情,這些也會超過你的想像。7月中旬,一個有對有益的大三角會給你你帶來一個好事,與其等待著天象給你帶來這個消息,不如把這個時間標註出來好好慶祝一番,或者準備新的征程。 2013年年底你會達到一個比你開始更好的地方(或位置),可能棒到遠超乎你的想想。 愛情 當冥王星在你關係宮的時候不會有很多樂趣:這個行星會給關於愛情的「最好」或「最壞」的經歷,並且你根本無法事先知道你遇到的是青蛙還是真正的帥哥,因此你唯一能做的就是無所畏懼。你已經在過去承受了傷害並且挺了過來,不要讓那些壞的經歷給你對未來的希望帶上有色眼鏡,任何一段關係都是不同的。 2013年真有機會尋找到正確的人,如果你正在考慮是否結婚,那麼不如安排在7月中旬那段時間。11月3日的日全食會預示著一次關鍵的約定,這將會是一個重要的關係開始,有點宿命的感覺。 當然,並不是所有的巨蟹都會有一個「從此幸福生活在一起」的美好結局,但無論年月給你帶了什麼樣的挑戰,不管你信不信,你都會超乎你想像的迅速恢復。 金錢 你喜歡你了解的,而對你不知道的心懷恐懼,但如果你要裝滿你的能量庫(譯者認為是米米庫,就是金庫。)達到你的目標,必要的冒險還是不可少的。天王星教給你最基礎的:去你沒有去過的地方。天王星也會改變你工作的方式,無論這是不是意味著離開你舊的工作,獲取IT技能,獲取 每題關注或利用社會網路。 這有豐富的機會,特別是在在2013年下半年——這也需要用去去擁抱這些機會。然而,你要擁抱他們,首先就是不要害怕開始你自己的事業,並且把你自己投入到這個工作,這會把你帶出你原來舒適的環境,但如果你必須要搬家或對某個人不放心,那就隨他吧。 木星經過你的區域製造了一種成功與擴張的氣氛,你仍然局限在全球經濟上下波動的大環境中,儘管如此你仍然能在這年有良好的經濟環境,考慮一下如何積累財富吧,嗯? 獅子座——譯者:曉暢 生活 2013年可以被總結為一個詞:準備。土星駐紮在你的星盤底部,你正在為自己的未來夯實基礎,如果你能紮實長久的為之努力,那麼這個過程也是很從容的。儘管你依然保持樂觀態度,但這個過程沒有捷徑可走。2014年木星進入獅子座,為你帶來這12年來最好的一年,因此現在你必須為此做好一切準備。 無論好運自然而然發生,抑或你為了生活的穩定與成功付諸努力,四月末與五月初是一個關鍵時期。創意項目與合作將是關注焦點,也有一些獅子開啟新的生意,另一部分則開始了雄心勃勃的個人冒險。 旅行方面的運勢很旺——要確保你的護照及時更新,在外地時與朋友和同伴保持聯繫。這一年裡最快樂的事情,有一些是發生在去家千里之地。 愛情 對於獅子來說,沒有什麼比一顆快樂的心更重要。儘管金錢的充足、事業的成功、家人與朋友的愛都會給你帶來幸福,但你真正需要的是一個戀人。你正在尋找TA,也許你會突然意識到身邊的人就是真愛,也許是一個人突然闖入你的生活並成為你所需要的那個人。 認真審視自己,意識到自己在哪些方面不夠寬容或過於苛求,這是邁向幸福愛情的重要一步:放下驕傲。 此外,不要相信閨蜜那些質疑的聲音,只跟從自己的心。有些獅子將在今年邁出重要一步:很可能是在7月。毫無疑問,7月22日左右發生的這件事為相當長的一個篇章畫上句話,並迎來全新的人生。 金錢 你可能發現自己處在兩個截然不同的狀態下:一方面敢於冒險探索新領域,另一方面對於自己肩負的責任小心翼翼。家庭壓力對於很多獅子來說都是問題,尤其如果上有老下有小。所以無論買賣資產都是一個複雜的問題。 我的建議是在專業方面拓展自己,就算這會帶來處所的重要改變。第二,暫時盡量少借錢。海王星進入共有財產責任宮,這意味著與對方簽署協議變得至關重要——事前達成協議的時代已經帶來;你與公司簽署的任何合同中,確認自己所需承擔的責任,無論是財務還是其他方面,也變得十分重要。 關於遺產、離婚協議或裁員協議,也會有一些爭議,所以關鍵時刻不要掉鏈子啊! 處女座——譯者:Mononoke 生活 2013是成長的一年。你的辛勤工作開始迎來收穫季,有人也許會說你的生活熠熠生輝——或者說木星——已經來臨。你擁有將目標制定得更高的信心,並確保人們正察覺到你的能力和激情。無論你想擁有更多個人權利還是更深刻的專業影響力,你要表示自己不是鬧著玩的:要在你的位置上做到最好。 2013年並非完全與努力上進相關。慶典活動與美好時光也摻雜其中,而且八月可能成為年度最佳月份。土星移入交流宮內會造成兩大影響,好的影響是人們將會感覺到你有話要說,而且你很可能成為某個組織的領袖人物,或者由於本地的某個活動充當發言人的角色,或者如果你要建立個人博客主頁,那麼2013年你會行動了;而不好的影響,則是自我懷疑會阻止你的聲音為人所知。 本年度可不是為自我懷疑準備的,不要讓它阻礙你通往任何地方。 愛情 海王星現在正在你的感情生活中位居大咖之位,它是打造任何魔力般的進展或者神秘的沮喪時刻的幕後黑手——五月末便是你見證這一刻的時期之一。你在那些不忠誠的人面前會無能為力,你能做的只有揚起高貴的頭,然後走開;但是你也有很多機會來避免自己淪為這類事件的發生的推動者。 你陷入愛河的能力前所未有地強大,但是你必須避免試著解救某個人或者對不好的行為做過多讓步。你現在容易受到星圖中雙魚特質厚重的伴侶吸引,類似這類的磁石人物還有雙子和射手。 二月末——三月初會成為你感情生活中最重要的時期之一,隨後的八月份是第二個關鍵時期。在本年度地這兩個時期來運用你的能力權利影響力,不要坐等命運事件降臨,請主動出擊推動它們的發展。 金錢 上次木星統領你的職業和理想宮位時是12年前,這就是為什麼2013年會為你兌現這個領域的諾言。機會之門應該為你開啟,如果沒有,你需要自己來推開。你將感受到自己的資歷更長資格更高,這賦予你勇氣力量,那些資格則意味著你需要學習額外的技能,甚至是一門新的語種。你付出的心血會為你帶來社會地位和權利上的提升,這讓你覺得付出的每一寸犧牲都不負所望。 你可能也會發現你會被拖離出相對默默無聞的境地,而被重置到一個有影響力的位置。處座在12星座中扮演著協助者和治癒師的角色,所以如果你知道自己在這些領域天賦凜然,今年就是運用這些才華的時刻。 天王星在你的財務宮施加影響,而海王星則操縱著你的伴侶宮位,你會有很多不可預測的事件要加以應付:除卻全球經濟形勢引發的不確定因素,那些與你共事的人——或者你計划去與之共事的人們——也許會向你隱藏了部分真相。 天枰座——譯者:一塵不染 生活: 親愛的秤子,在經歷土星給你帶來2年的低迷後,生活開始活絡起來!該是濃墨重彩地繪製生活藍圖的時候了。一些秤子會遠行,另一些呢會學到新的知識和技能,拓展新的專業領域。天王星和冥王星在第二個活躍期,這意味著你之前的努力會得到回報,也預示著你會積極地改變自己。 注意哦,我們在討論大的改變!今年的三個月蝕都集中在你的金錢宮,所以,你可能會得到意外之財(飛來橫福)! 你會在2013年找回自己。請相信自己的本能和直覺,別指望別人來幫助你。再強調一下哦,如果你在2013年沒有比2012年好,那就不要怪星相,只能怪你自己沒有把握好機會了。 愛情: 你會積極的期待各種新的浪漫關係。由於你伴侶的處境的改變,你可能會搬家,你們的關係會呈現出別樣的形狀和色彩。 天王星會對你的人際關係(尤其是浪漫關係)施加影響,你會對戀愛不那麼熱衷,對問題不會熟視無睹。 三月下旬和八月下旬很可能會有不可預料的分裂或者是和解。 另一個關鍵是日子是10月18號,那天的月蝕會啟動一段重要的關係。如果你有承諾恐懼症,請記住:距離產生美,不要急於同居。 金錢: 儘管木星也許會讓你在「旅行」和「成功」這兩方面走得很遠,但土星這小子在有段時間會在你的金錢宮裡運行,強迫你控制花銷,免得破產。事實可能是這樣的:你把所有的精力都投入到一個新的生意中去,但是呢,在未來幾年內不會有豐厚的回報;或者呢,你的工作得到了常識,贏得了讚譽,工資卻沒有漲。 你會在在教育,旅行,媒體方面有所發展。如果碰到什麼創業的機會,高調地抓住它。四月底,五月中和十一月初的月蝕會讓你的收入結構有所改變,開啟新的前景! 對有些秤子來說,在國外置購房產會被提上日程。如果你有閑置的錢,投資外匯或者把錢存到某個國外的銀行,不失為一個明智之舉。 天蠍座——譯者:子夜 生活: 臨近2012年底時,你或者已感受到自己在能量與方向上的一種轉變。你想到生命如此短暫,若不努力前進,那麼自己想做的事情連一半都完成不了。所以,2013年伊始,你胸中燃燒著火焰,意志如鋼鐵堅強。2013年你確實可以收穫良多,不過鑒於整個時代就是如此緊巴巴,要到2014年底你才能收穫勤奮工作的所有成果。 我知道這看上去時間太久,但在奮鬥過程中你會學到如此之多的寶貴知識,而當成功來臨,一切會變得更甜蜜。 不僅土星在天蠍,還有兩個蝕相也落在天蠍,讓2013成為蠍紙們極為起伏跌宕的一年,而且很多與你的愛情生活相關。我們再次回歸到土星這個話題上來:在這顆行星的作用下,你們中的許多蠍紙會在這一年大展拳腳,你們也會發現誰、以及什麼,才是真正值得你們付出忠誠和努力的。 愛情: 獨自堅持並不意味著你不能贏得一段美好的情緣,它指的是,你需要成為關係當中強大的伴侶,那個需要做出堅定的決策的人。但不管你是否成為了家庭的頂樑柱,還是需要肩負起更多的家庭責任,都要提醒自己,不會永遠是這樣的。 好消息是,你會知道自己走到了哪一步:人們不會讓你吊在半空:實際上很多蠍紙在考慮結婚。單身的蠍紙倒是會感覺選擇面變窄,自己想要的對象好像總不在身邊出現,但這並非現實,只是你的內心發生了改變的外在體現。 給4月25日和11月3日畫個圈圈兒,因為年度最重要的進展會在這些日期附近發生。至於到底會發生神馬事,你就等著瞧好了! 金錢: 今年,有木星的祝福,你會有財務方面的改善。有些天蠍會繼承財產,其他人則會通過離婚或裁員補償的形式有所斬獲(譯者:尼瑪……),但明知的做法是保管好你自己的資金。全球經濟不會突然間就轉好。如你一直以來的猜想:土星不是那種會讓你生活輕鬆的行星,若想得到豐厚的酬報,則必需首先付出辛勤的勞動,這就是某些蠍紙會取得成功的原因,但在業務和職場上也還是會有些考驗的時刻。 1月末、4月末/5月初和11月初,都是你接受考驗的時段,不過,一如往常,那些始建即考慮到永久的事情會獲得成功,其他的就…… 記住你是那種可以捲土重來,東山再起的孩紙,蠍紙,如果一條路走成了死胡同,你會開拓新路,再創輝煌。 射手座——譯者:nino 生活: 年初的木星位置不錯,對生活有很大幫助。射手的領域正在擴大,不論是旅行還是自我升值的方面。婚禮或生育計劃將在今年提上日程,並結實大人物,展開新的友誼。射手們或許會覺得海王星的影響很怪異,但你將習慣於這種方式。來年,射手們一定要讓自己的思緒和計劃跟得上時局的變動,以免當你需要掌控局面的時候才知曉「書到用時方恨少」。每當遇到古怪的巧合和奇異的進展時,射手們強大的精神力量足以保護並指引自己不迷失方向。 5月是本年的年度月份:射手們將邁出自己人生最重要的一步,無論年初以何種形象登場,到了6月,你都將呈現截然不同的面貌。 萬事如意只是人們的美好願望,沒有哪年的12個月都是一帆風順的,萬物發展皆有因果。在註定費心費力的月份,射射們需要做的是靜觀其變,靜待綻放。 愛情: 射手們從不缺乏好運---積極樂觀的生活態度使然,種瓜得瓜種豆得豆,種好因得好果,善待他人自然會得到善報。是的,好運就是2013年射射們的主旋律---在對的時間遇到對的人。當然,也有挑戰---首當其衝的,承諾。你要相信,轉角遇到真愛,對的人就在不遠處。 2013,抉擇的一年---對一些射手來說,再沒有比今年更適合結婚的時機了;還有些射手正相反,或許會結束孽緣,選擇離婚。5月,金星與木星在關係宮匯合,恰逢射手座新月,所以,那枚象徵命運的戒指將在這時出現(或消失)。 今年值得射射們注意的是,較往年更容易被操控和欺騙(譯者畫外音:不了個是吧,之前都是幾乎不被騙的遍體鱗傷過不了一年啊!!!)。假如不想變成別人眼中可笑的阿獃阿瓜,就要確保對方是否真實可靠。 金錢: 不管多心寬的射手,在2013年都將不得不經歷財務方面階段性的不滿和糾結。海王星的另一大作用,它會促使你不斷質疑自己,比如,是不是入錯了行使得自己有才無處施展呢。質疑是理所當然的,但射手們萬萬不可腦子一熱就不顧自身經濟狀況拍拍屁股走人!為自己的專業性增加籌碼,在工作外的領域尋找創作、探索的發泄方式,才是一箭雙鵰的方法。 6月底,木星移到財務關係宮,給予我們重建的機會。事業夥伴之間的合作處於旺盛期,與重要人士的工作也使得收入明顯好轉。 8月7號左右,木星和冥王星分別在射手的財務軸對沖,從而使大筆資金流失或現金周轉不靈。本階段對於今年的收成尤為重要,它將直接決定2013對射手而言,是豐收還是末日。 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 生活: 這是變革的年代。感謝上帝!過去的這幾年對於你們這些天國的山羊而言真是艱難很多,但伴隨著土星與木星移至新的位置,你一能夠順勢前行而不會在出現中途倒退的情況了。一如既往地,出現在你生活中的變化正是源自於你內心深處的改變。也許你已經堅定地認為個人的快樂比金錢與地位更重要許多,而為了依此而行,2013年人們應該會發現你將更多的時間投入到那些令心情愉悅、讓內心溫暖的活動中去。 這一年裡非常多的重大星相都集中在創意冒險與聯手協作的領域,換句話也可以說成是,對一些摩羯而言意味著會迎接新的家庭成員,而對另一些來說則表示在愛情或是商務領域裡會迎來合二為一之事。 天王星繼續激發出意外而又出乎預料的進展,尤其是在家庭方面——留意三月底、七月初及十月初的時間——然而在你的屋宅裝修或是個人關係之上,這同樣也會成為你不再與過去緊密相聯、而是擁抱新的構造形式的原因。 愛情: 無論木星是在哪裡花費時間,那一處都會帶來成長,而對你來說這一成長則出現在關係領域之上。從六月底開始這顆幸運之星就會鼓舞著你打造新的浪漫愛情與工作合夥關係,並會強固「舊有」關係。如果你一直以來都因為過往的經歷而有那麼點兒婚姻恐懼症的話,也請胸懷自信地與你那重要的另一半定下日期吧——十一月下旬應該會是完美的日子。 毫無疑問地,如果天王星及冥王星與你的關係比較密切的話(嗨,一月初出生的摩羯、以及那些有星星落在摩羯宮9至11度區間里的同學們,說的就是你們!)通往真愛的道路也許就會有著一些巨大的坑洞,但就如同一次徹底的春季掃除一樣,你正以自己的方式做出美麗而嶄新的開始。 對你的愛情生活而言,六月及十一月會是最為充滿變故的時日,並且如果你是單身或對愛情並無念想(這兩者可不完全是同一個概念)的話,前方應該安躺著一場天雷勾動地火的宿命之相遇,並且就發生在這兩個月里。 金錢: 還記得成功的法則嗎?通過認同你與任何其他人一樣都有資格去富足,並對「害怕有所損失」說不,鈔票就會滾滾而來;一旦你懷疑你有成功的權利,遺忘了你寬廣的靈魂,積蓄就會慢慢榨乾。人們會在2013年里支持你,這有可能意味著你會得到做生意所需的資金,也可能是拿到能夠反映你真正價值的工作機會。 另一個成功的秘密便是,對那些讓你脫離安樂窩的財務及專業領域裡的機會抱持開懷與變通的心態。你有可能會與年輕團體一起工作,或是會去接納劍走偏鋒的理念與技術。 雖然並不是每一個摩羯都會被工作淹沒並被提升至更高的位置,你也正處於這十年裡帶來更多拓展的階段,因此就準備好冒點兒險吧。這樣的機會你可不一定會拿到第二次哦。最後,是關於個人財產的建議:請遵循售賣或購買的瞬間衝動,而不是一直持有等待更好的價格。 水瓶座——譯者:Clover ☆ 生活運 ☆ 你從未想過能擁有完美的星象大餐的配方,但巧妙的手法外加適合的食材,總會出現驚人的結果,而這就是2013的概況。在土星端坐水瓶日盤制高點的時期,激發穩固、堅實的進步,木星則致力於喚醒瓶子處於休眠狀態的天賦,並令你對自己相當滿意。 接納萬物的心態對於確保來年持續成功無疑是個良方:為自己的創想預留更多發展空間,彈性預期彈性化,你就能最大限度的利用計劃外的變化。但不要停下行動,不管是關乎孩子、生意還是將你推至眾目之下的事宜。 可能會和權重人物攪合廝混,至少是很有影響力的——甚至會參加一兩個慶祝盛典——會意外踏上旅程。我曾經說過,2013不是十全十美的一年,但它會必定會為你留下超份額滴美好回憶。 ☆ 愛情運 ☆ 2014應該是水瓶感情生活的黃金年,但這並不意味著2013就毫無建樹。你可以說,這是為了美好未來搭建根基的一年。金星會在情人節造訪水瓶座,故你可以選擇在這一天完婚或為婚姻加點料;不符合前兩種情況的,就豪氣前行吧!2月都漫溢著承諾的可能,不管是否有新人出場,還是伴侶變的更加體貼愛護。 順便提下,舊情復燃的幾率還是很大的——因為這是巨蟹——摩羯軸的主題。7月也是桃花漫天,浪漫滿屋的時節。 當然,肯定會有部分瓶子感情不順,但也會有起色,而且只要你停止各種挑刺兒並採取行動,那麼現狀會短時間改變很多。4月末和11月初,不少瓶子進入感情大躍進時期。 ☆ 財運 ☆ 土星讓你走上通往成功的陽關大道。當然一帆風順是不可能的,鐵定充滿坎坷、曲折和陣痛。現在,你能擔當更大的責任,也就是說某些瓶子會升職,另外一些則開始開創自己的生意。但,若你沒有升遷或者遭遇的抵制多過接納,你需要使自己更加強大,然後重新謀劃戰略。 土星考驗你的決心,但並不意味著你就一定是被故意刁難,註定受虐的那個,而且也會給你選擇備用方案的機會。4月25日的月食及11月3日的日食都會是職業拐點,改變會在此時期突忽其來。 海王在財運方面的影響人就很強大,所以就算你很幸運的獲得意外之財,但需要對金額格外仔細,也需要隨時準備抵禦財務衝擊, 因為表象不像你看上去的那樣。 雙魚座——譯者:euphoria* 生活 控制局勢是2013年的主旋律:主宰你自己的命運並且不再等待他人一起行動或者做決定。是的,你的責任就是不再推卸責任,但這也是一種解放。開始按照你計劃的那樣行動,在1月30日或者靠近這個日期的時候做第一個重大的決定。不要太久的在一種形勢里而不做任何行動:如果你感覺有機會,馬上爭取它;如果你看見了危險的信號,立即處理它。 家庭,家人和有創造力的項目會得到木星的福澤,對有些魚魚來說意味著新的居住地/或者迎來一個新的家庭成員;對另一些魚魚來說有可能會在家辦公。表達你的創意,找到你的使命遵從你的內心,那麼2013年會許你目標實現的。就如往常一樣,日月食代表了每年的轉變點,所以不要驚訝於5月25和11月1日附近發生的事情。如果你在任何形式上都已經下定了決心,那麼無畏的瞄準這些時期吧! 愛情 正如你所知,2013不是等待某人的時候——2013是主動出擊的時刻!一旦你知道了你想要的事(人),剩下的就好辦了。你可能發現你自己在兩段感情中舉棋不定;如果是這樣的話,不要試圖判斷哪一個人會為你帶來最好的:跟隨著你的直覺走吧!海王星在你的星座里的出現打開你的心靈,因此當你試圖合理的分析情勢的時候,你會讓你自己陷入困境的。 你一旦開始就沒法放棄一段感情;所以如果你知道你自己曾誤用感情,早點發現苗頭在你陷進去之前逃跑吧。一些魚魚們將在今年轟轟烈烈的戀愛,你發現自己的靈魂伴侶。 但是這並不意味著你會有一段完美的戀愛關係…不要把愛看的太重;當你變得很依賴又激烈的時候,事情就會崩潰。特別關注六月的後半段和八月初,因為這是今年戀愛事件發生的重要時期哦。 金錢 土星會經過與你相同的水相星座天蠍,這真是件額外另人高興的事兒。你可以建立你自己的名譽並且看見你自己的影響越來越遠,比如你可能會為跨國公司工作或者運用互聯網拓展你的事業。做藝術方面有關工作的魚魚會得到幾年以來最好的成功的機會,甚至會變得有名,現在是寫自傳書和blog的最好時機哦! 當你熱愛你的職業的時候,你一定會成功。錢財會一陣一陣的來,並且也有會「有所得就有所失」這樣有點煩人的趨勢,意思是當你一種資源里得到金錢會在另外的領域裡花掉。前半年的時候,木星的幸運的影響會在地產方面,所以前半年會是買賣房屋或是增值房屋的最佳時期,你可以重新裝修一下你的房子。 原文: 白羊座——譯者: 生活 2013 marks the beginning of a new and important cycle for Aries Rams. Uranus and Pluto have completed a third of their transit, so you are finding the emotional and financial resources to withstand losses and unexpected changes. You are prepared for projects and relationships to take time to come together, and less prone to throwing in the towel as soon as problems arise. In this way, you will make steady progress throughout the year. Knowledge and the acquisition of new skills could be a big part of your success story, and some Arians will take on the role of teacher or act as a spokesman for a group. Another area of growth will be home and family. You may move to a bigger home, see additions to the family, and improving or selling a property could add to your wealth. 2013 may not be the best year of the decade, but you will come out of it ahead. Periods of greatest change and opportunity appear towards the end of March, early October and late December. 愛情 You have learned much in recent years about the lengths you will go to keep a relationship afloat; you have also learned that partners are mirrors for your own weaknesses, therefore to a certain extent your love life is on the up and up. Potential difficulties lie in the area of intimacy: maybe you have lost trust in a partner, or your sex-life is cooling. Don』t allow the situation to run on: sort the problem otherwise the distance between you will be too great to bridge. Some Arians will be remaking their vows or marrying a long-term partner, and if you are tying the knot don』t be surprised if you want to keep the event low-key – even just the two of you in a romantic destination. Key developments are likely to occur in late March/early April and during the second half of August; plus, on 18 October a lunar eclipse on your sign could prompt an unexpected proposal, change the status-quo in a long-standing relationship or signal the arrival of a new and important person in your life. 金錢 Saturn』s passage through the area of finances and joint resources serves two purposes: it could help you become richer and more financially stable, and it could give rise to losses and expensive disagreements. So, right from the start of 2013, cut down spending and cover yourself when embarking on joint ventures or signing up to loans and agreements. Money could be hard to come by, so don』t depend on generous backers and employers. On the plus side, property matters are in the pink. Pluto is also working in two different ways: bringing immense success, even fame, to some Arians, and causing big job problems for others: you』ll be better off doing your own thing as opposed to working in a corporate environment, so don』t be afraid to put on your entrepreneur』s hat. The Jupiter-Pluto opposition will be in full flow during July and August, helping you market your talents and swelling your reputation and your bank account. 金牛座——譯者: 生活 Saturn is your enemy and your friend this year: a foe because you』ll discover the failings in yourself and your plans; and a chum because he』ll help strengthen your weaknesses and come out on top. Other people are where the hard work lies, whether you have to put your wishes and needs in second place to those of others or because it will be difficult to find the support and appreciation you expect. But, power on: remember the tortoise and the hare. The second half of the year could put travel on the agenda big time, and if you』re seeking to expand your skills or add to your credentials, even take a test of any description, you should do very nicely. Indeed, effort plus self-belief equals success in every area of life. With no less than three eclipses focusing on your sign – 25 April, 10 May and 3 November – there is an element of fate to life in 2013, although in most cases what happens is really a product of your own unconscious desires... 愛情 Two of the aforementioned eclipses (25 April and 3 November) fall on the relationship axis, which combined with Saturn』s transit of the partnership zone, make your love life subject to extraordinary highs and lows. You may meet someone and marry within months; you could suddenly leave a long-term relationship for the love of another, and events in a partner』s life could mean huge changes to you as a couple. None of these things are to fear so much as they are trends to be aware of. and another trend that is particularly If you』re single and seeking, you may well find Mr or MS Right in a place of learning or when you are travelling. There is also a trend towards partners older than yourself or with a strong Capricorn influence. And if you』re thinking of setting a date, how does 21– 29 September sound? . 金錢 Jupiter』s transit of the financial zone should increase your income and inspire you to make good investments, and especially during the first half of 2013 don』t hesitate to make moves intended to up your financial and professional stock. Then again, you may find that people are only too eager to demonstrate their appreciation of your talents. Business partnerships, however, come under Saturn』s rule, so there could be problems with partners, whether they let you down in some way or you end up on opposite sides of the fence. When drawing up partnership agreements or signing contracts with organizations, ensure your interests are well covered. Late January, late April and mid-November reveal weaknesses in business plans and professional relationships, giving you an opportunity to put in protective measures and re-think strategies. And if you need to change your career course, businesses linked to travel. Education, publishing and media are worthy of consideration. 雙子座——譯者: 生活 You are starting out the year on the right foot, and with a beautiful tail wind to speed your course, courtesy of Jupiter. This planet will be with you until the end of June, and even then it will move on, helping increase your assets – this is one of the most money-making years of the decade. Neptune is now established at the pinnacle of your solar chart, which is the reason you may occasionally feel a little world-weary and dissatisfied with aspects of your life: when you stop searching for where and with whom you should be and questioning what you should be doing, suddenly the solution will be there. While not every Gemini will experience a betrayal of trust during the coming year, there is a persistent trend for misunderstandings: get statements and offers in writing, and keep making notes. With Saturn in the zone of health, it is never too soon for a comprehensive physical, and if you tire more easily or sustain a minor injury, attend to the problem immediately. 愛情 Feeling empowered is the secret of success in most areas of life, but especially where relationships are concerned. Again, thanks to Jupiter, 2013 is a year of emotional growth. When you』re comfortable in your own skin and no longer dependent on someone for your emotional and financial survival, a relationship is free to breathe and grow; and when you feel happy and confident, you will attract positive people towards you. And by the same token you will no longer be prepared to live with someone who stifles you at every turn. The eclipse of 25 May could play a significant role in helping you decide whether a relationship has what it takes to sustain you through the years ahead. Indeed, May and June as a whole are stand-out months: a new relationship cycle begins at this time which some Geminis will reflect by making or re-affirming their vows, becoming engaged or meeting someone special. 金錢 You are in an idealistic and highly entrepreneurial phase of your life. Clearly, it takes courage to leave a corporate structure and start your own business or become free-lance, but if you don』t do it under these stars, you may never do so. Late January could be one of the year』s power points, and ideas you bring into being or events that take place could be just the ones to open up a new professional era. Mid-July and mid-December are also periods when opportunity comes knocking at the door. Neptune sounds the only cautionary note: situations may slip through your fingers, and people and institutions you had relied up could fail to deliver. There may not be a huge amount you can do about this, except always have a safety net, and take extra care when this planet is in the ascendancy – late February and early June are cases in point. Money matters benefit from the Jupiter-treatment, whether you receive an unexpected bonus or you speculate to accumulate. 巨蟹座——譯者: 生活 You』ll be in a small group of Cancerians if these past few years have seen your cup overflowing with happiness; in the main, life has been tough. Gradually, this dispiriting trend is receding and by the time Jupiter enters your sign (26 June) you really are on an upward course. Saturn』s passage through the area of creativity has the capacity to raise your profile: people will take you seriously, so if you have your eyes trained on a top position, go for it; and if the mantle of leadership is placed on your shoulders, bear it with pride. On the other hand, starting or adding to your family could take longer than you anticipate, and offspring may drain your financial and emotional resources more than you might like! In mid-July a beneficial Grand Trine augers a happy event, but rather than wait for the cosmos to deliver, mark out this time for a celebration or the launch of a major enterprise. You』ll reach the end of 2013 in a better place than you began, and possibly with a wonderful feather in your cap. 愛情 It』s not a lot of fun having Pluto in the relationship zone: this 『planet』 gives you your best and worst experiences in love, and there is never any way of knowing in advance whether you』ve got a frog or a True Blue. What you have to be is fearless. You have withstood hurt in the past and you have come through: do not allow 『bad』 experiences to colour your expectations; every relationship is different. There is a real chance of finding the right person in 2013, and if you have been debating whether to marry, how about shooting for that mid-July period? The total solar eclipse of 3 November could prove to be another key date around which big relationship events occur, and with an element of fate to them. Clearly not all Cancerians will be in happy-ever-after mode, but whatever the year brings in the way of challenges, you will bounce back far sooner than you expect, and for reasons you would never have believed. 金錢 You like what you know, and fear what you don』t, but fulfilling your potential and reaching your goals necessitates risk. This is fundamentally what Uranus is teaching you: go where you have never gone before. Uranus is also changing the way you work, whether this means leaving an 『old』 job, acquiring IT skills, attracting media attention or making use of social networks. There are rich opportunities – especially in the second half of 2013 – which require courage to embrace. However, embrace them you must. Don』t be afraid to start your own enterprise or put yourself forward for a job that will take you out of your comfort zone; and if you have to move home or upset certain people in the process, so be it. Jupiter』s passage through your sign creates a climate of success and abundance, so although you may still be limited by the ups and downs of the global economy, this is nonetheless a year in which you can do very well financially. Speculate to accumulate, eh? . 獅子座——譯者: 生活 2013 can be summed up in one word: preparation. With Saturn stationed at the base of your horoscope, you are putting in the foundations of your future, which will take time if your endeavours are going to prove real and lasting. While optimism should remain high, there can be no short cuts and quick fixes. In 2014 Jupiter will enter Leo signalling one of the best years of the decade: hence the need for all that preparation now. Late April and early May is a key period, whether great things happen all by themselves or you set in motion endeavours that will add to the stability and overall success of your life. Creative projects and collaborations are in the spotlight, with some Leos staring new business projects and others getting involved in an ambitious personal venture. The theme of travel and new horizons is also strong – make sure your passport is up to date, and keep in touch with friends and colleagues in distant places. Some of the happiest events of the year take place far from home. 愛情 There is nothing more important to Leo than a happy heart. And while financial stability, success and the love of friends and family can all contribute to your happiness, what you really need is a true partner. You are on the way to finding him or her, whether you suddenly realize that』s who you have by your side already or someone enters your life and becomes the rock you require. Looking into the mirror and recognizing where you are being too demanding and not forgiving enough is a big step towards relationship happiness: drop the pride. Also, do not listen to the doubting voices of friends, only your heart. Some Leos will take a big step this year, very possibly in July. Certainly events on or near the 22nd July end a long chapter, thus preparing the way for a new one. 金錢 You may find yourself in two very different modes – one, which is open to risk and new territory; and the other which is fearful and mindful of your responsibilities. Family pressures, particularly with the elderly or the more vulnerable, are an issue for many Leos, and selling or purchasing a property could prove complicated. My advice would be to stretch yourself professionally, even if this involves a major change of location, and, second, downsizing and keeping borrowing to a minimum for the time being. Neptune』s transit of the zone of shared financial responsibilities makes it essential that you draw up agreements with partners – the age of the pre-nup has arrived! – and that you check your liabilities in any contract you sign with a company – financial and otherwise. There could be some confusion over an inheritance, redundancy/divorce settlement, so don』t drop the ball! . 處女座——譯者: 生活 2013 is a year of growth. Your hard work is beginning to pay off; some might say your moment in the sun – or rather Jupiter - has come. Have the confidence to aim high, and make sure people are aware of your abilities and your passion. Whether you want more personal power or heavier professional clout, show you mean business: don』t let lesser beings claim your place. Not that 2013 is all about effort. Celebrations and good times are in there too, and August is probably the month for the biggest and the best. Saturn』s transit of the zone of communications has two main effects, on the plus side, people will feel you have something to say, and you may well be asked to front an organization or act as a spokesman for a local cause, and if ever there was a time to start a blog, it』s 2013; and on the minus side, self-doubt could prevent you from being heard. This is not the year for self-doubt to get in the way of anything. 愛情 Neptune is a huge factor in your love life now, and the reason behind any magical developments or mysterious let-downs – late May is a case in point. There』s not a lot you can do about people who turn out to be less than loyal, except hold your head high and walk away, but there is much you can do to prevent yourself from becoming an enabler. Your capacity to fall in love is stronger than ever but you must avoid trying to rescue someone or make too many allowances for inappropriate behaviour. Partners with a strong Pisces theme in their charts are magnets for you now, as are Geminis and Sagittarians. Late February – late March is one of the most significant periods for your love life, with August coming a close second. In keeping with this being the year to claim your power, stop waiting for 『fate to strike』 and start making those moves. 金錢 It has been 12 years since Jupiter occupied the zone of career and life-goals, which is why 2013 holds such promise. Doors should be opening for you, and if they』re not you need to push. You will feel more empowered by having strong credentials, which may mean acquiring extra skills, even a new language. The work you put in to increase your status and earning power will be worth every sacrifice. You may also find that you are plucked from relative obscurity and put in a prominent position. Virgos are the helpers and healers of the zodiac, so if you know you have talents in that direction, this is the year to activate them. With Uranus influencing finance and Neptune affecting partnerships, there is a degree of unpredictability to deal with: aside from the uncertainties raised by the global economic situation, some people you work with – or plan to work with – may not be all they are made out to be. 天枰座——譯者: 生活 After two-years of Saturnian frustrations, life is freeing up. It is time to re-paint the canvas of your life in big bold colours. While some Librans will travel great distances in terms of miles others will acquire knowledge and skills that open up new professional and personal territory. Uranus and Pluto are now in their second phase of activity, which means you are either receiving the pay-off for any earlier inconveniences or you are no longer putting off making changes but actively getting behind them. And we』re talking Big changes. Three of the year』s eclipses focus on your money zones, so there could be some unexpected gains – the unexpected, period. You are far more your own person in 2013, which means you can and should trust your instincts and your judgement: some people cannot be relied upon to keep their promises or support you. This having been said, if you don』t end 2013 in a better position all round, it won』t be the fault of your stars. 愛情 You should be feeling more optimistic and open to new experiences, which may include a brand new relationship. A change in a partner』s circumstances could inspire a home move and or a shift in your respective roles, and, one way or another, your relationship will develop a different texture and shape. With Uranus still exerting a strong influence on partnerships in general and your love life in particular, you may feel less of a need to be in a relationship and less able to turn a blind eye to problems. To this end there could be some unexpected splits and equally unexpected reconciliations – late March and late August are highly unstable. Another key date for your diary is 18 October when a lunar eclipse could set the stage for a major relationship development. If you find you are constantly running into commitment-phobes, this is yet another dimension to your 2013 stars: the trick is to keep your distance, and never move as much as a toothbrush into your lover』s home. 金錢 While Jupiter』s influence could take you far, both in terms of success and travel, Saturn』s journey through one of the financial zones urges caution and a need to live within your means. So, it could be that you are putting all your energies into a business project that will not yield a profit for a few years, or you are receiving praise and recognition for your work, which is not yet reflected in financial terms. The fields of education, travel and the media may have more of a role to play in your work, and if you』ve got an entrepreneurial streak, flaunt it! The eclipses of late April, mid-May and early November could change earning patterns and future prospects. Purchasing a property abroad could be on some Libran agendas, and, if you have the means, investing in other currencies or putting savings in a foreign bank could turn out to be a wise move. 天蠍座——譯者: 生活 Towards the end of last year, you may have felt a shift in your energy and direction. You could have found yourself thinking that life is short, and if you don』t get a move on you』ll never do half those things you want to do. So, you begin the year with fire in your belly and a steely determination. You could indeed, achieve much in 2013, although in keeping with the austerity of the times, you may not reap all the benefits of your hard work until later in 2014. I know that seems a long time, but you will learn so much that is valuable from your struggles, and when that success comes, it will be all the sweeter. Not only Saturn but two eclipses fall in Scorpio, making this a year of extraordinary highs and lows, many of them linked to your love life. Returning to Saturn once more: you make your mark under this planet, as many of you will discover this year; you』ll also discover who and what are worthy of your loyalty and efforts. 愛情: Standing alone does not mean you cannot be in a good relationship; it implies that you are going to have to be the strong partner, the one who makes the tough decisions. Whether you have to become the main breadwinner, or shoulder more family responsibilities, remind yourself that this is not the way it』s going to be forever. The good thing is that you will know where you are: people will not leave you dangling in mid-air: indeed marriage is on the agenda for many Scorpios. Single Scorpios may feel the field is narrowing, and the kind of partner they are looking for just isn』t around, but this is not the reality, merely the reflection of the changes taking place within you. Put a ring around 25 April and 3 November for it is around these dates that some of the most important developments of the year occur. Precisely what they will be: you』re just going to have to wait and see! . 金錢 You have Jupiter to thank for any financial improvements this year. Some Scorpios will receive an inheritance; others do well through a divorce or redundancy settlement, however, the smart move is to conserve your funds. The global economy isn』t suddenly going to turn around. As you have probably gathered by now, Saturn is not a planet that makes your life easy: you』ll get rich rewards as and when you』ve done the work, which is why this is going to be a very successful year for some of you, but there could be some trying times in business and the work place. Late January, late April/early May and early November are all times when you could be tested, although, as always, things that are built to last come through with flying colours; those that don』t.. Remember you』re the come-back kid, Scorpio, and if a road comes to an end, you』ll carve out a new and better one. 射手座——譯者: 生活 A year that opens with Jupiter in premium position has much to recommend it. Your world is getting bigger, whether you』re travelling or adding to your bank of knowledge and skills. A wedding or birth could be on the agenda, and you』ll also make some important new friendships. You』re probably beginning to get used to Neptune』s strange way of working – you have to keep your ideas and plans fluid because the moment you try to steer events your way, they slip through your fingers! Your spirit is strong and there could be some curious coincidences and weird developments that make you feel guided and protected. May is the most significant month of the year: you may take one of the biggest steps in your life, and however your existence looks at the start of the year, it could be a lot different by June. This is not a particularly smooth and seamless 12 months, things happen in fits and starts, and you』ll need to manage those periods where nothing appears to be moving at all - with patience comes grace. 愛情: Good fortune isn』t hard to come by for Sagittarius: you have such a positive attitude to life you draw good things and good people towards you. And this is certainly the case in 2013. You run into people you need at precisely the right moment. Your biggest challenge is commitment, and a tendency to believe that something (or, rather someone) better is just around the corner. This year is decision time for many Archers: there has not been a more propitious time to marry or, at the opposite end of the spectrum, to divorce. In May Venus will join Jupiter in the zone of relating, in the wake of a lunar eclipse in your sign, so there is a ring of fate about events at this time. One trend you』ll need to be aware of is that you』re more easily manipulated and deceived this year, so although you don』t want to become ridiculously paranoid, you should make sure that people are who they say they are. 金錢 Despite your positive personality, you may have to fight periodic bouts of dissatisfaction and frustration in 2013. Neptune』s other-worldly influence is causing you to question aspects of your existence with the result that you may start to believe you are in the wrong career. You could be, of course, but what you cannot do is walk away from a job in a fit of pique and without a financial cushion! Add new strings to your professional bow; find interests outside work to express your creative and explorative spirit. At the end of June, Jupiter moves into the zone of financial relationships, helping you build anew. Business partnerships flourish and working with your significant other could also lead to better financial conditions. On or near 7 August Jupiter and Pluto oppose each other across the financial axis of your solar chart setting the stage for a huge monetary boost – or something of a cash-flow crisis. This is an important period of the year all round, and one with an all-or-nothing aura to it. 摩羯座——譯者: 生活 The times they are a-changing. And thank goodness! These last couple of years have been tough for the celestial Goat, but with Saturn and Jupiter in new positions, you can take two steps forward without going back again. As always, the changes in your life are due to shifts deep within you. You may have reached the conclusion that personal happiness is more important than money and position, and to this end, 2013 could find you devoting more time to activities that are pleasurable and heart-warming. Many of the more important configurations of the year focus on creative ventures and collaborations, which will translate as new members of the family for some and mergers of the romantic or business kind for others. Uranus continues to inspire sudden and unexpected developments, especially on the home front – watch late March, early July and early October – yet it is also the reason you are no longer so tied to the past and prepared to embrace new structures whether in home deco or your personal relationships. 愛情 Wherever Jupiter spends time, there is growth, and for you this involves the area of relationships. From late June this fortunate planet will be encouraging you to forge new romantic and working partnerships, and strengthen 『old』 ones. If you』ve been a little marriage-shy because of bitter past experience, have the confidence to set that date with your significant other – late November could be the perfect time. Clearly, if you have Uranus and Pluto on your case (hello! early January birthdays and those with planets between 9? and 11? Capricorn) the path to true love may have some severe potholes, but just like a thorough spring-clean, you』re on your way to making a beautiful fresh start. June and November are the most eventful months for your love life, and, if you』re single or heart-free (not necessarily the same thing) a powerful and fateful encounter could lie ahead, and in these months. 金錢 Remember the law of prosperity? By recognizing you』re as entitled to abundance as anyone, and refusing to buy into fear of loss, money will keep flowing; the moment you doubt your right to prosperity and forget your generous spirit, funds will dry up. People will back you in 2013, whether this means you』ll get the finance you need for business projects or jobs offered to you that reflect your true value. Another secret of success is remaining flexible and open to financial and professional opportunities that take you out of your comfort zone. You could be working with a younger group of people or embracing ideas and technology that are cutting edge. While not every Capricorn will be inundated with work and gaining a higher profile, you are in one of the more expansive phases of the decade, so be prepared to take some risks. You may not get a second chance. Finally, property: obey that sudden impulse to sell or buy, and don』t keep holding out for a better deal. 水瓶座——譯者: 生活 You』re never ever going to have the perfect astrological recipe, but a good cook can do wonders with the right ingredients, as is the case in 2013. While Saturn sits in splendour at the top of your chart, inspiring stability and solid progress, Jupiter is helping you bring out dormant talents and making you feel good about yourself. The trick to ensuring the coming year is a stunning success is to keep an open attitude to almost everything: allow plenty of room for the development of your ideas, and by keeping your expectations fluid, you』ll be able to make the most of any unplanned changes. Don』t put off going into production, whether we』re talking babies, business endeavours or activities that place you in the spotlight. You may find yourself mixing with people of power and influence – even a celebrity or two – and there could be unexpected reasons that take you on your travels. As I said, it』s not a perfect year but it will inspire more than its share of happy memories. 愛情 2014 is probably going to be the more significant year for your love life, but that doesn』t mean nothing is going to happen in 2013. You could say you』ll be putting in the building blocks of future happiness. Venus will be in your sign for Valentine』s Day, so you may already have chosen this period for a wedding or a renewal of your vows; and if not, get your skates on! February as a whole is full of promise, whether someone new arrives on the scene or your partner becomes more attentive and supportive. By the way, don』t be surprised if you』re falling for older partners now – it』s a Saturn-Capricorn thing. July is another month in which romance and relationships prosper. Clearly, there are going to be some Aquarians for whom the love story is not a happy one, but this will change, and it will change a whole lot quicker if you stop talking about the problem and take action. Late April and early November bring push to shove for many Waterbearers. 金錢 Saturn enables you to get on the right road for success. However, this is rarely a seamless process and tends to involve road-blocks, detours and painful moments. You can take on greater responsibility now, which means some Aquarians will be promoted and others will be managing their own business. If, on the other hand, you are passed over for promotion or seem to be experiencing more rejections than acceptances, toughen up and re-strategize. Saturn tests your resolve, but that doesn』t mean putting the blinkers on and not considering alternatives..The lunar eclipse of 25 April and the solar eclipse of 3 November could be career turning points, and these are times when changes occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Neptune』s influence continues to be strong over finances, so although you may be lucky enough to experience a windfall, you need to be meticulous about figures, and to cushion yourself against financial institutions whose word may not be their bond.. 雙魚座——譯者: 生活 Empowerment is the theme of 2013: taking control of your own destiny and no longer waiting for others to get their act together or make the decisions. Yes, it』s a responsibility your being where the buck stops, but it is also liberating. Start as you mean to go on, and make that first big decision on or near 30th January. Don』t leave a situation too long before taking action: if you sense an opportunity, go for it; and should you see a red flag, deal with it straight away. Home, family and creative projects receive Jupiter』s blessing, which for some means a new place to live and/or welcoming someone new into the family; and for others working from home. Express your creativity, find your vocation and follow your heart, and 2013』s promise will be fulfilled. As always, eclipses represent the turning-points of each year, so don』t be surprised by what happens on and around 25 May and 1 November, and if you』re ready to take a plunge of any sort, aim for those periods. Be fearless!. 愛情 As you know, 2013 is not about waiting for other people – it』s about taking action. Once you know what (or who) you want, the rest is easy. You could find yourself torn between two loves; if so, do not try to work out which person is the one who will provide best for you: go with your gut. Neptune』s presence in your sign is opening your heart, and when you try to rationalize the situation, you just tie yourself in knots. While you cannot give up on a relationship at the first fence; if you know you have a history of abusive relationships behind you, recognize the signs and get out before you perpetuate the pattern. Some Pisceans are going to fall deeply and passionately in love this year; you may sense you have found your soul mate. This does not mean, however, that you』ll have the perfect relationship..Be light about love; when you get needy and intense, things fall apart. Put a ring around the second half of July and early August for this is one of the most important periods of the year for affairs of the heart. 金錢 Saturn』s transit of your fellow water sign, Scorpio, is a real bonus. You can build on your reputation and see your influence spread far further, which may include working for international companies or using the internet for promotion and business. Pisceans in artistic careers have their best chance in years of realizing success, even fame, and if ever there was a time to get into writing that memoir or that blog, it is now. When you have passion about what you do, you』ll succeed. Money comes in fits and starts, and there is an annoying trend for swings and roundabouts, by which I mean when you get money in from one source it goes out to another. During the first half of the year, Jupiter』s fortunate influence will be focused on property, making this an ideal period to sell or buy or increase the value of your home by renovation and redecoration. Do not put off making a bold move; and if a job suddenly comes to an end, do not panic. The universe works in mysterious ways to take you where you』re meant to go.



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