
04、第四集 「道」與我們的關係(幻燈片)

第四集 「道」與我們的關係(幻燈片)Episode4:《"Tao"and We》


























太陽                          地球這個就是真正的太陽和我們生存的地球。前面《道德經》裡面有講「三生萬物」。


太極八卦                         八卦《易經》八卦裡面的天講的就是太陽跟虛空,地就是大地,山河大地。有天、有地,有風、有雷電、有水、有火、有山、有海。地、水、火、風、空,全部配合起來,它就會醞釀、化育各種萬物出來。所以,伏羲畫八卦,要知道啊!講的都是整個大自然在孕育萬物啊!你了解這方面,才有助於去了解生命是怎麼來,生從哪裡來。你進一步才會了解到、進一步再去探討宇宙的現象,萬有是怎麼樣在演化,你才會進一步了解到什麼叫做不生不死。







天地父母「誰知盤中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。」我們沒有否定農民的辛苦,感恩農民的辛苦。但是要知道,農民不是把種子放在口袋裡它就長出很多啊!不是放在布袋裡,幾個月之後就變成很多的米出來啊!這個種子要播種在天地父母的懷抱中、播種在道裡面,幾個月就成果累累。這個過程就是天地父母在化育萬物,化育各種食物來養育我們這些子女。我們進一步要去思維:道跟我們生命到底有什麼關係?如果你不了解的話,你真的會覺得:「這個沒什麼,這個不重要。」非常重要!非常重要!就像如果我們不了解、不認識生我們、養育我們的父母,我們甚至會破壞他、傷害他啊!如果我們了解養育我們生命的這個父母是那麼地辛苦在養育我們,我們就會懂得孝順、懂得感恩——人類對地球的認知決定整個地球未來的命運!前面這些是很重要的基礎,後面再去做深入地解析跟連接,你們才能夠體會到:哦!原來道跟我們有這麼深的密切關係!了解真正的生命共同體是什麼,進一步去了解道的特徵、特性,那你才會進一步去了解我們的清凈本心是什麼樣的特徵、特性。為什麼老子會講道,然後要引導我們回歸到道?引導我們回歸到道,不是引導我們去死亡,不是引導你向他方世界去求生,絕對不是那回事!老子要讓我們了解道是什麼,然後讓我們進一步了解道的特徵、特性是什麼,而這個道就是宇宙最清凈、最高的心靈品質!老子會告訴我們,我們每個人都擁有宇宙最清凈、最高的心靈品質。你要了解道是什麼,進一步你才會真的開發出最高的心靈品質。Episode4:《"Tao"and We》Dear countrymen,dear family people:Hi!OK,let"s continue to discuss the wisdom in Dao De Jing.Now we shall continue to use some slide to share the meaning of "Tao",to help you understand better.Never say:「Oh! It is just so!Oh! So simple!I have known it!It is nothing!Ah! I have understood!" Not so easy in fact!Never take knowledge as practical realization and real proof,and never regard your knowledge as something you have proved by yourself.I wish you will have a correct and in-depth understanding.You must have the right knowledge and right idea,then, go to the actual life,to experience the real world, and prove the truth by your own body.Only when you have really proved and realized by your own body can you feel at ease and free in the real sense;Only then can you change your moral character,individual character and temper gradually;And can really open the higher wisdom.So long as you have not really transformed obviously,so long as your body and mind have not become soft,have not known thanksgivings,not opened the higher wisdom,not shown the grace,you have not realized Tao really.So,I hope all of you will go deeper to discuss, study and learn.All right. Let"s use... use what scientists say to help us better understand "Tao".Look!This one, this slide shows nothing! Right?There is nothing in it.But this slide is the most profound.That is just the "wordless heavenly book" mentioned by our ancestor.That is, the "Tao" in Lao Zi"s theory,the "Non-pole" in Confucianism,the "Emptiness" in Buddhism,and the "God" in Catholicism and Christianity.Yet, if you have not understood the real picture, and only regard it as a religion,you will easily become partial, and biased.What we try to do now is just to transcend that religious level.No fanaticism, no superstition,so, we have come to the spirit of proving the truth objectively, coldly and rationally. So, what I am talking with you is just the reality, which can be proved and tested by science.OK! This is the real "Non-pole",the origin of the universe mentioned by Lao Zi.It seems to be nothing,but inside, it contains inexhaustible energy.Scientists have also found:compared with the energy considered by people in the past,the dark matter, and dark energy are even greater!Even more enormous!Thus,this non-pole is absolutely not at the shallow level usually considered by people,it is bottomless.That is what Lao Zi means by the saying "extremely mysterious"! Very profound indeed!In the current astrophysics,they suppose,it is also conducted that there is a start,called "big bang".Of course,it is just a deduction!In fact,we should keep a skeptical attitude to this.For scientists are still continuing to probe.What about the picture before the big bang?So,it is only a hypothesis at present.They think there is a start as the big bang.Because scientists feel, if there is no start, they will be unable to find the proper approach.Without a definite power or definite law, they will feel they will be unable to make a start.Thus, the present astronomic physics starts from a big bang begin.Then, the big bang will release a very huge amount of energy,extremely great energy.Then, how about this energy?It will form a whole lot of very spacious and minimal particles.In the transformation from energy to matter,the first thing is the minimal particle.The minimal particles form bigger particles slowly,grosser particles.Then, they operate, turn, and turn...Slowly, all kinds of nebulas come into being,so we have nebulas.OK, this is the Rosette Nebula,and it looks like a rose.This is the Firebird Nebula,looking like a firebird,called Firebird Nebula.called Firebird Nebula.If you have a high-power telescope,you will see this Firebird Nebula,in Orion,you can see this Firebird Nebula.Look, this is a corner of the Nebula.The universe is really extremely vast!Very immense!One corner of it,you see, looks like a grain of dust.Here it looks like some sand!Yet,in it,a tiny point in your eyes,we should know, once it turns,it will turn out a solar system!Any of these points,looks like a small ball though,once it operates,it will...turn, turn...and will form a big solar system.So long as it forms matter.Remember! In the transformation from energy to matter,all the initial minimal particles have both the positive and the negative,namely, their electric potentials are different.So, whenever there is a difference in electric potential,it will turn, rotate,move, and change for certain.Then all things come into being this way. Through the flowing,revolution, and changing,all kinds of energy are transformed into minute particles,then, they evolve into atoms, and molecules slowly.Then, they form all things.All things in the universe have come into being this way.So,this is a solar system.The formation of the Milky Way galaxy is also the case:it came into being from the inexhaustible energy source of the universe,with the energy being converted to matter,namely, the minimal particles.So,if you only regard the universe as matter,what you see is not its origin,you cannot see its voidness,and you cannot see its inner mystery, either.That is "extremely mysterious and abstruse".If you fail to see that point,you will be very conceited,believing you have understood,but you do not know you are very partial, very ignorant.OK. That is the process of conversion from energy to matter.Then, the whole thing will revolve continuously.It must rotate without stop.This is our Milky Way galaxy,and our Milky Way galaxy also came into being this way.Thus,just as Dao De Jing says,all things in the universe came gradually from Tao,including the whole Milky Way galaxy.This is a side view of the Milky Way.Inside it,it is still brewing many many stars continuously.So long as there is energy,remember,so long as there is energy anywhere,it will turn out matter,it will produce, and produce.As for this creation or production,how to understand it correctly?If you think there is a super deity,he is controlling everything,then, you will narrow the meaning of "Tao".What Lao Zi sees,wow! the origin of this universe is shapeless, and without image!It is not as common people image according to their experience.It is not as they describe, so and so.No.So,Lao Zi has seen so profoundly.He has seen all things should have been evolved from the origin of the universe, Tao.So,the Milky Way galaxy came out this way.Then, how about this solar system?It is no exception, either.OK!Now let"s narrow our scope to come to our solar system.Well,our solar system also came out this way:from a corner of the vast nebula,a cloud cluster,it came into being, so, we have had this solar system.Of course,the process was very very long.Only after a long gestation did our solar system come out, yes.So,as we have seen,all matter you can see and can imagine evolved from the origin of the universe, Tao.How about the description of this course?Confucianists describe it this way: the evolution starts from non-pole, then, we Taiji, then two poles,then, four images, then eight diagrams,and all things on earth.In Christianity and Catholicism, they call this process "creation of the world by God"!They use their religious belief to describe it.Yet, in this case,it is easy to stop only at the religious level,and lose the objective cognition.We do not say their descriptions are wrong,only that with regard to the process of Tao"s generation of all things,they use a metaphor to describe it,a metaphor easy for the common people to understand.So, that is just the process of Creation talked about by Christianity in modern times.It is true of other religions too:all of them will probe into the general source of all things in universe.Then, after the birth of our solar system,let"s see how our earth came out.Similarly,the earth came from the entire nebula of the solar system.A great part of it rotated,and then,turned out a star like the earth.At the beginning,the earth was also very hot,very very hot.After this high temperature dropped down,vapour would come out in the cooling process.The vapour floated into the sky,then it would change,rotate, so, there were rainfalls,with rainwater coming down.With the rainwater, there would be lakes coming into existence, so we have got lakes.So,after the slow gestation of the solar system,the earth cooled down slowly.After the cooling down,we had the land, oceans,and air,thus, all kinds of liveswere gestated gradually.This process of gestation of all kinds of lives,is just the "Three gave birth to all things in universe" mentioned in Dao De Jing."Tao gives birth to One".Tao is the origin of the universe.In this inexhaustible void,there is great energy,the great energy is shown in minimal particles,forming a vast area of nebulas.That is just the meaning of "Tao gives birth to One".Then slowly the nebulas,Milky Way galaxy,and solar system came into existence.That is "One gives birth to Two".Then, "Two gives birth to Three".In "Two gives birth to Three", the entire solar system came out.When the solar system came out,we reached the stage of "Three".At the stage of "Three",we had the solar system.Because there were the sun,the earth,and the inexhaustible void,the great void always supported the existence of the solar system,by supplying energy continuously to it;moreover, the whole solar system released very great energy,thus, we have the void, the sun and the earth.That is the so-called "Three".In the gestation by the Three,slowly, all things came out.All plants,all animals,all living creatures,including our mankind,came out this way.Now can you understand?This is very important, very important!You should chew it more deeply,think deeply.Because we want to help you to understand the great issue of life and death.All phenomena in the universe,including all the plants and animals,were gestated from our parents of Heaven and Earth.「Tao gives birth to One, One gives birth to Two, and Two gives birth to Three".Namely, the universe as an exhaustless void body,containing tremendous energy,generated the sun and the earth; then, in the slow process of gestation, a process of billions of years.All kinds of plants and animals came into being.Well, this is just...You see,the picture of the living creatures on the earth five hundred million years ago. You can see animals too.Then, two hundred million years ago,then, one hundred million years ago,and then one hundred thousand years ago:all those are descriptions of our earth.Well,this is the present condition.All the same,don"t forget,all these come from the evolution of Tao.Our ancestors,all our ancestors,have evolved from Tao.OK!Now, let"s read Chapter 40 of Dao De Jing."Tao operates through reversion;Tao is shown in weakness.All things in the universe come from being, and being comes from non-being."Wow! Too wonderful! Too wonderful!Lao Zi should actually have seen that all "existences" in the came from "inexistence".The most important thing for us is the deep meaning in "All things in the universe come from being" and "Being comes from non-being".OK!What does "all things in the universe" mean?As we can understand easily,all the plants and animals on the earth,the heavenly bodies, the mountains, rivers and lands,including all the human races all the human beings and all kinds of animals,are called "all things in the universe".Then, let"s see "all things in the universe".Where did they come from?Just from the aforesaid "Three" and "Being".The great inexhaustible void of the universe has gestated the solar system and the earth.This is the sun and the earth.Then, do the sun and earth have a shape and image, being materialized?Yes?They have already formed the "being",all things in the phenomenon world.So,what we mean here by "Being" just refers to the solar system...that is, the whole Milky Way galaxy,and solar system,and the smaller scope is the sun and the earth.So,with the sun and the earth coming out,they will be able to evolve and turn out all things on the earth.that is, everything you see around you, such as the plants, animals,mountains, rivers and lands.Then, how about the solar system and the earth?Where did this "being" come from?"Being comes from non-being".This point is very mysterious.OK! Now,come on! Go on looking!How do scientists account for this point?Look! Before looking,let"s read this sentence in Chapter 42,as we have talked before,"Tao gives birth to One, One gives birth to Two, Two gives birth to Three,and Three gives birth to all things in the universe". Let"s consider the process.But we should pay special attention to this sentence:"Everything carries yin in the back and holds yang in the front,and yin and yang together lead to harmony".Lao Zi has actually realized that,in all things in the universe, whether big or small,there are two aspects: the positive and the negative.Oh! This is very great!All things in the universe actually "carries yin in the back and holds yang in the front",that means,there must be both positive and negative in anything.If there is the negative, there must be the positive together.This is too wonderful.OK! Now let"s use modern science to account for it.This is an important magazine, very famous in Taiwan,specially reporting the latest progress in the domain of science,such as inventions,discoveries, researches and so on.Which played a great role,as it specially reports the progress of science,about the frontier science.This is what they reported about the new development of modern scientific community in recent years,as they are probing into the physics of the void.That is to say, after the test of the big hadron bumping in Switzerland,the scientific community dropped into that world of the void,touching the inner aspect of the void world.For several years,the scientific community has been probing!Probing!They are doing research! "Did the universe really come from the void?"This a new report only several months ago,only three months ago.only three months ago."Was the universe really born from the void?" So, all these reports are the latest, the latest.In the past, the scientific community defined a space absolutely having no matter.In that space, there was no matter at all, no any particle,nothing at all,including no sunshine,There is nothing at all in it. no minute particle.That world is called the "void world".So,in the physics world or the scientific community, people would suppose an absolute space,in which there is nothing at all.They used to think:"You must let me be able to measure it, however small the particle may be,I must be able to measure it, quantize it.I can test,can feel, and can see it. If my flesh and blood cannot feel it, it doesn"t matter, I can use some instruments to detect it." They thought,only in this way can "I" believe.If they cannot test it and see it,they will not believe,and will consider it as superstition.They will say, it is unpractical,void, mysterious,too empty and mysterious to be worth considering.Yet,when scientists chased, chased and chased,trying to get that smallest particle,chasing all the way, wow!Everything vanished!Then, from that vanishing,from a world without anything, something came out again.So,only until now have scientists realized the profundity and significance of the void.So,this is a description,describing the aforesaid void world, in that black box,a world without anything, a world of the void.Only now have they found so,wow! They had been seeking, seeking, seeking that most minute particle,but in the end, they have come the void world.They should have found,in the void world,the particle they observed was in such a state:the particle contained both yin and yang(negative and positive), and from the void world,the material and minimal particles came out continuously.They also found:The minimal particle would vanish with both positive and negative together,so, there were both life and death.In the void world,they have actually found such a thing,wow!Those particles came from nothingness, and from nothingness,came out being; and moreover, the yin and yang (positive and negative) appeared at the same time and they disappeared at the same time, too.Oh! I feel,it is another very great step forward the scientific community has taken.In this regard, let"s come back to see what Lao Zi says,wow! you see, our ancestor"s observation was so deep as early as two thousand and five hundred years ago.Being, namely, all things, came from non-being (nothingness).All the heavenly bodies came from nothingness.Lao Zi could say so in such a definite manner,and he told us:"Everything carries yin in the back and hold yang in the front." In all of them, the negative and positive appear at the same time, and vanish at the same time.Terrific!Of course,I"m also very grateful to those top masters in the science world,as they are working hard continually,to enable more people to understand the mystery and wonderfulness of the universe.So,you see,this is just the picture:From the void world,pairs of particles came out,and the particles must have both positive and negative at the same time.They came in pairs, and vanished in pairs.There are both life and death.Life is followed by death, and death is followed by life.That is the wonderful picture found by the scientists, about the mystery of the void.Also, in Chapter 1 of Dao De Jing, at the very beginning, it tells us so!Doesn"t it?"The Tao that can be said is not the normal Tao;The name that can be called is not the true name",you see, "Non-being is the beginning of the world;Being is the mother of all things in the universe".So,if you have really known the true fact,just from Chapter 1 of Dao De Jing,you will feel shocked,yes, even shocked to death!If your brains are very stiff,very rigid, and materialized,you will feel: There is nothing in it!It is too deceitful!It is not practical at all!It is talking about empty things!Or,if you have been materialized in mind,you will fail to see the great truth in it.Right after the first chapter, Lao Zi says:"Both came from the same origin but have different names.The same origin can be said to be mysterious,and the extreme mysterious thing is the gate to all wonders."Too great!Lao Zi has seen the great profundity and mystery!So,Lao Zi said later: "Ah! I surrender!" That is to say, that ego has melted off."How can I go on feeling proud?" That ego has really melted off.Only when you have realized the wonderfulness of all things,the wonderfulness of the universe,can the ego of mankind melt off.OK! Long time ago,Lao Zi mentioned the "extremely mysterious" already!Let"s see, the current astronomic physics,the current science,the present scientists,they have entered the chordal physics after the quantum physics.You see, in the scientific community,they have found the atom,The electron, the proton, the neutron,and so on!But now they feel none of them is minute enough.So they have continued to probe.They took the proton to dissect,then, they took the nucleon, proton, and electron to dissect.At last, they discovered the chord!That is to say... In the physics world,there is a rate of progress,step by step.After passing the theory of relativity,they came to quantum physics. Quantum physics has already transcended the field of relativity!Then, after quantum physics,they entered the chordal physics.Then, the chordal physics has entered the void physics as we mentioned above.Has this proved, step by step,the great wisdom of our ancestor,Lao Zi?Hasn"t it?Please think more carefully, and taste more profoundly.Wow! What scientists have found should be such a truth:the whole universe is a chord,a very elegant chord.So,wow! The science world has found,oh!An elegant universe.The entire universe is a harmonious chord!You play,we play together.You use a different musical instrument,and then we will play a symphony.In the evening, here,we will hear the chord music of Mother Nature,the sounds of nature, the great symphony.The universe turns out to be so harmonious.It is a chordal physics. Wow!All those are the latest findings,made by scientists in the recent decade.This is a chordal physics.OK. Then, after the chord physics,if we go further,we will enter the void physics!So,Lao Zi says so to us.What he has seen is: 「Something came before Heaven and Earth,and can be Mother of the universe」 Wow!「I do not know its name」so, I just call it 「Tao」 for the time being.Now have you got a more clear and concrete understanding?There is no superstition at all.Don"t indulge in superstition, don"t fall into fanaticism, but do not materialize and take yourself as a robot for study, either.All things in the universe have the two aspects of positive and negative.Every human"s life has both positive and negative,being a combination of the positive and the negative.No matter how small the infinitesimal particle might be,there are both positive and negative in it.The life of us everyone is the case, too...In the life of everyone, there are both positive and negative together!Let"s say more clearly:all our life is composed of matter and soul,and the soul is just the body of the immaterial Tao.That is a very profound truth.Including things on the earth.Look!On the earth, things are so mysterious!All animals,including mankind, must have two sexes, the males and females are in a balance.Who is controlling the world to make it so?Too wonderful!On the earth, from the ancient till the present,no matter which nation,there have been both male and female living together,and they keep a dynamic balance.Too mysterious!So,what Lao Zi sees is very profound.He says:Oh! Too mysterious! "Extremely mysterious"!OK! Then, let"s make a summary.Look! The left is the origin of the universe mentioned by us,and the right is a result of the origin.So,one side is immaterial and shapeless,and the other side is in certain shapes.Just as the case is, one side is spirit, the soul,and the other side is matter.If you as a person only materialize yourself,not believing the spirit,the void aspect,then, you will become partial,your life will be materialized and mechanized.In all phenomena,there are both aspects, being existent together.Well, look at the topside:the origin will produce all things in the phenomenon world,and that is our universe.And, the void turns out all things in the universe, all things come from the void.Then, in order to help you understand better, I will use a metaphor!This is a metaphor only!All things in universe, being shown out, are just like the waves.How about the origin? It is like the sea.Because of the existence of the great sea,we have waves coming out;Because of the existence of the void universe,all things in the phenomenon world came into being.Now can you understand?So,don"t fear the void!Don"t fear the non-pole!For it is the source of our life!Furthermore, just like the root and branches and leaves,every tree has its root!Then it has tree trunk,and branches and leaves.So,this is a metaphor, for helping you to understand better.Just like a mother bearing a child.Then, how about the left side?Look! Let"s look the next one.Lao Zi calls it "Tao" and "Ming (Name)",and they appear as early as in the first chapter.Tao, Name.Tao means the original body of the universe,referring to the void, nothingness and virtual aspect.Then, as for what is shown to us,we give it a name in order to facilitate communication.It must be shown out in an image.The image can vary greatly!The image is varied, yet,if we do not label it with a name,it will be hard for us to communicate with each!Just like the so many people at present here, including the many people of the TV viewers later.If you haven"t given them names, when I talk on someone, no one will know who I refer to.If none of you has been given a name,then, when I call someone,all of you will stand up!So,in the phenomenon world,as things are varied,in order to communicate, we will give them a name.So,what Lao Zi says about "Name" just means all things in the phenomenon world.Well,as for this "Tao",sometimes, Lao Zi also calls it "Wu (Non-being)".Non-being and being form a contrast,and energy source and matter also form a contrast.Yet,energy source and matter are what can be understood in the scientific community or physics.Yet we should know,they are just for us to understand easily.The energy source interpreted by the scientific community is not the same as the Tao mentioned by Lao Zi,not identical.Tao mentioned by Lao Zi includes energy source,and energy source is a major part of Tao.What the scientific community can understand is energy source.Then, how about now?They have just approached the edge of the void,the world of void, and have just come to Tao little by little.So,we cannot say:Oh! Tao is just energy source. Not so.Energy source is in Tao, and Tao is too mysterious.This energy source is absolutely not such a thing:I burn the wood,and let several calories of heat be released,or, this is a pile of energy,and we could use it to warm ourselves.Not only such a thing.No!That is a shallow idea of the common people.Energy source is not only heat, not only one kind.In the energy source,there is a great creativity!Energy source has life,and it is very profound.Then, in Buddhism,Sutra of the Mind says,"Color cannot leave void, void cannot leave color".Here, "void" is the Tao mentioned by Lao Zi while "color" refers to all things in the phenomenon world.All the same! Color and void,it is...Color (matter) has evolved from void,and then, all things in the phenomenon world will return to void.It is just what Confucianists say about non-pole and Taiji (extreme pole).OK! Let"s come back to see this picture.So,the series of contents on the left side is to help you understand the general source of all things in the universe.What name you give it is not important.So,different religions will have different names,for example, some call it "God".Or Lord. Or Allah.Some call it "Heavenly King".But all they say refer to the same thing.It is not like this: in some religion,we are told that there is a dominating deity in Heaven,just like the top leader of a country on earth,Heaven has a top leader,he is controlling everything, issuing orders.Not, not at such a level!If he is a deity with a shape or image,if there is such a god that has a shape and image,as we know, if he is a kind of god with a shape and image... Such as Buddha!As we know,it will be a phenomenon,it is showing its image.But behind it,there must be something shapeless and imageless, that is, Tao, as its source of life.So,some religions use some certain image to describe that source of life.Including Buddhism.Someone says:Oh! Some god, or some Buddha,is so powerful, so great.We must know, they are just shapes or images.In fact, all of us living creatures are fostered by Tao,supported by Tao.What is shown out comes from the shapeless.Then, this shapeless thing does not belong to any one,that is the source of all us living creatures.OK! Now let"s return to the major principle,major direction mentioned before.Now let"s return to the solar system,to see how the Tao of the earth "generates all things".This is the sun, the real sun.This is the earth,the real earth of ours.Well,as Dao De Jing says,"Three gives birth to all things".This is just the One.From the top, let"s look the most back part,and that is the Tao, or Non-pole, the original body of the universe.Then, it gives birth to Taiji,then, Taiji evolves, evolves,splits, splits.All things in the universe came into being this way.That is just the major principle mentioned in Book of Changes and Dao De Jing.Well,let"s go further,and we have realized that both Book of Changes and Dao De Jing tells us the whole process of creation.Thus,the "Heaven" mentioned here is the sun and the void.Look! The Heaven mentioned in the Eight Diagrams of Book of Changes is the sun and the void,and the Earth refers to our Mother Earth,including mountains, rivers and plains.We have had Heaven and Earth,then?There are wind, thunderbolt,water, fire, mountains, and seas.Land, water, fire, wind, and void,when all of them are matched together,they will gestate all things in the universe.So,when Fuxi drew the Eight Diagrams,we should know,He was describing the gestation of all things in the universe!the process of Mother Nature"s gestation of all things in the universe.Well,only after you have known this can you better understand how our life came out how our life came out Then, you can further probe into phenomena of the universe,how all things evolve.Only then can you know what is neither life nor death.So,let"s further discuss,look at all living creatures.You see,this is the Eight Diagrams!The Eight Diagrams just represent the matching of conditions of all aspects of Mother Nature!We have done some analysis already!Sky, land, water, fire, thunder, electricity...all kinds of factors are matched together,then, all living creatures will came out.So,all people, including both men and women, have resulted from Tao.So, you see, all living creatures have evolved from Tao.So,this slide also shows us the fact,as I often see, all things in the universe are telling us so.All of them came from the same source.Like this flower,I call it "Taiji Flower",and as a matter of fact it is just a begonia!Taiji Flower. Have you seen that?This flower is one,and then, after one flower fades, two flowers will come out;then, we shall have four flowers,then we shall have eight;then, we shall have sixteen flowers.If you keep on looking after it,continue to care for it,giving it energy,after the sixteen flowers fade off,thirty-two flowers will come out.That is true! Very wonderful!So,wow! I look at them,and all of them are telling me the wonderfulness of the universe!Including this fruit. What is it called?Oh! This is a Chinese pear-leaf crab, or we call it crabapple .I have seen on one tree,at least three or four hundred crabapples have grown out,at least three or four hundred.Please ponder over carefully, try to understand more deeply.These three or four hundred little crabapples represent all of us, you, me and he.A person is just like a crabapple.Can you realize,the three or four hundred crabapples have also come from the same source?The same fruit tree should have turned out so many fruit.Then, perhaps someone will say:Oh! But this fruit tree of mine is different from that fruit tree!If you feel it is different,please take that Taiji Picture here again,come on!Go up further,and further,you will find the same source.So,if you still keep the idea of binary opposition,saying only my religion is the best,my religion is the best only,then, it shows you have seen the general source of life.If you still keep the thought of binary opposition,these ideas about differentiation,including all kinds of opposition between you, me and him,then, please go on to probe,and you will certainly find out the common source of our life.You can certainly find it.So,why I call you "family members"? We are really in the same family, indeed! All of us have the same ancestor! From the same ancestor!From the same ancestor!and then, do we have the same parents,heaven and earth? Don"t we?We have the same ancestor, and also the same parents as heaven and earth who are fostering us now.illustrations just serve as a representation!Just like the Eight Diagrams in Book of Changes, they use the simple symbols to tell us the truth of the universe.Now I use another example to help you to understand, as this one is very attractive, you will get a deep impression after seeing it.How about these tomatoes?All the same!All came from the one source.OK! ,It seems that, there are your family, my family, his family,thousands of families.But you should know,no matter how we divide, we...You see, here there should be...should be one or two hundred families!Are these one or two hundred families not in the same bosom of our parents, heaven and earth?Aren"t we?Yes!You will see,this is just the real wordless heavenly book,and you must be able to read it.Dao De Jing has mentioned "heaven and earth as parents",and Book of Changes has mentioned "heaven and earth", too.Dao De Jing has also said heaven and earth turn out all things,namely, "Three produces all things in the universe".Where?Everywhere under the very nose of ours.You should be able to realize it.That is, our heaven and earth parents,Tao, are turning out food for us to eat.Just as...We are all like children in the arms of our parents.When we were infants,our parents would...When I was small, I grew up by sucking the my mother"s milk,later, someone fed me with cow"s milk.But in despite of the food you depend on for your growth,where do all kinds of foods come from?They are from our heaven and earth parents!It is true: Our parents earned money,then, used a lot of food to bring us up.But, we should know:All these kinds of foods come from the cultivation by our heaven and earth parents.We do not negate the farmers" toil,"When we are enjoying the yummy on the plate, do not forget every grain of it came from hard toil."We do not deny farmers" toil,and thank them for their toil,but we should know,if farmers put the seed in their pocket,can so much grain grow out?Instead of putting it in their pocket, they put it in the field.So, several months later,it will change into a lot of grain!The seed is sowed in the bosom of our heaven and earth parents,sowed in Tao,for several months,you see!Thus, we have a lot of grain.Yet,we should taste this process carefully.It"s our heaven and earth parents who are nurturing all things in the universe,turning out all kinds of food to feed us, their children.Now can you understand?So,we must think further:What relation does "Tao" have with our life?If you do not understand this,you will really feel:There is nothing in it!It is unimportant!No, it is very important!Very important!Just like this: if we do not know,cannot tell who are our parents,who have fostered us,if we do not know them we might even hurt them!If we have known our parents who bore and nurtured us,known how hard they brought us up,we would know filial piety,and know thanksgiving.Mankind"s cognition of the earth determines the future fate of the entire earth.OK!Let"s stop here in this section.In our next section, we shall go on analyzing and sharing ideas.OK!


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