生活是美妙的音樂---(周運)佩妮 每周占星運勢 2014.10.13

佩妮,英國著名占星師,前黛安娜王妃御用占星師,「曾陪伴戴妃度過最艱難時光」並出有相關書籍。 轉載請註明「星譯社」(http://www.douban.com/group/ATSteam/)及譯者,謝謝。 搬運排版:腳步 —————————————————————————————————————— 白羊座——譯者:食道是問號嗎川 —————————————————————————————————————— 上周的動蕩不安影響之後你有些緩解的時間,可以以新的眼光來重組和看待事物。如果你正在閱讀此處,想:「動蕩不安?什麼是動蕩不安?」不要太自滿。這是一個很多巨大變化都會馬上出現的時間段,你需要嚴格控制自己的心理。顯然,這樣有動力的影響有一定的積極效果,但是即使發展地非常不錯,過程中可能也會發生一些變動。我經常建議你跟著自己的心走,但是這時候要給你一個警告,只有其中不涉及重要敵人的時候才可以。 更自在地呼吸吧。 —————————————————————————————————————— 金牛座——譯者:FenrirAS —————————————————————————————————————— 下周的日食將影響有關合作伴侶的宮位,所以你正處於可以證明自己在未來愛情和工作關係上無比重要性的階段。如果你有在近來結婚的打算,或者決定加入一個組織,日食的力量將是這些事情發生的前兆。另一方面,如果你感覺一個搭檔打算作出行動來改變你們的關係,你的感覺是正確的。日食的積極方面在於它向你展示了一個嶄新的機遇,這就是為什麼對很多金牛來說10月~11月這段期間將會深遠地影響你的未來。 大事將至! —————————————————————————————————————— 雙子座——譯者:Mr. D —————————————————————————————————————— 火星經過關係宮可以代表兩件截然不同的事情:提升你的房事並使你為激情所左右,或產生一種充滿爭端的氣氛,而這種爭論——有時會非常激烈——往往會伴隨著厭惡情緒爆發。同樣的,與你開展業務的人或你為之效力的組織可能會對你加以青眼,或你可能發現自己正為自己辯護並感覺不停地遭到反對。這種趨勢會很快消失,所以善用大部分機會去分享激情時刻,以及倘若受到威脅或恐嚇的話,保持寧靜與端莊。 處理反對意見。 —————————————————————————————————————— 巨蟹座——譯者:羊 —————————————————————————————————————— 食相帶來變化,對於蟹子來說這也許是段比較微妙的時間,因為有時這個變化是美好的,而有時呢卻剛好相反,是好是壞都得接受,這就和你無法阻止潮起潮落是一個道理。如果你最近與某個人或某件事的關係到了尾聲,對於這個情況現在你可能會發現很多未考慮過的部分。記住這一點,你要做的是認真看看所處的位置,你會得出不同尋常的結論。即使你仍然無法改變他人想法或是挽回大局,事情也會變得不一樣。 自省。 —————————————————————————————————————— 獅子座——譯者:無幻 —————————————————————————————————————— 你感覺到空氣中因為期待而產生的興奮了嗎:做一些看起來會帶來變化的事情?很可能你是對的。兩次月食之間是一段轉型時期:對你有幫助的是回顧以往的事件並且建立大局觀,為你覺得即將到來的事情做準備。如果你正考慮在搬遷、裝修或者翻新你的家,那麼你的星相正與你保持同步,儘管如此上述的任何一項都還沒有到一次徹底春季大掃除的合適時間。把你的家整理得井井有條是我的建議。 做好基礎準備工作。 —————————————————————————————————————— 處女座——譯者:幻覺 —————————————————————————————————————— 可能你要幫助別人度過危機——這對處女座來說是很平常的事情:你們是十二星座中最好的代管人,但你真的需要避免涉足太深。雖然你的同情心被調動了,但你不該相信被告知的一切。這是年末這一季度反覆出現的主題,表現你的善良,也要表現務實,但絕不加入任何推卸責任的遊戲,幾周內,事務狀況就會徹底改變,你也要隨之轉變你的立場,同樣,到十一月末的時候,一些情況的現狀會有大不同表現。 保持靈活的選擇權。 —————————————————————————————————————— 天秤座——譯者:阿佛洛狄忒 —————————————————————————————————————— 可能讓你拖地上打翻的牛奶都會是個令你滿足的小任務,只要你會回顧審視一下事情的起因就會發覺自己從中有所收穫,或是受到了相關經驗的啟發。月食的影響可以持續好幾個月,所以即便上周你的世界沒有崩塌,但如果有改變的跡象,千萬不要能忽略。事實上,跟循你的直覺是個不錯的建議,所以不要試圖避免能夠挽回局面的任何一步。或許目前不是每個人都喜歡你,可能其他人也有缺點要澄清,但從長遠來看,真正重要的是:也許,我只是說也許,需要你提供講和的機會。 你有選擇權。 —————————————————————————————————————— 天蠍座——譯者:食道是問號嗎川 —————————————————————————————————————— 天蠍座的日食可能會為你開啟一個人生的新篇章,距離它的到來還有幾天時間。日食的影響並不是一天的事情,所以你正在做的努力可能已經獲得了一些意想不到的進步。現在是改變的最佳時機,如果你開始行動,前景是很積極的。但是如果環境是主導,請不要與其對抗。一時激動而錯漏萬千,情緒影響感知,在知道事情最終會順利的情況下任其正常發展吧。 順其自然。 —————————————————————————————————————— 射手座——譯者:幻覺 —————————————————————————————————————— 會議和討論帶來重大影響,如果你已開動了某個項目,需要提出一些微妙問題,選擇在16日或17日召集大家一起商量。同樣,如果你想支持一個全新項目的開動,這周末要選擇無視這種想法。對於所有星座來說,十月都不夠穩定,但你卻可以獲得巨大進展,前提是你要充分考慮到其他人,在別人意見與你存在差異時,也不要表現出懊惱失望。個人和事業都會從各種不同意見中獲益,並非只有一個前進方向。 關愛與分享。 —————————————————————————————————————— 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 —————————————————————————————————————— 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 和平佔據了主導,進展也是能夠取得的。因此,如果最近你失足跌落了的話,重新回到邁向成功的階梯之上吧。一周多之後,火星就會進入你的星宮,令你重獲動力,同時也鼓舞你積極主動地去處理問題與實現抱負。如此一來,現在也正是開始淘汰掉那些浪費時間、消耗精力的行動的理想時機。將你的關注點放在最需要的地方吧。在面對拒絕或失望的時候展現出自信與樂觀同樣也能帶來許多收穫:雖然這對於已經失去的於事無補,卻會賦予你繼續前行的意義,令你相信下一次會成功的。 為自己撣盡灰塵。 —————————————————————————————————————— 水瓶座——譯者:無幻 校對:腳步 —————————————————————————————————————— 不斷提醒自己木星正守護著你,儘管可能經歷了一些挫敗,你還是會遇到好心人和很棒的機會。一個距離你很遠的人會對你的狀況有幫助,而如果你正試圖去建立一個全新的開始,無論愛情還是工作方面,我建議你努力走出自己的舒適區域。下一周是新的循環的開始,最有關聯的是事業發展和物質利益,在為你帶來更新和更好東西方面,那些最近散落在身邊和路邊的東西很可能會有幫助。 朋友來得剛剛好。 —————————————————————————————————————— 雙魚座——譯者:劉小貓 —————————————————————————————————————— 最近幾周你的重點會集中在財務和資源問題,好在這些問題已接近尾聲,你開始覺得生活得寬鬆一點點了。但是,這卻不是應該鬆懈掉經濟問題的借口,如果你還沒有完全搞清楚自己的立場,這周就會讓你更加明白。水星與金星交相輝映在你的財務宮,所以人們會變得慷慨和大方。同樣的趨勢也會出現在你的愛情生活中,如果你愛上了什麼 人,放下你的驕傲去親吻你的愛人吧。如果你正處在曖昧與戀愛的初期,那麼更多愉快的事情會將發生。 生活是美妙的音樂。 原文: 白羊座: —————————————————————————————————————— You have some respite from last week』s turbulent influences, which should enable you to regroup and see events in a new light. And if you』re reading this and thinking: 「Turbulence? What turbulence?」 don』t get too complacent. This is a period of the year in which much can change at the drop of a hat, and you will need to exert tight control over your emotions. Clearly, dynamic influences like these have their positive outcomes, but even if you are on the receiving end of a brilliant development, there could be some upheaval in the process. I almost always advise following your heart, but there is a caveat at the moment, only if it doesn』t involve making a serious enemy. Breathing more easily. 金牛座: —————————————————————————————————————— Next week a solar eclipse will fall in the zone of partnership, so you are in a period that could prove vitally important to the future of a romantic or working relationship. If you have plans to marry in the near future or expect to be joining an organization, this solar eclipse is simply a portent of such things: on the other hand, if you are sensing that a partner is about to make a move that could alter your relationship, you are probably right. The positive aspect to a solar eclipse is that it represents a new window of opportunity, which is why for many Taureans an individual you meet in the October-November time is going to have a major impact on your future. Big stuff! 雙子座: —————————————————————————————————————— The thing about a Mars transit of the zone of relating is that it presents two very different prospects: it can ratchet up your sex life and make you the object of great passion or it can create a climate of contention such that arguments – sometimes fierce and furious – break out with unwelcome frequency. Likewise, people with whom you do business or organizations you work for could be pursuing you with intent or you could find yourself arguing your case and feeling opposed at every turn. This trend will fade shortly, so make the most of the opportunity to share passionate moments and, on the other hand, remain serene and dignified if threatened or bullied. Dealing with the opposition. 巨蟹座: —————————————————————————————————————— This may well be proving to be a tricky time for the Cancer clan: eclipses bring change – sometimes wonderful change and sometimes not so wonderful – but there is little you can do to prevent the tide from coming in and going out. If you have recently closed a chapter or felt that you had reached the end of the line with someone or something, you may well find that there are further aspects to the situation that you had not considered. With this in mind, you may now be able to review your position and make alternative suggestions. Even if there is still nothing you can do to change someone』s mind or bring an entire situation back, you will have made a difference. Reviewing the situation. 獅子座: —————————————————————————————————————— Can you feel a frisson of expectation in the air: does something seem as if it is about to change? You may well be right. The period between two eclipses is a time of transition: what will help is looking back over recent events and seeing the bigger picture, and preparing for what you believe may be to come. If you are considering making changes on the home and family front or in the middle of moving, decorating and renovating you are in synch with your stars, and should none of the above apply this would nonetheless be an appropriate time for a spring-clean. Getting your house in order in every sense of the phrase is my advice. Preparing the ground. 處女座: —————————————————————————————————————— You could find yourself supporting someone going through a crisis – not unusual for Virgo: you are the great care-taker of the zodiac – however, you need to avoid becoming too involved. While your sympathies may be aroused you should not believe everything you are being told. And this is something of a recurrent theme for this final quarter of the year. Be kind, be practical but under no circumstances join in the blame game. In a few weeks time, the situation could well have radically changed and you will need to be able to shift your stance along with it. Likewise, the status-quo of more than one situation could look very different by the end of November. Keeping your options open. 天秤座: —————————————————————————————————————— Mopping up spilt milk can be a satisfying task, as long as you are looking back over the events that caused it and feeling you have gained from what happened or been inspired by the experience. The timeline of a lunar eclipse can last many months, so even if your world did not shake on its foundations last week, if there were rumblings of change, do not ignore them. Indeed, obeying your intuition is good advice at the moment, so try not to talk yourself out of what could be a situation-saving move. Maybe not everyone is your fan right now, and perhaps, there are faults in others that should be accounted for, but take a long look at what (or who) really matters: maybe, just maybe, you need to proffer the pipe of peace. You have options.. 天蠍座: —————————————————————————————————————— You are a matter of days away from a solar eclipse in your sign, which could have the effect of opening up a brand new chapter of life. And since the message of an eclipse is never a day-long event, you could be working already with an unexpected set of developments. It is good to make changes now, and especially positive if you can initiate them, but in the event that circumstances are leading the way; don』t fight the situation. In the heat of the moment we can never see the whole picture – emotions colour our perception – so go with the flow in the knowledge that it will all be all right in the end. Going with the flow. 射手座: —————————————————————————————————————— Meetings and discussions are under promising influences, so if you have a project already on the go and you want to raise some delicate issues, get everyone together on the 16th or 17th. Likewise, should you want backing for a brand new endeavour, choose the end of the week to flout your ideas. For most of the zodiac October is an unsettled month, but you can make real progress, the proviso being that you treat people with consideration and do not display frustration or disappointment should someone not fully agree with you. Personal and professional enterprises will benefit from a diverse range of opinions. There is not just one way forward. Caring and sharing. 摩羯座: —————————————————————————————————————— Peace reigns and progress can be made. So, if you fell off your perch recently, get back on the ladder of success. In a little over a week Mars will enter your sign rebooting your va va voom and encouraging you to take a proactive approach to problems and ambitions alike. Thus, now would be an ideal time to start sifting out those activities that are time-wasting and energy draining. Place your focus where it is most needed. There is also much to be gained by displaying confidence and optimism in the face of a rejection or disappointment: while it may not bring back what has been lost, it will give you the means to go forward in the belief that next time you will succeed. Dust yourself off. 水瓶座: —————————————————————————————————————— Keep reminding yourself that Jupiter is batting on your behalf, so even though you may have sustained a bruising there are good people and great opportunities coming up. Someone at a distance from you could turn out to be helpful to your cause, and should you be looking to make a fresh start, whether in terms of romance or work, getting out of your comfort zone is advised. Next week marks the beginning of a new cycle, first and foremost linked to career and material interests, and it may be that those things that have recently fallen by the wayside serve a useful purpose in releasing you for new and better things. Friends in the right places. 雙魚座: —————————————————————————————————————— There has been quite a focus on finances and material matters in recent weeks, but this phase is nearing an end, enabling you to start living a little more. Nonetheless, this is not an excuse to drop the ball with money matters, and if you haven』t yet made a full appraisal of where you stand, do so this week. Mercury and Venus are making sweet music in the zone of finances so people will be more generous and certainly open to offers. This same trend could be evident in your love life too, so if you』ve had a falling out with someone, drop the pride and offer to kiss and make up, and if you』re in the early stages of a romance, a pleasing event could be on its way. Sweet music.


TAG:生活 | 音樂 | 占星 | 運勢 | 2014 |