

Donald Trump is planning to spend as little time in the White House as possible, according to reports.有報道稱,特朗普打算盡量少待在白宮。

The president-elect"s preference for his $100 million New York penthouse has called into question who will pay for the 90-minute commute to the capital by helicopter.特朗普更傾向於待在紐約的百萬美元豪宅,問題是,搭乘直升飛機往返華盛頓的90分鐘航程產生的費用該由誰買單呢?

During the campaign trail, the businessman would often fly back late at night to his gold-bedecked luxury home in Trump Tower so he could wake up in his own bed.在競選期間,特朗普通常都是深夜飛回自己金碧輝煌的豪宅,就為了睡在自己的床上。

The New York Times claimed that Trump is already having discussions with advisers about how many days of the week he is required to spend in the White House.據《紐約時報》報道稱,特朗普已經著手徵詢顧問們的建議,看他每周有多少天是必須待在白宮裡。

He has reportedly told them he would like to spend time in New York whenever he can.據說,特朗普表示只要有時間,他都願意待在紐約。

Melania is understood to be expecting to make the move to Washington.特朗普夫人梅蘭妮亞則很期待搬到華盛頓。

But the couple"s 10-year-old son, Barron, is midway through a school year at the private Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, in Manhattan.不過,他們10歲的兒子巴倫正在曼哈頓的私立哥倫比亞語法預備學校就讀,目前,一個學年剛剛進行到一半。

It has been speculated Barron may move to Washington to be schooled at Sidwell Friends – which has educated the children of presidents for the past 35 years.有猜測稱,巴倫可能會搬到華盛頓,然後在賽維爾友誼學校就讀。過去35年,該校一直接收美國總統的子女就讀。

But it has also been reported that the 10-year-old could actually remain in New York with his grandparents and stay at his current school.不過,也有報道稱巴倫可能留在紐約,跟外祖父母住在一起,不會轉學。

Trump is likely to spend most of the week in Washington, returning to Trump Tower or his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach on weekends.特朗普可能一周大部分時間在華盛頓,周末的時候返回紐約的特朗普大廈或者去棕櫚灘的Mar-a-Lago別墅。

His advisers said the mogul was impressed with the White House during his meeting with President Obama.顧問們表示,特朗普跟奧巴馬會面時,對白宮印象很深刻。

They said they hope he becomes more accustomed to living there once he becomes "less overwhelmed and more comfortable" with the presidency.他們希望,等到特朗普「更加了解和適應」總統職位之後能夠更加習慣在白宮的生活。

It is hardly surprising that the president-elect is reluctant to leave his 30,000 sq ft Manhattan apartment which is spread over three floors and boasts breathtaking views of Central Park.要說特朗普不願意離開紐約曼哈頓將近3000平方米的豪宅也不奇怪,他的豪宅佔了大廈整整三層,擁有俯瞰中央公園的絕佳視野。

The luxurious penthouse appears to take inspiration from the Palace of Versailles, with floor to ceiling marble and walls garnished in 24-carat gold.他的豪宅裝飾靈感來源於凡爾賽宮,地板和天花板都用大理石,牆壁都用24k黃金裝飾。

Trump has previously promised he was not planning to change the decor in the White House to match his own tastes - prompting sighs of relief.特朗普之前表示並不打算按照自己的品味改變白宮的裝修風格,這讓大家都鬆了一口氣。

"Honestly, look: It"s a very special place," he told CNN earlier this year.他在今年早些時候接受CNN採訪時說:「坦白說,那是個很特別的地方。」

"It"s a very special building. The White House represents something so important.「那是座特別的建築。白宮代表著很重要的東西。」

"It"s gonna be clean. It"s gonna be beautiful. It"s gonna be well maintained. It"s gonna be just like it is. I"m gonna be working — I"m not gonna be decorating."「那裡要潔凈,要悅目,需要好好維護。白宮還會是現在的樣子,我會在那裡工作,而不是去那裡搞裝修。」


觀點 | 外媒:特朗普會成為共和黨的棄牌嗎?

TAG:白宮 | 特朗普 |