
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:翻譯加工廠 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-475548-1-1.htmlIlovefathertedJust awful. Barbaric. Those poor people.太可怕了,野蠻。這些可憐的人們。PestofaceEvil people who"ve never acknowledged the evil they did.這些邪惡的人從未承認自己所犯下的罪惡。RyanMeyerThe sinister US Government didn"t even punish them. The sickos in Washington wanted the research 731 conducted. And people wonder why small government conservatives do not trust the federal government. We"re not surrendering our weapons to them.陰險的美國政府甚至沒有懲罰他們。華盛頓的那些惡棍想讓731進行這些實驗。而人們還疑惑為什麼小政府保守主義者不相信聯邦政府。我們不會將武器上交的。JohnAll forgotten in the world of money and investment.....在金錢與投資的世界裡,這一切都被遺忘。。。。millsonAnd Japan say the nuclear was a crime against humanity, this is devastating.而日本說核武器是反人類罪,這才是毀滅性的。SoupeyNearly 30 years ago I used to know a man who fought against the Japanese in Burma in what became known as the forgotten war. Even 40years after the war he refused to buy anything Japanese made - whether cars or electronics - at protest against how the Japanese cruelly beat, tortured and murdered their POWs.30年前我認識一個在緬甸對抗日本的人。即使是戰後40年,他還拒絕購買任何日本製造,不論是汽車還是電子產品,以抗議日本人殘忍的毆打,折磨和謀殺他們的戰俘。HaroldSDear God. The Japanese took sadism to a whole new level.天啊。日本人的虐待成性真是無敵了。ReseditWhat kind of a psyche you have to have to do those things to another human?什麼樣的精神病人才會對人類同胞作出這種事?Gary?Ishii, and several others from Unit 731, were granted immunity by the United States in exchange for full disclosure of the results of their biological warfare experiments.? Disgusting. This makes the USA guilty of benefiting from crimes against humanity and protecting war criminals. Worth remembering next time the US lectures other countries on human rights.石井還有好幾個來自731部隊的人都被美國豁免了以換取日本生化實驗的結果。噁心。美國這是從反人類罪中獲益,並保護戰犯。美國下次再向他國說教人權時,我們應該記住這點。Justin BrowsingIts no more than the Germans did to the inmates of the concentration camps, during WW11.而二戰期間的納粹集中營差不多。ThinklessNever ever forget what Japan did during ww2. Truly evil. And even now absolutely no accountability at all.永遠不要忘記日本在二戰期間所犯下的罪行。真是邪惡。直到現在都沒有得到懲罰。HaytonEvil people worse than the Germans.比德國人還罪惡。crabmanGlad there is an article about this as everyone I"ve spoken to about it in the past has never heard of it. It is also important to know that nearly all the scientists involved in this pure evil were given amnesty by America in return for the research, and then whisked away to the states to work for the victors, same as the German scientists (operation paperclip). Awful era天啊,終於有這方面文章出來了,因為以前我和別人交流時,人們好像都從沒聽說過731。而且參與這些實驗的幾乎所有科學家都得到了美國的赦免,以換取實驗結果。然後移民去美國為美國工作,就像德國科學家。可怕的時期。Mike985The Japanese were really no better than the Nazis during the war.二戰期間,日本人真的不比德國人好到哪裡去。ShaftedI had no idea they used the Bubonic plague and Typhoid against civilians....suddenly any pity I had for the Japanese population after the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which really wasn"t much at all, has reduced to non-existent....我之前從不知道他們用黑死病和傷寒對付平民。。。瞬間我對廣島和長崎原子彈受害者的些許同情也蕩然無存了。ReseditPeople think that the Nazi"s were cruel, but compared to the what the Japanese did they were amateurs!人們以為納粹很殘忍,但是和日本人比,真是小巫見大巫。Mr tumblesThe Germans were bad for this also but the Japanese far worse. Why have these people got away with it for so long?德國人也很殘忍,但是日本人更殘忍。為什麼直到現在還不懲罰這些人?PopeyedIt is quite possible that all nations have some really nasty skeletons in their closets but the Japanese seem to have excelled in this area of brutality. I hope the results of these "experiments" are still recorded in the hope they can be put to good use instead of the awful ones intended. People died very painful deaths, I would hate to think that no good came of their suffering.所有國家都有不光彩的一面,但是日本人貌似在殘忍方面無人能敵。我希望這些「實驗」結果能用在好的方面而不是用來幹壞事。這些人在痛苦中死去,所以我希望他們痛苦所得到的結果能用在好的地方。nicol1beyond evil無比邪惡。yungchavezwhat is it about the Japanese .............my grandparents hated them,,,,,,i see why我的祖父母都很討厭日本人,我知道為什麼了。


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