(月運)Astro twins 2014年1月 雙魚座(愛情事業...

【愛情&關係】 譯者:冒險家Amanda 嗨喲就是你,萬眾矚目的魚!撩人火星進入代表親密和誘惑的八宮天秤座,拜它所賜,魚的舉手投足之間都散發著濃濃的性感吶~直到7月25日之前,魚都被性感和挑逗武裝。你的撩人魅力指數爆表,並且絕對會因為他人的傾情而暗爽。如果你想給子孫後代們展示奶奶/爺爺我當年的魅力,也許還會去拍套私房寫真神馬的。是否有位特別的某人想要魚魚輕解羅裳作為情人節獻禮捏?那麼,那些自我感覺良好的寫真也可以作為自我欣賞的一種方式嘛~ 本月,魚對於外衣不太在意--差不多的大衣,還不錯的裙子?——花心思更多的是內!衣!啊喂!也許是時候整理內衣抽屜,把那些該捐的文胸扔掉,來點兒新的更好的真絲精品。(作者註:想要受點兒啟發?參考一下內衣專家和自詡好色之徒的傢伙們的犀利俳句吧~)或者是來點兒高織數床品的時候了,特別是本月你的大部分閑暇時光都會在床上度過。(嗯哼~!)性愛課程?這個可以有。如果二月早期魚身處紐約,那就去參加為期兩天的Mama Gena的女性藝術體驗活動吧。在這個有利於女性魅力滋長的階段,你可以充分釋放內心的那個小蕩婦,盡情妖嬈……並且出擊吧! 不太好的方面是:戰士火星在壓力八宮可能導致佔有慾和嫉妒。沒錯,你覺得你自己和消遣的小火花一切正常——直到你在校內留言板上看到一條留言,十有八九是清白的但是卻令你瞬間嫉妒到發狂。客氣點兒講,你已做好準備,要掐死內個騷貨狐狸精。強烈的情緒,尤其是你如果已經壓抑了有一陣子的話,很容易突然爆發。(O!M!G!我要忍!我不是變升魚軟妹了么!?怎麼還是不能忍!?) 對於有些魚來說,這意味著你的真情實感可能使關係進入更為真切誠實的境界。也許對方並沒意識到原來你已經這樣在乎了(不知道吧你?姐演技好吧?擦!)——這並不是一件壞事哦~但是如果你的嫉妒心威脅到了他人的利益,那就是壞事嘍~魚呀,你自以為這是好事兒呢,你根本控制不住啊。如果你想和對方倒苦水,先等一等,花點兒時間想想1)你到底想說什麼;以及2)怎麼說才不會顯得像抨擊。如果你那樣做,結果無非兩敗俱傷。如果你此刻確實在於不確定性做鬥爭(差點兒沒犧牲啊),也許這是接受單人或者雙人心裡諮詢治療,從而解決問題的好時候。 1月1日左右,緊張可能引起爭吵,彼時新月和強烈的冥王星在你的情感十一宮與天秤座火星形成挑戰的角度。小心應對忽冷忽熱的情況。前一秒你還對伴侶或者曖昧對象愛不釋手,後一秒你就把人家打入冷宮。誒喲喂! 魅力金星在代表團體活動和友情的十一宮摩羯座逆行至1月31日,幫助你冷卻滋滋冒煙的緊張氣氛。如果感情生活由文火慢燉轉向了熱血沸騰,記得時不時的叫個停,和小夥伴兒們大傢伙兒們一起玩耍玩耍,給感情充充電。不必讓一對一關係完全佔據你的人生。即便你們可以一整天抱在一塊兒起膩,你也需要和除TA以外的世界保持聯繫啊親~並且,出去接觸世界再回到愛的小巢里分享彼此的經歷不是更好嗎? 金逆時期,和伴侶一起活動可能被打上危險信號。你的某位死黨可能和伴侶起衝突,可能是因為政治或者其他某些無厘頭的爭論。(作者註:是的,我們都該團結友愛,但是當人們對於某一件事無比積極的時候,大家也很難把持得住啊喂~)其他的可能:你可能對閨蜜的伴侶感到不滿意,因為她不但被愛情沖昏了頭,還強迫你接受她的對象。除非她要你去考牧師證來主持他們倆的婚禮,否則你還是順其自然吧。緊張氣氛很快會過去(作者註:而那段關係可能在情人節左右結束)。或者你發覺自己渴望更多的自由,甚至發現自己在和某位朋友調情,注意節操這絕不是好主意啊親--因為你們中的一位或者你們倆都已經有主啦,或者你心知肚明這段關係沒有未來。你也聽過那句老話吧:擠出來的牙膏啊潑出去的水。為了那時候回憶起來充滿愧疚的一夜激情而葬送一段友誼,你說值不值啊?嗯,我看不值。 另外,你的熱血時刻--無併發症副作用--將於1月15日出現,彼時甜蜜的巨蟹滿月照耀你的愛之五宮。愛的萌芽或者關係發展會在這日前後結出碩果(Yummy~)。嗨,滿滿的激情和觸電的感覺!有人說五宮掌管真愛,你絕對會意識到這一點,本來就沒人會嫌愛來的太快,況且當愛之花朵如此甜蜜地怒放之時,誰還會做他想呢?(作者註:看看歌手Phil Collins吧~)魚啊,為愛賭一把吧!將你的心聲一吐為快,把你的心完完全全地捧出來給對方瞧瞧吧~別怕你的深情會傷害別人或者讓對方尷尬。當你為愛孤注一擲之時,你一無所有,然後你將擁有一起。鑒於五宮也掌管生育,這天前後也可能懷孕。跟寶寶say hi~ 【金錢&事業】 譯者:即興幻想 在廣度與深度之間左右為難?1月1號,各種天象集中出現在摩羯座,你的11宮,代表改革的想法和合作。你已經準備好登陸希望之星,甚至走得更遠。讓你的理想和夢想支配你的想像吧。誰說你不能創造烏托邦?或者滑鼠輕點就解決無家可歸的流浪問題?擺脫「現實性」的束縛才能去發掘無限的可能。更可喜的是,你甚至可以很輕鬆的說服一些志同道合的人一起行動。團隊合作——你最愛的模式,魚魚。(原文作者筆誤,竟然寫成「水瓶」!喪心病狂。。。) 但是,有太陽,月亮和顛覆的冥王星在摩羯座與熱血的火星在8宮形成緊張相位,你必須要全副身心地投入到計劃中才行。你的頭腦可能困惑,但這並不意味著你的直覺就不能深植於現實的考量。雖然這些天象看上去是相互衝突的,但實際上卻是相輔相成。一部分的你在全世界的範圍內博採眾長,另一部分的你洞悉事物的本質,這兩部分結合起來,就能引起深刻的變化。將你的建議用一種平易近人的方法應用到民眾身上,是「平易」不是「膚淺」。由於11宮還掌管靈感,因此在未來的六個月,計劃很可能以「靈光一閃」的形式到來。 有一件事情是可以肯定的,魚魚:這是在團體里揚名立萬的時候了,讓其他的人看到你內在的實力。你不是渴望名利的人,這挺好的,但想一想你可能費心費力的躲避公眾關注然後就把你的天才創意隱藏起來不為人知(但你的天才創意是應該服務大眾的)。 另外,有太多的原因能夠阻止你的妄自菲薄。Jonathan Fields在一篇關於《古蘭經》的哲理文章中說得很明白:「#1 沒人關心你是誰,除非他們看到你的成就。#2 沒人關心你的成就除非他們知道你是誰。」千真萬確,魚魚。當你在家從事一些加深人道主義關懷的事業或者為非盈利性事業工作的時候,你感覺好極了。現在的你絕對是時代先驅,因此不要因為沒有人看到你的所做的事情就灰心喪氣——只是時機未到。堅持自己的立場和原則,等待啟蒙的大眾會儘快跟上你的。(腦海中立刻浮現出喬幫主的偉大形象。他老人家可是雙魚座的傑出代表。) 如果你期待大獲全勝的一天,自己的名字光輝閃耀,1月15日在5宮的巨蟹座滿月就是你展示創意的絕佳機會。通常,你是不會炫耀自己的超凡藝術力的,但事實上你是個貨真價實的未來的米開朗琪羅(也是一個雙魚)。現在,你擁有創意的魔力以及宇宙能量的支持,讓你將天賦與全世共享。就像舞蹈家Martha Graham的那句名言,「無盡歲月中只得一個你。。。如果壓抑創意的激情,它就會消失不見。整個世界都會失去它。」這也不是你願意看到的,不是么? 進取的火星進入天秤座,代表意外之財和共同財產的8宮,你野心勃勃地想賺大錢。或許你已經研究明白了一項投資的每個細節,比方說購房或者有一次性大筆收入的買賣。如果你有機會能夠從聯營合作中掙得利潤,該出手時就出手吧。你最近特別受財神爺偏愛。如果你願意,你可以帶著新近的財運和「吸引力」法則遊歷四方。關於這方面的信息,請參見Abraham Hicks. (又賣書。。。╭(╯^╰)╮) 一點忠告(很快就會很有用):1月1日,衝動的火星和新月,以及太陽和深刻的冥王星在摩羯座相刑,掌管集體聚會的11宮。在這個時間附近,小心碰到金字塔騙局——要不厭其煩地反覆檢查核對任何看起來「美好得太不真實」的事情。(那也許就不是真的。)這種做法也已經過時了:為了跟鄰居之間的攀比而做一些非常冒險的財務行為。壓力可能來自於大筆的支出,比如房地產費用,法律諮詢費。。。或者是稅單。所以要深思熟慮的算計,既要考慮內心需求又要考慮長遠發展,還要做足夠多的研究功課。 【概述】 Gather round, Pisces! You』re feeling lively, sociable and ready to keep the party going. The year commences with an electric new moon in Capricorn on January 1, in your social butterfly eleventh house of platonic connections and networking. Did someone say collaboration? With a whopping five planets—the Sun, the new moon, communicator Mercury, romantic Venus and transformational Pluto— in Capricorn, teamwork is where it』s at now. You could find yourself at the center of the crowd—and possibly a powerful one, since the page-turning new moon is linked with heavy hitter Pluto. The velvet ropes part for you, Pisces. Even as you』re rocking out in the middle of the dance floor or flitting from one over-the-top VIP lounge to the next, make time for reflection, keeping your New Year』s Day celebrations lively, but not shallow. On January 1, the Sun, moon and Pluto form a tense square to motivator Mars in Libra, your intimate and depth-craving eighth house. As a result, you could feel at odds with the people-pleasing need to play the witty entertainer and an equally intense need to be real and connect on a deeper level. You could be spreading yourself around too much and neglecting an important person (you know, the one sulking in the corner because you walked away mid-sentence to chat up an 「important」 contact?). Quality over quantity, Pisces. Watch out for a tendency toward over-sharing, too. Privacy has its merits. So does downtime, for that matter. As 2014 begins, you could find yourself the buzzing belle of the ball, without the much-needed personal space to recharge. How can you set a meaningful intention if you』re constantly in the fun-yet-distracting company of others? Amidst all this social flurry, you could be feeling out of step with a friend or crew. Harmonious Venus is retrograde (backward) in Capricorn, your eleventh house of platonic connections, until January 31. Perhaps you』re not seeing eye-to-eye with a BFF, or just not feeling the vibe of your old gang. With diplomatic Venus doing backstrokes, you could easily find yourself mired in discord or in-fighting. A team project could be tainted by conflict, too. If you can take a step back and reflect on what this group』s purpose is (and, in turn, what your role is within the group), you』ll be better poised to move ahead next month. On January 15, a Cancer full moon illuminates your fifth house of romance, passion and creativity. Who』s more hot-to-trot than you? This is a great moment to enjoy the spotlight. Whether you』re headed to an exclusive party or feeling seductive with your boo, this is a time to really take pleasure in who you are as a beautiful and fiery human being. Go ahead and flirt, seduce, hook up—this full moon won』t be short on opportunities to do so. Don that sizzling cocktail number and hit the town. The glittering full moon moment could feel like a bit of a last hurrah—at least for the four weeks following January 19, when the Sun burrows into Aquarius, your foggy twelfth house of healing and closure. This is a time to power down, not up. Truth be told, you』re at home in these free-flowing waters, as Pisces is the natural ruler of the zodiac』s twelfth house; the introspective mood will definitely be a welcome salve after all the audacious action of the previous month. Take a pause from the social whirlwind, at least temporarily. On January 31, the Aquarius new moon shines a light on this spiritual zone of your chart, possibly illuminating a need to heal in a certain area of your life. You could have an epiphany about how interconnected all our souls are and realize that someone your 「enemy」 is really your greatest teacher. Forgiveness reigns, so prepare to have your big compassionate heart burst even more wide open. Oh, but wait. Just because you』re in a touchy-feely mood doesn』t mean you』re devoid of action. As the Chinese Year of the Horse also begins on January 31, you』ll also feel a desire to kick up your hooves! Sure, you may be sad to end the security-focused Year of the Snake, since its yin and reflective qualities were more your speed. The Horse year moves a bit faster than your flowy sign likes, so you』ll need to make a more dedicated effort to take personal time. The breaks and solitude you crave won』t just magically appear. However, there will be a flurry of activity and colorful people to meet, so you』ll certainly enjoy that. 【愛情&關係】 Hello, head turner! You just can』t help exuding a deep sensuality, all thanks to sultry Mars making an extended trip through Libra, your eighth house of intimacy and seduction. Mars is in Libra until July 25, serving up sexiness with a side of intrigue. Your amorous mojo is off the charts, and you』ll definitely enjoy an personalized attention behind closed doors. If you want to capture this spicy transit for posterity, you might even hire a photographer to take boudoir shots. Is there a certain someone who』d like to see you baring some skin as a Valentine』s Day present? Then again, those feel-good photos could also be a nice mode of self-appreciation. This month, you care less about what you』re wearing on the top layer—a so-so winter coat, a cute-enough dress?—and WAY more about the garments that are closest to your skin. Perhaps it』s time to revamp your lingerie drawer, throwing away those Salvation Army-worthy bras in favor of new-and-improved silken things. (For some inspiration, check out this laser-focused haiku by this lingerie maven and self-described 「sensualista.」) Or perhaps it』s time to invest in those high thread count sheets, especially since the odds are darn good that you』ll spend every spare moment this month between them. Bawdy burlesque class, perhaps? If you』re in the New York City area in early February, sign up for Mama Gena』s two-day Live Womanly Arts Experience here. In this femme-friendly state, you can really let your inner vixen out to play…and pounce! Here』s the not-so-silver-lining: warrior Mars in your intense eighth house could translate to possessiveness and jealousy. Sure, you think you and your casual flame are all good—until you spot a possibly innocent post on their Facebook wall and your green-eyed monster is suddenly at the helm. You are, to put it mildly, ready to cut a b*tch. Strong emotions, especially if you』ve been repressing them, could burst out. In some cases, this airing of your true colors could move the relationship to a more authentic and honest place. Maybe your honey had no idea you care so much—and that』s not a bad thing. What could be bad is exercising your jealous streak to the detriment of the other person』s wellbeing. You can』t control them, Pisces, as much as you THINK that would be desirable. If you have a grade-A beef with your honey, you should pause, taking some time to ruminate on a) what you really want to say; and b) how to say it without going on the attack. If you do that, no one wins. If you』re really grappling with dicey issues, it might be a good time to pick them apart in therapy, either alone or with your love, if they』re game. This intensity could be especially pronounced on or around January 1, when the new moon and intense Pluto link up in your emotionally detached eleventh house and form a challenging angle to Mars in Libra. Beware of a tendency to run hot and cold. You could be really, really into your mate or crush one second and then cutting them off in the next. Ouch! Cooling off some of the red-hot intensity, magnetic Venus is retrograde (backward) in Capricorn, your eleventh house of group activity and friendships, until January 31. If things in your love life have moved from a simmer to a roiling boil, take frequent breaks from the emotional charges by spending time with pals or in a group setting. The one-on-one vibe doesn』t have to take over your life. Even if you could spend all day wrapped in each other』s limbs, you need to connect to the rest of the world. And isn』t it so much better when you go out, do your own thing and then reconvene to your cocoon-for-two with tons to share? Group activities with your honey come with a warning label during Venus retrograde. One of your BFFs could clash with your current sweetie, perhaps over politics or another seemingly innocent disagreement. (Yes, we all SHOULD get along, but when people are passionate about a cause, there』s no keeping that contained.) Other possibilities: you may not like a friend』s partner and may feel uncomfortable because not only is she one smitten kitten, but she』s also openly craving your seal of approval. Unless she』s asking you to get a certification from the Church of Life to minister their union, play this one cool. The tension will soon pass (and that relationship might fizzle out on its own by Valentine』s Day). Or, you might find yourself craving more freedom, maybe even striking up a flirtation with a friend that isn』t necessarily the best idea—either because one or both of you are spoken for, or you know it will never go anywhere. You know the saying: you can』t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Is one regrettable night worth the cost of your friendship? Hmmm. Probably not. Besides, your moment for full-blooded passion—sans complications—arrives on January 15, when a sweet Cancer full moon shines on your fifth house of romance. A budding crush or relationship development comes to fruition around this date. Hello, full-circle passionate chemistry! Some say the fifth house rules true love, and you could certainly realize that, not only can』t you hurry love, but when it blossoms this sweetly, who would want to anyway? (Cue the Phil Collins!) Take a chance on love, Pisces. Express yourself fully, wearing your heart on your sleeve. Don』t be afraid of hurting the other person or making them uncomfortable by showing the depths of your adoration. When you take a chance on romance, you have nothing to lose and oh-so much to gain. Since the fifth house rules fertility, a pregnancy is possible near this date. Hey, baby! 【金錢&事業】 Straddling the line between breadth AND depth? January 1 brings a planetary pileup in Capricorn, your eleventh house of progressive ideas and collaboration. You』re ready to reach for the stars and beyond. Let your ideals and dreams take hold of your imagination. Who』s to say you can』t create utopia online? Or solve homelessness with the click of your mouse? Forgoing 「reality」 will help you envision all the endless possibilities. Even better, you might not have trouble convincing a few like-minded people to join you for the cause. Make it a team effort—your favorite way to do anything, Aquarius. Yet with the Sun, moon and transformational Pluto in Capricorn forming a tense square to energizer Mars in your soulful eighth house, you』ll really need to feel these plans on a gut level. Your head may be in the clouds, but that doesn』t mean your instincts can』t be rooted in a deep sense of reality and knowing. Though it might seem like these cosmic energies are at odds, they can actually serve one another quite well. The part of you that desires authenticity on a global scale can really get down with the part of you that』s penetrating the depths and making some very intense connections. Take your complex message to the masses in a way that』s digestible, but not shallow. Since the eleventh house rules lightening bolt realizations, the 「how」 of this plan might even come to you via sudden epiphany, some time over the next six months. One thing is for certain, Pisces: it』s time to make yourself known in a group, and allow others to see your inner power shine. You』re not one for hogging the spotlight, and that』s fine, but consider that you might be going out of your way to avoid recognition and therefore keeping your genius ideas from the masses (who deserve to be enlightened by your genius ideas). Besides, there are other reasons to stop hiding your light under a bushel. This little Zen koan-esque post by Jonathan Fields says it all: 「#1 Nobody cares who you are until they know what you』ve done. #2 Nobody cares what you』ve done until they know who you are.」 So true, Pisces. You could feel right at home while furthering a humanitarian endeavor or launching or working for a non-profit. You』re definitely ahead of your time now, so don』t be discouraged if you articulate a vision that others don』t see—yet. Stay faithful to your principles, and the rest of the world will catch up soon. If you』re looking for a banner day to see your name in lights, the January 15 Cancer full moon in your expressive fifth house is the perfect moment to put your creativity on display. Often, you are not one to brag about your artistic prowess, when the truth is that you』re a veritable Michelangelo (a fellow Pisces) in waiting. Now, you have the creative mojo AND the cosmic green light to share your immense talents with the world. As choreographer Martha Graham famously said, 「There is only one of you throughout time…and if you block the creative impulse, it will be lost. The world will not have it.」 You don』t want that now, do you? With driven Mars in Libra, your eighth house of passive income and joint assets, you』re feeling extra revved up to make large quantities of moolah. Perhaps you』ve been working out the nitty-gritty details of an investment, such as buying real estate or making a lucrative deal that will pay a lump sum. If there』s an opportunity for you to reap the fiscal rewards via an affiliate program, now is the time to explore that type of earnings. You』re especially attuned to the 「energetics」 behind finances now. If you』re so inclined, you might even want to play around with new money mantras and the law of attraction, to get to know more intimately the link between your expectations, beliefs and bottom line. For a quick tutorial, check out this clip from Abraham Hicks on like attracting like. A word to the wise (and soon-to-be-wealthy): motivator Mars will be forming a tense square to the January 1 new moon, along with the Sun and penetrating Pluto, in Capricorn, your eleventh house of group activity. Around this time, watch out for pyramid schemes—check and double check anything that looks too good to be true. (It just might be.) Also out of vogue: trying to keep up with the Joneses by making a risky financial move. Stress could manifest in the form of mega expenses, such as a real estate cost, legal fees…or even an IRS bill. So make calculated moves that spring both from gut instinct and a long-term vision, backed by plenty of research. 【健康&快樂】 Let』s go team! This month, group wellness activities will keep your blood pumping, as a slew of planets in Capricorn, your eleventh house of collaborations and platonic connections, fires up your urge to get fit with friends. Perhaps you』ll co-chair your crew』s volleyball tournament or decide to rally the troops to run for a good cause like Team in Training. The buddy system works wonders for your exercise mojo, so pair up with a pal for best results. Or, since the eleventh house rules technology, you might go the virtual route, using apps to track your activity and goals. Online communities could also be a great source of support if you happen to be traveling or in a more isolated place. Whatever you do, don』t tackle your wellness on your own. All month, driven Mars is burning through Libra, your eighth house of intense cleansing. Your new mantra? As within, so without. The link between your emotions and health has never been more apparent. There』s no difference between tuning up your emotions and tuning up your soul, so any activity you engage in now—a juice cleanse, a feng shui apartment makeover, a smudge ceremony—will serve you on a truly holistic level. Now that』s a detox!

蘇珊米勒2012年4月28日佔星日運—— 雙魚座

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