

The Donald Trump windevastatedmany who wanted America to elect its first female president.唐納德·特朗普當選總統,讓許多渴望見證美國第一位女總統的人夢想破滅。

However, some have alreadycastasidetheir previous femalecandidate, Hillary Clinton, and are nowendorsinganother potential first female president - Michelle Obama.然而,也有人已然「拋棄」前任女總統候選人希拉里·柯林頓,轉而擁護另一個未來可能成為美國第一位女總統的人——米歇爾·奧巴馬。


devastat:v. 毀滅;毀壞

cast aside:拋棄;廢除



The First Lady to Barack Obama is very popular and many think she would be in with a chance of winning the election for theDemocratsin 2020. The hashtag #Michelle2020 trended on Twitter as people voiced their hopes she would save the US from President Trump.貝拉克·奧巴馬的妻子米歇爾作為美國第一夫人一直深得人心。許多人認為她有希望在2020年代表民主黨贏得總統選舉。人們紛紛表達希望米歇爾從特朗普手中「救出」美國的意願,「米歇爾2020」 話題(#Michelle2020)也因此登上推特熱搜榜。

While some aretweetinginjest, others seem to actually want her to run to be president of the United States as atonicto Donald Trump"simpendingterm.當然有些人只是開玩笑地跟著發推文,但看起來也有人是發自內心地希望米歇爾在四年後參加總統競選來取代特朗普。




jest:n.笑話 v.開玩笑

impending:adj.即將發生的,迫切的 v.迫近,懸空

tonic:n.不要 adj.滋補的


Could she be America"s only hope?她會是美國唯一的希望嗎?

There was no good options. Clinton would just have been a lesser of 2 evils. Our only hope is Michelle Obama in 2020-- Cam 目前我們並沒有合適的選擇。希拉里和特朗普都是惡魔般的存在,前者只不過略微好一些。現在我們只能期盼米歇爾在2020年當選總統。— 卡姆

People are really getting into this idea人們是真心這麼想的

Anyhoo, @flotus for 2020! Go Michelle Go!-- Emma Kennedy @美國第一夫人參加2020年大選!米歇爾加油!— 艾瑪·肯尼迪

Some want to fast-forward to 2020有人只願2020年早日到來

Please press fast forward to 2020 so Michelle Obama can fix things-- GOD ZION T.

請按下快進鍵到2020年,才能讓米歇爾來收拾爛攤子。— GOD ZION T.

"The only sensible thing to happen today"「今天唯一合乎情理的事情」

I"m loving the #Michelle2020 tag already taking over. Just about the only sensible thing to happen today. #Election2016 #ElectionNight-- Antranig Shokayan

很高興看到話題「米歇爾2020」出現如此高的熱度!這大概是今天發生的唯一合乎情理的事情了。#2016選舉 #選舉之夜— Antranig Shokayan

Some want to campaign now有人盼望競選活動馬上開始

So...we may have to start gearing up for Michelle Obama to run in 2020, can we get that campaign started now #Michelle2020-- IG: @TamiRoman

那麼……我們得馬上為米歇爾2020年參選做準備了。所以競選活動可以開始了嗎?#米歇爾2020— IG: @TamiRoman

And others think she could win even without campaigning還有人認為米歇爾無需競選就能當上總統

Michelle Obama wouldn"t even have to have a proper campaign in 2020. Walk on stage, say a couple words then bam she"d win-- Liv到2020年時,米歇爾根本不需要開展競選活動。她只要上台說幾句話,然後就贏了!— Liv

———— 每日學英語 ————



林垚:是誰塑造了「攪局者」特朗普? | 文化縱橫
華府風雲 | 弗州騷亂,特朗普為什麼遭孤立?
特朗普再次呼應白人民族主義者 四成美國人支持彈劾總統

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