黛安娜王妃逝世13周年 藏品升值驚人 - 日誌 - 心靜`音純 - 愛詞霸E社會



  Yesterday in 1997, Diana died in Paris - but the public"s love of the People"s Princess continues...  1997年的昨天(8月31日),英國前王妃黛安娜在巴黎香消玉殞,但公眾仍舊愛戴這位「人民的王妃」。


  It"s hard to believe that it"s almost a decade-and-a-half since the death of Diana Princess of Wales, in a car crash in Paris"s Pont de l"Alma road tunnel with her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed.  很難相信威爾士王妃黛安娜已經離我們而去近15年了。黛安娜和男友多迪 法耶德在巴黎阿爾瑪橋公路隧道發生的一起車禍中不幸遇難。


  As millions watched the funeral of the Royal they called "The People"s Princess" one thing was clear: Diana"s legacy as a popular icon and humanitarian was going to endure.  數百萬人觀看了被譽為「人民的王妃」黛安娜的葬禮。有一點非常清楚:戴妃作為受擁戴的偶像和人道主義者留給世人的遺產將繼續在世間流傳。


  And, as with any strong legacy, the onus falls on collectors to help preserve it - which has lead to an increase in the values of her collectibles. For instance, Diana"s autographhas appreciatedby 580% over the last 10 years.  就如同其它偉大的遺產一樣,保護它的重任也落到了收藏者身上,這也使有關戴妃的藏品升值。例如,她的親筆簽名在過去10年間增值了580%。


  In other words, if you had bought a Diana signature for £1,250 in the year 2000, it could today be worth around £8,500.  換句話說,如果你在2000年以1250英鎊的價格購買了戴妃的簽名,如今的價值已飈漲至大約8500英鎊。

  In fact, Diana autographs can commandvalues anywhere up to $20,000 or more on today"s markets - and their values will continue to appreciate.  事實上,戴妃的親筆簽名如今在市場上已漲至2萬美元及以上,而且還將增值。

  Following Buckingham Palace"s official announcement of her engagement to Prince Charles on February 24, 1981, Diana was rarely out of the spotlight.  在白金漢宮於1981年2月24日正式宣布她與英國王儲查爾斯訂婚後,黛安娜幾乎始終是受人關注的焦點。


  As a result, a number of important memorabilia items have cropped up on the private markets over the last 13 years from the various "iconic" episodes of her life.  因此,在戴妃去世的13年間,眾多展現她不同「經典」生活階段的重要紀念品湧現在私人市場。

  For instance, a black dress worn by Diana - remembered by some as the dress which made her famous - sold earlier this year at London"s Kerry Taylor Auctions for £192,000.  例如,黛安娜曾穿過的一件黑色禮服今年早些時候在倫敦凱利泰勒拍賣行以19.2萬英鎊的價格成交。在很多人的記憶里,她正是憑藉這件禮服成名。

  For its lucky buyer, the dress isn"t only a one-of-a-kind piece of history, but will also prove to be a solid and reliable investment.  對這位幸運的買主來說,這件禮服不僅獨一無二,還將證明是一份堅實可靠的投資。


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