

(How stress echoes down the generations economist.com/science-a)全文譯述,英文附後:



這種情況究竟是如何發生的並不很好理解。對人體進行嚴格的實驗是困難的,科學家們因此轉向小白鼠和老鼠。但現在塔夫茨大學的拉里·菲格( Larry

Feig)和他的同事們已經揭示,心理壓力似乎導致了老鼠和男人的精子發生類似的變化。他們的研究本周在《轉化精神病學》(Translational Psychiatry)上發表。








Science and technology


How stress echoes down the generationsThe effects of childhood trauma may be passed on through sperm

THE effects of child abuse can last a lifetime. Neglected or abused children have a

higher risk of developing all sorts of ailments as adults, including mental

illnesses such as depression but also physical ones like cancer and stroke. In

fact, the effects may last even longer. Emerging evidence suggests that the

consequences of mistreatment in childhood may persist down the generations,

affecting a victim』s children or grand-children, even if they have experienced

no abuse themselves.

Exactly how this happens is not well understood. Rigorous experiments on human subjects are difficult. Scientists have therefore turned to rats and mice. But now Larry

Feig of Tufts University and his colleagues have shown that psychological stress

seems to cause similar changes in the sperm of both mice and men. Their study

is published this week in Translational Psychiatry.

Biologists know that traits are carried down the generations by genes. Genes encode

proteins, and proteins make up organisms. That is still true. But it has

recently become clear that it is not the whole story. Organisms regulate the

activity of their genes throughout their lives, switching different genes on

and off as circumstances require. It is possible that such 「epigenetic」

phenomena can be passed, along with the genes themselves, to an animal』s

descendants. They offer a mechanism by which an animal』s life experiences can

have effects on its offspring.

Hunting for signs of this, Dr Feig and his colleagues asked 28 male volunteers to

complete a questionnaire assessing the severity of any trauma they had

experienced as youngsters. They also asked their volunteers to provide sperm

samples. They then looked for evidence for a common epigenetic mechanism

involving small molecules called micro-RNAs. Their job is to bind to another

molecule called messenger RNA, whose task in turn is to ferry information read

from a gene to the cellular factories that create the required protein.

Micro-RNA renders messenger RNA inactive, reducing the activity of the gene in

question—and it can travel in sperm alongside DNA.

Sure enough, upon screening the men』s sperm, the researchers found that

concentrations of two types of micro-RNAs, miR-34 and miR-449, were as much as

100 times lower in samples from abused men.

The team then turned to their mice. A standard way to stress mice is to move them

to new cages, with new mice, from time to time until they reach adulthood. When

the team did this they found that the stressed males had lower levels of miR-34

and miR-449 in their sperm. They mated these males with unstressed females. The

resulting embryos also had low levels of the two micro-RNAs. And so in turn did

sperm produced by the male offspring of these unions.

Dr Feig and others have shown that the female offspring of stressed male mice tend

to be more anxious and less sociable. Furthermore, the sons of stressed fathers

themselves produce stressed daughters. The effects of cage-shuffling, in other

words, seem to last for at least three generations. The researchers have not

demonstrated conclusively that miR-34 and miR-449 are responsible. But their

results are suggestive.

To try to nail their case, the researchers plan to carry out a bigger study. This

time, they will give questionnaires to their human subjects』 fathers, to tease

out whether any epigenetic changes they observe arise from the childhood

experiences of the subject or his father. Sisters and daughters may be included

in the study, too. That is an ambitious goal. It is also a worthy one. Unless

genetic engineering can one day be perfected, changes in genes are hard-wired.

But epigenetic effects might be treatable, by boosting levels of particular

micro-RNAs in sperm, for example. That could mean the legacy of abuse is no

longer passed to future generations.



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