
婚戀交友網站進入實名制時代  http://www.gmw.cn 2012-01-02 10:06:51 來源:中國青年報  [字型大小:大 中 小]




















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Romantic dating sites into a real age http://www.gmw.cnThe 2012-01-02 10:06:51 sources:China youth daily  [name:big in small]

"Over the years, the achievement of the marriage, marriage website should be said than history"s greatest more red. We received a lot of through this platform find happiness of person from the thank-you note. Now the question is, when marriage web site users more and more, it is a group of "keep pace with The Times" cheater, pursuing this platform, this group of people, but a number is not much energy. Because they one registered, may and ten thousand personal contacts, many users to harassment......."

Recently, China social work association director and dating service industry committee director-general, lily nets CEO announced tian holds a romantic website lily nets "100% number", is a sigh.

The emergence of the romantic dating sites, once broke traditional dating service single service mode, derive a more relaxed, efficient matchmaking channels.Depending on the network spread information, fast, high efficiency advantage, romantic dating sites can make millions every year to the men and women into the palace of the marriage.

Especially in the past two years, along with the mature and TV service marriage programs hot, romantic dating sites in the development of a blowout type.However, single men and women is also facing a network of marriage proposal "authenticity, reliability" problems.Because marriage web site frequently hundreds of millions, so although "not true, not reliable" relative proportion is very small, but the absolute number also nots allow to ignore.

There are some typical romantic web of deception, such as bars, rice"s ", or in ticket, lending, prizes, audio phone, jockey club name for fraud, and even a one night stand, etc.All kinds of means, may be in love and marriage happened on the website.

Marriage website has a famous case: a some female pretend to be a male officer, and online a woman in love, cheat each other a lot of money, and in the end, each other only to find that she is not man.

"In the romantic online know a man, you won"t be in online and he (she) get married, have to walk into real life. To and he (she) to meet, and his (her) to date, and, behold, the parents, and finally form the true marriage relationship. True love and marriage is the most main attribute. Net"Tian holds said.

In fact, the Internet for "real" discussion has been on for a long time, the bo, e-commerce, games, such as the big social network platform are in pursued "real".However, despite a lot of users can have a real protection, but the vast majority of sites worry about enforcement 100% will lead to loss of real users, therefore, in addition to several C2C taobao.com site outside, many web sites have been encouraging new user authentication, but not mandatory requirements.

However, many single men and women in the process of network marriage proposal will have so of doubt or entanglements: each other"s material is true?How to confirm the other party"s true identity?Cut demand the other party to show your id card not embarrassed, destroy the romantic atmosphere, and doubt it, and it is difficult to devote yourself to blind date."Real" dispense with the identity of the check trouble, will also make to the success rate is greatly improved.

To this, the China association of social workers and dating service industry, vice President of director of committee for xu root, expressed as the Internet industry a special field, romantic web site to ZhengHunZhe "real identity to the requirements of" is also high.So, compared to other Internet field, "real" in the implementation of the romantic field is especially important.

China"s Internet association assistant secretary-general stone rise now think that the Internet association has been advocating the Internet real application service using the "front desk anonymous, backstage real name" mechanism.Marriage website especially should raise the cost of dishonest behaviors, establish the credit system, using the Internet.

Famous people HongBo said IT comments, romantic dating is different from the ordinary dating service, the website should not only pursue traffic, subscribers and active degrees.Real love and marriage website can create a good faith dating environment to maximize the security interests of the members.

As a senior people in the industry, said tian holds, lily nets have through the online and offline in-depth interview the investigation means such as "a real romantic website" to do the thorough investigation.In the more than twenty thousand interviewed members, more than 70% of the members to "real" said quite agree with you.Members interviewed general said: a true, simple he (she) than a false, luxuriant identity more precious.

According to introducing, nari nets in user real name system implementation, all registered new user must fill out real name, and the number of user authentication completely free.In protecting users privacy, lily network using "front desk anonymous, only the background of the principle of" users only in each other between get permission to exchange new authentication information.

For users provide id information, will direct transmission to the "national citizenship information system" system database, and instant return to the authentication results, nari nets does not retain user id number.All the user id number of input is in "countries ZhengTong" on the page of the complete, nari nets only extraction and romantic relevant information users, so also in maximum avoid the information leakage of the danger.

For lily nets in the "real" on bold attempt, Chinese marriage and family research association secretary-general patriotic lady fan gave high evaluation: "the net love real web site the implementation of network environment is not only beneficial to weed out love and marriage, more motivation of single men and women sincerity, accelerate marriage proposal successful marriage."

Although the "real" by the implementation of the support from all walks of life, but as an industry pioneer, in a short time, lily nets could meet user registration and income and reduce test.

"Marriage website in the pursuit of economic benefit, and must take corresponding social responsibility. Facing 180 million single men and women married, the real website will make the network to marriage, marriage services more real, more integrity."Tian holds said.

Tian holds believe, will have to be a real romantic web site we sincerely looking for love marriage recognized by the clients.In the long run, will be more credible real-name system construction of the foundation of marriage website.(HeChunZhong)

[responsibility editor: DouBaoGuo]

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