instead = rather,反了你了

instead = rather,反了你了






當rather/instead單獨使用的時候,它們不取反,一般出現在not A;rather/instead, B這樣的結構中,我們可以翻譯成「不是A,而是B」。這個結構可以等同於我們熟悉的not A but B。

比如下面這個簡單的例句:He is not good; rather/instead, he is bad. 「他不是個好人,而是個壞人。」這裡的good和bad雖然取反,但是它們的取反是因為not,而與rather/instead無關。


Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news, such exposure seldom galvanizes the public, which rather seems to resign to a sense of impotency.

【解析】在這句話里,rather和前面的seldom構成了not A rather B,在這裡galvanize和impotency取反。


此外,除了rather/instead之外,on the contrary這個短語也有這個用法,可以理解為而是,比如It was not a good thing;on the contrary it was a huge mistake.

2.rather than / instead of

當出現rather than或者instead of這兩個片語時,它們的含義為not,是取反的方程等號。


【例句】 Instead? of demonstrating the promise of archaeological applications of electronic remote sensing, the pioneering study became, to some skeptics, an illustration of the imprudence of interpreting sites based on virtual archaeology.

【解析】在這句話里,instead of相當於not,表示前後取反,而前半部分的promise前途前景和後半部分的imprudence不明智的行為,根據instead of構成對立。


3.rather+ adj. = very

rather除了上面兩個和instead類似的用法之外,還有一個自己獨有的用法。rather+ adj. = very。所以大家以後可以在作文中用rather替換very;同時,還有一個表達可以替換very,就是nothing if not。


【例句】By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather discouraging.

【解析】在這句話中rather後面加形容詞discouraging ,此時rather=very。



(1)當rather和instead單獨出現的時候,它們是不取反的,常出現在not A rather/instead B的句型結構中,相當於not A but B。

(2) 當rather than和instead of出現在句中的時候,它們表示not,是取反的等號。

(3) 當rather + adj.=very,還有類似的表達nothing if not。


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