微翻譯大賽 | 在哈瓦那的那場演出後 她選擇離開了芭蕾
本期的微翻譯大賽,來自2009年Elle雜誌的一篇人物特寫The Afterlife of a Ballerina,描寫了美國芭蕾舞天才Alexandra Ansanelli在古巴首都哈瓦那的最後一場演出。那一年,28歲的Ansanelli是英國皇家芭蕾舞團(The Royal Ballet)的首席舞者。在事業最輝煌的時候,她卻選擇了離開芭蕾舞。
如今的Ansanelli在哥倫比亞大學學習。她離開芭蕾的真正原因鮮為人知,只是在一次採訪中,她才說出了心聲:「To me ballet was a religion, a devotion, a marriage, something inside is calling me in a new direction. Time is passing by and I must make this next step in order to create more balance in my life」.
It was a hot, humid Saturday night in Havana, and there was no air conditioning at the Gran Teatro. But all 1,500 seats at the old opera house were taken; tickets had sold out within hours of their release. Thousands more fans crowded onto the steps of the nearby Capitolio, braving the July heat to watch giant outdoor screens on which the performance was streaming. This was a far cry from the staid audiences the Royal Ballet usually danced for in London. Here, tickets were cheap; spectators packed picnics; the atmosphere was raucous. It was 2009, and the first visit from a major foreign ballet company in 30 years. It was also the last time that Alexandra Ansanelli, a star at the peak of her career, would perform.
"A Month in the Country," the ballet chosen for her last show, is a melodrama based on Ivan Turgenev"s 1855 play. In it, Natalia, a bored housewife on a Russian estate, falls in love with her son"s new tutor; so do her teenage daughter and the family maid. American audiences sometimes laugh at its over-the-top antics. But with Alexandra as Natalia, it worked.
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※【特別關注】台灣學生拍攝的《my city 南京》火爆全網,「只有離開了才知道多愛它」