I . General 一般性問題
1. What is the Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS)?什麼是簽證更新電子系統(EVUS)?EVUS is the online system used by nationals of China holding a10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 (visitor) visa periodically to update basic biographicinformation to facilitate their travel to the United States. In addition to avalid visa, such travelers will be required to complete an EVUS enrollment tobe admitted into the United States.
簽證更新電子系統是指持有十年有效B1/B2,B1或B2(訪問者)簽證的中國公民所使用的個人基本信息在線定期更新系統,以協助其赴美旅行。除了有效簽證以外,上述旅客必須完成EVUS 登記,以便獲得許可進入美國。2. How do travelers use EVUS? 旅客如何使用EVUS?As of now, there is nothing Chinese travelers need to do.Beginning in November 2016, Chinese travelers will need to go online and updatetheir information in order to comply with EVUS requirements.As the system is developed and the launch date gets closer, theU.S. Government will ensure that information about the EVUS process is readilyavailable. More information will be provided regarding how to make entry intothe United States as easy as possible.目前為止,中國旅客尚無需使用此更新系統。按照 EVUS 要求,自 2016 年 11 月起,中國旅客需要開始使用此更新系統在網上更新自己的個人信息。由於系統正處於開發期,發行日期也日趨臨近,美國政府將確保向公眾提供有關EVUS流程的信息。屆時會提供更多信息讓旅客知道如何能夠儘可能便捷地入境美國。3. Can someone else update information in EVUS on a traveler』s behalf?其他人是否可以代表旅客在 EVUS 更新信息?Yes, a friend, relative, travel industry professional, oranother third party may submit the required information to EVUS on a traveler』sbehalf. A third party may also pay related fees on behalf of the traveler.However, the traveler is responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of allinformation submitted on his or her behalf.可以。朋友、親戚、旅遊行業專業人士或其他第三方可代表旅客向 EVUS 提交所需的信息。第三方可代表旅客支付相關費用。但旅客本人應對代表其提交的全部信息的真實性和準確性負責。
4. Will EVUS enrollment be required for admittance into the United States?進入美國是否需要登記 EVUS?Starting in November 2016, yes. The Governments of the UnitedStates and China entered into an arrangement on a reciprocal basis, to issuevisitor visas with 10-year validity. The arrangement recognized that travelerswould be required to periodically complete an online form updating theirbiographical information. Completing this form will help facilitate theadmission of Chinese travelers into the United States.是的。自 2016 年 11 月起即需要登記。美國政府和中國政府就簽發十年期旅遊簽證做出了雙邊互惠安排。該協議規定旅客須定期完成在線表格填寫以更新個人信息。此表格的填寫將有助於加快中國旅客入境美國。5. Do other countries have this requirement? 其他國家是否有這項要求?This requirement is new. The U.S. Government expects that thisrequirement may be applied to additional countries in the future.這是一項新的規定。美國政府預期在未來可能將此要求適用於其他國家6. When will this new requirement take effect? 這一新要求何時生效?Travelers holding 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas will begin usingthe system in November 2016. Before that date, travelers holding 10-year B1/B2,B1 or B2 visas may travel to the United States without any further action. Allother travelers with valid visas may travel to the United States as they donormally, regardless of the date.持有十年 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 有效簽證的旅客將從 2016 年 11 月開始使用此系統。在此日期之前,持有十年 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 有效簽證的旅客尚無需使用EVUS系統即可前往美國旅行。所有持有其他類別有效簽證的旅客可正常前往美國,不會受到EVUS啟用日期的影響。
7. Will this affect current visa holders, new applicants, or both?這是否對目前的簽證持有人、新申請人或兩者都有影響?Both. Applicants who are holding valid 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2visas issued before November 2016 will have to enroll in EVUS to use theirvisas any time after the launch of the program. Applicants who receive 10-yearB1/B2, B1 or B2 visas from November 2016 onwards will have to enroll beforetheir initial trip to the United States. Enrollment for all applicants willremain valid for two years or until the traveler』s visa or passport expire, whichevercomes first. The visa holders will then have to update their information beforetraveling to the U.S. again.兩者都會受到本項新規定的影響。持有 2016 年 11 月之前簽發的十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的申請者,必須在該規定生效後登陸 EVUS登記,方可使用簽證。自2016 年 11 月起獲得十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的申請者,必須在首次前往美國旅行前登記。所有申請者的登記維持兩年有效,若旅客的簽證或護照兩者中有任何一者過期,EVUS登記的信息便失效。那麼簽證持有人必須在前往美國前再次登陸EVUS更新個人信息。8. I just received a 10-year B1/B2 visa a few months ago. Will I need to obtain a new visa after I enroll in EVUS?我在幾個月前剛剛收到十年有效期的 B1/B2 簽證。我是否需要在 EVUS 登記後申請新簽證?No, your visa remains valid. However, you will be unable totravel to the United States after November 2016 unless you have also enrolledin EVUS. Enrollment in EVUS is separate from the visa applicationprocess.不需要,您的簽證仍然有效。但是,如果您在 2016 年 11 月以後前往美國,必須先在 EVUS 登記。EVUS 登記和申請簽證是不同的程序。9. What is a B1, B2, or B1/B2 visa? How can I find out what visa type I have?什麼是 B1, B2,或 B1/B2 簽證?如何確認我所持有簽證的類型?
B category visas are visas for general business and touristtravel to the United States. Your Visa Class, or category, appears in the upperright-hand portion of your visa.B 類簽證為前往美國的普通商務和旅行簽證。您的簽證類別顯示在簽證右上角。10. Where will travelers be able to find more information about EVUS?旅客在哪裡可以找到關於 EVUS 的更多信息?The most up to date information will be found on http://www.cbp.gov/EVUS.Please monitor this website for the most current information.最新信息可查見 http://www.cbp.gov/EVUS。請查看此網站來獲取最新信息。11. Is there a fee to update information in the EVUS System? 在EVUS 系統更新信息是否需要付費?There will be a nominal fee to enroll with EVUS. The fee will beused to cover the cost of running the system. Fee information will be availablebefore EVUS enrollment begins.在 EVUS 登記需繳付少量費用用於維護系統運行。EVUS 系統開始啟用前,將會提供費用信息。
II. Completing EVUS Form填寫 EVUS 表格
1. Who will need to comply with EVUS requirements? 哪些人需要遵守 EVUS 要求?All nationals of The People』s Republic of China holding valid10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas who travel to the United States on a passportissued by the People』s Republic of China must comply with EVUS requirementsbeginning in November 2016.從2016年11月開始,所有持中華人民共和國護照並同時持有十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的中華人民共和國公民前往美國時必須遵守EVUS 的要求.2. How will this affect travelers from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau?這項規定會對台灣、香港和澳門的旅客有所影響嗎?Anyone from these regions traveling on a Peoples Republic ofChina passport with a 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visa will be required to enrollin EVUS. Travelers using other travel documents, including Hong Kong SAR, MacauSAR, and Taiwan passports may continue to travel to the U.S. as they currentlydo.
任何從這些地區出發的持中華人民共和國護照並同時持有十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的旅客,都必須在 EVUS 登記。使用其他旅行文件(包括香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區和台灣護照)的旅客,可繼續按照目前的方式前往美國旅行3. How will this affect Chinese nationals living in Canada who for many years have qualified for 10-year visas as landed immigrants of Canada?這項規定對居住在加拿大多年且符合加拿大落地移民 10 年期簽證的中國公民將產生何種影響?Anyone traveling on a Peoples Republic of China passport with a10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visa will be required to enroll in EVUS, regardless ofcurrent residence.這項規定對居住在加拿大多年且符合加拿大落地移民 10 年期簽證的中國公民將產生何種影響?4. What information does a traveler need to comply with EVUS?旅客需要哪些信息以遵守 EVUS 的規定?Each EVUS enrollment must contain the visa holder』s name, birthdate, and passport information as well as other biographical and employmentinformation.每次 EVUS 登記都必須包含簽證持有者的姓名、出生日期和護照及其他個人資料和工作信息.5. Will the EVUS website be translated? EVUS 網站是否有翻譯版本?
Yes, the website will be available in both English and MandarinChinese. However, all 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visa holders must answer the EVUSquestions in English.有。網站有英文版和中文版。但是,所有十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的持有者必須以英文填寫 EVUS 的問題。6. How often does the traveler have to update information in EVUS?旅客需要多久更新一次 EVUS 的信息?An information update is referred to as an enrollment.Enrollments generally last for two years or when the traveler』s visa orpassport expires, whichever comes first. Chinese holders of 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas will need to update their information before they intendto travel to the United States (if a two-year enrollment has expired), or whenthey get a new passport.每次信息更新視為一次EVUS登記。一次登記一般保持兩年有效,若旅客的簽證或護照兩者中有任何一者過期,EVUS登記的信息便失效。持有十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的中國公民在前往美國旅行(如果兩年期登記已過期)或獲取新護照時,需要更新信息7. Will the website be secure and private? 該網站是否安全或保護隱私?Yes. The website is operated by the U.S. government and employstechnology to prevent unauthorized access to the information entered andviewed. Information submitted by travelers through the EVUS website is subjectto the same strict controls that have been established for similar travelerscreening programs as governed by U.S. laws and regulations.是的。該網站由美國政府運作,並使用相關技術防止在未經許可情況下的信息查閱。旅客通過 EVUS 登記的所有信息都會受到美國法律的嚴格管控,就如同美國法律對其他類似審查系統的管理一樣8. What happens if a traveler doesn』t comply with EVUS requirements?
若旅客不遵守 EVUS 的規定會如何?Travelers who carry a valid 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visa in aPeople』s Republic of China passport, but who have not complied with EVUSrequirements may be delayed in their travel plans.持有中華人民共和國護照並同時持有十年有效期 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證的旅客如不遵守 EVUS 規定,其旅行計劃可能會被延遲。III. Travel Planning旅行規劃
1. Are current visas still valid? 當前簽證是否仍然有效?Yes, current B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas are still valid for travel tothe United States. Travelers do not need to complete an online EVUS form beforeNovember 2016. EVUS registration is a separate process than applying for avisa.有效。當前的 B1/B2、B1 或 B2 簽證對前往美國的旅行仍然有效。在 2016 年 11 月以前,旅客無需填寫網上的 EVUS 表格。EVUS 登記和申請簽證是不同的程序。
2. Do I need to complete a form or pay an additional fee today in order to travel to the United States?如果我現在前往美國旅行,是否需要填寫表格或支付額外費用?No. Travelers do not need to complete an online EVUS form or paya related fee before November 2016.不需要。在 2016 年 11 月以前,旅客無需填寫網上的 EVUS 表格或支付相關費用。IV. Question and Answer Supplement 補充問題?
1. Do I have to update EVUS after November if I receive my visa in October 2016?如果我於2016年10月獲得了簽證,我必須於11月之後在EVUS上登記嗎?Yes. Starting in November 2016, U.S. immigration regulationswill require that all People』s Republic of China passport holders carrying10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visas must have a valid EVUS enrollment beforetraveling to the United States. It does not matter when your visa was issued. Oncethe system is able to accept enrollments, you will be able to enroll at anytime prior to your departure.是的。自2016年11月起,美國移民法規要求所有持中華人民共和國護照並同時持有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2簽證的旅客赴美前必須在EVUS上進行有效登記。此登記與您簽證的簽發時間無關。一旦系統啟用,您就可以在出發之前的任意時間進行登記。2. Can I update my personal information right before I travel to the United States? If I don』t have a plan to travel to the United States within two years, do I still need to update it?我可以在即將赴美前更新個人信息嗎?如果兩年內沒有計划去美國,我也需要更新信息嗎?Once the system is available, any traveler who plans to travelto the United States after November 2016 must have a valid EVUS enrollmentbefore traveling, including before arriving at the airport. Travelers shouldnot wait until the last minute to enroll. An enrollment is valid for two yearsfrom the date of approval or until the traveler obtains a new passport,whichever comes first. This means that travelers may repeatedly travel to theUnited States within those two years without having to enroll again. Beginningin November 2016, travelers are encouraged to check the status of theirapplication or enrollment on the EVUS website prior to departing for theairport.一旦系統啟用,2016年11月之後赴美的旅客必須在出行前,包括抵達機場前,完成有效EVUS登記。旅客不應該等到最後一刻才登記。每次登記自獲得批準時起,有效期為兩年或者截止到旅客獲得新護照時,兩者以先到期者為準。這就意味著在兩年內,旅客不用再次登記就能多次赴美。自2016年11月起,我們鼓勵旅客在前往機場之前登錄EVUS官網查詢申請或登記的狀態。3. I have a one-year U.S. visa. Do I need to update my information and pay for EVUS? Is EVUS only for people who have the 10-year U.S. visa?我持有一個有效期為1年的美國簽證,我需要在EVUS上登記並付費嗎?EVUS僅適用於持有10年有效期美國簽證的旅客嗎?EVUS only applies to People』s Republic of China passport holderscarrying 10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visas. If you hold a People』s Republic ofChina passport, but your visa is valid for only one year, you do not have toenroll in EVUS. EVUS僅適用於持有中華人民共和國護照並同時持有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2簽證的旅客。如果您持有中華人民共和國護照,但所持有的簽證有效期是1年,您無需在EVUS上登記。4. After I update EVUS can I be refused entry into the U.S.?在EVUS上登記之後,我有可能被拒絕入境美國嗎?All visitors to the United States, regardless of whether theyhave a visa, an EVUS, or some other travel authorization, must demonstratetheir admissibility to the United States to a CBP officer upon arrival at aport of entry. Neither a visa nor EVUS enrollment guarantees admission into theUnited States. These rules have not changed.所有訪美旅客,無論他們是否持有簽證,是否在EVUS上登記,或獲得其它旅行授權,在抵達入境口岸時都必須由美國海關和邊境保護局的官員審核是否獲准進入美國。無論是持有簽證還是已經在EVUS上完成登記,都無法保證您一定能入境美國。這些規定並沒有改變。5. If I have a 10-year B1/B2, B1, or B2 visa in both my official and my personal passports, do I need to enroll in EVUS twice?如果我的公務護照和因私護照中都有10年有效期B1/B2、B1或B2簽證,我需要在EVUS上登記兩次嗎?Yes, an EVUS enrollment is tied to the individual visa. Thismeans that you must separately enroll in EVUS for each 10-year visa in each ofyour People』s Republic of China passports.是的。每一次EVUS登記對應一個單獨的簽證-。這意味著您必須在EVUS上分別為每一本中華人民共和國護照上的每一個10年有效期簽證進行登記。6. What does EVUS have to do with the 10-year visa?EVUS和10年有效期簽證有什麼關係?In November 2014, the Governments of the United States and Chinaentered into an arrangement on a reciprocal basis to issue 10-year visitor andbusiness travel visas (B1/B2, B1, and B2). That same arrangement recognizedthat travelers would be required periodically to complete an online formupdating the information they used to apply for the visa. EVUS was developed toallow travelers to provide the most current information – including name, passportnumber, address, and employment – to immigration officials before traveling tothe United States.2014年11月,美國政府和中國就簽發10年有效期旅遊和商務簽證(B1/B2, B1或B2簽證) 達成了雙邊互惠協議。該協議規定旅客須定期完成在線表格填寫以更新用於申請簽證的個人信息。EVUS的啟用是為了讓旅客在赴美前向移民官員提交最新的個人信息 - 包括名字、護照號碼、地址和就業信息。7. My passport has expired. Do I need to enroll in EVUS as soon as I get a new passport or can I do that before my next trip?我的護照已過期。我需要在拿到新護照時立即進行EVUS登記,還是可以等到下次出行前再做EVUS登記?If you have a new passport, you will need to enroll in EVUSbefore your next trip to the United States. We recommend you enroll at leastone week before you are scheduled to leave for the United States.如果您已更換護照,您需要在下次赴美前完成EVUS登記。我們建議您至少在赴美的前一周完成EVUS登記8. What if my information has not changed? Do I still need to enroll in EVUS?如果我的個人信息沒有變化,我還需要在EVUS系統中登記嗎?Yes. You will be able to review your information to make sure itis still accurate, and should follow instructions in the EVUS system to makesure you have a current EVUS enrollment. If your information remain accurate,your EVUS enrollment is valid for two years or until your passport expires,whichever comes first.是的。為保證擁有最新的EVUS登記,您需要按照EVUS系統的指示進行登記,並檢查之前提供的個人信息,以確保所填內容準確無誤。如果您所提供的信息仍然是準確的,那麼您此次EVUS登記的有效期為兩年。在此期間,如果護照過期,EVUS登記也將隨之失效。9. What if I changed my information? Does this mean my EVUS will be automatically refused?如果更改了我的個人信息,是否意味著我的EVUS申請會自動被拒?No. We encourage you to keep your information up-to-date tofacilitate your entry into the United States.不是。我們希望您能提供最新的個人信息,以便入境美國。10. If I am in the United States on November 29,do I still need to enroll in EVUS?如果11月29日我在美國,還需要進行EVUS登記嗎?All People』s Republic of China Passport holders carrying 10-year B1/B2, B1 or B2 visas are required to have an EVUS enrollment to enter the United States by air, land, sea beginning on November 29. If you are already in the United States on November 29, you will not need to enroll in EVUS to depart the United States. However, you must enroll before your next trip to the United States.自2016年11月29日起,所有持中華人民共和國護照和10年期B1 / B2,B1或B2簽證的旅客通過航空,陸地,港口口岸入境美國,必須有EVUS登記。如果11月29日您已經在美國,離開美國是不用進行EVUS登記的。但是,您必須在下一次赴美前進行登記。 11. In order to complete the EVUS form, I need aU.S. point of contact, but I don』t have immediate plans to travel to the UnitedStates, and/or I don』t have a U.S. point of contact. What do I do?填寫EVUS表格的時候我需要提供美國聯繫人的信息,但是我沒有打算近期前往美國,而且/或者我在美國沒有聯繫人,應該怎麼辦呢?If you do not have a U.S. point of contact, you may complete this question by answering 「unknown.」 If you have travel plans, but do not have a direct U.S.point of contact, you may enter the name of your hotel or U.S. tour group point of contact in the 「Name」 field. Individuals with a valid EVUS enrollment can update their EVUS form with a U.S. point of contact, current job or address information, without having to submit a new enrollment. However, travelers with new passports, visas, or those re-applying for EVUS will need to complete a new enrollment.如果在美國沒有聯繫人,您可以回答「不知道」。如果您有旅行計劃但是沒有直接的在美聯繫人,您可以在聯繫人「名字」一欄填寫酒店名或旅行團的在美聯繫人。已經獲得有效登記的個人不用再次提交新的登記就可以對在美聯繫人,現就職單位信息或地址進行更新。但是,獲得了新護照,新簽證或重新申請EVUS的旅客需要完成一個新的登記。12. I am traveling to Guam soon. Do I need toenroll in EVUS?如果我即將去關島旅行,需要進行EVUS登記嗎?Travelersholding a People』s Republic of China passport require a valid U.S. visa toenter Guam. People』s Republic of China passport holders carrying maximumvalidity (10-year) B1/B2, B1, and B2 visas must enroll in EVUS in order totravel to Guam or any U.S. destination.持有中華人民共和國護照的旅客需要有效的美國簽證進入關島。持中華人民共和國護照和最長有效期(10年)B1 / B2,B1或B2簽證的旅客必須進行EVUS登記才能前往關島或其它美國目的地。13. I have a new passport and have to enroll in EVUS, but my valid U.S. visa is still in my expired passport. Can I still enroll in EVUS? Do I have to get a new visa?我有一個新的護照,需要在EVUS中登記,但是我有效的美國簽證在過期的護照裡面。我可以進行EVUS登記嗎?需要獲得一個新的簽證嗎?Travelerswhose valid visas are in expired passports can enter their valid visainformation as well as their new passport information to complete an EVUS enrollment. Youdo not have to obtain a new visa if you are entering new passport information.如果旅客有效的簽證在過期的護照中,進行EVUS登記時可以填寫有效的簽證信息和新護照的信息。填寫新的護照信息不需要獲得一個新的簽證。14. After I pressed 「submit,」 I received an「unsuccessful enrollment」 response. Should I try to re-enroll right away?點擊「提交」之後,我收到了「登記失敗」的回復,我是否應該立即嘗試重新登記?No. If you receive an 「unsuccessful enrollment」 response, do not attempt to enrollagain for at least 24 hours. Instead, please review information http://onCBP.gov/evus or contact the EVUS Call Center at 00-1-202-325-0180 or viaemail evus@cbp.dhs.gov .不。如果您收到了「登記失敗」的回復,請不要在24小時內嘗試重新登記。請參見http://CBP.gov/evus上面的信息或者撥打電話+001 202 325 0180或發送郵件至evus @ cbp.dhs .GOV聯繫EVUS的客服中心。 15. My EVUS enrollment was successful, but it isnot valid for two years. Is this an error?我成功地進行了EVUS登記,但有效期並不是兩年,是出現了錯誤嗎?No. TheUnited States requires visitors to have a passport with at least six-monthsremaining validity for entry into the country. As such, an EVUS enrollmentwill expire six months before the expiration of a traveler』s passport, as thatpassport would no longer be valid for travel to the United States.不是。美國要求入境時旅客的護照至少還有6個月的有效期。這樣一來,EVUS登記會在旅客護照過期前6個月失效,因為那時旅客已經不能使用其護照赴美了。16. The system says I have enrolled. Will I receive an email or a text confirmation?系統顯示我已經登過記了,我會收到郵件或簡訊確認嗎?No. Travelerswho have completed an EVUS enrollment will not receive a confirmation email ortext. Travelers can confirm their enrollment by clicking on the 「CheckExisting Enrollment」 button on the http://www.evus.gov homepage. You are not required to present a printout of your EVUS enrollment inorder to travel. Your enrollment will be verified electronically.不會。完成EVUS登記的旅客將不會收到郵件或簡訊確認。可以旅客在http://www.evus.gov主頁上點擊「查詢已存在的登記」進行確認。旅行時您也不需要出示列印出來的EVUS登記確認頁。您的登記會通過電子方式得到確認。?推薦閱讀:
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