elbow 手肘- Dont jab your elbow into me. It hurts! 別拿你的手肘戳我,很痛的!
finger 手指- He pointed his finger at her and shouted "I love you!" 他指向她,大喊了一聲「我愛你!」
index /middle/ring/little finger 食指/中指/無名指/小指- Many people wear their marriage band on their ring finger. 許多人把婚戒戴在無名指上。
finger nail 指甲 - How long is the finger nail? 這個指甲有多長?
fist 拳,拳頭 - I struck him with my fist. 我用拳頭揍了他。
forearm 前臂 - You should put some sunscreen on your exposed forearm. 你應該給你露在外面的前臂塗點防晒霜。
left/right hand 左手/右手 - I write with my right hand. 我用右手寫字。
palm 手掌 - A bird settled on his palm. 一隻鳥停落在他的手掌上。
thumb 拇指- The thumb can be opposed to any of the fingers. 大拇指能與任何一個手指相對。
wrist 手腕- Thats a beautiful bracelet on your wrist. 你手腕上的手鐲很漂亮。
chin 下巴- Orange juice dribbled down his chin. 橙子汁沿著他的下巴往下滴。
cheek 面頰- He pecked her on the cheek. 他輕輕地吻了一下她的面頰。
ear 耳朵- You need to clean out your ears! You cant hear anything. 你需要清理一下你的耳朵! 你什麼也聽不到!
eye 眼睛- Does she have blue eyes or green? 她的眼睛是藍色的還是綠色的?
eyebrow 眉毛- Jennifer spends a lot of time making her eyebrows stand out. 珍妮弗花了大把時間把眉毛畫得立體。
eyelash 睫毛- She has very thick eyelashes. 她的睫毛很濃密。
forehead 額頭- Look at that forehead. He must be a genius. 看看他這額頭。 他一定是個天才。
hair 頭髮- Susan has light brown hair and blue eyes. 蘇珊有一頭淺棕色的頭髮和藍色的眼睛。
head 頭- His head is rather large, isnt it? 他的頭特別大,不是嗎?
lip 嘴唇- Her lips are like soft pillows. 她的嘴唇像枕頭一樣柔軟。
mouth 嘴巴- Hes got a big mouth! 他有個大嘴巴!
neck 頸部,脖子- I love her long neck. 我愛她的纖長的脖子。
nose 鼻子- Shes got a beautiful petite nose. 她有個漂亮小巧的鼻子。
nostril 鼻孔- The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril. 印第安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一顆鑽石。
jaw 下巴,下頜- You chew your food with your jaw. 你用下頜咀嚼食物。
shoulder 肩膀- Dennis had broad shoulders. 丹尼斯有寬闊的肩膀。
tooth (teeth) 牙齒- I have a loose tooth. 我的一顆牙齒鬆動了。
tongue 舌頭- He protruded his tongue. 他伸出了舌頭。
throat 喉嚨- This medicine will quell your sore throat. 這種葯可減輕你的喉痛。
ankle 腳踝- Your ankle connects your foot to your leg. 腳踝連接腳和腿。
calf 小腿- Her calf muscles are very strong . 她的小腿肌肉非常強壯。
foot (feet) 腳- Put your shoes on your feet and lets go. 穿上鞋子,出發啦。
heel 後腳跟- His heel is raw because his shoe does not fit well. 因鞋子不合適,他的腳後跟擦破皮了。
hips 臀部- I think Ive put some weight onto my hips. 我想我的臀部長胖了。
knee 膝蓋- My book slid off my knee. 書從我的膝蓋上滑落了。
leg 腿- Put on your pants one leg at a time. 穿褲子的時候,一條腿一條腿的穿。
shin 脛骨- Be sure to protect your shins when you play soccer. 踢足球的時候,一定要保護好你的脛骨。
thigh 大腿- His thighs are huge! 他的大腿特別粗。
toe 腳趾- Each foot has five toes. 每隻腳有五個腳趾頭。
toenail 腳趾甲- She likes to paint her toenails pink. 她喜歡把腳趾甲塗成粉色。
bottom 臀部- Your bottom is used for sitting. 你的臀部是用來坐的。
chest 胸腔- He has a broad chest because he swims a lot. 因為他常游泳,所以他的胸膛很寬廣。
back 背部- Are you experiencing any pain in the back? 你背痛嗎?
stomach 胃,腹部- Im eating too much and my stomach is growing! 我吃的太多了,肚子都變大了。
waist 腰部- She has a slim waist and will fit into anything! 她的腰很細,什麼衣服都穿得下。
blood 血液- The hospital needs more blood. 醫院需要更多的血液。
bone 骨頭- Our skeleton is made of bone. 我們的骨架由骨頭構成。
hair 頭髮- Its amazing how much hair is on the floor after a haircut. 剪完頭髮後,地板上頭髮的數量太驚人了。
muscle 肌肉- You should always stretch your muscles before you go running. 你應該先拉伸肌肉再跑步。
skin 皮膚- He had brown skin. 他的皮膚是棕色的
六、THE BODY - VERBS 和身體部位有關的動詞
blink(eyes) 眨眼睛-Why do you blink? 為什麼人會眨眼睛?
glance (eyes) 一瞥-I gave her a glance. 我看了她一眼。
stare (eyes) 凝視-They all stared with astonishment. 他們全都驚訝地瞪著眼。
wink (eye) 眨眼,使眼色-The strong wind made me wink. 大風吹得我直眨眼。
point (finger)指-Don』t point at me. 別拿手指著我。
scratch (finger) 擦傷,抓痕-The dog is scratching at the door. 狗正在抓門。
kick (foot) 踢-The football fans hissed when he didnt kick the ball. 當他踢空了一腳球時,球迷們發出了一陣噓噓聲。
clap(hands) 拍手,鼓掌-Let everyone clap hands like me. 讓每一個人像我一樣拍手。
punch(hands)用拳頭猛擊-He blacked her eye with that one punch. 他用那一猛拳把她的眼眶打得發青。
shake (hands)握手-And they do not expect just to shake hands with him. 這些領導人期望的不僅僅是和他握握手。
slap (hands)擊掌,拍擊-She fetched him a terrific slap in the face. 她狠狠地打了他一記耳光。
smack (hands)摑-If you smack someone in the face, what would they do? 如果你摑了某人一巴掌,他們會怎麼辦?
nod (head)點頭-She noticed him merely with a nod. 她僅以點頭向他打招呼。
kiss (lips)親,親吻-She planted a kiss on his cheek. 她在他的臉頰上使勁地吻了一下。
whistle (lips/mouth) 吹口哨-The dog came to his whistle. 狗聽到他的哨聲就來了。
eat (mouth)吃-Do you have something to eat? 你有什麼可吃的東西嗎?
talk (mouth)說,談話-What should I talk to her? 我該對她說什麼呢?
taste (mouth)嘗-Can you taste pepper in the pudding? 你能吃出布丁里胡椒的味道嗎?
whisper (mouth)耳語,低聲說-She said it in a whisper, so I didnt hear. 她是悄聲說的,所以我沒有聽見。
breathe (mouth/nose)呼吸-The patient began to breathe normally. 病人開始正常呼吸了。
smell (nose)聞-I could smell that the milk was not fresh. 我聞得出牛奶不新鮮。
sniff (nose)嗅-The dog was sniffing at the lamppost. 那條狗在街燈柱旁嗅來嗅去。
shrug (shoulders) 聳肩-I shrug my shoulders when people tell me that their first impressions of a person are always right. 每當有人跟我說他對一個人的首次印象向來不錯的時候,我就聳聳肩。
bite (mouth)咬-Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 他們的狗把我的褲子咬了個窟窿。
lick (tongue)舔-The kitty licked up the milk. 小貓舔光了牛奶。
swallow (throat) 吞下,咽下-He took the medicine at one swallow. 他一口把葯吞了下去。
文章來源:英語基礎 Archives - 樂知英語小站辭彙方面的視頻課:http://www.hiknow.com/sessionhall.html?uid=sophie
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