

It"s how you handle rejections that determines where you"ll end up. 你處理拒絕的方式將會決定你何去何從。

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. ——生活的藝術在於,好好把握,每一次的讓步與堅持。

Desires just leave us unsatisfied and wanting more, without being aware that having is just the beginning of losing.慾望總是讓我們不滿足,想要擁有更多,卻不知擁有就是失去的開始。

Love is like the wind, I can"t see it,but I can feel it. 愛就像一陣風,雖然看不到,但卻能感覺得到。

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, your love, your concern. 你能給一個人最好的禮物,就是你的時間,你的關注,你的愛和你的關心。

Live without pretending; Love without depending; Listen without defending; Speak without offending. 真實生活,無需偽裝;真心去愛,不要依賴;認真傾聽,莫要設防;謙和說話,切勿攻擊。

In prosperity our friends know us; in uadversity we know friends.成功時,我們的朋友認識了我們;不幸時,我們了解了我們的朋友。

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! 明天常常是一周中最忙碌的一天。夢想不應等待,也經不起等待。我們必須馬上行動。

You can"t understand,when we keep silence,I feel lost.你不會理解當我們彼此沉默時我的那種失落。

When you really care about a person, even such little thing would become important. 當你真的在乎一個人,多麼微不足道的小細節,也變得重要起來。


聰明之人的五大特徵, 做好兩點必得到領導的信任!

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