


Konjac: The Super Fiber魔芋:超級纖維Konjac fiber has multiple benefits. Konjac is much more viscous than usual fibers, retaining up to 17 times its weight in water. Expanding in the stomach and the small and large intestine, it absorbs fat, accelerates elimination, reduces cholesterol, blunts sugar absorption and facilitates weight loss, in part by increasing feelings of satiety.魔芋有很多益處,它比普通纖維更具黏性,吸水量達到自身重量的17倍。魔芋在胃裡、大小腸里可以迅速擴大,吸附脂肪,加快新陳代謝,減少膽固醇,阻礙糖分吸收,減輕體重,還能產生飽腹感。昆布絲

Arame: A Wonder of the Sea昆布絲:海中奇蹟Arame is a marine brown algae or sea vegetable that can be added to soups or made into a sea vegetable salad. It is rich in minerals calcium, iron, zinc, manganese, folate, vitamins A and K and iodine. It also boosts immunity.昆布絲是一種棕色的海藻,或稱海帶,可以放湯,也可以做色拉。昆布絲富含礦物質,如鈣、鐵、鋅、鎂、葉酸、維生素A和K,還有碘。昆布絲還能增強免疫力。香菇

Shitake Mushrooms: Healing from the Earth香菇:山珍神葯The earthy shitake or Chinese black mushrooms boost immunity through special polysaccharide molecules and can help prevent cancer. They are also full of minerals, especially iron, and they appear to decrease binding of immune cells to your arterial wall, preventing atherosclerosis. Aside from exposure to the sun and eating herring, mushrooms are one of the few ways you can get vitamin D.香菇中特殊的多糖分子可以提高人體免疫力,有助預防癌症。香菇富含礦物質,鐵元素含量尤多。香菇可以減少動脈壁上附著的免疫細胞,預防動脈粥樣硬化。此外,吃香菇還可以獲得維生素D,這是除了曬太陽和吃青魚之外的少數幾種獲得維生素D的方式。白蘿蔔

Daikon: The Other White Meat白蘿蔔:蔬菜里的肉類It contains digestive enzymes that help you break down food, and they contain myrosinase that boosts detoxification of environmental chemicals. Daikon is high in vitamin C and folate. Like its relatives broccoli, cabbage and kale, daikon is a cruciferous vegetable that offers cancer-protecting potential. It can be grated and eaten raw in salads, or in stir-frys or soups.白蘿蔔中含有消化酶有助於食物分解,還含有芥子酶,對於環境中的化學物質有解毒的作用。白蘿蔔中富含微生物C和葉酸。和其他十字花科植物如花椰菜、捲心菜、甘藍菜一樣,白蘿蔔也具有防癌的功效。它可以生吃,也可以炒菜或放湯。酸梅李

Umeboshi Plums: A New Kind of Pickle酸梅李:新型泡菜These red little Japanese plums add a perky taste to stir-frys and soups. Japanese pickled plums have remarkable medicinal qualities. Their acidity has a paradoxical alkalinizing effect on the body, helping with fatigue, enhancing digestion and boosting the elimination of toxins. 這種紅色的日本小李子在炒菜和放湯時,味道很帶勁。這種腌李子有很好的藥用效果,其中含有的酸性物質在體內恰恰具有鹼性功效,可以抗疲勞,促進消化,加速排毒。


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