申請留學簽證時簽證官會問什麼問題? 如何回答示例.

申請留學簽證時簽證官會問什麼問題? 如何回答示例.1#

發表於 2007-11-17 23:14 | 只看該作者 | 倒序看帖 | 列印

申請留學簽證時簽證官會問什麼問題? 如何回答示例. 注意,回答只是舉例,你應根據你的個人背景,教育經歷,申請的學校及專業而有自己的答案.   (1) What will you study in the United States? What do you want to study in USA?   I will study for my Ph。D。 degree in Public Policy and Management at the Hein z School at Carnegie Mellon University。     (2) Why do you go to Carnegie Mellon University? Why do you choose this University? Why do you go to this University?   Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best universities in the United States。 The Heinz school ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management I』ll study for my P。h。D degree there。     (3) What is your purpose to USA? What will you do in USA? What are you going to do in the United States? Are you going to study in USA?   Yes…。 I will study for my Ph。D。 degree at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University。     (4) What is your major?   I』ll study in the area of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University。     (5) In what aspect of your major will you study?   Supply Chains Management。     (6) Can you say something about it? What is it? What is it for?   Supply-chain management is a generic term that encompasses the coordination of order generation, taking, and fulfillment and distribution of products, services, or information。 It is critical, not only to the success, but also to the survival of any firm。 As a discipline, supply chains management draws on the fields of management science, statistics, operations research and economics。     (7) When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?   I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998。 And I just got my master degree at Tsinghua University。     (8) What are you studying now? Where are you studying now? What are you doing now?   I was studying at Tsinghua University。 My major is Management Science and Engineering。 I did some research in Supply Chains Management。 I』ve just got my master degree。     (9) What did you do with your Master work?   I took fifteen courses, did some research on Supply Chains Management。 I jus t finished my master thesis。 And I have several academic publications。     (10) How long will you study in USA?   The Doctoral Program is designed to be completed in six years。 I hope I could get my PHD in five years。 **Why it needs six years? As you may know, Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best in the United States。 The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management。 It has strict requirement to us students。 I think that』s why this doctoral program needs six years。     (11) Have you got any scholarship?   Yes。 I』ve been honored a full tuition scholarship and a stipend。 If I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz school will renew my award of full financil support。     (12) What if you do not have financial award for the sixth year?   The department told me, if I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz School will renew my award of full financial support。 I am a good student, and I don』t think I』ll encounter any problem in receiving such financial support。 And even if I haven』t financial aid in the sixth year of my study, my person al saving at that time will be enough to cover all of my expense。     (13) What will you do with your work for this Ph。D。?   I』ll take courses for the first two years, and then conduct dissertation research in the area of Supply Chains Management for the following years。     (14) What is your purpose for the visa?   I need F-one visa in order to study for my Ph。D。 degree at Carnegie Mellon University。     (15) What is your academic background?   I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998。 I just got my Master degree at Tsinghua University。(看情況,如果他希望聽你多說幾句,就繼續)My earlier work was in Economics and my current work is in Management Science and Engineering。 My future research at Carnegie Mellon University will still be interdisciplinary。     (16) How do you know this University?   I got to know it from US NEWS。 Carneige Mellon University has good reputation。 The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management。     (17) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation?   What do you plan to do when you go back? I will come back and seek a teaching and research position in a leading busi ness school in China。     (18) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?   The first reason is I』ll take care of my parents。 * They will one day become old。 I can not leave them alone。 The second reason is, I think it is much easier to find an academic position in China than in the States。 * I believe I will have a bright future in China。 The third reason is I would like to contribute what I have learned to my country。     (19) If you can not find such a position, what will you do?      If so, I will turn to my second choice。 I would like to find a research position in our government。 You know, there are some research centers in our government。     (20) What will your salary be then?   About 10 thousand RMB yuan per month。     (21) How much can a professor earn?   As far as I know, many professors in Tsinghua University earn 10 thousand RM B per month。 You know, the salary of professors is rising now。     (22) Why won』t you stay in the States?   It』s not my country。     (23) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn』t come back?   Really? If really so, I think everyone has its own reasons。 But as far as I know, these years, more and more students have chosen to come back after graduation。 As to me, I』ll definitely come back。 I』ll take care of my parents, and I think it』s much easier to find an academic position in China than in the States。     (24) Can you promise that you will not be attracted?   Yes, and that』s sure。 China is my motherland。     (25) Why do you like your major?   I love problem driven research. I like to spend a considerable amount of time working on problems in Supply Chains Management。   (26) Why do you choose US but not Canada or Germany?   Because the United States has the most advanced technology and science in the world。 I would like to persue a PhD degree in the United States but not in any other country。     (27) Why do you want to pursue a doctor』s degree in the USA?   A Ph.D. degree will help me to achieve my career goal。 **(如有必要)I would like to become a professor in a leading business school in China, and I am sure that a Ph。D。 degree in the USA will help me to achieve my career goal。     (28) Why not a Ph.D. degree in China?   I』ve got my Bachelor degree at Peking University and Master degree at Tsinghua University。 So, it』s quite reasonable for me to peruse my Ph.D. degree in the United States。 You know, the United States has the most advanced techno logy and science in the world。     (29) Why do you receive financial aid from this University? Why can you get scholarship? Why this university gave you the aid(funding)?   I am a good student。 As you may see from my documents, I have a Bachelor degree in Economics and Master degree in Management Science。 I think such academic background should match the program very well。     (30) What』s the difference between your current major and the major in USA?   Now I major in Management Science and Engineering at Tsinghua University, an d I』ll continue to study in this area at Carnegie Mellon University。 I don』t think there are too much differences between the two majors。     (31) When and where did you take the GRE test? When did you take the TOEFL test? How much is your TOEFL score?   I took my GMAT test on **。 The score is **。 I took my TOEFL test on ***。 And the score is ***。     (32) Where will you live?   I』ll live in the dormitory of Carnegie Mellon University。 I』ve applied for t he dormitory。     (33) Where do you live?   I am living in the dormitory at Tsinghua University。     (34) How many universities have you applied? Which?   I have applied for 5 universities。 They are Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Duke University and UCLA。     (35) Any other school admits you? So how many universities accept you?   Among the five universities I have applied for, three gave me offers。 They are Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University and UCLA。 But I chose Carnegie Mellon University in the end。     (36) What kind of good things do you know about America?   America has the most advanced technology and science in the world。     (37) What is your best/worst quality?   Honest。     (38) What is your favorite American movie?   Forest Gamp。 Forest Gamp love Jenny。 I have never seen such a man who can love a girl so unconditionally。。     (39) What do you do in your spare time? What』s your funny? Why?   Swimming。 I love swimming very much。 I believe it will keep me in good shape 。     (40) Which is your favorite restaurant(cafe)? What food do you like to eat?   Pizza。     (41) Can you talk something about the course XX?   Would you please see my transcripts and some information on graduate program bulletin?     (42) What is your favorite pet(animal)? Why?   I have no pet now。 But if I have time, I would like to have a dog。 Dog is honest。     (43) What is the thing you like best in America?   The United States has the most advanced technology and science in the world。     (44) What is the thing you like best in China?   Chinese Culture。     (45) What is the thing you don』t like most in China?   Environment Pollution。 Each nation has its best and worst。 I love my country。     (46) Who do you know there? Have you ever been in America before? Have you ever been to other countries? Have you ever gone abroad?   NO。     (47) When are you going to enter US?   In the middle of August。     (48) Any relative in the US?      My **** is studying for his phD degree in the United States。     (49) Did you applied for the ** University?(你丈夫或妻子的大學)   No, I havn』t。 *** University is not so good as Carnegie Mellon University in the area of Public Policy and Management。     (50) Have you applied for the F-two visa? Why didn』t you apply for the F-two visa last year?   No, I havn』t。 I did want to see my dear *** , but I wanted to finish my Master』s program first, which I promised and I enjoyed。     (51) Will your husband(wife )change to Carnegie Mellon University?   No。 I understand him/her。 We do want to live together, but he/she will finish hi s/her doctoral program first, which he/she has promised and loves very much。 *************************************** 以下問題列表是當前最全的留學簽證108問,並沒有給出答案,因為每個申請者都應該去自己創造答案。而且,只有自己創造的答案才會映像深刻,說起來天花亂墜,信心飽滿。可能你會注意到,有些問題簡單得出奇。問題雖然很好回答,但是你最好對VO可能問這個問題做好準備,能在緊張的時刻及時聽懂。另外在INTERVIEW的時候都應該大聲回答問題,一定要有氣勢!   裡面有不少重複的問題,還有一些並不是非常要緊的問題   比如:what kind of food do you like?之類   我看了一下,挑出來一些我覺得比較重要的:   這裡為了方便只寫問題號了,呵呵   對於應屆的畢業生,以下問題我覺得需要注意一下:   no.2,10,12,14,16,17,18,20,21,27,30,33,50,65,92,93,94,102,103   對於工作過的同學,以下問題也要注意:   no.26,28,47,76,90,98,101   對於轉專業的同學,以下問題注意:   no.52,58,91   其實即使專業名稱上面有一點變化的,都最好準備一下,呵呵   還有的就是要注意一些存在陷阱 的問題了,比如no,55,56   這類問題都是VO想誘導你展示一下你移民傾向的問題,只要把握住關鍵,就是   沒過的Graduate study很好,其他一概不好。   中國的graduate study也好,其他的更好,呵呵,大概就是再加一些family ties啊   特殊情結啊,responsibility之類的就夠了,呵呵   大家有時間看看關於簽證的書籍吧   GOOD LUCK!   1) What will you study in the United States?   2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What is your favorite subject? Can it be used to military utilities ?   3) What will you do in USA?   4) Are you going to study in USA?   5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?   6) What/where are you working now?   7) How long will you study in USA?   8) Have you any scholarship?   9) What do you want to study in USA?   10) What do you do with your work for MS/phd?   11) What is your purpose for the visa?   12) What is your academic background?   13) How do you know this Univ.?   14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? Why? what kind of job can you find in the future?   15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China 16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn"t come back?   17) Why do you choose this Univ.?   18) Why do you like your major?   19) Why do you want to study in USA?   20) Why do you want to pursue a master"s/doctoral degree?   21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?   22) What is the difficult class do you have?   23) Do you want your wife to go with you?   24) What"s your name?   25) What institution did you attend and what was your major?   26) What have you Done after you graduated from university?   27) Why do you want go to the United States for further study?   28) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master"s/doctoral degree now?   29) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?   30) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xx x. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?   31) What is your ultimate academic goal?   32) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they?Any other school admits you?   33)Why did you choose xxxxxx University? How much do you know about the university?   34)Do you have any relatives in the United States?   35)What do your parents do?   36)How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States?   37)How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?   38)Do you plan to seek Financial support in the US?   39)Who will be your sponsor? How much is his annal income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? Do you have a bank deposit certification?   40)Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?   41) How long does it take to commute to your work place?   42) What do you think of the West Development in China?   43) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?   44) How long have you prepared for GRE? Did you cheat?   45) Are you a worker or a student now?   46)Where are you from? Where is your hometown?   47)How much do you earn now? How much will you earn when you come back?   48) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else? 49) What does your major mean?   50) What will you study in this major? What courses?   51) If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?   52) What"s the difference between your major now and the major in USA?   53)When are you going to enter US?   54)What is your dream?   55)What is the thing you like best in America ,or the thing you like best in China?   56)Then what is the thing you don"t like most in China?   57)Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?   58)Why do you change your major ?   59)What is your favorite pet? Why?   60)What"s your best/worst quality.   61)What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?   62) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?   63)What"s your favorite food?   64) Have you any bank deposit?   65) What kind of works you will do for this assistantship? What"s your duty as a TA/RA?   66) Is your transcript original?   67) How old are you?   68)Have you any relatives in US?   69) When did you join the T/G test?   70)What score did you get in T/G test?   71)課程概述. Can you talk something about the course XX?   72) Do you have sisters or brothers?   73) How long have you been in Beijing?   74) Why did you live in Beijing?   75)What"s you hobby? What do you do in your spare time?   76) What is your current project in your company? What are you responsible for in your present post?   77) How many years have your worked?   78)Can you tell me which assistantship they give you? TA or RA.   79) What will you teach?   80) What is your favorite American movie?   81) Who do you think is the best president of the US?   82) Where is your HUKOU(戶口)?   83)Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?   84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?   85) Who is your advisor?   86) Have you any scholarship?   87)Which is your favorite restaurant (cafe)?   88) What"s the difference between your major now and the major in USA?   89) Where do you live? Where will you live?   90) Why did you choose your present job?   91)what will you do if you can not find a position in the big comanies/ xxx university?   92)Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years?   93)what is your dissertation about? what is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?   94)You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don"t you want to earn more? why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?   95)Where is your company located in?   96)So what development/programming tools do you use?(CS)   97) Have you business card? Do you have a name card?   98)Why have you quit your job?   99) How did you take GRE?   100)Is xxxxxxx the first university to give you the offer?   101) Will you come back to this company after graduation?   102)What have you done in your research?   103)Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your cl ass?   104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?   105)what kind of computer do you have?   106)what is your favorite color?   107) (Set up my own company about****) Is it dificult?   108) Would you like to accept the yellow card and go to window 10?



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