

, I still wear it。


  When I began reporting on sustainable lifestyles a couple of years ago, I started to ask myself a few questions before buying new clothes. "Can you see yourself in this outfit five to 10 years from now? Is it something that will last? Will it go well with the things you already own?"


  These are the same ideas behind having a "capsule wardrobe" - a collection of a few essential pieces that can be mixed and matched, worn from day to night and updated with key items. The concept became popular in the West in the mid-1980s, following the release of American designer Donna Karan"s "7 Easy Pieces", which consisted of a bodysuit, skirt, blouse, coat, leggings, jacket and dress。

  這些都是掩藏在「膠囊衣櫥」之後的想法——這裡面是少量必備衣服、可以混合搭配,一天到晚都可以穿,款式也不會太過時。二十世紀八十年代中期,隨著美國設計師唐納·卡蘭(Donna Karan)發布她的「簡潔7件」理念,上述觀念在西方變得流行,這一理念倡導的「7件」為:一件緊身衣、一條裙子、一件女裝襯衫、一件外套、一件夾克衫、一條褲子及一件晚禮服。

  The capsule wardrobe"s emphasis is on having a small yet versatile clothing collection, which will survive fashion trends and washing cycles。


  Chinese consumers, who only rediscovered modern fashion following the country"s economic reforms three decades ago, want to buy more - not less. People such as Wang Mingming, who have adopted capsule wardrobes in the face of so much bargain clothing, are a rarity. In 2009, the resident of Ningbo, Zhejiang province, simplified her wardrobe to seven sets of clothing per season. She makes sure not to wear an outfit twice in the same week and uses shoes and bags to freshen her look, but the 32-year-old has basically been wearing a handful of items again and again for years. The oldest piece she owns dates back to 2001.


  Wang"s decision has not only helped her put together a quality wardrobe, but it has also improved her quality of life. She wanted to devote more energy to exercising, reading and relaxing, and not having to keep up with fashion trends has freed up her time and money。


  Inspired by such stories, I"ve toyed with the idea of also living on a capsule wardrobe. If I were to have only "7 Easy Pieces", then I"d have to get rid of 150 garments. Since I"ve now gone for seven months without buying any new clothes, I"m confident this goal will be within reach in this lifetime。



如何準確推斷自己的出生時辰? - 孫汗青(晗清) - 中國講師網 講師博客,培訓博客,中國...

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