

Barack Obama巴拉克·奧巴馬With his Kenyan father and white American mother, his upbringing in Honolulu and Jakarta, and his Ivy League education, Obama"s early life experiences differ markedly from those of African American politicians who launched their careers in the 1960s through participation in the civil rights movement.奧巴馬的父親來自肯亞,母親為美國白人,他在檀香山和稚加達兩地長大,就讀於常青藤名校。他的這些早期經歷與在二十世紀六十年代通過民權運動開拓自己事業領域的那些非洲裔美國政界人士明顯不同。Expressing puzzlement over questions about whether he is "black enough", Obama told an August 2007 meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists that the debate is not about his physical appearance or his record on issues of concern to black voters. Obama said that "we"re still locked in this notion that if you appeal to white folks then there must be something wrong."在關於他是否「夠黑」這個問題上,奧巴馬在全美黑人新聞工作者協會2007年8月的會議上表示,這樣的爭論與他的外表或者他對黑人選民問題的關注並無關係。他說:「我們到現在還在被那個固有的觀念所影響,覺得受到白人的認可是不可能的。」Echoing the inaugural address of John F. Kennedy,Obama acknowledged his youthful image in an October 2007 campaign speech, saying: "I wouldn"t be here if,time and again, the torch had not been passed to a new generation." 對於自己的年輕形象,奧巴馬在2007年10月的一次竟選演講中引用肯尼迪總統就職演說中的話說:「如果不是這個火炬在被一次次地傳遞到新一代的手上,我不會有這個機會的。」


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