哈里王子和梅根好事將近 欲請凱特王妃做伴娘


Looks like Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are getting married soon.看起來梅根·馬克爾和哈里王子很快就要步入婚姻殿堂了。

Since Markle and Prince Harry headed to Africa to celebrate the "Suits" star"s 36th birthday, reports about their engagement intensified. It seemed that the couple is tying the knot soon as the actress has already asked Kate Middleton to be her maid of honor as she and her love prepare to announce their engagement.自從梅根和哈里王子一同前往非洲慶祝她的36歲生日以來,有關他們訂婚的報道就鋪天蓋地。這對愛侶似乎很快就要喜結連理,因為據說梅根已經邀請凱特王妃做她的伴娘,而且她和哈里王子正準備宣布訂婚喜訊。

Markle reportedly delivered a gift to the Duchess of Cambridge that included a note asking the pregnant royal mom to be her maid of honor when she marries Prince Harry, Express reported. The "Horrible Bosses" actress" present to Middleton is a rose gold diamond bracelet worth around £1,471.據英國《每日快報》報道稱,梅根送給凱特王妃一份禮物,禮物中有一張卡片,邀請有孕在身的凱特王妃在她嫁給哈里王子時給她做伴娘。梅根送給凱特的禮物是一條價值約1471英鎊(合人民幣13102元)的玫瑰金鑽石手鏈。

Middleton is pregnant with the third royal baby. She is currently resting as she is suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which is life-threatening. So, if Markle really wants the Duchess of Cambridge to be her maid of honor, her wedding with Prince Harry might likely happen after Middleton"s delivery.凱特王妃正懷著第三個王室寶寶。她目前因為危險的妊娠劇吐正在休養中。所以,如果梅根真的想讓凱特王妃來給她做伴娘,她和哈里王子的婚禮可能要在凱特生完寶寶後才能舉行。

The publication added that Middleton initially disapproved Prince Harry"s romance with Markle, but she and the actress eventually got along well. Last week, reports claimed that Markle got to meet Queen Elizabeth. Their meeting took place on Sept. 3, after Markle and Prince Harry"s romantic getaway. The couple reportedly made the seven-mile drive to the queen"s summer resident, Balmoral Castle.報道中還稱,凱特王妃一開始不贊同哈里王子和梅根的戀情,但是後來她和梅根相處得很好。上周,有報道稱梅根還面見了伊麗莎白女王。梅根和女王的會面是在9月3日,此時梅根和哈里王子剛剛結束非洲的浪漫假期。這對小鴛鴦據說駕車開了七英里到達了女王的避暑行宮巴爾莫勒爾堡。

"It"ll no doubt be the first of many encounters," the source said. Markle and Queen Elizabeth"s meeting was very special for Prince Harry as he "was able to introduce someone he loves to someone he cares for deeply," the source added.消息來源稱:「毫無疑問這是她們的第一次會面。」消息來源還表示,梅根和女王的會面對哈里王子而言具有十分特別的意義,因為他「能夠把他所愛的人介紹給他非常在乎的人。」

In related news, Markle and Prince Harry were spotted celebrating his 33rd birthday ahead. The lovers opted to have a low-key celebration on Sept. 9 as the actress won"t be with the royal on his birthday as she needs to shoot for her TV series for USA Network.相關新聞還爆料,梅根和哈里王子被目擊到提前慶祝哈里的33歲生日。這對愛侶選擇在9月9日這天低調地慶祝生日,因為梅根在哈里生日當天得去拍攝美國電視網的電視劇,所以沒辦法陪他一起過。

"Harry doesn"t like to make a fuss of birthdays so he liked that it was just the two of them. Sometimes it doesn"t have to be a huge thing with a group of friends," a source said. Although the couple was not together on Prince Harry"s birthday, he is flying to Canada this week for the Invictus Games where he is expected to meet his girlfriend.消息來源稱:「哈里不喜歡生日大操大辦,更喜歡兩個人安靜地度過。有時候,過生日並不一定非要和朋友們一起熱鬧。」儘管在哈里生日當天兩人不在一起,但本周哈里會飛往加拿大出席不可征服運動會(哈里王子創辦的國際殘疾軍人運動會),在那裡他將和女友會合。

"Harry will spend a day with Meghan before beginning Invictus-related engagements on Sept. 22. Naturally, Meghan will be present for some of the games and you"ll no doubt see them together in the stands, but she won"t be taking part in any of the engagements in an official capacity," the insider added.知情人士還爆料:「在9月22日開始參加不可征服運動會相關活動之前,哈里將和梅根共度一天。當然,梅根將會出席該運動會的部分賽事,你也肯定能在看台上看見他倆的身影,不過她不會以官方身份參加運動會的任何活動。」




TAG:伴娘 | 凱特王妃 |