美國記者年會:一個用幽默征服了美國全場的中國人 - 頭條網(toutiao.com)

看一個土生土長的中國人如何在美國的記者年會上,用幽默征服了全場美國人,併當面調侃美國副總統約瑟夫·拜登(Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr),而他用這種幽默也帶給我們思考,中國和美國到底差在哪裡?中國又將怎麼進步?!

My name is Joe Wong. But to most people, I am known as 「Who?」 which is actually my mother』s maiden name, and the answer to my credit card security question.



Joking aside, I want to reassure you that I am invited here tonight.


(因為前一陣子白宮舉行一個活動,美國一對夫妻混過白宮層層保安,裝作是白宮邀請的貴賓,還跟這些政客合影留念並發到網上,其中就有坐在邊上的副總統Joe Biden,被曝光後,在美國引起很大爭議,白宮的安保問題被質疑。)

I grew up in China. Who didn』t?



Most of my childhood memories are ruined by my childhood. When I was in elementary school, as part of the curriculum, I worked at a rice paddy next to a quarry where they use explosives to break rocks. That』s where I learned that light travels faster than sound, which is almost as slow as a flying rock.



My dad was a grumpy guy. But occasionally he tried to cheer me up with jokes. When I was 7 he said to me, 「Son, why is tofu better than centralized socialist economy?」 5 minutes later, I said, 「Why?」 He said, 「Because I said so!」



In 1994, I came to the United States to study at Rice University in Texas, that wasn』t a joke, until now. I was driving this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that are impossible to peel off. And one of them said, 「If you don』t speak English, go home!」 And I didn』t notice it for two years.


(That wasn』t a joke, until now.這句是臨場發揮,效果很好。bumper sticker這個牌子的內容和所用的語言本身就是一個矛盾。)

We always wanted my son to become the president. We try to make him speak Chinese at home and English outside in public. Sometimes I had to say to him in public, 「If you don』t speak English, go home!」 He said, 「Why do I have to learn two languages?」 I said, 「When you become the president, you will have to sign legislative bills in English, and talk to debt collectors in Chinese!」



After I graduated from Rice, I decided to stay in the US because in China I can』t do the thing I do best here, being ethnic. In order to become a citizen, we immigrants had to take American history lessons with questions like: Who』s Benjamin Franklin? We were like, 「Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?」 What』s the second Amendment? We were like, 「Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?」 What is Roe vs Wade? We went, 「Ahh…, two ways of coming to the US?」

從萊斯大學畢業後,我決定留在美國,因為有一件事我在中國肯定不如在美國能做得更好——具有民族特色。為了成為美國公民,我們移民必須要學習美國歷史,很多問題諸如「本傑明·富蘭克林是誰?」 我們想「啊...導致我們便利店被劫的原因?」 「第二修正案是什麼?」 我們就「啊...導致我們便利店被劫的原因?」 「Roe vs Wade是什麼?」 我們又「啊...來到美國的兩種途徑?」


Later I read a lot about American history. So much so that I started to feel white guilt. In America, all men are created equal, but after birth, it depends on their parents』 income for early education and healthcare.


(這段看上去很詭異,作為一個黃色人種,怎麼會有這種優越感,去產生white guilt,實際上在為後面跟總統比做鋪墊。)

I read on Men』s Health magazine that president Obama every week has two cardio days and 4 weight lifting days. I don』t have to exercise because I have health insurance. I live in Massachusetts where we had universal healthcare and then elected Scott Brown. Talk about mixed message! I think there was a movie about him. It』s called 「Kill Bill」.

我在《男人健康》雜誌上看到奧巴馬總統每周都有兩天做有氧運動,四天做舉重鍛煉。我不用健身的,因為我有醫療保險。我住在馬薩諸塞州,提供統一醫療保險,之後Scott Brown當上議員,說得有點亂,我想有部電影是關於Brown議員的,叫《Kill Bill》。

(這段是一種很微妙的搞笑,如果奧巴馬那天不是臨時有事,在邊上坐著的話會很有意思。kill bill的bill不是指柯林頓,應該指法案。Scott Brown是共和黨人,剛當選麻省議員,反對全民醫保。所以說他kill bill 「扼殺了(醫保)法案」。)

We have Mr. vice president Joe Biden here tonight. I have read your autobiography and today I see you. I think the book is much better. They should have cast Brad Pitt, or Angelina Jolie.



We have many distinguished journalists here whom I consider as peers. I once wrote for the campus newspaper. Journalism is the last refuge for puns. Only in a newspaper can I say, 「I was born in the year of the horse, that』s why I』m a neigh-sayer (nay-sayer)」



This is my first time on CSPAN, a channel I obvious always watch when I couldn』t handle the demagoguery and sensationalism of PBS and QVC. If I still couldn』t go to sleep after watching CSPAN, there are CSPAN2 and 3!



I was just thrilled to be invited to tonight』s event. I showed the White House my jokes about the president, and that』s when Obama decided not to come and started the immigration reform. Take that Stephen Colbert! Obama has been accused of being too soft. But he was conducting two wars and they still gave him the Nobel peace prize, and he accepted it. You can』t get more bad-ass than that! The only way you can be more bad-ass than is that if you took the peace prize money and gave it to the military.

我受到今晚活動的邀請的確很激動。我曾在總統面前表演過我的笑話,這就是為什麼奧巴馬總統決定今晚不來了,據說他都開始考慮移民改革了。Stephen Colbert,看到了吧!奧巴馬被批評過於軟弱,但他正指導著兩場戰爭,還被授予了諾貝爾和平獎,而且他竟然還接受了。沒有比這更滑稽的了!或許要做到比這更荒謬的事只能是把得來的和平獎金再捐給軍隊吧。

(奧巴馬沒到,但也沒忘調侃一下他,反襯自己寫的那幾個笑話的威力。提到Stephen Colbert,因為幾年前的記者招待會,他當著bush的面羞辱了bush,那次bush臉色很難看,勞拉甚至罵了粗口,但就是當面很尷尬而已,而我把奧巴馬嚇得都不敢來了,還開始考慮是否該讓這些移民來到美國。相當於說:怎麼樣Stephen Colbert,我比你牛吧。)

I finally became a US citizen in 2008. Thank you! America is number one! That』s true! We won the World Series every year!


(諷刺了美國國內的各種職業聯賽冠軍頭銜都叫World Champion。)

After becoming the U.S. citizen, I immediately registered to vote for Obama/Biden. (Turn and face Biden) You are welcome. You had me at 「Yes we can」 That was their slogan.

成為美國公民後,我立即註冊投票給了奧巴馬和拜登。(對著拜登說)不客氣。你們那句「Yes we can」打動了我。這是他們的競選口號。

After getting them elected, I felt this power trip and started to think maybe I should run for president myself. I have to explain a little here. I had always been kind of a morose and pessimistic guy. I feel that life is like peeing into the snow in a dark winter night. You probably made a difference, but it』s really hard to tell. Now we have a president who is half black half white. That just gives me so much hope because I am half not black half not white. Two negatives make a positive.


(Two negatives make a positive,還有下一句的,這次沒說出來,就是two illegals make a legal,指只要在美國境內出生就自動獲得美國國籍,無論父母身份。)

So my fellow Americans, you may be thinking what is your campaign slogans? You see, I spent 10 years in the past decade. You too? I understand that Americans are suffering. My campaign slogan will be, 「Who cares!」

所以我的美國同胞們,你們或許想知道我的競選口號是什麼。你想,我在過去的十年里度過了整整十個春秋,你們也是啊?我知道美國人日子不好過,因此我的口號就是「Hu cares!(Who cares!)」

If elected, I would make same sex not only legal, but required,that would get me the youth vote. You see that I am married now, but I used to be really scared about marriage. I was like:」Wow! 50% of all marriages end up lasting forever!」


I will eliminate unemployment by reducing the productivity of American workers so that two people have to do the job of one, just like the vice president and the president, the Olson twins.


(不斷地調侃總統和副總統。Olson twins是著名雙胞胎,童星。曾經兩人演一個角色,在full house里。)

Despite heart diseases and cancer, most Americans die from natural causes. If elected, I will find a cure for natural causes. It may not be covered by insurance because of pre-existing conditions.


(pre-existing conditions是指購買醫療保險前的身體狀況,保險公司會相應的拒保或者提高保費。)

I have a quick solution for global warming. I will switch from Fehrenheit to Celcius. It was 100 degrees and now it』s 40! You are welcome! I』m great at foreign policy because I』m from China and I can see Russia from my backyard.


On foreign policy. I believe that unilateralism is too expensive; open dialog is too slow. If elected, I will go with text messaging. I』ll text our allies just to say hi; and text our enemies when they are driving. 「OMG you are making nuclear weapons! But U R doing it wrong, LOL!」


I would like to thank Radio and TV Correspondents』 Association for giving such an incredible honor! This is the first time I wish my 3 year old son knew what I was doing. Thank you.






無量壽經  (第十三集)  1988  美國達拉斯  檔名:02-020-0013
第n+3夜:Its cuffing season!

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