
作者:跳跳虎想必大家都看過美劇《Lie to Me》吧,通過觀察對方的行為舉止,便可判斷出對方是不是在說謊。本文也來教你幾招,讓你也能夠在生活中識破一些謊言,避免上當受騙。

VideoJug presents a short guide explaining exactly how you can tell if someone is lying. With advice from our body language expert Judi James, never before has been so easy to see if someone is lying to you!Videojug獻上一段簡短的指南,教你如何準確地判斷別人是否在說謊。有了朱迪(Videojug特聘的肢體語言學專家)的指導,你會發現,從來沒有像現在這樣,可以輕而易舉地判斷出別人是否在對你說謊!Step 1: No body movementLittle or no body movement occurs when the pressure of the lie makes the liar worry about their body language, so some will stop moving all together. This also is reflected in eye contact, when they probably won"t be able to look at you.1.無肢體語言說謊話時內心感到壓力,說謊者會擔心自己的舉止當中有馬腳露出,於是有些人便會選擇禁用一切肢體語言。這一點也能在目光接觸上反映出來-說謊者可能會不敢看著你。Step 2:Exaggerated body movementSome liars do the opposite. They become actors and their actions and facial expressions get bigger toconvince you they are telling the truth. They"ll try to make more eye contact than usual.2.誇大的肢體語言有些說謊者恰恰相反,他們逢場作戲,用誇大的動作和面部表情來讓你相信他們在說真話。較之往常,他們會試圖與你產生更多的目光接觸。Step 3: Stress gesturesLying makes people stressed and this comes across in their body language with strange gestures such as scratching, itching and twitching. More frequent swallowing and faster blinking are also signs that they are being economical with the truth.3.緊張時的小動作說謊會使人感到緊張,這從人的肢體語言中可見一斑-說謊者會做出一些不自然的動作,諸如搔這兒搔那兒的,不自主的顫動等。更頻繁的咽口水,眼睛眨得更快,也都表明別人沒有完全說真話。Step 4: Eye contactEyes are a great giveaway. Therefore some people will look away at the point of the lie. Or people willreplicate theinnocence of childhood and widen their eyes whilst looking straight at you.4.轉移視線人的眼睛是心靈之窗,反應人的內心世界。因此,在說謊時,一些人會將視線移開;不過也有的人會模仿孩子般無辜的眼神,睜大眼睛,直愣愣地盯著你看。Step 5: Eye movementWe move our eyeballs to stimulate different parts of the brain. When the eyes roll upwards to the left, they are recording memories and probably being honest. But when their eyes roll up to the right, they are stimulating imagination, and are probably going to lie to you.5.眼球的轉動我們會通過轉動眼球來刺激大腦的不同區域。當眼球轉向左上方時,人是在喚醒自己的記憶,他很可能在說真話。但當人的眼球轉向右上方時,是在激發大腦的想像力,那麼他很可能要對你說謊。Step 6: Nose touchingThis is a typical sign of lying. When we lie, our noses do get a little bigger and this is known as the Pinocchio Effect. It only has a tiny effect, but enough to make the nose itchy. Therefore when people keepscratching their nose, it could be a sign that they are lying.6.碰鼻子這是說謊時的典型特徵。當說謊時,我們的鼻子會變大一丁點,我們稱之為「比諾曹效應」。雖然反應甚微,但足以讓鼻子痒痒。因此,當一個人不斷地搔鼻子時,這可能意味著他在說謊。Step 7: Mouth or face coveringThis is a childish bit of body language, but some still desire to cover their face, particularly when telling the part of the lie they are most worried about.7.以手捂嘴或遮面雖與一葉障目同出一轍,但一些人仍試圖用手遮住自己的臉,尤其是說謊話說到他們最為在乎的部分時。


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