
5月19日,美國著名演員Meghan Markle和英國王子Harry完婚。在無數人的羨慕與掌聲下,Markle未來的生活可能沒有大多數人想像的那麼美好。這點從Diana王妃的人生經歷中我們便可略知一二。



校對:唐 蕭

策劃:劉 璠

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Can Meghan Markle modernise the monarchy?


Meghan Markle』s marriage to Prince Harry will make her an A-list star. But her most important role, say Emma Duncan and Valentine Low, will be to bolster the royal family

與英國Harry王子的婚禮,會使美國女演員Meghan Markle一躍成為一線明星。但是,在Emma Duncan和Valentine Low看來,她最重要的職責則在於振興英國皇室。

During the first television interview that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gave to the press in November 2017, they snuggled together on a sofa with wide smiles, like any loved-up couple. The American actor and British prince disclosed a few quotidian intimacies: they met on a blind date; he proposed to her while they were cooking a chicken; she immediately charmed his grandmother』s corgis, which bark relentlessly at him.


How they behaved in the interview revealed more than what they said. Markle clasped Harry』s left hand proprietorially between hers. She appeared natural in front of the camera and spoke fluidly and buoyantly. He, justifiably chary of the press, mumbled and stuttered a bit. As she looked at the interviewer, he gazed at her. While she talked, he stroked her forefinger with his thumb. The balance of their relationship became apparent during the course of the conversation, and has been confirmed subsequently in their increasingly frequent public appearances around Britain. He watches her constantly, both in adoration and in search of approbation. Harry is the lover and she the loved.


On May 19th, the pair will wed at Windsor Castle. In doing so, Markle will not just cement her position as one of the most famous women in the world. She will also join an institution that holds an enduring global appeal and has survived against the odds into the democratic age – and which, as the 92-year-old Queen ages, is undergoing a destabilising transition.


As Harry and Markle have toured Britain hand in hand, they have done a good job thus far of looking like ordinary people preparing to tiethe knot. Their TV interview certainly presented a sharp contrast with Harry』s parents』 painfully awkward first presentation to the press, at which Diana looked intermittently flirtatious and miserable, and Charles made a terrible, revealing gaffe when asked whether they were in love: she said 「of course」; he said 「whatever 『in love』 means」.


tie the knot結婚

flirtatious/fl?:?te???s; NAmE fl?:r?t- / (also informal flirty) adj.behaving in a way that shows a sexual attraction to sb that is not serious 賣弄風情的;打情罵俏的

Yet there is nothing very ordinary about Harry and Markle. Both have unusual – though quite different – backgrounds. Both have had the extraordinary experience of living life under the spotlight of fame: he as a prince, she as a now-famous actor. And both have struggled against society』s expectations of the roles they should play.


If Harry needs a strong, supportive wife, then Markle may be just the woman for him. But wedding a Windsor is a little more complicated than that. She isn』t just marrying a man, she』s marrying an institution with a tumultuous past and an uncertain future. Part of her job will be to help sustain it.


In business since Egbert of Wessex became King of England in 827, the British monarchy has – aside from a brief hiatus in the mid-17th century – proved itself remarkably durable. But in the past 100 years, it has been rocked twice, both times by a marriage. The first was the abdication crisis of 1936 when Edward VIII renounced the throne to wed Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee. The second was caused by the death of Diana in 1997.



After the princess』s fatal car crash, popular anger turned on her adulterous husband, Charles, who had never stopped loving his old flame Camilla Parker Bowles, and on the Queen, whose remoteness towards Diana in her lifetime seemed to be confirmed by her decision to stay cocooned at Balmoral, her Scottish castle. The Queen』s failure to grieve publicly contrasted with the mountains of flowers deposited by tearful strangers outside Kensington Palace and the million-or-so people who lined the streets to pay their respects to Diana』s funeral cortège. As the country』s stiff upper lip wobbled, so too did support for the monarchy. For the first time since the abdication crisis, the institution looked seriously shaky.

Diana王妃死於車禍後,公眾將憤怒撒在了她婚內通姦的丈夫的頭上:Charles一直都愛著他的舊愛Camilla Parker Bowles。另外,公眾對女皇也很生氣,因為她一直對Diana避而遠之。這點從她決定住在與世隔絕的巴爾莫勒爾堡就能看出。女皇對Diana王妃死亡的冷淡與公眾對她的哀悼形成了鮮明對比。肯辛頓王宮外,無數的陌生人流著淚,為Diana留下了哀悼的鮮花。一百多萬人站在街邊向著Diana的送葬車隊哀悼。面對Diana的死亡,原本堅定沉著的英國人都開始動搖了,同時動搖的是他們對皇室的支持。自Edward八世退位危機以來,英國皇室第一次陷入這樣危難的處境。

old flamenoun a former lover 舊情人

keep a stiff upper lip堅定不移;堅強不屈;堅定沉著;咬緊牙根

monarchy/?m?n?ki; NAmE ?mɑ:n?rki / noun (pl. -ies)the monarchy [sing.] a system of government by a king or a queen 君主制;君主政體

The shadow Diana still casts partly explains why her sons are considerably more popular than their father. In the public mind, Charles is still damaged by Diana』s barely veiled claim in a television interview that he was cheating on her: 「There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.」 Her death condemned him for ever to the role of unfaithful husband to the nation』s beautiful young princess. The light from her halo, meanwhile, still envelops her sons, who are loved for her, and for the suffering her death caused them.


Adjusting to married life is difficult for any new spouse but – as Diana found, and Markle is no doubt discovering – adjusting to the royal household adds another level of complexity. 「Planet Mars」, as an insider calls it, is effectively a feudal operation run by a 92-year-old. There is a hierarchy that determines who enters a room first and who sits where, at private as well as public events. The pecking order changes only with the sovereign』s blessing.


hierarchy/?ha??rɑ:ki; NAmE -rɑ:rki / noun (pl. -ies) [C, U] a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest 等級制度(尤指社會或組織)

pecking order啄序; 長幼尊卑制度, 權勢等級

sovereign/?s?vr?n; NAmE ?sɑ:vr?n / noun (formal) a king or queen 君主;元首

Yet, as the royal soap opera continues to unfold, Markle brings huge strengths that could help shore up the monarchy, especially among the young who tend to be indifferent to the institution. She has a background and an experience of life that should help bind the royal family to its subjects, and a genuine, unfakeable passion for the causes she espouses. If she is allowed to be herself – the small girl who stamped her foot at sexism 25 years ago – the British people are likely to grow even more affectionate towards her. That will be valuable to the monarchy, for it will need all the goodwill it can muster in the uncertain years ahead.


sexism/?seks?z?m/ noun [U] the unfair treatment of people, especially women, because of their sex; the attitude that causes this (尤指對女性的)性別歧視,性別偏見

affectionate/??fek??n?t/ adj. showing caring feelings and love for sb 表示關愛的 SYNLOVING



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