
七、中品蓮花(凡聖共居處所)我們出了下品蓮花池,我如前持咒,身子如乘飛機,騰空而起,只見無數輝煌的樓閣、塔尖,在我們面前掠過。這時,我突然覺得自己的身體,漸漸高大起來。因為,中品中生的蓮花池,蓮花大者,如中國一省,約七、八百里,我們從新加坡到吉隆坡,也不過一百八十餘里。因此,七八百里差不多要到泰國中部。蓮花這樣巨大,這裡往生者的體型身高,也相應的高大,與蓮花的增大成正比例。不用說,這裡的宮殿房舍,也相應的增高增大,方能容納這裡的眾生。觀世音菩薩對我說:「中品中生,多數是凡聖共居,四眾都有,有出家僧尼,在家男女居士,這裡的往生者,比下品蓮花的眾生,更勝一籌。他們生前曾有出離三界之念,在娑婆世界時勤苦修鍊,除自修外,還積極於佛教事業,如大興土木,興建寺廟,或大量印經書,廣宣佛法等,並行善布施,嚴持戒律,慈、悲、喜、舍,臨命終時蒙西方三聖接引,往生到中品中生蓮花池來,但是,他們的修持各有深淺,故亦分為上、中、下三等。」不久,我們來到了大殿,向諸菩薩參拜頂禮後,觀世音菩薩便馬上帶我到蓮花池參觀。呵!中品蓮花池,比其他下品蓮花池,不知要莊嚴殊勝多少倍。四周皆七寶砌成,池中蓮花,花紋優美之極,而且放出各色光彩,互相輝映,真是艷麗奪目得難以形容。猶為奇異的是,池中蓮花,花瓣奇特,分很多層,每層之內,皆有亭台、樓閣、寶塔等,放出十幾種色光,景緻美麗動人已極。住在蓮花上的人,身體呈金紅色透明,也會放光。他們的衣服裝束皆一樣,年紀約莫二十歲左右,不見一個孩子或老人。這時,我一看自己,奇怪,不知什麼時候也跟著變了,變得同他們一模一樣,只有觀世音菩薩還保持原來的樣相。我問觀世音菩薩說:「為什麼這裡所有東西都會發光,什麼色,放什麼光,而我的身體也起了變化,同他們一樣。」他回答說:「這一切都是阿彌陀佛的佛力所致,所以什麼都會反映發光,阿彌陀佛放出無量光明,反映到這裡來,就變成這個樣子。你身體上的轉變,亦復如是,乃阿彌陀佛的佛力所引起的變化。蓮花池中的每一個境界,裝束皆相同。除非自己有神通之力,另變各種樣相,不然整個都是統一的」然而,觀世音菩薩卻透露說,在中品蓮花池,也有一些色調暗淡不會發光的樓閣,不過,這並不是極樂國的實境,而是往生者妄想的夢幻無常境界正在說著,眼前就出現了一座不會發光的樓閣,四方有寬敞的花園,百花齊放,爭艷鬥麗,鳥兒在樹上跳躍,吱吱唱歌,這幅情景,與人間富貴人家的豪宅沒有兩樣。這一家人,大廳上供奉有三寶,父母、妻子、兄弟、姐妹,親屬皆聚集一堂,修行念佛,男女老幼二十餘人,皆是十分虔誠的佛教信徒。這時,觀世音菩薩對我說:「這一家人樂善好施,慈悲喜舍,有的已往生到中品中生里來,但是仍舊恩愛未斷,常念人間事,所以他們一家人的生活情況都反映到這裡來。」觀世音菩薩說,九品蓮花,一品一品,由下而上,下品修好了,蓮花可移植於中品蓮花池中,這種情形,就象參禪一樣,初禪後進入二禪,二禪後進入三禪,三禪後進入四禪,其理一樣。忽然,聽到虛空中響起鐘聲,這個樓閣,便消失得無影無蹤,大家都變成二十來歲的青年,全是金紅色透明身體,衣服裝束也完全一樣,人數越來越多,不可計數,形成了一個龐大的會場。觀世音菩薩說:「今天是大勢致菩薩與常精進菩薩講法華經,你要去聽嗎?」我回答道:「我最喜歡妙法蓮花經了,我們一起去聽吧!」說著,我們走向會場講台。講台上四方皆是羅網,如虹如珠,放出千百種光,光芒四射,兩旁有七行大樹,聳入天際,樹中也有亭台樓閣,很多菩薩集中在上面聽經。講台由七寶金銀構成,不知有多少丈高,十分莊嚴。觀世音菩薩帶我上台,我禮拜了二位菩薩後,他們叫我坐在邊座上,大勢致菩薩在主席台主持。這時,不知哪裡來的香煙繚繞升起,十分清香,天上奏起悠揚動聽的天樂,無數美麗的飛鳥,跟著天樂和鳴飛舞。大家禮拜之後,大勢致菩薩站起來,宣布講經會開始,接著,常精進菩薩上法師座,向大家禮拜後,接著說:「妙法蓮花經,是華藏世界諸佛的根源,是成佛的根本,凡想要成佛者,必學此經典。上一回說第一節,什麼是妙法蓮花經,妙法蓮花經是無量寶,今天說第二節,妙法花經的作用....」大概說有一個鐘頭左右。我聽了經文後,心中有一個疑問,就是這裡所講的妙法蓮花經,與人間現存的妙法蓮花經經文句子不同。於是,我將這個疑問,向觀世音菩薩請教。他解釋說:「人間的妙法蓮花經,經文較淺,這裡所講的經文則較深奧,雖然深淺有別,但意義是一樣的,可以這樣說,天人不懂羅漢的境界,羅漢不懂菩薩的境界,菩薩不懂佛的境界,你聽菩薩講經,只發出一種音,千百種語言皆按聽者自己的語言聲音收聽到,這就是語言陀羅尼三昧。」常精進菩薩講經完畢後,眼前出現了一幅不可思議的奇境!只見天上散下很多天花寶物,如球狀,如三角形狀,各色各樣,不一而足,金光萬道般的灑了下來,台下的聽眾紛紛伸手去接,或用衣服來盛。這時天樂齊鳴,仙曲悠揚,聲音不知是從哪兒發出來的,十分莊嚴。突然,台下成千上萬身穿紅色衣裝的男青年,搖身一變,全都變成綠色衣裳的女青年,桃色裙子上系著金色腰帶,一起翩翩起舞,歡樂無比。不一會,他們又變成了球形蓮花,各現出不同的美麗色彩,各色光芒四射,一個人影都看不到了。突然,蓮花上又現出菩薩端端正正的坐姿,接著又變成無數金塔,銀塔,光輝四射,四周景色,變得難以形容的優美壯麗。正看得出神間,忽然看到虛空中有幾百個身穿綠衣的女子,衣袂飄飄,從空中很快的一齊落下,衝過大殿,穿牆透壁,如同穿過空氣中一樣,一點也不見阻礙。我甚為驚訝,問觀世音菩薩說,這是一種怎樣的現象。他說:「極樂世界,乃阿彌陀佛的願力形成的,其性質不是物質的,故無論亭台、樓閣、寶塔、山水、花草樹木,皆透明無物質,故毫無阻礙,可以自由穿梭而過。不信,你也去撞一下看!」我依言,跑到大殿的圍牆旁,以及大柱、欄杆等處,每處試撞一下,一出一進,穿入穿出,果然無阻礙!但是,用手去觸摸時,似有實物存在,只是沒有阻礙,而已。這種現象,到有點象摸水一樣,摸下去的確有東西的感覺,但是,依然可以任意穿進去。跟著觀世音菩薩帶我去參觀兩處奇境,那就是「八大景山」與「華藏世界展覽館」。「八大景山」中品下生的往生者,一般上妄念較少,或者沒有妄念。他們的外貌,皆在16至20歲之間,衣服相同,無分男女。他們的行動也是集體的,每天供養十方佛。那裡的蓮花,層次也比較多,各種顏色,皆會發光,比起下品蓮花,更加殊勝得多了。在這裡,有一個「八大景山」,這八大景,是代表我們的八識,即眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意、末那識、阿賴耶識,合稱八識心田。阿彌陀佛,設立此景,是要前來這裡往生的人,將自己的八識心田,全部修到「空」為止。第一景山,叫做「光明景山」,是代表我們的「眼識」,在這山中,十方世界,一切的一切,都可以用眼睛看到。例如,要看娑婆世界某某眾生,他的前世與過去世的情形是怎樣的,如某眾生的前世是豬,再前世是奴婢,更前世是富貴人家,更前世是帝王將相......皆一一可以看到,甚至其他佛土的情形,亦可一目了然。第二景山,叫做「聲聞景山」,是代表我們的「耳識」,一到此山,耳朵可以聽到十方世界的一切聲音,什麼聲音,只要一經於耳,就可以辨認出來,甚至佛在講任何經典,皆可聽到聽懂。第三景山,叫做「味芳景山」,是代表我們的「鼻識」,在這山中,可以聞到十方世界的任何氣味,氣味只要一經於鼻,就能夠辨認出其中的「內容」,如聞到孕婦的氣味,便能分辨出胎兒是男是女,如聞到金屬的氣味,就能分辨出是金,是銀,是銅,是鐵。第四景山,叫做「音聲景山」,是代表我們的「舌識」,十方世界,任何從嘴中所發出來的聲音,上至佛界,下至地獄的聲音,皆全部能聽懂。第五景山,叫做「金身景山」,是代表我們的「身識」,在此山中,可以憑觸覺,辨認出一切一切的事物,可以看到十方國娑婆世界的一切的金身,三十二相,哪一樣身相都可以看到。第六景山,叫做「意識景山」,是代表我們的「意識」,在此山中,可以看到無數諸佛,他們的每一世修行,全部在意中呈現出來。自己的生生世世,一百世,一千世的情景,亦可映現在眼前。第七景山,叫做「濟明景山」,是代表我們的第七識——「末那識」,這是一個非常殊勝的境界,是將上述六景,同時集中起來,也就是說,在此景中,你想看、想聽、想嗅、想味、想觸、想法,皆一併顯現出來。第八景山,叫做「無邊景山」,是代表我們的第八識——「阿賴耶識」,這個境界,是遍虛空的,過去、現在、未來三世,十方法界中一切的一切,皆可映現。「華藏世界展覽館」中品中生的蓮花往生者,他們生前在娑婆世界,對佛法的認識與修持,是相當深厚的。同時,他們在行善布施方面,可謂不遺餘力,有相當大的成果。因此,成就大善根,故中品中生者,無論在修持與累積功德上,皆比中品下生高出一級。中品中生這個境界,有很多的房子與塔,不用說,這裡的眾人的體型高大,也比中品下生等而上之,故房屋與塔,也相應的增高增大。在中品中生里,每天都有從天上掉下來的花,這裡的眾生,每天就是拿起從天上掉下來的花,來供養十方佛。這些花都是非常殊勝,非常美麗的,並非娑婆世界的花可及其萬一。同時,從天上所奏出來的音樂,是非常非常美妙的,非筆墨所能形容。據佛經上說,「世間帝王有萬種音樂,不如轉輪聖王諸音樂中一音之美,百千萬倍。如轉輪聖王萬種音樂,不如忉利天諸音樂中一音之美,百千萬倍。如忉利天王萬種音樂,不如第六天王諸音樂中一音之美,百千萬倍。如第六天王萬種音樂,不如阿彌陀佛剎中諸七寶樹一音之美,百千萬倍。」中品中生的眾生,身上會發光,體金紅色,呈透明,沒有阻礙,所以能夠在剎那間,前往諸佛剎,供養十方佛,剎那間回到原地來。在生前沒有很大功德的人,是不可能成為這裡的眾生。到了中品中生果位的眾生,他們的妄想就少了,甚至沒有了妄想。他們所要吃的東西,也少了,不象中品下生,他們要吃花蜜糕。因為他們在修持上越來越高,已經根本不需要這些東西了。在中品中生里,有一座叫做「華藏世界展覽館」,在這個展覽館裡,可以見到佛菩薩各式各樣的修行方法,可謂包羅萬有。「華藏世界展覽館」裡面,有一層一層,每一層,都有展現一佛成佛的整個過程,例如阿彌陀佛,他的前世是什麼人(法藏比丘),他的師父是誰(世自在王如來),他曾修何法,發何願,他更前一世是什麼,甚至未成佛前的百世、千世的整個情形,皆可一覽無遺。如果你想看那一種境界,你可以到另外一層,例如去看觀世音菩薩成道的過程,他每生每世的生活情形以及求道經過。你想看釋迦牟尼佛、藥師佛、普賢菩薩、文殊師利菩薩等人,生生世世的修行過程,都可以在這個「華藏世界展覽館」里看到,十方世界一切佛、一切菩薩的情形,亦復如是。Seventh、Middle grade of lotus(the place where Sages and commen people lived together)We went out from the inferior grade of lotus-pond,I held the Mantra as before,as if my body sat on the plane,it rose high into the air,I only saw that countless brilliant pavilions、spires,they passed through my face.At this time,suddenly I felt that my body,gradually became bigger.Because,in middle grade and middle life"s lotus-pond,the big of the lotuses,was as big as a province,the diameter was about seven、eight hundred Chinese miles,we walked from the Singapore to Kuala Lumpur,the distance was about one hundred and eighty Chinese miles.Therefore,seven or eight hundred Chinese miles were the distances that we walked from the Singapore to Central Thailand.The lotus was so giant,the shapes and heights of the beings who were reborn,would became bigger as the lotus,the lotus and sentient beings were in the direct ratio.It went without saying,the houses and temples here,would become bigger as lotuses,so that they could contain sentient beings.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told me:「Middle grade and middle life,the majority of them include Sages and commen people,four Buddhist groups all were here,such as monks and nuns,female or male lay-Buddhists,the beings who were reborn here,were better than,the sentient beings who lived in the inferior grade of lotus.They had the thought of leaving three-realms when they were alive,practiced earnestly in Saha World,besides they practiced by themselves,what was more they were active in the charity of Buddhism,for example they were active at putting up installations ,constructed temples,or printed many Buddhist Sutras,propagated Dharma etc,and did kindness and donation,kept the discipines strictly,showed mercy、sympathy、happiness、donation,before death they were guided by Western Three Sages,and reborn in middle grade and middle life lotus-pond,however,their levels of practice were various,so it also was divided into superior 、middle、inferior lives.」After a while,we came to the main hall,I worshipped and greeted several Bodhisattvas,then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva guided me to lotus-pond for a visit.Wow!The middle grade of lotus-pond,was so much more holy and solemn,than inferior grade of lotus-pond.The place all around was layed by seven treasures,the lotuses in the pond,their decorative patterns were very exquisite,and gave out lights in all kinds of colours,embraced each other,it was too beautiful and dazzling to describe.What the strange was,the lotuses in pond,petals were very strange,they were divided into many layers,each layer,had arbours、pavilions、pagodas etc,they gave out lights in more than ten colours,the scenes were extremely beautiful.The beings on the lotuses,whole bodies were golden red and transparent,aslo could shine.Their clothings were the same,their ages were about twenty,I didn"t see any kid and the old.At this time,I saw myself,it was very strange,I didn"t know when I changed,I changed into the appearance which was the same as them,only Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva kept the original appearance.I asked Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva :「Why do these things shine here,the colours,the lights,and my body also changed,is the same as them.」He answered:「All the scenes are changed by Amitabha"s Buddha"s power,so all the things could give out and reflect lights,Amitabha gives out measureless brightness,they illuminate here,so it changes into this situation.The transform in your body, is also the same,it"s the change that the Buddha"s power of Amitabha bring about.In each realm of lotus-pond,their clothings are the same.Only when you have mana,can you change into other apparance,or all the beings were the same」However,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva revealed that,in the middle grade of lotus-pond,there also were some pavilions which were dim and couldn"t shine,however,it wasn"t the real realm of Sukhavati,it was the changeable realm that the people who were reborn here rose the dream delusion,when we were talking,a pavilion which couldn"t shine arose before us ,spacious gardens were in four directions,all flowers bloomed together,competed with each other for beauty of looks,birds jumped on the trees,sang songs happily,this scene,was the same as the rich family in human world.This family,the hall worshipped Triratna,parents、wife、brothers、sisters,all their relatives gathered in one room,practiced to chant Amitabha,the number of the men and women、old and young were more than twenty,they all were the very pious Buddhists.At this time,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told me:「This family were happy in doing good,showed mercy、sympathy、happiness、donation,some of them had been reborn in the middle grade and middle life,but they were hard to cut down the previous affections,ofen thought about the human affairs,so all their living conditions appear here.」Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said,nine grades of lotuses,one grade after another,from the bottom to top,beings practiced well in the infeior grade,lotus could be cultivated in the middle grade of lotus-pond,this situation,was like the meditation,people meditated from first Zen to second Zen,from second Zen to third Zen,from third Zen to fourth Zen,the truth was the same.Suddenly,I heared the bell tone from the void,this pavilion,disappeared without shape,all of us changed into the youths who were about twenty,all of them had golden red and transparent bodies,their clothings were the wholely same,the number of peoplebecame more and more,were numberless,then a enormous conference hall came out.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:「Today is the time that Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva and Nityodyukta Bodhisattva expound the Saddharmapundarika Sutra,do you want to listen to?」I answered:「Saddharmapundarika Sutra is my favorite ,let us go to listen to!」Talking about something,we went to the platform of the conference hall.The nets were in the four directions of the platform,they were like the rainbows or pearls,gave out the lights in thousands of colours,flashes of lights were radiating in all directions,seven lines of trees besides the road,they were as tall as sky,pavilions、terraces and open halls were also on the tree,many Bodhisattvas gathered together to listen to the Sutras.The platform was made by seven treasures such as gold and silver,I didn"t know how tall they were,they were very solemn and wonderful.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva guided me to step on the platform ,after I worshipped and greeted two Bodhisattvas,they told me that sat on the side,Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva held the lecture on the lecture.At this time,I didn"t know where the sweet smoke curled up and arose,it smelt very nice,melodious heavenly-music was played on the heaven,numerous beautiful birds,followed the heavenly music to fly and dance.After Beings worshipped and greeted,Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva stood up,declared that the lecture of expounding Sutra started,the next,Nityodyukta Bodhisattva sat on the Master Seat ,after he greeted to us ,then said:「Saddharmapundarika Sutra,is the origin of the several Buddhas in Avatamsaka World,is the foundation that we become Buddha,if people want to become Buddha,must learn this Sutra.The last section of last chapter,what the Saddharmapundarika Sutra is,Saddharmapundarika Sutra is the a priceless treasure,today I expound the second section,the function of the Saddharmapundarika Sutra....」Generally he expounded it about one hour.Hearing this sutra,I had a doubt,it was that the Saddharmapundarika Sutra which he expoubded here,the sentences were totally different from the existent Saddharmapundarika Sutra.So,I consulted this doubt,to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.He explained:「The Saddharmapundarika Sutra in human world,is easy in scripture,the scripture is more profound here,although the scripture is different in content,the meaning is the same,we can say that,heavenly beings don"t know the realm of Arhat,Arhats don"t know the realm of Bodhisattvas,Bodhisattvas don"t know the realm of Buddha,hearing that Bodhisattvas expounded Sutra,he only speeks in one language,all listeners can hear the Dharma in their own languages,this is the Language Dharani Samadhi.」Nityodyukta Bodhisattva had expounded Sutra,an unimaginable and strange scene appear before eyes!I only saw that heavenly treasures fell from the heaven,they were like balls,or triangle,in many shapes and colours,were numerous,thousands of golden lights fell down,the audiences below the platform put out the hand to receive,or used the clothes to receive.At this time heavenly music played together,heavenly music was melodious,I didn"t know where the voices came from,they were very holy and solemn.Suddenly,tens of thousands of young men wore red clothing,by a sudden metamorphosis,all of them changed into the young women in green,golden belts were on the peach skirt,rose and danced together,in an extremely happy mood.After a while,they changed into a spherical lotus,appeared kinds of different beautiful colours,brightness in kinds of colours gave out to all directions,I couldn"t see any human shadow.Suddenly,a Bodhisattva who sat straight appeared on the lotus,then it changed into countless golden pagodas,silver pagodas,they gave out brightnesses to all directions,the scenes around ,became too beautiful and splendid to describe.When I was absorbed in the scenes,suddenly I saw hundreds of girls in greenfrom the void,their clothes and skirks flew in the air,quickly they fell together from the air,passed away from the main hall,through the wall,as if they passed through the air,there was no obstacle I could see.I was very surprised,asked Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva ,how the scene was.He said:「Sukhavati,was formed by Amitabha"s vow-power,its nature isn"t the material,so the terraces、pavilions、pagodas、mountains and water、plants,all were the transparent and immaterial,so there was no obstacle,you could pass through freely.If you don"t believe,you can hit a bump for a try!」According to his words,I rushed besides the bounding wall of main hall,and pillars、railings etc,I hit a bump each place for a try,went in and out,passed in and out,surely I met no obstacle!However,when I touched them,as if there were some material objects,just was no obstacle,that was ture.These scenes ,as if we touched the water,we could feel something when we put out the hands,however,we could still pass them through at will.Following Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,he guided me to visit two strange scenes,that were「Eight Great Prospect Hills 」 and 「Avatamsaka World Exhibition Hall」.「Eight Great Prospect Hills」The beings who were reborn in the middle grade and infeior live,generally had few delusions,or no delusion.Their appearances,all were between 16 and 20years old,their clothes were the same,no matter who they were men or women.Their motions were also collective,they supported Buddhas in ten directions everyday.The lotuses there,had many layers,all kinds of colours,could shine,comparing with the inferior grade of lotuses,they were more holy and wonderful.In this place there was a 「Eight Great Prospect Hills」,these Eight Great Scenes,meaned our eight consciousness,were the consciousness of eye、ear、nose、tongue、body、mind、Manas-vijnana、Alaya-vijnana,they were combined term:Eight Consciousness Of Heart.Amitabha,set up this scene,were to make the beings who were reborn here,practice the condition of Eight Consciousness Of Heart,until they were 「blank」.The first Prospect Hill,was called 「Brightness Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness of eye」,in this mountain,worlds of ten directions,all and all,could be seen by eyes.For example,if you wanted to see a sentient being in Saha World ,what his last live and previous lives were,for example a sentient being was a pig last life,the life before last life he was maid-servant,previous life he was in rich family,the very previous life he was emperor......People could see them clearly one by one,even the situations of other Buddha"s Lands,they were also apparent to the eye.The second Prospect Hill,was called 「Audition Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness of ear」,once we came to this mountain,our ears could hear all the voices in the world of ten directions,no matter what voices,as long as they were heared by ears,beings could comprehend them here,even no matter what Buddhist sutras which were expounded by Buddha,they all could comprehend.The third Prospect Hill,was called 「Smell Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness of nose」,in this hill,you could smell all the smells in the world of ten directions,once smells were smelt by noses,they could recognize what the 「content」 were,for example they smelt the smell of the pregnant woman,they could tell whether fetus was male or famale,if they smelt the smell of metal,could tell the gold ,silver,cooper,iron.The fourth Prospect Hill,was called 「Tone Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness of tongue」,worlds of ten directions,no matter what sounds which were made from the mouths,from the Buddha"s world ,down to the hell,beings could comprehend all of the sounds.The firth Prospect Hill,was called 「Golden Body Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness of body」,in this hill,by touch,people could recognize all the things,could see all the golden bodies of ten directions of Saha World,thirty-two appearances,we could see all the appearances of bodies.The sixth Prospect Hill,was called 「Consciousness Prospect Hill」,it stood for our 「consciousness」,in this hill,we could see countless several Buddhas,their practices in each life,could appear in the mind.Our generation after generation,one hundred lives,one thousand lives,also could appear before eyes.The seventh Prospect Hill,was called 「Manas Prospect Hill」,it stood our seventh consciousness——「Manas-vijnana」,it was a holy and solemn realm,was that combined the six scenes,together at the same time,in other words,in this scene,what you wanted to see、wanted to hear、wanted to smell、wanted to taste、wanted to touch、wanted to think,all would appear together.The eighth Prospect Hill,was called 「Boundless Prospect Hill」,it stood for our eighth consciousness——「Alaya-Vijnana」,this realm,all over the void,previous、present、future lives,all the things in dharmadhatu of ten directions,all could appear.「Avatamsaka WorldExhibition Hall」The beings who were reborn in the lotus of middle grade and middle life,when they were alive in the Saha World,their knowledges and practices about Dharma,were very profound.At the same time,in the aspect that they gave donations and did charity,spared no effort,they had great achievements.Therefore,they achieved the great Buddhist roots,so the beings in middle grade and middle life,all were better than beings in middle grade and inferior life,in no matter what aspects such as practice and merits.The realm in middle grade and middle life,had many houses and towers,it went without saying,the sentient beings here all were giant in shapes,they were taller than the beings in middle grade and inferior life,so the houses and towers,also became bigger.In the middle grade and middle life,everyday flowers fell down from the heaven,the sentient beings here,everyday used the flowers which fell down from the heaven,to serve for Buddhas of ten directions.These flowers were very holy and solemn,very beautiful,the flowers in Saha World couldn"t compare with them at all.At the same time,the music which was played in the heaven,was very very wonderful,it couldn"t be described by words.According to the Buddhist sutra,「The human emperors had thousands of kinds of musics,they were no better than one music of Chakravartin,Chakravartin"s music was thousands of times better than human emperors" music.Chakravartin"s thousands of musics,were no better than one music in trayastrimsha ,trayastrimsha"s music was thousands of times better than Chakravartin"s music.Trayastrimsha"s thousands of musics,were no better than one music in Paranimmitavasavatti,Paranimmitavasavatti"s music was thousands of times better than trayastrimsha"s music.Paranimmitavasavatti"s thousands of musics,were no better than one music of seven treasures tree in Amitabha"s World,Amitabha"s music was thousands of times better than Paranimmitavasavatti"s music.」The sentient beings in middle grade and middle life,could shine in bodies,their bodies were golden red,and transparent,had no obstacle,so suddenly,they could go to several Buddha"s countries,served for Buddhas of ten directions,suddenly they came to the original place.The people who had no great merit when were alive,couldn"t be sentient beings here.The sentient beings who were in middle grade and middle life ,they had few delusions,even removed the delusion.What they needed to eat,became fewer,they were not like the beings in middle grade and inferior life,they needed to eat the nectars and pastries.Because their practices became better and better,they didn"t need these things at all.In the middle grade and middle life,there was a 「Avatamsaka World Exhibition Hall」,in this Exhibition Hall,we could see Buddhas and Bodhisattvas" all kinds of ways of practice,it could be said that covered and contained everything.In the 「Avatamsaka World Exhibition Hall」,it had many layers,each of layers,all showed the whole processes that beings became Buddha,such for Amitabha,what his previous life was(Dharmagupta Bhiksu),who his Master was (Loke·vara Tathagata),what Buddhist method he practiced,what vows he expressed,what his life before last life was,even the the situations of hundreds of lives、thousands of lives before he became Buddha,all could cover all at one glance.If you wanted to see any realm,you could go to other layer,for example you could see the process that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva got the Buddhist achievements,what his living situation of each life and the process that he practiced Dharma were.If you wanted to see Sakyamuni Buddha、Bhai?Ajyaguru Buddha、Samantabhadra Bodhisattva、Manjusri Bodhisattva etc,the processes that they practiced in each life,all could be seen in the 「Avatamsaka World Exhibition Hall」,all the Buddhas of the ten directions、all the situations of Bodhisattvas,all could be seen.八、上品蓮花——花開見佛我依舊持咒,腳踏蓮花,向上騰空而去,只覺自己的身體漸漸長大,變成如初見阿彌陀佛時的模樣。觀世音菩薩對我說:「往生上品上生的眾生,他們在娑婆世界時,精進勤修,守戒凈如明珠,經研佛典,斷十惡,行十善,根據自己所修的法門指示,一一落實的加以實踐,身體力行,勇猛精進,十年如一日,直至肉體壽終為止,再加上各種外功——生前行善布施做大功德,在其臨終的剎那間,便往生到上品蓮花這裡來。」往生到到上品上生來的眾生,妄想幾乎是完全沒有了,六根清凈,他們也有的已到了菩薩的境界,可以自由變化,遊戲神通。例如菩薩們要聚在一起,想要變成一朵花,全體便變成花,想要變成塔,全體便變成塔,想要變成石頭,全體便變成石頭,想要變成樹,全體便變成樹。在上品蓮花池中,最小的蓮花也有三個省大。換言之,有三個馬來西亞一般大。觀世音菩薩說:「我現在就帶你到蓮花池去看看。」我們抵達了蓮花池,上品蓮花池,的確與眾不同。池邊周圍比中、下品更為莊嚴,有一重一重欄杆圍著,發出各色光芒,放出各種清香,是從蓮花中洋溢出來的。池中有大寶塔,形如高山,塔呈多角形,放出千萬種光。池中有美麗的橋,池的面積大到看不見首尾,池裡面不僅盛開著蓮花,而且有萬象的風景布置,天空中有寶蓋珠花閃閃發光,蓮花有數不清的層數,層層內皆有寶塔、亭台、樓閣,美麗動人。住在蓮花上的人,全身黃金色透明,衣服非常華麗,發出各種色光。忽然,觀世音菩薩這樣問我:「在這裡面,有一位叫印光法師(按:近代中國三大高僧之一),你認識嗎?」我忙回答道:「他在哪裡?他的大名,我已久仰,但人還沒有見過。」說話之間,只見蓮花中有一位三十多歲的男子,突然變現出印光法師的原相來,我們相會,其情甚歡,互相頂禮後,就滔滔不絕的交談起來。我們談了很多,有的忘記了,但還記得他再三叮囑我的話,他說:「我希望你回人間後,傳達給諸同修知道,要以戒為師,精持戒律,一心念佛,信願行,必定往生無疑......,奉勸那些修行人,一定不要自作明,把佛陀所定下的戒律以及祖制,擅自更改,大唱維新行道,違反威儀戒律,實令人痛心......我們一起走下了蓮台,向一座大樓閣走去。一路上,各種奇異飛鳥在金枝玉葉上歌唱,和著天樂啾鳴,各種優美動聽的念佛聲,悠悠揚揚的,到處皆是盛開艷麗的鮮花,清香撲鼻,各種球狀花朵隱隱發光,還有各種珍珠燈、瑪瑙燈、琉璃燈,一行行的排列著,閃爍著各種光芒,令人目不暇給,美不勝收。進入樓閣,真境更見殊勝,迷住了我!樓閣閃著金光,地板發出各種色光,眼前的一切東西,都各自發出光彩。印光法師帶我們上樓去,樓上有各種水晶鏡,中間有一幅最大的照身鏡,觀世音菩薩介紹說:「這鏡可照出各人原形,本性有無清凈,有無妄想,一照便照出來。」樓上兩邊排列著整齊的椅子,皆七寶結成,會發光,桌上擺著奇怪的東西,我看不出是什麼,觀世音菩薩知道我肚子餓了,問我:「你肚子餓嗎」我委實覺得有點餓,我說:「這裡有什麼可以吃的嗎?」他說:「這裡的飲食與下品下生的情形一樣,你想吃什麼,什麼就會來。」我說:「那太好了,我想吃白米飯,白菜湯,別的不要。」話音剛落,白米飯,白菜湯都擺在面前桌上。我問大家說:「你們不吃嗎?」他們說:「我們一般都不吃東西的,你吃吧!」據知上品上生的眾生,多已成就菩薩果位,他們很少有飲食的慾望妄想,甚至完全沒有。相形之下,我覺得自己很慚愧,吃著,吃著,吃飽了,將碗筷放回桌子上,一忽兒,碗筷便不見了!我問觀世音菩薩說:「為什麼會這樣?」他回答說:「那是你妄想肚子餓,就想要吃飯,就象在人間做夢一樣,夢時什麼都有,醒來時什麼都不見。你妄想吃,食物來,吃飽後,吃的妄想消失了,食物也跟著消失了!」我不住地點頭稱是。他又補充說:「自性清凈,不想吃,不想任何東西,象虛空一樣,並無一物,如果稍起妄想,就象虛空中添多一點雲霧一樣。這個道理,你慢慢去領會,就明白其個中三昧了。」往生上品蓮花者,妄念最少,皆是真如實性,位證不退轉菩薩。一剎那間,能藉助阿彌陀佛的願力,變現出無數美麗的鮮花、果實、供品等,供養十方諸佛。如果到了說法時間,千萬億菩薩皆端坐在蓮花上,或樓閣上、寶塔上、七行大樹上,直接諦聽阿彌陀佛說法的聲音。我問觀世音菩薩,說:「地球上一定有很多人往生到極樂世界來,為何他們的親屬都看不見呢?」他回答說:「地球人多被妄業所蔽,很多東西都看不見,如果一心念佛,沒有妄想,心如虛空,地球人也會看到極樂世界的。」我趁機向觀世音菩薩討教,祈求他開示,我問:「那麼,要怎樣念佛才是最好,才能修持得最快呢?」他說:「要禪凈雙修,一心念佛,念佛參禪,叫做禪凈雙修。」我馬上請他開示,說:「請指示凈土禪應該怎樣修?」他點頭,這樣開示說:「人可分為兩班念佛(按:這是西方凈土眾生修持的方法),甲班念兩句阿彌陀佛,乙班默念著聽,接著,乙班念兩句阿彌陀佛,甲班默念著聽,這樣修持,既不辛苦,又念不停。耳根最靈,耳朵里自念,即是心念,心口如一,佛性自顯露出來,靜則生定,定則生慧。」(按:有關凈土禪的具體修持方法,念阿彌陀佛時的抑揚頓挫,與人間的唱法(發音)不同,讀者如有機緣,可向新加坡南海普陀山詢問,那裡有寬凈大法師親口示範的錄音帶。)接著,觀世音菩薩說:「時間無多,我這就帶你去看阿彌陀佛大塔——『蓮花塔』」又過了幾座樓閣,塔尖在身旁一掠而過。不久,眼前出現了一座壯麗已極的大塔,猶如中國的昆崙山一般大,不知有多少層(看來最少有幾萬層),蓮花塔有多少個角亦分不清楚,塔的整體呈透明狀,放出萬道金光,裡面隱隱傳出南無阿彌陀佛的唱題聲,前兩句很清晰,頭一句很悲哀救助似的,第二句則鏗鏘有力,很有親切感。這個「蓮花塔」,專供上品中生的千千萬萬往生者,到那裡遊玩。這個塔很大,難以形容,不是人間可以想像的,大約有幾千幾萬個地球那麼大,所以高度也是不可想像的。塔裡面有各種宮殿,各種顏色,都是透明發光的。上品中生的眾生到這裡來,可以穿牆自由出入,無阻無礙,要上要下,只要心念一動,只是剎那間的事,便可抵達所要到的地方,塔裡面可說應有盡有。在這裡可以看到整個華藏世界的一切眾生與一切情景,可以看到幾百億諸佛的凈土,其中殊勝的情景,非筆墨所能形容其萬一。上品中生的眾生,若想到這些佛土,也只是剎那間的事。我們進入「蓮花塔」,身子如乘坐電梯似的,一層一層,越層而上,全是透明的,可以看到各層里有很多人在念佛,全是三十歲左右的男子,每一層各有不同的裝束打扮,大約分二十多種顏色,但看不到一個女人。全體男子,端坐在蓮花台上念佛。觀世音菩薩說:「這裡精進分六時修行,二時念佛,二時止靜,二時休息,現在是念佛時間。」我們到中央一層,進去看一看,只見他們一排排的,分兩邊坐,左班與右班,面對面,只聽到鍾、鼓魚打板的聲音,但卻不見實物。他們坐的是蒲團,很漂亮,中央一位大菩薩在那裡指導。有的念得好的,頭上會放光,光中有無數佛,如阿彌陀佛一樣,光中化出無數億佛。那位大菩薩,光中也會華佛。有各種鳥飛來飛去,在塔尖上,或在大廳上飛,也跟著一起念佛,一點也不見混亂。塔中有各種珠燈、琉璃燈,都會發光,有圓球燈會自動變出各種形式,放出各種光彩。總之,這裡的境界,說也說不完,也難以形容出來。供養十方佛,都在這裡集中,在這裡可以看到整個華藏世界,一切眾生,一切佛聖,可以看到幾百億的佛土,一一映現在前。Eighth、Superior grade of lotus——Seeing Buddha when flowers bloomedI still held the Mantras,stepped on the lotus,flew in the sky,I only felt that my body became bigger and bigger,became the appearance that I met the Amitabha at the first time.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told me:「The sentient beings who were reborn in the superior grade and superior life ,when they were in the Saha World,they practiced Dharma earnestly and diligently,kept the discipines purly,studied the Buddhist sutras earnestly,cut down the ten evils,did ten good deeds,followed the directions of their Buddhist methods,took them into practice one by one,set an example by personally taking part,were brave and diligent,ten years as one day,until their bodies went to death,and made all kinds of outer merits,at the moment that they came to death,would be reborn in the superior grade of lotus.」The sentient beings who were reborn in the superior grade and superior life,they nearly had no delusion,the six roots of sensations were pure and clean,some of them had reached the realm of Bodhisattva,could change freely,played games and used manas.For example Bodhisattvas wanted to gather togather,wanted to change into flowers,all of them change into flowers,wanted to change into towers,all of them changed into towers,wanted to change into stones,all of them changed into stones,wanted to change into trees,all of them changed into trees.In the superior grade of lotus-pond,the smallest lotus was as big as three provinces.In other words,it was as big as three Malaysia.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:「Now I guided you to go to the lotus-pond for a visit.」We arrived at the lotus-pond,the superior grade of lotus-pond,was surely outstanding.The side of pond was more solemn than the sides of middle、inferior grade,it was surrounded by railings in circles,gave out lights in kinds of colours,and kinds of delicate fragrances,they spread from the lotuses.Big pagodas were in the pond,the shape was like the mountain,the pogodas were in polygon,gave out thousands of kinds of lights.Beautiful bridge was in the pond,the pond was too grand to measure,not only the pond had the bloomy lotuses,but also had thousands of scenes,holy clothes and pearl-flowers shined in the sky,lotus had countless layers,all the layers had pagodas、arbours、pavilions,they were beautiful and amazing.The people who lived in the lotuses,whole bodies were golden and transparent,their clothings were very gorgeous,gave out lights in kinds of colours.Suddenly,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva asked me:「In this place,there is a Master Yinguang(note:Three Monks in Morden China),do you know?」Quickly I answered:「Where is he?His name,I have admired him for a long time,but I haven"t seen him.」When we were talking,I only saw that a man who was about thirty years old in the lotuses,suddenly changed into the original appearance of Master Yinguang,when we met each other,we were very happy,after we greeted each other,we launched into endless anecdotes .We talked a lot,I forgot some of them,but also remember what he told me repeatly,he said:「I hoped that after you come back to the human world,you can make your fellow practioners know,you should take discipines as Master,keep the discipines diligently,chant Amitabha wholeheartedly,belief、vow、action,must be reborn......,I advised the practitioners,don"t act on the strength of your own imagined cleverness,change the disciplines and Ancetors"system which were made by Buddha,arbitrarily,advocate reform greatly,go against the discipines and majesty,it makes me very sad......We stepped down from the lotus throne,walked to a big pavilion.All the way,all kinds of birds sang on the golden branches and jade leaves,with the heavenly musics,all kinds of beautiful sounds which chanted Amitabha,were melodious,beautiful flowers were blooming everywhere,sweet scents assailed the nostrils,all kinds of globular flowers shined dimly,and all kinds of Pearl Lamps、Agate Lamps、Glazed Lamps,they were placed in lines,gave out all kinds of lights,there were too many things for the eye to see,were too beautiful to be absorbed all at once.Entering pavilions,the real situation seemed more holy and solemn,it caught me!Pavilions shined in golden lights,the ground gave out lights in all kinds of colours,all the things before eyes,all gave out colours.Master Yinguang guided me to step on the building,on the floor there were all kinds of Crystal Mirrors,a biggest Recognization Mirror in the center ,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva introduced:「This mirror could recognize all the original appearances of people,whether their natures are pure or not,have delusions or not,it could tell them by a recognization.」On the floor tidy chairs were laid in lines on the two sides,they were made by seven treasures,could shine,strange things were laid on the table,I couldn"t recognize what they were,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva knew that I was hungry,he asked me:「Are you hungry?」I really felt that I was hungry,I said:「Are there something for eating?」He said:「The situation here is the same as the situation in the inferior grade and inferior life,what you want to eat,what would come.」I said:「That"s great,I want to eat rice,cabbage soup,don"t need others.」Following my words,rice,cabbage soup all were placed on the table.I asked them:「Don"t you eat?」They said:「Geneeally we don"t eat anything,you can enjoy it!」As far as I was concerned the sentient beings in superior grade and superior life,most of them had achieved the grades of Bodhisattva,they had few delusions of eating,even didn"t have.Comparing with them,I felt very ashamed,when I was eating,eating,was full,put the bowls and chopsticks back on the table,after a while,bowls and chopsticks disappeared!I asked Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva :「Why does it happen?」He answered:「In your delusion you are hungry,so you want to eat,as if you dream in the human world,you have everything when you have a dream,but you have nothing when you are awake.Your delusion make you eat,so foods come,after you are full,the delusions of eating disappear,the foods follow delusions to disappear!」I nodded head to agree constantly.He also added to say:「The self-conscience is pure,it doesn"t want to eat,doesn"t need anything,is like the void,nothing exists there,if people rise a few of delusions,it appears as if clouds and mists arose in the void.This reason,you can get it gradually,then you can get the Samadhi.」The beings who were reborn in the superior grade of lotuses,had the fewest delusions,all realized the Absolute Spirit,reached the No Degeneration Bodhisattva.At one moment,with the vow-powers of Amitabha,sentient beings here could create numerous beautiful flowers、fruits、offerings,to support Buddhas of ten directions.If the time was to expound Dharma,billions of Bodhisattvas all sat on the lotuses straight,or pavilions、pagodas、big trees in seven lines,directly heared the voices which Amitabha expounded Dharmas.I asked Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva ,said:「There must be many people who were reborn in the Sukhavati,why didn"t their relatives see them?」He answered:「Most of the humans were blinded by the Karmas of delusions,couldn"t see many things,if they chant Amitabha wholeheartedly,without delusion,the hearts are like the void,the humans also could see Sukhavati.」By this chance I consulted to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,I hoped that he could give me explanaions,I asked:「So,what"s the best way to chant Amitabha,what"s the fastest way to practice?」He said:「You should practice both meditation and purity,chant Amitabha wholeheartedly,chant Amitabha and meditate,it was called that practice both meditation and purity.」Immediatly I consulted to him for explanation,said:「Please indicate us how to practice the Pure Land Meditation?」He noded,and explained as following:「People could be divided into two classes to chant Amitabha(note:This is the way which sentient beings practice in Western Pure Land),the class A chant Amitabha twice,the class B chant silently and hear,then,the class B chant Amitabha twice,the class A chant silently and hear,people practice such a method,not only they aren"t hard,but also could chant Amitabha constantly.The ears are the best,people chant Amitabha in ears automatically,are to chant Amitabha in heart,the speech and heart as one,Buddhist natures appear automatically,people can meditate when they are calm,can rise wisdoms when they meditate.」(note:The concrete method of Pure Land Meditation is that,chant Amitabha in measured tones,so its method is different from the chanting method in human world (pronunciation),if readers have opportunities,can go to the Mount Putuo in South China Sea of the Singapore for an ask,The great Master Jingkuan has the tape which he spoke personally for demonstrating.)Then,Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:「Time is running short,I guided you to visit the pagodas of Amitabha——『Lotus Pagodas』」When I passed some pavilions,spires were shown casually in passing.After a while,a very glorious pagoda appeared before eyes,as if it was as large as Mt. Kunlun,I didn"t know that how many layers did it have(at least it had tens of thousands of layers),I also didn"t know how many angles did lotus have,the whole pagoda was transparent,gave out thousands of lights,dimly the sounds that chanted Namas Amitabha came out,the first two sentences were clear,the first sentence sounded sad and that they needed help,the second sentence heared sonorous and forceful,had a cordial feeling.This 「Lotus Pagoda」,especially served thousands of sentient beings who were reborn in superior grade and inferior life,for their pleasures there.This pogada was too grand,to describe,it couldn"t happen in human world,was about as large as thousands of earths,so its height couldn"t happen in human world.All kinds of palaces were in the pagoda,all kinds of colours,all were transparent and shine.The sentient beings who were reborn in the superior grade and middle life,could pass through the wall freely,without any obstacle,if they wanted to go up and down,once they rose one mind,at a moment,they could arrive at the place where they wanted to go,pogada had everything.In this place you could see all the scenes of all the sentient beings in the whole Avatamsaka World,could see billions of Buddha"s Pure Lands,the holy and solemn scenes,I couldn"t describe one in ten thousand of them by words.If the sentient beings who were reborn in the superior grade and middle life,wanted to go to these Buddhist lands,it only needed a moment.We entered the 「Lotus Pagoda」,as if we went on the lift,layer after layer,became higher and higher,all were transparent,we could see that many people chanted Amitabha in each of layers,all were the men who were about thirty years old,sentient beings of each layer were in different clothings,were about twenty kinds of colours,but I couldn"t see any woman.All of them were men,they sat straight on the lotus throne to chant Amitabha.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:「The sentient beings here practice earnestly in six periods,chant Amitabha for two periods,meditate for two periods,relax for two periods,now it"s time to chant Amitabha.」We came to the central layer,entered it to see,I only saw that they stood in lines,were divided into two sides to sit,the left and right class,face to face,I only heared the sounds of bell、wooden knocker,but I didn"t see the material object.They sat on thecattail hassock,were very beautiful,a great Bodhisattva indicated in the center there.The people who chanted Amitabha well,their heads could shine,numerous Buddhas were in the brightnesses,they were like the Amitabha,numerous Buddhas were changed from the the brightnesses.That great Bodhisattva,Buddhas were also in the brightnesses.Kinds of birds flew round and round,on the spires,or in the hall,they followed them to chant Amitabha together,without any chaos.In the pagoda many kinds of pearl lamps、glazed lamps,all could shine,the spherical lamp could change into all kinds of shapes automatically,gave out kinds of brightness.All in all,the realm here,I couldn"t tell it wholely,am also hard to describe.The Buddhas of ten directions who were served and worshipped,all gathered here,you could see the whole Avatamsaka World here,all the sentient beings,all the Buddhas and Sages,could see tens of billions of Buddhist Land,they appeared before eyes one by one.九、阿彌陀佛的開示九品蓮花,參觀完後,我們又回到阿彌陀佛的眼前,我跪在阿彌陀佛的面前,拜了三拜,誠心懇切地求他給我開示。不一會,自阿彌陀佛金口中,一句一句,十分慎重地給我開示:「眾生佛性,一律平等,意識顛倒,以幻為真,因緣果報,六道死生,輪迴不斷,苦痛萬千。四十八願,誓度眾生,男女老幼,以信願行,一心不亂,是凈土禪,就是十念,決定往生......。」我再跪拜,祈求阿彌陀佛繼續開示。阿彌陀佛再開示:「①你與娑婆世界有緣,要度累世父母、兄弟、姐妹、親友,要以戒為師,教人學習凈土禪,禪凈雙修。」「②團結各宗教界,儒、道、釋(包括十宗釋迦佛法)、耶、回......各宗教互相幫助,互相鼓勵,不要互相誹謗,說什麼我正你邪,我道你魔,我高你低,我貴你賤,捉其片面缺點,誹謗不止,互滅道門,實不該也!佛門廣大,八萬四千法門,教教是真,能修持者,邪能歸正,魔能變道,小能向大。必須互助互愛,糾其邪,扶其正,才是佛陀慧命正宗。」停了一下,阿彌陀佛說了一聲:「好了,你就回去吧!」我拜謝,拜謝,再拜謝!一路上,走著,走著,腳下兩朵蓮花如舊飛著,不見「南天門」,很快就回到了「中天羅漢樓閣」,我停止念咒,腳下蓮花消失,又是童子拿杯清水給我喝下,知客僧叫我去房中休息,我只覺得自己很快就渾渾噩噩的入睡了。Ninth、The explanation of AmitabhaNine grades of lotus,after I visited them,we came back before the Amitabha,I knelt down before Amitabha,worshipped him for three times,required him that gave me explanation sincerely.After a while,from the golden mouth of Amitabha,one sentence after another,he gave me explanation cautiously:「The Buddhist nature of sentient beings,all are equal,they reverse the consciousness,regard illusions as reality,are ruled by the retributions of causes and effects,in lives and deaths of the six great divisions,they degenerate in the metempsychoses constantly,suffer many of sufferings.Forty-eight great vows,I made vows to rescue the sentient beings,men and women、the old and young,practice the belief、vow、action,wholeheartedly,they are in Pure Land Meditation,even if they chant Amitabha before death for ten times,they must be reborn in Sukhavati.......」I knelt down again,prayed Amitabha for the next explanation.Amitabha gave the explanation again:「①You have reasons with Saha World,have to rescue your parents、brothers、sisters、friends during several lives,should take discipines as Master,teach people to study the Pure Land Meditation,practice both meditation and purity.」「②Unite all kinds of religions,Confucianism、Taoism、Buddhism(include ten Sects of Sakyamuni"s Dharma)、Christianity、Islamism......Each religion should help,encourage each other ,don"t slander each other,say that we are good while others are evil,we are divinities while others are demons,we are high while others are low ,we are noble while others are humble,concentrate on the unilateral defect,slander incessantly,destroy other religions,that"s wrong!Buddhism is grand,eighty-four thousand Sects,all are true,people who practice and hold them,the evils can become good,demons can become divinities,the small can become great.You should help and love each others,correct the evils,strengthen the good,that is the correct way of Buddha"s wisdoms.」He paused,Amitabha said:「OK,you could come back!」I thanked and worshipped,again,again!All the way,we are walking,walking,two lotuses under feet flew as before ,I didn"t see 「Southern Heaven Gate」,quickly we came back to the 「Central Heaven Arhatpavilions」,I stopped chanting Mantras,the lotuses under the feet disappeared ,then boy brought a cup of water to me for a drink,the Greet Monk told me that came back to the room for a rest,I only felt that quickly I was dizzy and slept.十、回到人間——九仙山彌勒洞當我醒轉過來時,已見不到什麼寺,什麼廟,什麼菩薩,無人,更見不到氣勢宏偉,金光閃閃的大殿了,只回憶起我在極樂世界大約一晝夜(大約20個鐘頭左右)的旅行勝景,歷歷在目,猶如在眼前。這時,四周是一片漆黑,伸手不見五指,我感覺到自己一個人暝坐在洞里的一塊石頭上。不久,天邊露出了曙光,我的精神也漸漸地恢復如常。我在洞內拜了兩三天,儘管叫、跳、哭,也不見一點消息。我一步一步挨下山,走了二十餘里,到了赤水街,只見行人熙熙攘攘,碰到路人,詢問一下,不禁猛地吃了一驚,原來時間已是1973年4月8日,屈指一算,離開人間已整整6年5個余月了!覺者菩薩,迷者眾生,佛法有因,遇緣者度,我今當繼先師虛雲老和尚之志,宏法度有緣眾生。願以此功德普及於一切我等與眾生悉皆成佛道Tenth、Came back to the human world——in the Maitreya Cave on the Jiuxian MountainWhen I was awake,I hadn"t seen any temple,shrine,and Bodhisattva,person,and the magnificent,glistening main hall,I only remembered that I lived in the Sukhavati about a day and a night(about twenty hours)and the beautiful scenes of travel,were visible before the eyes,as if I could see.At this time,It was pitch-dark all around,and was so dark that I couldn"t see my hand,I felt that I meditated on the stone in the cave.After a while,morning twilight appeared on the horizon,gradually my spirits became normal as usual.I had worshipped in the cave for two or three days,although I shouted、jumped、cried,it didn"t respond to me at all.I went down from the mountain step by step,walked about twenty Chinese miles,reached the Chishui street,I only saw that the sidewalks were bustling with people,I met the passerby,asked that person,to my surprise,the time was April 8, 1973,calculating by bending the fingers,I had left human world for six years and five months!Bodhisattvas are awake,sentient beings are confused,Dharmas have reasons,rescue the destined people,now I will succeed the aspiration of Old Monk Xuyun,carry forward the Dharma to rescue destined sentient beings.I hope that spread these merits and virtuesto all sentient beingsWe and sentient beingswill achieve the achievements of Buddhas

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