
The romance didn"t work out for Courteney Cox and David Arquette, but the Cougar Town star still has plenty of love for her ex – as a friend. 考特妮·考克斯和大衛·阿奎特的感情沒能走到最後,但這位《熟女鎮》女明星對自己的前夫亦朋友的大衛仍然充滿了愛。

"He"s my best friend in the world," the actress says on an episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show airing Monday. "I love him." 在周一播出的《艾倫秀》上,她說:「他是我最好的朋友。我愛他。」

Months since the former couple both filed divorce papers citing irreconcilable differences in June, Cox says, "I appreciate David more now than I ever did. I mean ... he is my best friend and we"ve both grown and changed." 這對夫妻去年六月正式離婚,原因是兩人之間存在不可調和的分歧,考克斯說:「我現在比以前更欣賞他。他是我最好的朋友,我們都成長、改變了。

"I think we both appreciate each other more," she adds. "I hope he does. I do."」我想我們現在比以前都更加欣賞對方,「她說。」我真心希望他也這麼覺得。


雙語:新郎婚禮宣誓錯喊初戀名字 北京現實版《老友記》

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