

請先回復「抱」貼,再翻譯,以免撞車浪費人力,謝謝合作! 不回帖直接上翻譯者視為興趣展示,不予更新到主帖。 轉載請註明「星譯社」(http://www.douban.com/group/ATSteam/)及譯者,謝謝。 搬運排版: 譯文: —————————————————————————————————————— 白羊座——譯者: —————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————— 金牛座——譯者:硬糖 —————————————————————————————————————— 感覺有壓力?現在的你如同氣象圖上表示壓差的等壓線,上上下下,剛覺得放鬆之後壓力又來了。可能「過多」的感到不知所措(可能一直在「等待」),似乎別人的需要和擔心也在包圍著你。不是什麼新狀況了,這種感覺已持續了一段時間。火星現在在關係宮,你希望事情如已所願,略有緊張感,也不再容忍愚蠢的人事。 金牛是很能激勵他人的星座。如果某人沒有注意到你的狀態,這一周你感覺脆弱,一團糟。 某事好似已煮燉很長時間,儘管耐心是你的天性,感覺受夠了,厭倦聽到錯誤的話或行為,或者聽到「小心」。會引發第三次世界大戰哦。 對於實際發生的事,你的反應並不合適得體,火星加上自身逐漸失去的耐心讓你因為一點小事而大動肝火。 接下來這周某個親密關係,也許是戀愛,將有改進,看起來有更多有趣的活動將要發生(總的來說戀愛關係方面有很多收穫) 周五太陽與天王星合相,你可能會聽到有關家庭,家居,也許是目前居住地的重要消息。這可能是懷孕或生小孩,也許是某個家庭矛盾得到和解的消息。 如果它與你或你愛的人有關,試試從不同角度思考如何改變居所,或家庭生活環境(如何提高生活質量)你有精力處理這些。周末發生的事,也許是你得到消息的時候,標誌著生活發生改變。 這周會因為某個提議或建議而感到驚訝,因為它完全是為你而產生。但必須考慮任何新想法,內心沒有任何偏見。 仍有感到壓力的時刻,尤其與比自己更有權力的人相處時,也許生活被直接或間接的評價。 無論這周發生什麼都預示著接下來要發生的事情。 —————————————————————————————————————— 雙子座——譯者:Mr. D —————————————————————————————————————— 如果你能夠向因紐特人推銷得出去雪的話,你可能眼下特別適合實現這一壯舉,因為你的說服天賦現在正令人著魔、所向披靡。 但可能有一件事你就是沒法說服自己不去做、或說服自己去做或就是單純的說服自己。談話得有行動支撐,或者它的版本至少不該與你的版本相異,但路人甲和你都需要把這一點保持在你想法的首位。 這周大量的宇宙活動與你的主星有關,你可能會感覺更加需要溝通,但同時也會對自己的想法和計劃更加堅定。 這並不是說不會有任何的反對與壓力——這些是有的——特別是與大班們和手握權力的人。但在宇宙的助力下你的出發點非常堅實,因此你將受益於任何形式的反對並且不會受到責備。眼下你正試圖達成的會有點困難,但你確實擁有處理任何反對或質疑及達成你理想的成績所需的必要能力。因為你擁有「話癆的天賦」,並且也更容易引起共鳴,現在正是澄清問題並處理未獲回應的情感問題的理想時機,特別是那些已經有些時日的問題。 關鍵是在溝通中保持完全的直率與坦誠……還有你的回答。 —————————————————————————————————————— 巨蟹座——譯者:幻覺 —————————————————————————————————————— 這周有種與敵同眠的感覺,也許是你與他們變得更親密了,也許你開始摧毀他們,但既然聽著這麼極端,建議你哪種都不要做吧。 建議用中立態度換取互惠互利,加強你自己的安全感,而不是極力證明某個觀點,這才是必要的。也就是說做好準備,自願開放溝通渠道。 這周很重要,會有重要的選擇和目標感出現,甚至是改變人生強度的。可能是某種局面的結束、進步或完成改變,可以是有形的(比如你選擇了某個方向),也可以是你立場與觀念的變化。 周末之前這些情況就可能出現,滿月影響了合併資產/共享資源宮,影響到你與另一方(特別是性伴侶)間的互動,或影響相關主題:繼承、稅務、來自另一方的財務供給(比如撫養費這類)。 巨蟹座身為月亮的小孩,每個滿月都很重要,這次是個令人心驚的時候,尤其是看起來像有些東西「隱約可見」,但你正處於人生節點,這時必須做出重要決定,這決定還具有深遠影響。也許你要被迫面對些不舒服的事情,可能與家庭負擔、合作夥伴關係(資產合併的伴侶關係)有關。 所以這事可能涉及到錢的方面,但應該是這樣那樣的方式有利於你的,太陽位於你的財務和資產宮,這個滿月強調的可以是:有些東西如何用積極方式重建/轉變。 但財務和資產宮也是自尊宮,你可能為了保持自尊放棄錢或蒙受痛苦損失(如果你正處於「財務糾葛」中尤為如此)。 你可能決定,不會為了權宜之計背叛自己的原則,因為你更加清楚的意識到你最深刻的依戀,還有那些你已經「失去」的人。 總之,這周前幾天非常重要,帶有轉變性,情緒上也相當沉重。 —————————————————————————————————————— 獅子座——譯者:找到組織了 —————————————————————————————————————— 這當然是屬於你的時間,日水木都在獅子座,下周金星也會駕到,更別提最近才發生過的獅子座新月了。你是真正處於「舞台中央」的。 大量的宇宙活動都以你為中心展開,特別是8號,有至少5個相位共存,這種狀態將持續到周末,在這段時間,你絕對可以期待發生一些具有歷史意義的、特殊或意味深長的事(特別是商業、資產及與工作相關的新機會)。 即使所有事都沒有按計划進行或不符合你的心意,那也是暫時的,從更長的時間周期來看,你一定會得償所願。木星12年才造訪一次,許多星星都在支持著你。 這一時期你從萌寵的家貓變身為真正的雄獅,向世人展示著自己的才能。或是讓他們知道他們錯看了你,低估了你(正面臨挑戰的大貓們更能感受到這一點),人們並沒有期待你能成功。 你一直是很有勇氣的人,不過現在你會用全部的個性力量來彰顯自己的決心與膽魄。 即使當前的挑戰看似無法征服,你也會拼盡全力並最終成功——秀出自己的本事吧,特別是現在到周末的這幾天。 你與某人意見不一,這個人可能是同事、老闆、配偶或親屬,你也可能面對某些讓人氣餒的狀況。可能是戀愛或商務方面的狀況反覆或再度出現過去的焦慮。 你能量十足,宇宙也支撐著你實現自己的目標及最深的慾望,但你也可能任由憤怒、憂傷、躁動或苦惱來阻礙自己的進步(特別是10號的滿月時期)。這會影響到伴侶關係、長期商業夥伴甚至是敵人,所以你周末的關鍵詞就是「妥協」。 同時,你也忙於社交,可能出現爭吵或冷暴力以及連鎖反應及不確定性,但整體而言,此時絕對是你生活中的華彩樂章。 —————————————————————————————————————— 處女座——譯者:Mononoke —————————————————————————————————————— 木星現在駐紮在你的靈魂宮,你正以不同的視角看待生活,或者至少你正要這麼做了。這個宮位會讓你更深刻地觸及自我,讓你對他人更富於同情,而且任何你曾經犯下的過錯也都會得到庇護。這便是木星位於靈魂宮理論上的效應。同樣這個宮位適宜任何開展任何幕後或者私密的事情,而且對於很多處女座而言這回具有全新的涵義…… 而對於那些同兄弟姐妹或者鄰居產生分歧和矛盾(土星3宮的緣故)的處女座,寬恕與遺忘似乎很難做到。過去的恩怨累積太多了。 這個問題會成為你本周末的主題,尤其在8月9日左右日土刑發生的時候。你將會處理某些私密或者幕後的事情,而火星會幫助你加快進程;這些事情涉及聯合資產、權利與任期、財務和/或法律協議。 如果你想要得到一份「共有」協議,你確實需要解釋自己的行為與目標,而本周這件聯合性的事務會被重新定義。8月8日你會看到積極的突破與真正的進展。 你現在所應對的事情意義重大,對你的心靈、物質和精神上的安寧會產生影響。你將會遇到困難,因為這裡涉及錯綜複雜的情感與財務雷區,你得滿足每個人的需求,不過你最終會安然解決的。你將會與數字打不少交道,所有權、百分比、事實與數據會充斥你的談話,但是如果某個人受到了不公平的待遇,你所做的一切就「失敗」了。 8月10日的滿月幫助你解決一些長期存在的問題,你會發揮處女座專長去幫助他人處理問題。這個時間也是你審視自己身體健康的時機,無論是情感還是精神上的健康。打個比方,你現在正在做的——或者沒有做的——一件事情是否正在破壞你的心智?也許這只是去徹底放手過去的一段人際關係,或者你理想中的那段關係(也許再不會有任何聯繫的那種)。 從長遠看來,最健康的事情意味著做正確的事情和找尋正確的解決方案;所以你應當把自己所有的時間和腦力用在實現這個目標上。這可能涉及到你的戀人、前任、家庭成員(比如一位兄弟姐妹),某個你認識或者你憎恨的人,或者是個與你劍拔弩張的某個人;本周你們會卸下防護裝備,直面挑戰。換言之,你能夠對結果進行選擇:鬥爭、投降、屈服或握手言和。你能引發的優勢或者劣勢——或者以恰當或者惡劣的態度行事,或者作出額外要求,或者改變遊戲規則。 木星12的負面業報便是如此,而糾纏其中對你毫無益處。本周你需要卸下這些負面的能量。 —————————————————————————————————————— 天秤座——譯者:海歷克斯_ATS —————————————————————————————————————— 如果你近來閱讀過有關於你的那些運勢,那麼你應該知道自己正在扮演者一個社交達人的角色且這將還將持續相當長的一段時間。你的家人,你的死黨們,你的親戚,你的狐朋狗友們,他們隨時靜候你的吩咐,他們是你的後盾,他們的大門為你敞開,如果必要的話,他們會在你哭泣的時候把肩膀借給你用一會兒。你對自己的朋友圈可是相當的挑剔,你十分的公正,脾氣也好,還很和善等等……但是,你也有自己的交友原則且不能接受粗魯和無禮的行為。這就是說,你可能會因為某人的某些行為和意圖或是某些與你持有不同社會觀點和專業看法的人產生警惕或懷疑。儘管你通常樂意站在不同的立場上去看問題,但在某個特殊的議題上你還是難以和別人達成共識。 這種問題可能是關於由誰來掌控領導權,利潤該如何分紅或所有權(勝利果實)的歸屬,抑或是工作任務和工作量的如何分擔。 當你用自己的方式去處理這些問題和分歧的時候,這其中將會伴隨著某些不安的因素和壓力,所以務必保持你的外交風格並盡量做到公正,但是也別就此而成為一個不堪一擊的廢物。 如果(這股能量)所涉及到的私人生活,那麼你可能會覺得某人想要從你這兒得到些什麼,而這可能與金錢或生意上的往來有關——某人正試圖從你身上揩點油。如果要你同時去出席多個社交場合,你對此只能感嘆分身乏術,而這多少會讓你感覺有些鴨梨山大。或者,這種狀況可能是某個很特別的人(可能是新的戀愛對象或新的朋友)正變得有些蠻不講理,或是你們的關係正變得有些失控或是有了小衝突。 你不必非在這一周就去徹底處理掉這些問題,因為這一切將會自行解決,可能將會有第三方出面調停(但這或許會導致更多的麻煩)。 不要為此而擔心什麼,這一切最終將會以一個積極的結果作為結局,而你也將讓一切重回正軌(如果這些事是有關於工作或社交生活便更是如此)。近段時間裡你遭遇到了一些挫敗,或是在事業上,或是在個人聲譽方面,也或是在私人生活上遭遇到了打壓,但猜猜怎麼著了,你現在已經重整旗鼓了。你不僅有了一份全新的心態,而且你按捺不住內心的渴望力圖讓所有的動蕩不安都歸於平靜,而這有可能是你終於放下了感情上某份執念。 你現在的人氣之高堪與天齊,你所到之處大門競相敞開,就連宇宙也順應這種態勢助你發光發熱並讓你一再地讓你奪人眼球。 10日的滿月就是一個狂歡節,所以你一定要去狂野一把、盡情歡樂、釋放你的童趣,亦如麥當娜所唱的那樣——「秀出自我」。 你一直都做得很棒——非同尋常的「一級棒」,而且你已經做到了所能做到的一切。你掌控著一切且正處於巔峰狀態(這一切甚至是如你所期待的那般之好),因此,別浪費了這份能量,好好利用它吧! —————————————————————————————————————— 天蠍座——譯者: —————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————— 射手座——譯者:幻覺 —————————————————————————————————————— 土星在十二宮行運是一段有趣的旅程,就連最振奮、樂觀、死硬派的大射手也要說「有些瞬間值得銘記」。 或者你可能是那種「叛逆大師」型的射手(很多射手是這種),絕不讓自己感受到除了「積極」之外的任何東西,假如你開始感覺到「抑鬱」諸如此類的東西,反正還有別的可以做,比如旅行,比如工作,比如賺錢、做愛、發掘新東西。 世界如此遼闊,還有那麼多不知道的。 有些傢伙真的認為只要他們保持前進、變動、忙碌、不停下來,總有一天會跑出問題之外,那就不用想也不用處理問題了。但其實,有時候你必須停下來,面對一些醜事、私密問題、人生中一直保持在秘密狀態的東西。這可以是大事或小事,但永遠不會像你一樣消失。 永遠不放棄樂觀,但這是說要用樂觀態度積極處理事務,不論事務背後是什麼。 話說,現在你其實已經走到了這一輪土星考驗的「下坡路」上,所有悲觀抑鬱都開始消散,生活正看著越來越好,因為你的主子木星在你大本營第九宮行運,這對你來說好的不能再好,有了充分理由,帶來刷新的信念。 再加上大射手帶有神奇的天賦好運,這種好運永遠不會拋棄你,這周這種天賦能量就會非常明顯。 你正處於財務、法律、商業意識事務的關鍵時刻,各種想盡辦法、討論建議、忙於處理,有些大射手這周還會被獵頭瞄準,或接到特別帶感的工作錄用。 還有些大射手正處理與家庭有關的法律問題,因為這周凱龍與海王多次與水星和金星呈相,可能會有涉及到有形資產、房產等類型的進展。溝通之星參與其中,你會收到大量文件、提案、租約、協議等。 但火星和土星還在你的私密宮,你或者其他人可能有隱秘動機,或是隱瞞信息,或是表現的神神秘秘。 10日有滿月發生在溝通宮,涉及到兄弟姐妹、鄰居、親近的人(那種感覺有點像家裡人的),這天很適合好好利用你的智慧,簡潔的說明你的情況。 尤其在與遠距離的人或機構交涉時(所有涉外事務都很有利),可能是想獲得海外教育機構的位置,或是移民申請,或是海外公司位置。 這周末和下周前半周非常重要,無論那時發生什麼、結束了什麼、決定了什麼,都可能決定之後很長一段時間的後續行動(是好是壞取決於你如何決定)。 但記得,木星是帶來希望的,給所有涉外、法律、海外人群、高等教育、出版和一切「跨國」目標帶來機會,包括互聯網。 只要你堅持下去,有些你認為塵埃落定的事情,無法挽回的人或狀況,接下來幾周都可能變成現實。 —————————————————————————————————————— 摩羯座——譯者: —————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————— 水瓶座——譯者:白色占卜師 —————————————————————————————————————— 如果你正在泅渡過一段艱難時期,如果你丟掉了工作或是其已經索然無味,如果你感到生活難於理解,如果有人總在試圖過分控制你的生活 - 天將降大任於斯人,堅持下去,必有成果。 不經歷風雨,無從見彩虹。 本周內,如果你的「敵人」(老闆,競爭對手,前任或是現任伴侶)跳出來作祟,分開反而會使你受益。你們之間的矛盾可能起因於對方對你的質疑和猜度,這讓你感到自己被放在顯微鏡下或是被壓制在了錯誤的位置上。 你需要可以支持並讓你成長的環境,在此之前,你不得不反抗和抵制任何形式的控制和獨裁。 水瓶是最有靈性的星座,要時刻記住「你是對的」「別人是錯的」,不要去在意別人的排擠和對你的錯誤認知。 不要去給自己豎起藩籬,不要擔心自己的底線和隱私。試著去冒險,不用再小心翼翼,宇宙會佑你平安。 你的生活被太過壓抑,有時維持某份工作,某種存在或是某段關係對你來說其實毫無意義,僅僅是因為「他人即地獄」。如果你的生活已經日復一日又一成不變,那現在是時候好好思考一下了。 在生活中的某些領域,你是不被重視的;而在其他部分,你絕對是主導一切的那一個(這才是你現在需要的)。 2015年初,大部分的瓶子會遠離愛人(遠離塵囂),將之留在身後。又或者,這是你一直想要的結果。 你改變生活的驅動力會來源於你的過去或未來的感情關係:你的另一半,或是有重要意義的人。 本周日的水瓶座滿月會為你的新生活楊帆啟程,你不是一個人(就算眼下是,也很快就會不是的)。即使前途荊棘滿地,終點也會一片陽光。 你一直選擇人跡罕至的道路,而眼下一切都會有所不同。 (譯者註:送給各位瓶子我自己很喜歡的一句話,不是行路者選擇路,而是路選擇行路者) —————————————————————————————————————— 雙魚座——譯者:PM —————————————————————————————————————— 英文中有很多措辭語句,大多具有邏輯性與合理的根基 -換言之即很有道理。舉個例子,「自己鋪的床自己躺」,用更清晰的白話說就是既然你創造了自己的命運,那就必須這樣活著(當然除非你換掉床單、重新鋪床)。 但假如你不停地更換床單,可床面依舊堅硬、無法舒適地躺下呢?那麼你必須換床啦。這是對你當下的生活非常中肯的建議,床類似於工作、親密關係、抑或你生活中其他令你不適/「堅硬」費勁的領域。 首先要有自我決斷,就像那稚氣的口頭禪「我想我可以,我想我可以」隨著氣勢的累積而變為「我知道我可以,我知道我可以」。 沒理由忍受硬板床,你也無須忍耐情感上的煎熬、抑或生活中的任何領域,你沒有必要容忍任何廢話(我本想用另外一個詞的...)(譯註:原文是nonsense,估計貝媽想用shit..) 此外,現在你生活中還有很多其他的事情需要你關注,一旦你處理好自己潛意識的問題、悲傷、或進退兩難,你的使命即轉為梳理好自己的生活與健康、學習新事務。 學習並不一定是指重返校園;也可能是指新的人生觀與生活方式(兩者都需要傾盡全力...尤其首先要甘願這麼去做)。 本周發生的某件事會成為改變的催化劑,也許是來自醫生、上司、愛人對你說的話(可能是不太好的消息)。 抑或你終於能夠分辨真相...即便只為自己。 10日周六的滿月會是一個分水嶺,一個關鍵性時刻 -下周初你將踏上新的旅程(本質上來說是一段全新的生活),名副其實。 原文: ARIES The polarizing effect continues and by the time it』s finished that will be around 8 months of back-to-back enhanced feistiness, and walking into the Lions Den. You are not taking any prisoners in this astro climate; in other words, no-one gets let off the hook. Mars and Uranus have joined forces to given you carte blanche to say or do anything you damn well please, but rather going out of your way to challenge others and be confrontational, you may think in terms of any long term impressions that you are leaving. Perhaps another approach is now called for? To some degree you are struggling to deal with another party(s) on even terms - or even with some degree of success and this might hit home between Friday and Monday when the Sun squares Saturn and gives you the wobbles. Whatever exchange takes place (or problem surfaces), it will affect your confidence and it』s likely to be with someone who has some 「sway」 over your life. This could be anyone from a business partner, a loved one, to an authority figure - committee head, immigration, police, senior family member - or a boss or a VIP. For those Arians who are in business with another or reliant in some way on another person in a financial sense - do your homework and make sure you』re not putting all your eggs in a basket – as it may not hold the weight. This week will see some evidence of that, an imbalance of what you get versus what they get, in other words 「the structure」. Read the small print of contracts, as you may not like what your 「half」 is, in terms of effort, profit; allocation of responsibilities, equity or some aspect. Expect ongoing delays and hurdles mainly because everything is not in 「order」 (or from past behavior of one of the parties) and this has financial and/or home-related connotations. At least your social life gets busier, and the lull has mainly been because you』ve been distracted by business or family issues, (especially to do with your offspring). Want to know more? Ask Stellar TAURUS Feeling the pressure? It』s like the isobars keep going up and down, you get relief and then squeezed again. You are probably also a bit 「over」 feeling stuck (you might even be playing some kind of 「waiting game」) and feel hemmed in by other』s needs and concerns. This is not new, you』ve been feeling like this for a while, so now that Mars is in your relationship zone, you want things to happen, are somewhat on edge (and reactive) and won』t suffer fools gladly. You are the sign that takes a lot of goading, but then when you do break, all hell cuts loose and this may be one of those weeks if certain folk haven』t been paying attention to the signs. It』s likely a situation has been on slow boil for a long time, and in spite of your innate patience you are fed up to the back teeth and the wrong word or action and 「look out」. World War 3 could be the result. Your reactions are probably not appropriate to what is actually happening, but the combination of Mars and your dwindling endurance is sufficient for you to go overboard at the drop of a hat. Having said that, in an intimate or 「loving」 relationship, this can actually improve and there seems to be more 「fun」 activities on the horizon from the weekend onwards (and more benefits to loving relationships in general). With the Sun in positive aspect to Uranus on Friday you may hear significant news relating to family dynamics, your home or even where you live. This may be news of a pregnancy/birth, or a sign of détente in a family dispute. If it involves you, or your loved ones, try and think outside the square for ways to improve home and family related domestic situations, (or ways to improve your tangible home). The current energy is ideal for this and what happens on the weekend – or news you receive - is a game changer. You may be surprised by an offer or suggestion that is made to you this week, but you have to be willing to consider any new ideas and remain unprejudiced. There will still be some moments of being 「squeezed」 especially with someone who is more powerful than you or has some 「say」 over your life, either directly or indirectly. Whatever happens this weekend is the precursor for what lies ahead. Want to know more? Ask Stellar GEMINI If you could sell snow to the Inuit you would be very capable of pulling of this feat now because your gift of persuasion is spellbinding, unbeatable even. But there may be one thing that you simply can』t talk yourself out of, or into, or around. Talk has to be backed up with actions or at least a version that is not singularly your version, but the general one and you need to keep that in the forefront of your mind. There is a lot of Cosmic activity with your ruler this week, so you will feel an even greater need to communicate, but with lots of confidence in your ideas and plans. That』s not to say there won』t be disagreements and stress – there will – especially with bosses and those in authority. Still with your Cosmic support you have a strong foundation and thus inured to any form of disapproval and you won』t be censured. What you are trying to achieve is difficult, but you do have the wherewithal to deal with any opposition or doubts and achieve your desired result. Because you have the 「gift of the gab」, and are more empathic as well, this is an ideal time to unravel problems and deal with unanswered emotional issues, especially those that have a history. They key is to be entirely candid and straightforward in your communication…..and your answers. Want to know more? Ask Stellar CANCER There is a kind of Sleeping with the Enemy theme this week, you either get into bed with them - or you set out to destroy them - but as dramatically polarized as that sounds, neither is advised this week. Instead a middle ground that is mutually beneficial and shores up your own security - as opposed to proving a point - is what is required. In other words be prepared, willing and open to negotiation. This week is quite significant in that a significant choice or new sense of purpose occurs, and it may even be life changing. It may end a situation, improve it or completely change it. This may be tangible (as you chose one direction or another) or else it』s a change in your position or perspective. This is likely to come to the fore before the end of the weekend, as the full moon impacts on the area of joint funds/shared resources, your interactions with another (especially a sexual partner) and the more mundane issues such as inheritances, taxes and financial support from another (i.e. alimony and the like). Being a moonchild all full moons are significant, and this could be a frightening time, especially if something is 「looming」. But you are at a junction in your life, when a crucial decision must be made and one which will have far-reaching consequences. You may be forced to confront something uncomfortable (that may have something to do with family baggage and/or joint partnerships). So there is a money aspect, but this should be beneficial to you, one way or another as the Sun is in your money and assets house and the full moon here can highlight how something can rebuilt and/or transformed in a positive way. But this is also the house of self esteem, so you may forego the money or suffer painful losses in order to have self esteem (this especially if you are in a 「money argument」). You might make a decision not to betray your principles for reasons of expediency as you become more aware of your deepest attachments and those who you have 「lost」. At any rate the first few days of the forecast are quite 「momentous」 and transformational and most likely emotionally rather heavy. Want to know more? Ask Stellar LEO Well of course it』s your moment, you have Jupiter in your sign (a once in 12 year event) and the Sun, your ruler, and Mercury in Leo and Venus arrives later in the week (not to mention the recent new moon in your sign). So you are well and truly 「centre stage」. There』s a lot of Cosmic activity that centers around you, especially on the 8th when there are no less than five aspects, and this continues on the weekend, so you can anticipate something rather historic, special or meaningful to occur around this time (especially in the realm of business, finances and new work-related opportunities. Even if everything doesn』t go according to plan or exactly how you』d like, that』s just the short term, and it will all pan out in your favor in the longer term. As I said, Jupiter only comes around once a decade and you have a raft of planets at your back. This is when you go from domesticated pussycat to a jungle Big Cat, and show the world what you』ve got. Or show them that they are wrong about you, or have underestimated you (especially if you are in some kind of challenging situation), and people are not expecting you to win. You』ve always had the grit/determination/courage" but now is when you will show that with the full force of your personality. Even if a challenge seems unconquerable you will put forth every effort and succeed - so show them what you can do – especially around the start of the forecast week and on the weekend. There is someone with whom you are not seeing eye-to-eye with and it may be a work colleague, boss, spouse or relative or you may be facing some daunting group situation. This may be a recurring situation or a renewed angst from the past, and again this may be in your love life or in business. You do have the energy and Cosmic support to realize your goals and deepest desires, but it』s also possible you allow anger, grief, restlessness or unhappiness to impede your progress (especially around the 10th at the time of the full moon). This can impact on the relationship with a mate/spouse, your long-term business partners, or even enemies, so your key word for the week is COMPROMISE. Whilst you social life looks busy, there can be spats and emotional stand-offs and some complications and uncertainties, but all things considered you are in a HUGE purple patch. Want to know more? Ask Stellar VIRGO Now that Jupiter is in your spiritual house, you are looking at life through a different prism, or at least you are meant to. This is the house where you get more 「in touch」 with yourself and feel more compassion for your fellow man and likewise any transgressions that you have made are protected also. Well that』s the theory. It also helps situations that are happening behind closed doors or privately, and for a number of Virgo』s that has a whole different connotation… But for those Virgo』s who have been at odds with siblings or the neighbor (thanks to Saturn) forgive and forget seems to be a tall ask, or nigh impossible. There』s been too much water under the bridge. And yet it』s likely that this is the very topic that occupies you over the weekend, especially around the 9th when the Sun squares Saturn. You will be dealing with something private or behind the scenes and Mars will ensure the pace is accelerated in matters affecting joint assets, rights and tenures, financial and/or legal agreements. The association is being redefined this week although you do need to explain your actions and your objectives if you are to get a 「joint」 arrangement but the 8th is a 「red letter」 day in terms of positive breakthroughs and real progress. What you are dealing with now is significant to you, it』s something either dear to your heart, your pocket or your peace of mind. There will be difficulties and it』s a complex emotional and financial minefield satiating everyone』s demands, but you can pull it off. You』ll be number crunching and talking a lot about ownership, percentages, facts and figures, but it』s not a 「success」 if someone ends up with the short end of the stick. The full moon on the 10th can help you to resolve long-standing issues and doing your 「Virgo thing」 helping others in need and improving and fixing situations. That said, it may be time to look at your health, and this may be your emotional or mental health. For example is what you are doing - or not doing - regarding one particular issue damaging your psyche? It may be as simple as letting go once and for all of a relationship from the past, or your ideal of that relationship (that may not have any relevance anymore). The 「healthiest」 thing long term in every respect means doing the right thing and finding the right solution so focus all your time and mental energy on achieving that. It could be a lover, an ex, a family member (such as a sibling), someone you know or someone you hate, or someone you are 「at war」 with but this week the gauntlet has been thrown; with the challenge directed towards you. In other words you can chose the outcome, fight, wave the white flag, surrender or conduct peace talks. You can bring about an intentional advantage - or disadvantage - or act in good or bad faith or make additional demands or change the rules. This is not good 12th house karma and continuing to be entangled in this mess won』t help your cause and could turn very ugly. Offload this burden this week. Want to know more? Ask Stellar LIBRA If you』ve been reading your scopes you know that you』re on a social role that going to last for quite a while. Your family, support group, tribe, network, are there for you, they have your back, they cN open doors and they give you the shoulder to cry on if need be. You are rather fastidious about your friends, you are very fair, good natured, kind etc.. but you have 「standards」 and shy away from vulgar or offensive behavior. That said, you may have cause to be wary or doubt someone』s behavior or intentions…or you have social or professional differences of opinion; and although you are usually willing to switch views, there is an uncommon divergence on one particular issue. It might be about who is boss, how profit sharing or ownership is apportioned (or the 「spoils」) or who is doing the work and in what amounts. There will be some frisson and some strain, as you work your way through the issues and differences, maintaining your diplomatic approach and trying to be fair, but not being a pushover either. If this is in a personal sense, you may feel as if someone is wanting something from you, perhaps of a financial nature and in a commercial sense, someone IS trying to take advantage of you. There may also be general social stress in that you have to be in a number of places at once and you can』t keep up. Or it can be that one person in particular (and maybe a new romantic interest or a new friend in your life) is becoming almost an imposition or the whole situation is getting a bit out of hand, or a hassle. You don』t have to deal with this conclusively this week as the right solutions will present themselves and probably some third party will intervene (or cause more complications!). Don』t worry it will all end up positive and you』ll all be kicking in the same direction (especially if this is in a working or social scenario). You』ve had a few setbacks in recent times, it could have been a career, reputation or personal slap down, but guess what, you』ve bounced back. Not only are you in a different mindset, you』re raring to go and get back into the swing of things and maybe finally let go of that emotional torch. Your PR is sky high, doors are opening as you pass and the Cosmos is rolling out situations in which you can shine and make a fabulous first, second or third impression. The full moon on the 10th is Bacchanalian so you have to be wild, fun and childlike and as Madonna sang 「Express Yourself」. You are doing very well, extraordinary well, and you』ve got it all together. You are in control, and you really are at your best (and maybe even as good as you』re likely to get) so don』t waste this power. Make it work for you. Want to know more? Ask Stellar SCORPIO Oh to be a Scorpio right now. You have Jupiter, Mars, Sun (and Venus shortly) and a new moon coming up, all in your zone of public image, reputation, career and worldly success. Wow. You may have to tear yourself away from reading your scopes to answer the doorbell where the courier is delivering your latest job offer. The phone is ringing off the hook. Of course this applies to whatever you are doing in life, you may be the student who is offered a PHD opportunity or the political or environmental volunteer who becomes the CEO or gets the great overseas posting. Or you have fallen in love with an exotic stranger and want to sail off into the sunset. Or course there are always some strings attached and some degree of controversy IS apparent, and it may be that your other half feels threatened or insecure because they are now competing for your time. And people will compete for you, professionally, romantically, socially and otherwise, and that may cause some friction amongst your family. Or a job opportunity presents a conundrum for your offspring (in terms of relocation, schooling, and perhaps new country). You have stardust in Scorpio skies and Saturn is now like the caring parent or teacher gently pushing you in the right direction. Certainly your emotional ties and responsibilities will be harder to plan and arrange as on the one hand you have a financial or business pull, and on the other, romantic, social and family. This is not the week to come up with definite answers or resolutions, give yourself (and others) more time, but your priorities are changing. The weekend is 「interesting」 and probably volatile and you may be dealing with an emotional or even a moral predicament, but you』ll come up with the right answers as you always do. Not everyone will agree with you always and may distance themselves from you or push you away but overall, you』re the Wunderkind, respected and held in high esteem and the opportunities to show this will just keep on coming… Want to know more? Ask Stellar SAGITTARIUS Saturn』s transit through your 12th has been an interesting ride, and even the most buoyant, optimistic and diehard card carrying Sag would have to say there were 「moments」. Or you could be (as so many Sags are) a master/mistress of defiance and you absolutely refuse yourself to feel anything other than 「up」 and if you feel some strange sensation beginning that resembles gloom….well, there is always alternatives, like travel and work and making money and sex and discovering new things. The world is pretty expansive place and there』s a lot to discover. Some folk believe that if they keep on going, moving and keeping busy and don』t stop still then they can literally outrun their problems and not have to think or deal with them. But at some point you have to stop and face the skeleton or private issue or something that remains 「behind the scenes your life. It may be big, it may be small, but it』s not going anywhere - unlike you. Never ditch the optimism, but rather direct it towards positively dealing with whatever lies 「beneath」. That said by now as you reach the 「downhill」 run of this testing Saturn transit, any pessimism or despondency is evaporating and life is looking rather peachy because your ruler Jupiter is transiting your house (essentially) which is as good as it gets for you - and that brings renewed faith – and with good reason. Plus your amazing Sagittarian luck has never deserted you, nor your innate power and the latter will be very much in the foreground this week. You are in the thick of things in some financial, legal or business sense and wheeling and dealing and discussing proposals and approaches and a number of Sags will be headhunted this week or receive an job offer that is very appealing. Others are dealing with legal issues to do with family and as both Chiron and Neptune are aspected a number of times this week with Mercury and Venus, there could be developments regarding tangible property and real estate in all its forms. With the planet of communication in the mix you』ll be reviewing a lot of paperwork and proposals, leases, agreements et al. But with Mars and Saturn in the hidden part of your chart, you or someone else has an ulterior motive or are withholding information or are being rather secretive. On the 10th there is a full moon in the house of communication and especially with siblings, neighbors or anyone who is close (who feels familial) and this is a great day to harness that great intellect of yours and direct your intelligence towards succinctly stating your case. This is especially so towards someone or an organization at a distance (as all foreign dealings are very well favored). This may be trying to get a placement in an overseas educational institution, a migration application, or an overseas company. So the weekend and early part of next week is very significant and whatever occurs or is concluded or determined around that time will probably determine all subsequent actions for some time to come (and that may be a backlash or great benefits depending on what you decide). But remember that Jupiter brings promise and makes all things possible in the areas of foreign ventures, legal dealings, people overseas, educational interests, publishing and any 「global」 pursuits including the Internet. Something you thought was done and dusted, a person or situation beyond redemption, or highly likely, can become a reality over the next few weeks if you keep on trucking. Want to know more? Ask Stellar CAPRICORN For a traditionally cool sign you are one hot Mama or Papa and the passion is raging through your veins and that might be fabulous if it』s directed towards artistic creativity, or with a key work project, or with a red hot love affair….but perhaps not so good if you are wrestling with a moral dilemma. There is temptation, and you are thinking about it, and this transgression that you are contemplating may be in your personal or business life, but you almost need to do something 「naughty」. Just to break out. But you know what they say, 「there』s no such thing as a free lunch」 and remember that, no matter how tempting an idea or a person is. Mars is stirring up your dealings with groups and organizations (and that may translate to issues with friends or coworkers and bosses) and this is also stimulating your romance house. Jupiter is providing the lust factor and with a number of planets in Leo, you』d have to be in a coma not to be in the market for a seduction, romance, or 「an affair to remember」 (or a lusty one-night stand). If you are in a long term relationship you』ll have renewed passion and there could be a renaissance, or at the very least you』ll discuss ways in which you can get it 「back on track」 if the ardor has cooled. But it has to be said that you』re probably not the easiest person in the world to deal with these days, as Pluto is literally reconstructing you (and that』s not a walk in the park). You are cleaving a path through your friends and associates and offloading people and evaluating everyone and everything. However your obvious reservations and arms length approach is somewhat disconcerting at times and others will react in kind. If you are feeling hurt or confused about a group or a friend, this may be a reason why, but life feels very 「changeable」 and unknown and that can feel disturbing. The weekend can be 「interesting」 and you may feel torn emotionally as you are evaluating a situation, maybe a domestic or family one and how you fit into the scheme of things or more specifically how they fit into yours…and if they still do. Again it comes back to the 「morality」 issue and has everything to do with your idealology and core beliefs and values and around the time of the full moon on 10th is when you really start to weigh up your situation. It』s about money, values, self esteem and how they all tie in or no longer work. What 「value」 do you place on your self esteem (and all of this is BTW is tied in with someone else). Want to know more? Ask Stellar AQUARIUS If you are going through a difficult time, if you have lost your job (or it』s desultory) or you feel like life is deconstructing - or someone else has had control over your life - this is so that you end up in a better place. From not so good things, big things will grow. If your adversary (boss, business competitor, ex, current etc) is on your case this week, you stand to gain from the separation or the conflict because if you are being questioned and second-guessed and feel under the microscope or suppressed then you are in the wrong space and place. You need an environment that supports and nurtures you and you need to rebel and resist any kind of control or dictatorship. You are the genius of the zodiac, so remember you are right and they are wrong, no matter how much you are made to feel on the 「outer」 or wrong. Also stop hedging your bets and worrying about your bottom line or your 「security」. Take a risk and throw caution to the wind, the Cosmos is providing a safety net. Much in your life is under review and revision and it』s pointless maintaining some kind of job, existence or relationship situation only on the basis of its 「the devil you know」. If your life has become routine and you are simply going through the motions - or if you are repeating the same patterns (that didn』t work previously) - then it』s time to have a serious rethink. In certain quarters of your world, you are not the flavor of the month, and yet where it counts, you are everything and so you do have a good support base (which you probably need more than ever right now). A lot of Aquarians will be cutting and running with their loved ones far, far away (and Far from the Madding Crowd) early in 2015, and leaving Big Business behind. Or at least that is what you should do. Your other half or the people who mean the most to you are the most important thing and whether your decision is being made because of your current emotional tie, a previous, one or in the hope of a future one, relationships are the driving force for change in your life. There is a full moon in your sign on Sunday that suggests that you are about to embark on a new life journey and you will not be alone (or at least you won』t be for long). It may be a long and winding road, but ultimately it will be utterly rewarding. You have always taken the road less travelled and now it will be the very thing that makes the difference. Want to know more? Ask Stellar PISCES There are lots of expressions in the English language and most of them are grounded in logic and have a sound basis – or in other words, good sense. Take for example, the expression 「make your bed and lie in it」. In clearer vernacular it means that if you create your own destiny, then you have to live it (unless of course you change the sheets and remake the bed). But what if you keep changing the sheets but the bed remains hard and impossible to lie in comfortably? Then you have to change the bed. This is very pertinent advice in your world right now and the bed analogy may be a job, an intimate/emotional relationship, or some other aspect of your life that is uncomfortable and 「hard」. Self-determination is the first step, like that nursery mantra 「I think I can, I think I can」, that turns into 「I know I can, I know I can」 as the momentum builds. There is no reason to put up with a hard bed, nor do you have to put up with hard time emotionally or in any area of your life. You do not have to put up with any nonsense (I was going to use another word..). Besides, right now there are so many other things in your life that you should be concentrating on. Once you』ve dealt with your subconscious issues, grief or a private dilemma, your mission is to sort out your life, your health and learn new things. It doesn』t necessarily mean going back to school; it might just mean a different outlook and a new lifestyle (both of which will require some dedicated effort… not least to mention the will to so in the first place). Something that occurs this week will be the catalyst for this change and it may be news from your doctor, your boss, or your lover (and you may not like what you hear). Or you may finally be able to tell your own truth…if only to yourself. The full moon on Sunday 10th is the watershed, the defining moment and by early next week you will be committed to embark on that new journey (that is essentially a new way of living) and that is authentically.

雪漠:也算是精神健康學——《真心》代序 (轉載)

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