
Chinas moon rover monitored with abnormity

(Xinhua)08:31, January 26, 2014Email|Print|Comments



Sina Microblog


BEIJING,Jan. 25 --China"smoonrover"Yutu" (JadeRabbit)hashadamechanicalcontrolabnormity,andscientistsareorganizinganoverhaul.Theabnormityoccurreddueto"thecomplicatedlunarsurfaceenvironment,"theStateAdministrationofScience,TechnologyandIndustryforNationalDefence(SASTIND)saidonSaturday,withoutgivingfurtherdetails.TheabnormityemergedbeforetheroverwentintoitsseconddormancyatdawnonSaturdayasthelunarnightfellagain,accordingtotheSASTIND.(Editor:YanMeng、Huang Jin)Related readingChina"s lunar probe observes stars, explores moonChina"s moon rover performs first lunar probeLunar craft "wake up," start workMoon rover Yutu sleeps as night comesChina"s moon rover flexes musclesChina"s moon rover continues lunar survey after photographing landerChina"s moon rover works stablyChina"s Yutu "naps", awakens and exploresSpace exploration is about everyoneYutu gets rolling on the moonWe Recommend

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