
  • Myanimal year:本命年

  • 怎麼用?

    This year is my animal year: 今年是我本命年

    Your animal year often brings lots of challenges:本命年通常會不順

    So It"s important to be aware of your animal year:所以知道你的生肖年是很重要滴

    How to bring yourself good luckon your animal year?


    Red carries an atmosphere of prosperity and courage


    People may resort to conventions




    Chinese traditional belief is that your animal year is going to be full of bad luck. 中國傳統觀念認為,你的生肖年將充滿厄運。

  • be full of bad luck:充滿厄運

  • It is traditionally believed that it helps to wear the color red. 為了避免在你在本命年會有厄運降臨,傳統上認為它有助於穿紅色。


    If this year is your animal year, It』s good luck to wear any red-colored clothingsuch as underwear, socks, scarf, sweater, and shirt. 如果今年是你的本命年,你最好穿任何紅色相關的衣服,比如內衣、襪子、圍巾、毛衣和襯衫。

  • red-colored clothing :紅色的衣物

  • 至於要不要穿,就看個人信與不信。「一命二運三風水,四積陰德五讀書」,人生很多因素相互影響,命好的人就算本命年什麼都不講究,一樣能逢凶化吉。若命數浮沉不定的,就需要靠其它方面來彌補運勢。

    If you buck the trend, it doesn"t matter whether you wear red or not:如果你不信邪,穿不穿紅色對你來說也是無所謂。

  • buck the trend:不信邪

  • 那要穿紅色的你要知道



  • keep away/ward off evil spirits:辟邪

  • 怎麼用?

    To keep away/ward off evil spiritsthat might befall you:為了避免本命年任何可能降臨的厄運。

    Red underwear decorated with gold embroidery, usually illustrating the pertinent zodiac animal for that particular year, goes on sale in TaoBao stores. 用金色刺繡裝飾的紅色內衣褲,上面會有那一年的生肖,在某寶上都有賣。

  • gold embroidery:金色的刺繡

  • zodiac animal:屬相

  • 今年是狗年,所以本命年的你千萬不要忘記:

    買紅內衣!Buying red underwear!

  • Red underwear/lingerie:紅內衣

  • 怎麼用?

    Wearing red underwear to ensure that your year is not a bad one. 紅內衣來確保這年不是糟糕的一年。

    Red underwear is also one of the most popular gifts for sweethearts to exchange around Chinese New Year. 紅色內衣也是情侶們在春節前後最受歡迎的禮物之一。

    If you believe in this stuff and you"re really traditional, you should wear red every day, all year long. 如果你相信這些東西,而且你也真的很傳統,那麼本命年的你應該每天都穿紅色的衣服。

    Here comes the question!


    How to Wear Red ?




    Let"s play it simple,

    Red is your Lifestyle!

    Not sure what you』re REDdy for, but want to try a hint of red?



    Adding red accessories to every outfit!


    Bag|Shoes|Scarf|Earrings|Hat| Sunglasses

    Suit|Tie|Watch |Socks |Pants

    If you don』t own lots of red clothing, even red-colored accessorizes is probably the easiest way to introduce a little red into your life on a daily basis. 如果你沒有很多紅色的衣服,即使是紅色的配飾也可能是你日常生活中最簡單的方式。

  • red-colored accessorizes:紅色的配飾

  • 本命年也別忘記準備護身符


  • Amulet

  • Talisman
  • 當然,也可以簡單說成:

  • My Lucky Charm:我的幸運符

  • Some people even buyTai Sui amuletsin a small red paper pouch and carry it with them throughout the year.有些人甚至買太歲符把它裝在一個小紅紙袋子,一整年戴在身上。

    Typically, Tai Sui amulets will be burnt before the next new year arrives. 一般來說,在新年到來之前,太歲護身符會被燒毀。


  • Chinese knotbracelet:中國結手串

  • Wearing a cute bracelet made of red Chinese knots around your wrist to ward off the bad luck. 在你的手腕上戴上一個紅色的中國結編織的可愛的手鐲來抵禦壞運氣。

  • Jade or gold jewelry:玉或黃金首飾

  • Some people wear jade or gold jewelry strung with a red thread:有些人佩戴紅色的玉石或金首飾。

    Because jade also supposedly will ward off bad luck and gold is said to have enough spiritual power to conquer evil spirits.因為玉據說可以抵禦壞運氣,據說黃金有足夠的靈力來征服邪惡。

  • have enough spiritual power:有足夠的靈力

  • 兜兜轉轉,說了這麼多本命年幫助寶貝們護身的方法,


    Maybe you』re not a big fan of the color red in your outer wardrobe and you don"t want everyone to know your age. 也許你不太喜歡你的衣櫥里的紅色,你也不想讓每個人都知道你的年齡。

    So how do you ward off the bad luck but maintain your own sense of style?


    Red underwear is, of course, the best answer!



    Please note that the red item has to be a gift from someone else (your family, your friends) and you can』t buy it for yourself. 請注意,紅色的物品必須是別人的禮物(你的家人,你的朋友),你不能自己買。



    TAG:英語 | 內衣 | 本命年 | 護身符 | 手串 |