




Macron Takes on France』s Disenfranchised Suburbs

Edwige Ire is heading back to the job market, hoping to turn her flair for West African cooking into a career. But first that means learning the basics about the restaurant business and fine-tuning her resume so her skills outshine one of her biggest handicaps: her address.

「We need more jobs especially for the young people. A lot of them are into drugs and petty crime because there』s no work.」

Ire reflects the cultural melting pot of Grigny. This small town, about an hour』s train ride south of Paris, has 89 different nationalities. Like other working-class banlieues here, it』s struggling. Grigny is one of the poorest towns in France with some of the highest rates of unemployment, school dropouts and illiteracy.

「We felt the effects of the 2008 financial crisis much more quickly than elsewhere. There is an acceleration of exclusion and of segregation. And for the first time people were talking about economic apartheid.」

Grigny residents say they face other challenges like discrimination.

「You can』t go any, any company. They see you CV. He said we needn』t the guy even it is for free so the the guy from Grigny is no good.」

Mayor Rio says the French state has failed in its banlieues. The problems aren』t recent, in 2005 towns like Grigny exploded into riots that spread countrywide. There have been more riots here since. In 2015 , Grigny native AbdAllah killed 4 people at a supermarket in Paris before police shot him dead. He claimed allegiance to Islamic state. Last October Rio and other banlieue mayors gathered here to issue a call from Grigny demanding a national response to the crisis.

「Poverty is deepened since the 2005 riots and the banlieues have cut themselves off from the rest of French society.」

French President Emmanuel Macron tapped a popular former minister Rang Louis Buffalo to come up with answers. Emmanuel Macron wants to show that he』s caring about what is happening in the other side of France that is not the only one, is not only the president of the city, is the president of France that goes well.

Last month banlieues submitted a detailed plan with a multi-billion dollar price tag. At a time the government is pressured to cut spending. Banlieue mayors like Rio want it fully adopted, many are skeptical that will happen. But change is happening any way: new housing and this mosque funded by the local community. The town is nurturing local talent and supporting several vocational education programs.

「We have 500 people who go through the center every year, and more than 70% find jobs.」

Mayor Rio says Grigny not only crystallizes the many problems facing France』s banlieues but also their powerful spirit of resistance and resilience.

Lisa Bryant, for VOA News, Grigny, France.


Edwige 憤怒正在回到就業市場, 希望把她的才華用於回歸西非烹飪的職業生涯。但首先, 這意味著學習有關餐廳業務的基本知識, 並完善她的簡歷, 使她的技能勝過她最大的障礙之一: 她的地址。

我們需要更多的工作, 尤其是年輕人。他們中的許多人吸毒和輕罪, 因為他們沒有工作。

憤怒反映了 Grigny 文化的熔爐。這個小鎮, 大約一個小時的火車乘坐在巴黎以南, 有89不同的國籍。像其他工人階級的郊區在這裡掙扎。Grigny 是法國最貧窮的城鎮之一, 失業率、輟學率和文盲比率最高。


Grigny 居民表示, 他們面臨諸如歧視等其他挑戰。

你不能去任何公司。當他們看到你的簡歷他說, 我們不需要的傢伙, 即使它是免費的, 所以從 Grigny 來的的傢伙是不好的。

力拓市長說, 法國政府在其郊區中失敗了。問題不是最近, 在2005年像Grigny 的鎮爆炸了到全國傳播的暴亂。從那以後發生了更多的騷亂。在 2015年, Grigny 當地的阿卜杜拉在巴黎一家超級市場殺害了4人, 然後警察開槍打死了他。他聲稱效忠伊斯蘭國家。去年 10月, 力拓和其他郊區市長齊聚一堂, 要求 Grigny 對此次危機作出全國性反應。

自從2005暴動以來, 貧窮加深了, 郊區已經脫離了法國社會的其他地方.

法國總統伊曼紐爾長音符竊聽了一位受歡迎的前部長打電話給路易. 水牛提出了答案。伊曼紐爾長音符想表明, 他關心的是正在發生的事情在法國的另一邊不是唯一的, 不僅是總統的城市, 是法國總統的順利進行。

上個月, 郊區提交了一份詳細的計劃, 並提供了一個多億美元的價格標籤。當時政府被迫削減開支。像力拓這樣的郊區市長希望它得到充分的採納, 許多人對此將會產生懷疑。但是變化正在發生: 新住房和這座清真寺由當地社區資助。該鎮正在培育當地的人才和支持幾個職業教育項目。

我們每年都有500人通過這個中心找工作, 70 多名能找到工作。

力拓市長說, Grigny 不僅解決了法國郊區面臨的許多問題, 而且還體現了他們強大的抵抗和韌性的精神。


flair n.天資,天分

dropouts n.退學

discrimination n.區別

skeptical adj.懷疑性的,懷疑的

resilience n.彈性,彈力

segregation n.分隔,分離


Macron 人名 馬克龍

Edwige Ire 人名

Grigny 地名 法國格里尼

AbdAllah 地名 阿仆杜拉

Rang Louis Buffalo 人名

Banlieue 專有名詞 暴力街區

Lisa Bryant voa主播



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