
@!@!@!@(周運)阿莎莉婭 每周占星運勢 2013.10.28~11.3(...

搬運排版:腳步譯文:白羊座——譯者:長葉暗羅金牛座——譯者:阿驁你正感受到變化、拓展,你所感受的都是不可避免的,你感受到你的內在有些創造力正在冒泡...這裡的關鍵詞是「感受」,它就潛藏在困難之下。你的感受比以往任何時候都多,而且這些感受需要你不斷地接納。但是當一切都不同步的時候你該怎麼辦?尋找當下無處不在的魔法。你專註的一切都將會構成你的世界。從某種意義上講這一刻可能並不舒服,但是你堅持那些就要開出花朵的部分吧,別再談及過去的傷痛。這都是成長。你真正做了什麼,你知道。這是驟然的成長,不是最終的判決。把自己看作是正在開放的花朵,並且意識到有時成長會帶來痛苦。你可以做到。雙子座——譯者:巨蟹座——譯者:羊你的世界正在發生改變,對此你非常清楚,儘管你很難說出它是如何改變的,而且坦白講處在這個變化旋渦的你也蠻艱難,但它會給你需要的安全感和所有。本周會有更多的變化浮出水面,並逐漸遞增,這些轉變似乎如同閃電般憑空出現。現在你要做的就是完全聽從內心的指引。相信它並賦予它帶領你一往無前的權力。盡你所能告訴自己這一切都很好。最終,這些快如閃電般的變化會帶你走進更新更高的地方,更棒的是,當你到了那裡,你就會意識到它這就是你最初的夢想。我們正在穿越蟲洞,這是會帶你進入未知世界的必經之路。命中注定,無需惶恐。獅子座——譯者:找到組織了此時非常有趣,日食即將發生,意味著你的一切都將徹底改變。水星逆行又表示現在不是大踏步前進的時刻,土星也插一腳,要求你儘可能誠實而負責得做真正的自我。所有這些因素讓你的生活看起來無路可走,但巨大的日食爆發總會帶來另人吃驚的光茫,並最終使一切清晰可辨。食相會改變你。別被自己的大腦所禁錮,行動起來。你能達成所願,這才是要點,到那時,你就知道所有這一切是為了什麼了。你即將回歸本真。處女座——譯者:Mononoke你是否覺得自己好似進入了安全地帶?了解這一點非常重要,因為眼下的星象正密謀策劃帶你走入新的情緒所在地,你將會覺得自己好像具備了走到那裡的能力,而且在這旅途中不會遭遇恐懼、懷疑或者其他任何阻撓你順利前行的障礙。現在你在某些剛剛經歷完的情感領域做出了背信棄義的舉動,而你自身也有如坐針氈的不適感。周日發生的日食會與土星相接,這個星象會讓你順利抵達無拘無束的一個處所,而這是你之前無法做到的。萬事俱備,你只需要去寬容接納即將到來的感受。從前你一直在畏懼這些情緒和情感,這次不必了。點頭首肯這次短途冒險意味著讓你的生活環境得到良好提升。天秤座——譯者:海歷克斯學會更多地去審視自我,善待和培養你內心裡的那個小孩,用一種積極的方式去呵護你的自尊——這些是你在過去幾年的生活主題。你知道自己現在正處在一個重要的高速成長的階段,而這就像是一株已經過修剪就快要綻放的花朵。你有一些非常重要的計劃要去完成,而你接下來的每一個行動都必定是真實的(譯註:每一步行動都遵循內心的真實渴求),校準你的目標並讓你的那些如金子般的才能和天賦如花兒一般的漂亮盛開。從現在開始,你的一切所為都必將映射出一份關乎自我的真實信念,而金錢則是你在評估自我價值時的一種參照物。昂首闊步地前行吧,你所走出的每一步都將讓你更有價值。帶上你曾經的那些期待一起出發!天蠍座——譯者:子夜沒有比這周更重要的個人轉變的一周了。在你這邊,「自我表現」之魔法爐中的點金術一直在發酵。你的一切都在轉變中,哪怕是你自己,有時亦會徹底地轉變。若說有那麼一個時刻屬於無畏,屬於一飛衝天,那就是現在。你有以前不曾擁有的眼力,一種創意的眼光,敏銳,並且不知起於何時,卻已然如此。過去這兩年一直都很艱難。就好像在礁石間顛簸航行。但這也是礁石變成珍貴的寶石的原因。而這恰恰是你身上發生的狀況。本周水星的活動將會(最終)對你揭開大部分的這個真相。繼續前進,因為周日的日食會揭露讓你動力全開的真相。射手座——譯者:Lizz變革的序列有條不紊地進行著。身邊所愛之人提醒著你,你需要在內心深處擁抱一種巨大而深刻的改變。將這一需求投射在外總是更加容易,但覺醒時刻已經來到,你意識到一切都是你自身的創造。你所覺察的一切都是你自身所是,別無其他,所以你所感知到的全都是你自己,也僅只是你自己而已。請全然接納你覺得自己身上難以被包容的部分,以愛撫育,杜絕頭腦的敘說和分辨。這種自覺自愿的自發行為將使靈性的鍊金術成真。不論所愛之人如同鏡子照出你心底的黑暗,還是你從自己身上發現了需要提升的部分,都請允許這一過程自然發生。周日的日食將帶你到那兒……變革的關鍵點。屆時請全然接納所發生、降臨的一切,別被頭腦喋喋不休的懷疑話語騙了。讓變革發生,讓一切黑暗消融於光中。摩羯座——譯者:腳步現在你正迎來收穫。所有那些你一度發現如此難以裝備上的權力最終都是你的,你知曉這一點,也能夠對此作出接受。而現在你當揮舞著那樣的權力,你開始認識到這股力量是多麼的豐富繁雜。是的,之前你就身在此處,但卻不具備這樣的意識力。你已經蘇醒過來了,你再也不會畏懼失敗,那已不屬於你的生活。是時候披掛上你那授獲賦權的自我,將你的天分充分發揮起來了。接下來的幾周為你提供了給自己制定工作計劃的機會。就如同你一直以來的那般,仔細地觀測你的行動所帶出的結果吧。等到冬至日(以及你的生日)到來之時,你自然就會明白下一步該怎麼走。而現在,只需讓時空隧道將你帶至那一處。水瓶座——譯者:與神對話你已經恪盡職守並且手腳麻利地完成了一項令人驚嘆的工作,不過在這個節骨眼上可不允許出任何問題,所以水逆提醒你最後再梳理一遍全局,那些隱藏的死角可能仍然會影響到你的結果成功與否,因此即使這不是你常有的行動,深呼吸一下還是以縝密的態度把整個過程再回顧一遍吧。你可能猶豫,而且堅持認為沒必要這麼做,但是現在沒有其他的方式可以成就你了。這如同攀爬高聳的山峰,當你到達山頂時會發現正是因為自己征服了這段險阻才得以到達頂峰。你知道真正的選擇只有一個。雙魚座——譯者:PM梅爾卡巴場【注】的魔力華麗麗地捲土重來!從你的角度看,它或許感覺起來就像所有的片段均整合歸位,幾乎不費吹灰之力。不過仍然有一些錯失的環節,或至少你有那種感覺。但毋庸置疑,沒有什麼遺漏的,一切只是時間與時機的問題;或更簡單地說,一切只是關乎「天時地利」——在恰當的時間抵達目的地。這無須解釋,不是嗎?在你生活中發生的諸多事情似乎都與時間休戚相關,但假如你從客觀的角度觀察,瞬間就會發現這個道理其實很簡單,的確沒有什麼需要你等待的事。你曾經渴望的一切都已歸你所有。一切就在此刻發生。【譯註:梅爾卡巴場(Merkaba)是指在我們人體內外由一個形如六芒星的神聖幾何學構成的晶體能量場。當人們真正認識到能量場的存在並主動應用時,梅爾卡巴場才有可能被激活並發揮其巨大的作用。】原文:AriesThere』s a big new energy running through your life, which is both promising and overwhelming all at once. There』s magic running through it all, but it』s too big to make sense out of quite yet, and it becomes top priority to stay with your Self, applying love, nurturing and patience whenever you check in with your Self. It』s all about letting your Self BE your Self right now, and the more you can avoid judgment, the better off you』ll be. Judgment is a mental process and at this stage of the game that』s only going to get in your way. All week long important pieces are falling into place, and next Sunday』s solar eclipse is going to bring up unexpected circumstances that ask you to allow your Truth to be seen.What you let show now will change your world in a few months.TaurusYou』re feeling change, you』re feeling stretched, you』re feeling that it』s all inevitable, you』re feeling like something creative is bubbling up inside you… The key word here is FEELING, and therein lies the rub. Feelings are more abundant than ever, and they need to be allowed to keep coming. But how do you do that when it』s all so out of synch? Look for the magic that is present everywhere. What you focus on becomes your world. This moment may be uncomfortable in many ways, but stay with the parts of you that are blossoming, and refuse to dwell on the parts that hurt. It』s all about the stretching. That』s what you』re really doing, you know. This is a growth spurt, not a death sentence. Visualize your Self as a flower blossoming, and recognize that expansion can be painful at times.You can do this.GeminiYou』re in a distinctly new cycle that has you feeling like the proverbial onion, with layer after layer peeling back to reveal what has been underneath all along. You can see it within you and you can perceive it 『out there』 in the world. This is perfectly fitting, of course, as the world is always reflecting the state of your being back at you. Nobody gets as without, so within better than you do. While Mercury retrogrades, you have the chance to keep finding and revealing the magical layers that make up who you truly are. Self-Love, Gratitude and Right Action (coming from the heart) are all key ingredients to this alchemical process. The Eclipse at the end of the week will serve as one of those magician』s flashes that lights up and accelerates everything that』s going on.Let the magic be your guide.CancerYour world is changing and you know it very well, though you』re hard-pressed to say how, exactly, and that can be a difficult spot for you to be in, given your need for security and all. This week more changes appear, and then some more, and the shifts seem to come like lightning bolts out of nowhere. Your job is to stay completely riveted to your inner guidance. Trust in it and allow it to guide you through whatever shows up. Do your best to remember that it』s all good. In the end, all these lightning fast changes are delivering you to newer higher ground, and a vantage point you』ll recognize as your original goal once you get there. We』re in a worm hole… a passage that delivers you to a place you didn』t know existed.Since it』s all within, there』s nothing to fear.LeoThis is a very interesting time for you, Leo, as a solar eclipse is on its way, which means everything you are is about to shift radically, from the inside out. Mercury is retrograde, which implies that it is not a time for taking great strides forward, and Saturn is also present, asking you to be as authentic as possible and as responsible to your Truth as possible. All of these factors may make it seem as though there』s nowhere to go from here, but a great solar implosion always leads to amazing flares of light and eventually clarity. The eclipse is going to move you. Don』t let your head hold you back, just be moved by it. You』ll land exactly where you』re meant to (which is the point), and once you』re there, you』ll know just what it was all for.You』re becoming you.VirgoDo you feel as though you』re in a safe place? This is important because the planets are conspiring to take you to new emotional place and you』re going to need to feel as though you can go there, without fear or doubt or anything else that typically holds you back. You』re currently backpedaling over some emotional territory that you』ve just been through, and that in itself is uncomfortable for you. But the solar eclipse on Sunday, conjunct Saturn, has the effect of getting you to the place where you can let it rip completely, in ways that have not been possible for you before. All the factors are right, and all you have to do is let the feelings come. You』ve been afraid of these emotions before, but this time it』s different.Saying yes to this ride means changing your life』s circumstances for good.LibraThe last few years have been all about learning to value your Self more, to be kind and to nurture your inner child, to feed your self-esteem in very positive ways. You know now that you』re in the middle of a major growth spurt, one that can be likened to a flower that has been pruned thoroughly and will soon blossom. You have some very important plans to make. Every step from here on in must be authentic and in alignment with your goal of becoming a beautifully blossomed expression of your golden skills and talents. Everything you do from here on in must reflect a genuine belief in your Self. Money is the reflection of the way you value you. Go forth with your head held high and every step you take will add to your worthiness.Wherever you』re called, go with it.ScorpioThere』s never been a more important week for personal transformation. The alchemy that』s been brewing in that cauldron is in your case, the expression of your Self. Everything you are is changing, in some cases completely in spite of your Self. If there』s ever been a time to be fearless and ready to fly, this is it. You have a vision you』ve never had before, a creative eye that is sharpened and honed in ways you didn』t see happening, yet here you are. These past couple of years have been difficult, like being thrashed against the rocks. But then that』s how rocks get turned into precious stones. And that』s very much what』s happened to you. Mercury』s activity this week is going to (finally) reveal to you much of this truth.Keep going, because the solar eclipse on Sunday brings revelation that fuels your engine.SagittariusThe saga continues. Loved ones reflect back at you the kind of profound transformation that is you need to embrace within yourself. It』s always been easier for you to see it 『out there』, but the time has come to wake up and realize it』s all your own Creation. What you perceive is, and always has been, your own consciousness. And if that』s true, then you are perceiving your Self. So embrace the parts of you that are difficult to hold, and nurture them without too much thought. Just do it. This kind of spontaneous action yields the alchemy that is required here. Whether you see it in a loved one or know it』s your Self, it has to happen. Allow Sunday』s eclipse to take you there. Say yes to what comes, and don』t let your head talk you out of it.Let it transform.CapricornNow you』re getting it. All that authority you found so hard to step up into is finally yours, and you know it, and you can embrace it. And now that you wield that kind of sovereignty, you』re beginning to realize how multilayered and complex that power is. Sure, you』ve been here before, but not with this kind of consciousness. You』ve awakened, you』re not afraid of screwing up any more, that belongs to some other life. It』s time to take up the mantle of your empowered self and put your gifts to work. The next few weeks offer the chance to make a working plan for yourself. Observe carefully the results of your actions, just as you have been. By the time the winter solstice (and your birthday) arrives, you』ll know just what to do next.For now, let the worm hole take you there.AquariusYou』ve done your due diligence and cleaned up your act, and you』ve done an amazing job. But at this level there is no room for error so Mercury has gone retrograde and is offering you one more final sweep of the bigger picture, to reveal to you any hidden flaws that may still be capable to affecting your very successful outcome. So even though it isn』t your usual MO, take a deep breath and prepare to go over your progress with a fine tooth comb. You may balk, and insist you don』t need to do this, but there is no other way to get to the top right now. It』s like scaling a huge mountain, and just as you reach the summit there』s a dip backward that must be taken in order to get to the top.You know there』s only one real choice.PiscesThe magic of the Grand Merkaba is back in a big way. From your perspective, it probably feels like all kinds of pieces falling into place, almost without effort. Still, there are certain parts of the picture that are still missing, or at least that』s how it feels. Nothing is missing, of course, it』s all just a matter of time and timing, or to put it more succinctly, it』s about arriving at the place that is perfectly out of time. That doesn』t need explanation, does it? A lot of what』s going on in your world seems to be tied to a time frame of sorts, but if you take the observer』s perspective it should be plain in no time (excuse the pun) that there』s truly nothing to wait for. Everything you could ever want is already yours.It』s all happening right in this moment.

十二星座一周運勢 (9.26~10.2)水瓶、天秤、巨蟹

TAG:占星 | 運勢 | 2013 |