Internet今夏大批畢業生將步入職場。對於職場新人而言,職場著裝也是一門重要學問。下面我們將為你開設一堂職業著裝速成課。準備好了嗎? |
On hot summer days, flip-flops, shorts and miniskirts are our best friends — nothing screams 「cool」 more than these pieces of clothing. But think twice before you wear them to work. Your boss may hate seeing you sport these kind of clothes in the office, you could even get fired for it — seriously! So for those preparing to enter the professional world, it』s time for a quick lesson on workplace dress codes.炎炎夏日,人字拖、短褲以及迷你短裙是我們的好搭檔——相對於其他服飾,它們顯得「酷勁十足」。但如果你要把它們當成職場著裝的話,那麼請三思而後行。你穿著這些衣服去上班很可能會引起老闆的反感,甚至有被炒魷魚的風險——這絕非戲言!所以,對於職場新人來說,是時候來選修一堂職場著裝速成課了。
Different companies within the same industry often have their own expectations and dress codes, but there are some general rules of thumb that tend to remain consistent within a particular profession.儘管同一行業內,各家公司通常都有著自己的預期和著裝規範,但對於某個特定領域而言,一些著裝法則往往是通用的。
Financial services金融服務業
Key words: polished, professional著裝關鍵詞:幹練、專業
When you』re handling other people』s money, you need to present yourself as capable and professional.當你為他人理財的時候,你需要將個人能力和專業程度展示出來。
So the dress code in financial services firms like banks and insurance companies is usually formal, requiring dark suits, white shirts, conservative ties and polished black or brown leather shoes for men to match the serious nature of their work.所以,金融服務行業的著裝規範同銀行和保險公司很像,往往要求穿著正式。為了配合其嚴肅的工作性質,男性職員需要穿黑西裝、白襯衣、打領帶,搭配黑色或棕色皮鞋。
For women in the financial world, the rules are less strict than those of their male cohorts. Still, the goal is to look put-together and professional — not sloppy and slutty. Tailored business suits, both dress suits and pantsuits, are acceptable choices, as are tailored blouses and slacks or skirts. Scarves and classic jewelry pieces can be applied for a touch of design and color.相對男性職員而言,金融業對女性員工著裝的要求要寬鬆一些。但也要搭配得體,夠專業——切勿給人留下邋遢、有失端莊的錯覺。可以考慮穿著剪裁考究的套裝——裙裝或褲裝,另外合身的上衣、西褲或裙子也都是不錯的選擇。可以搭配一條圍巾或是復古首飾來增添一點色彩和設計感。
Athletic shoes, open-toed shoes, flip-flops and sandals運動鞋、露趾鞋、人字拖和涼鞋
Clothing that is too tight or revealing過於緊身或暴露的著裝
Jeans, pants that are too short (ankle visible) or too long (dragging on the ground)太短(露腳踝)的或太長的(拖地的)牛仔褲或長褲
Overly-trendy prints, patterns or bright colors過於時髦的印花、圖案或是過於鮮艷的顏色
Law firms法律行業
Key word: clean, crisp著裝關鍵詞:乾淨、利落
A decade after the dot-com boom pushed casual workplace attire into vogue, the conservative legal field is still slow to embrace the trend. Just like in the financial sector, dressing right is crucial to your image as a professional in the law industry.十年前,互聯網的繁榮使得職場休閑裝成為一種時尚;而在十年之後,保守的法律領域仍需要時間來接受這一潮流。同金融業一樣,作為一名法律行業從業人員,穿著得體對於自身形象可謂至關重要。
For court appearances and client meetings, a well-cut suit in a neutral color is necessary for both men and women. Men should wear a collared, long-sleeve white shirt with a conservative tie. Leather shoes with dark socks are ideal. Women should go for close-toed heels, and if they wear a dress suit, the skirt should fall at or below the knee.出庭或會見委託人時,無論男女,都要穿著一身中性色調且剪裁講究的西裝。男士應穿著白色有領長袖襯衫,並繫上領帶。皮鞋和深色襪子是理想搭配。女士則應穿不露腳趾的高跟鞋,如穿著裙裝套裝,那麼裙子要及膝或到膝蓋以下。
When it comes to less formal events and casual workdays, men can eliminate the tie and wear a suit with a knit shirt or golf shirt, while tailored jackets, nice blouses, knit tops and dress sandals are good choices for women.如果遇到非正式場合或公司休閑著裝日,男士可以不打領帶,在襯衫外面套上一件針織衫或高爾夫球衫。女士則可以穿著合身的外套、考究的襯衣、針織上衣和涼鞋。
Shorts, jeans or cargo pants短褲、牛仔褲或工裝褲
Chunky necklaces or big dangly earrings粗笨的項鏈或垂掛式大耳環
Athletic shoes, flip-flops, moccasins運動鞋、人字拖、軟皮平底鞋
Tight-fitting and low-cut clothing, especially anything that shows cleavage緊身和低胸的衣服,特別是秀出「事業線」的衣服
IT industryIT業
Key words: relaxed, comfy著裝關鍵詞:放鬆,舒適
If you』re going to work for the IT industry, you don』t have to worry about a dress code — this is one industry where anything goes.如果你打算就職於IT行業,你大可不必為著裝規範而擔憂——這是一個「隨心所欲」的行業。
Companies in this dynamic and broad-minded industry often have a relaxed dress code for their employees. Microsoft, for instance, is known for its JSS (jeans, sneakers, sandals) work environment.作為一個朝氣蓬勃和海納百川的行業,IT公司對員工的著裝要求十分寬鬆。例如,微軟以JSS(即牛仔褲+運動鞋+涼鞋)工作環境而聞名。
That may not be the case in every IT company, but a collared shirt with khakis will usually suffice for men, while women are free to experiment.或許這並不適用於所有IT公司,對於男士而言,帶領襯衫配卡其褲就可以了,女士則可以隨意著裝。
Of course, a formal suit is still expected for client meetings.當然,會見客戶時,仍需穿著正裝。
※面試怎麼穿(Smart Casual or Business Informal)?