


今年是黛安娜王妃逝世20周年,英國獨立電視台ITV製作了一部紀錄片《黛安娜,我們的母親:她的生平與傳承》(Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy),已於7月24日在全英及美國HBO等各大平台播出。



文中寫到:「這部紀錄片中確有悲傷,卻無八卦。」(「There is sadness in it, but no scandal.」)



Prince William and Prince Harry will emphasis her love of naughtiness and mischief in the documentary, which will also include contributions from friends of the Princess of Wales who have never spoken publicly before.



Nick Kent, the documentary executive producer, added: 「This film will show Princess Diana in a way she has never been seen before, through the eyes of the two people who knew her best.」


This is the first time that the two of us have ever spoken about her as a mother. She was our mum. She still is our mum.







Diana died in a car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997. On the day she was killed, William describes how the brothers were having a 「very good time」 at Balmoral, the Queen』s private Scottish estate, with their cousins.



Harry and I were in a desperate rush to say 『goodbye』, 『see you later』 and 『we』re going to go off』 ... if I』d known what would happen I wouldn』t have been so blasé about it. But that phone calls sticks in my mind quite heavily.


It was her speaking from Paris, I can』t really necessarily remember what I said but all I do remember is probably regretting for the rest of my life how short the phone call was.



Harry reveals he grew up thinking that 」not having a mother was normal」. He says he was puzzled by the public grief, and remembers thinking: 「How is it that so many people who have never met this woman, my mother, can be crying and showing more emotion than I was feeling?.」




And of course, as a son I would say this, she was the best mum in the world. She smothered us with love, that』s for sure.


She was one of the naughtiest parents.


Prince William appears to suggest in the documentary, that his mother』s sense of fun came in part from her awareness of life beyond the confines of Royal protocol and duty.


She was very informal and really enjoyed the laughter and the fun. She understood that there was a real life outside of Palace.




William reveals how she once invited home three models as a surprise treat for him. 「She organised when I came home from school to have Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell waiting at the top of the stairs, I was probably a 12- or 13-year-old boy who had posters of them on his wall. I went bright red and didn』t know quite what to say and sort of fumbled and I think pretty much fell down the stairs on the way up. I was completely and utterly awestruck,」 he recalls.


That was a very funny memory that』s lived with me forever.


Harry describes her as 「a total kid through and through」, whose motto was 「you can be as naughty as you want, just don』t get caught」.




One thing I would love to ask her now, because I genuinely think that she got satisfaction out of dressing myself and William up in the most bizarre outfits.



She made sure her kids tasted normalcy, says Harry, whether "taking us for a burger every now and then or sneaking us into the cinema, or driving through the country lanes with the roof down on her old-school BMW listening to Enya."







When asked how he keeps the memory of his mother alive for his own children, the Duke of Cambridge said: 「I think, constantly talking about granny Diana, so we』ve got more photos up round the house now of her and we talk about her and stuff.


It』s hard because obviously Catherine didn』t know her, she cannot really provide that level of detail.


相比威廉王子,因喪母時年紀更小,哈里王子一度深受打擊,甚至產生心理問題,近二十年才得以正確面對。他在今年四月也曾公開自己的心路歷程,大家可以戳世紀君此前的文章了解《哈里王子: 我花了20年, 才放下生命中最重要的她( 附音頻,皇室英音! )》


戴妃生前好友Elton John爵士也在片中露面,談起自己與戴妃的友誼,以及戴妃的慈善事業如何讓她成為皇室貴族中的先驅者。

Diana』s friend Sir Elton John appeared with the princes to talk about his bond with their mother and how her charity work made her a trailblazer in the royal family.


Sir Elton said: 「She had this incredible ability, which he [Prince Harry] kind of inherited – and I』ve told him that and he said thanks very much – to make people feel at ease and them feel that everything』s going to be alright.


Speaking about Diana』s work with Aids patients, Elton said: 「It was considered to be a gay disease and for someone who was within the royal family and who was a woman and who was straight and to have someone care from the other side was an incredible gift.」


Her sons hope it will remind the public, especially the generation too young to remember her, of their mother』s warmth and humour and also her achievements.


We won』t be doing this again – we won』t speak as openly or publicly about her again, because we feel hopefully this film will provide the other side from close family friends you might not have heard before, from those who knew her best and from those who want to protect her memory, and want to remind people of the person that she was.


The warmth, the humour and what she was like as a mother, which probably hasn』t come across before in many other pieces and from other people.

《名利場》雜誌(Vanity Fair)1997年拍攝的黛安娜


三八節特輯: 那些對孩子寵愛至極的母親最後怎麼樣?

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