
圖說24小時(2012年1月14日)http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/gallery/2012/jan/14/24-hours-in-pictures1Passengers evacuated from the Costa Concordia luxury cruise liner watch the ship, which ran aground on a sandbar off the coast of Tuscany, Italy Photograph: Rex

從哥斯大黎加康科迪亞豪華游輪上疏散上岸的乘客,正站在岸邊,觀看他們乘坐的擱淺傾覆於義大利海岸沙洲之上的豪華乘船。Photograph: Rex 2Beijing, China: An instructor smashes a bottle over a female recruit"s head during a training session for female bodyguards Photograph: David Gray/Reuters

中國北京:在一次女子保鏢培訓班的訓練課上,一名教練手,執玻璃瓶,用力地向一名女隊員的頭上砸去。頓時,玻璃碎片,四處橫飛。Photograph: David Gray/Reuters 3London, England: Katherine Driscoll of Great Britain competes during the final of the women"s International Gymnastics Trampoline London 2012 Olympic qualifier at the North Greenwich Arena Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP

英國倫敦:英國選手Katherine Driscoll正在北格林威治場館內,參加2012年奧運會預選賽——女子國際蹦床比賽決賽階段的角逐。 Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP 4Pa-an, Burma: A girl awaits the release of her relative, a political prisoner Photograph: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters

緬甸巴安:一個女孩正帶著期盼的目光,在等待著作為政治犯的親人的獲釋。Photograph: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters 5Chengdu, China: A panda keeper feeds a four-month-old cub at a panda research base Photograph: Ed Jones/AFP

中國成都:一位熊貓研究基地的飼養員,正手執奶瓶,給一隻只有4個月大小的熊貓幼崽餵奶。 Photograph: Ed Jones/AFP 6Glastonbury, England: Mist and fog rolls across agricultural fields as the sun rises over the Somerset Levels Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty

英國格拉斯頓伯里:正當太陽從薩默塞特地平線上升起之時,農田上空,水氣騰騰,雲霧繚繞。Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty

7Islamabad, Pakistan: Children sit around a fire to warm themselves during a cold evening Photograph: Muhammed Muheisen/AP

巴基斯坦伊斯蘭堡:一群孩子正在一個天寒地冷的夜晚,燃起了一團篝火。他們圍坐一旁,烤火取暖。Photograph: Muhammed Muheisen/AP 8Nazca, Peru: Italian biker Paolo Ceci races in the 12th stage of the 2012 Argentina-Chile-Peru Dakar Rally Photograph: Martin Mejia/AP

秘魯納斯卡:義大利摩托車賽手Paolo Ceci正駕駛著摩托,在茫茫的沙海中參加2012年阿根廷-智利-秘魯達卡爾拉力賽第12階段的角逐。Photograph: Martin Mejia/AP 9London, England: An ice sculptor works on a block of ice at the London Ice Sculpting festival in Canary Wharf Photograph: Carl Court/AFP

英國倫敦:一名冰雕藝術家正在一塊大冰塊前開始自己的創作,準備將作品送往金絲雀碼頭,參加在那裡舉行的倫敦冰雕藝術節的展覽。Photograph: Carl Court/AFP 10London, England: Workers install artist Monica Bonvicini"s RUN sculpture in the plaza of the London 2012 handball arena Photograph: ODA/Getty

英國倫敦:工人們正在為2012年倫敦奧運會手球賽場的廣場上吊裝由藝術家Monica Bonvicini創作的大型字體RUN 。Photograph: ODA/Getty 11Islamabad, Pakistan: A dressed monkey sits at a roadside to earn money from passersby for its owner Photograph: B K Bangash/AP

巴基斯坦伊斯蘭堡:一隻頭飾人裝的猴子,正坐在路邊,為它的主人向過往行人沿途乞討。Photograph: B K Bangash/AP


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