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《皇氏古建築大全》第2222:吳哥窟(Angkor Wat)又稱吳哥寺,位於柬埔寨,被稱作柬埔寨國寶,是世界上最大的廟宇,同時也是世界上最早的高棉式建築。吳哥窟原始的名字是Vrah Vishnulok,意思為「毗濕奴的神殿」,

中國佛學古籍稱之為「桑香佛舍」。12世紀時,吳哥王朝國王蘇耶跋摩二世(Suryavarman II)希望在平地興建一座規模宏偉的石窟寺廟,作為吳哥王朝的國都和國寺。因此舉全國之力,花了大約35年建造,真是慢工出精品。它是吳哥古迹中保存得最完好的建築,以建築宏偉與浮雕細緻聞名於世。























台基四周有十二道台階,東南西北每邊各三道,十二道台階都十分陡峭, 必須手腳並用,匍匐攀登,象徵登天之艱辛。台階之上的田字形重檐畫廊,60米見方,上立五座蓮花聖塔,四隅各一塔門,正中矗立一座42米高的大主塔,塔頂離地65米,主塔比四個角塔高大;五座寶塔,排成五點梅花式。每塔內設神龕。主塔的神龕,最初四通,中供毗濕奴一尊,在改奉上座部佛教後,中供佛像,三面用佛像壁圍攏。



Jumbo Huang Index:Today I guided 9 people tour to visit the Angkor temples in Siem Reap:

《皇氏古建築大全》Jumbo Heritage List No.40405:Preah Ko: Preah Ko was the first temple to be built in the ancient and now defunct city of Hariharalaya (Roluos), some 15 kilometers south-east of the main group of temples at Angkor, Cambodia. The temple was built under the Khmer King Indravarman I in 879 to honor members of the kings family, whom it places in relation with the Hindu deity Shiva.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40379:Bakong: Bakong (Khmer ???????????) is the first temple mountain of sandstone constructed by rulers of the Khmer empire at Angkor near modern Siem Reap in Cambodia. In the final decades of the 9th century AD, it served as the official state temple of King Indravarman I in the ancient city of Hariharalaya, located in an area that today is called Roluos.The structure of Bakong took shape of stepped pyramid, popularly identified as temple mountain of early Khmer temple architecture.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.20994:Phnom Bakheng, at Angkor, Cambodia, is a Hindu and Buddhist temple in the form of a temple mountain. Dedicated to Shiva, it was built at the end of the 9th century, during the reign of King Yasovarman (889-910). Located atop a hill, it is nowadays a popular tourist spot for sunset views of the much bigger temple Angkor Wat, which lies amid the jungle about 1.5 km to the southeast. The large number of visitors makes Phnom Bakheng one of the most threatened monuments of Angkor. Since 2004,

World Monuments Fund has been working to conserve the temple in partnership with APSARA.

APSARA (Authority for the Protection of the Site and Management of the Region of Angkor) is the Cambodian management authority responsible for protecting the Angkor Archaeological Park. Founded in 1995, it is in charge of the research, protection, and conservation as well as the urban and tourist development of the park. It is headquartered in Siem Reap. As of 2016, it consisted of 15 departments and more than 500 personnel.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.20979:Angkor Bayon Temple, The Bayon (????????????, Prasat Bayon) is a well-known and richly decorated Khmer temple at Angkor in Cambodia. Built in the late 12th or early 13th century as the official state temple of the Mahayana Buddhist King Jayavarman VII, the Bayon stands at the centre of Jayavarmans capital, Angkor Thom Following Jayavarmans death, it was modified and augmented by later Hindu and Theravada Buddhist kings in accordance with their own religious preferences.

The Bayons most distinctive feature is the multitude of serene and smiling stone faces on the many towers which jut out from the upper terrace and cluster around its central peak. The temple is known also for two impressive sets of bas-reliefs, which present an unusual combination of mythological, historical, and mundane scenes. The current main conservatory body, the Japanese Government Team for the Safeguarding of Angkor (the JSA) has described the temple as "the most striking expression of the baroque style" of Khmer architecture, as contrasted with the classical style of Angkor Wat.The ruins of Angkor are located amid forests and farmland north of the Great Lake (Tonle Sap) and south of the Kulen Hills, near modern-day Siem Reap city, The temples of the Angkor area number over one thousand, ranging in scale from nondescript piles of brick rubble scattered through rice fields to the Angkor Wat, said to be the worlds largest single religious monument. Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored, and together, they comprise the most significant site of Khmer architecture. Visitors approach two million annually, and the entire expanse, including Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom is collectively protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The popularity of the site among tourists presents multiple challenges to the preservation of the ruins.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.20975:Angkor Thom located in present-day Cambodia, was the last and most enduring capital city of the Khmer empire. It was established in the late twelfth century by King Jayavarman VII. It covers an area of 9 km2, within which are located several monuments from earlier eras as well as those established by Jayavarman and his successors. At the centre of the city is Jayavarmans state temple, the Bayon, with the other major sites clustered around the Victory Square immediately to the north.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40406:Baphoun,The Baphuon is a temple at Angkor, Cambodia. It is located in Angkor Thom, northwest of the Bayon. Built in the mid-11th century, it is a three-tiered temple mountainbuilt as the state temple of Udayadityavarman II dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva. It is the archetype of the Baphuon style with intricate carvings covering every available surface. The temple adjoins the southern enclosure of the royal palace and measures 120 metres east-west by 100 metres north-south at its base and stands 34 meters tall without its tower, which would have made it roughly 50 meters tall. Its appearance apparently impressed Temür Khans late 13th century envoy Chou Ta-kuan during his visit from 1296 to 1297, who said it was the Tower of Bronze...a truly astonishing spectacle, with more than ten chambers at its base.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40407:The Terrace of the Elephants is part of the walled city of Angkor Thom, a ruined temple complex in Cambodia. The terrace was used by Angkors king Jayavarman VII as a platform from which to view his victorious returning army. It was attached to the palace of Phimeanakas of which only a few ruins remain. Most of the original structure was made of organic material and has long since disappeared. Most of what remains are the foundation platforms of the complex. The terrace is named for the carvings of elephants on its eastern face.The 350m-long Terrace of Elephants was used as a giant reviewing stand for public ceremonies and served as a base for the kings grand audience hall. It has five outworks extending towards the Central Square-three in the centre and one at each end. The middle section of the retaining wall is decorated with life size garuda and lions; towards either end are the two parts of the famous parade of elephants complete with their Khmer mahouts.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40408:Phimeanakas, Vimeanakas (?????????????????, Prasat Vimean Akas) at Angkor, Cambodia, is a Hindu temple in the Khleang style, built at the end of the 10th century, during the reign of Rajendravarman (from 941-968), then completed by Suryavarman I in the shape of a three tier pyramid as a Hindu temple. On top of the pyramid there was a tower, while on the edge of top platform there are galleries. Phimeanakas is located inside the walled enclosure of the Royal Palace of Angkor Thom north of Baphuon.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40409:Ta Keo had to be the state temple of Jayavarman V, son of Rajendravarman, who had built Pre Rup. Like Pre Rup, it has five sanctuary towers arranged in a quincunx, built on the uppermost level of five-tier pyramid consisting of overlapping terraces (a step pyramid), surrounded by moat, as a symbolic depiction of Mount Meru. Its particularly massive appearance is due to the absence of external decorations, as carving had just begun when the works stopped, besides an elaborate use of perspective effects. It is considered an example of the so-called Khleang style.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.20984:Ta Prohm is the modern name of the temple at Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, built in the Bayon style largely in the late 12th and early 13th centuries and originally called Rajavihara. Located approximately one kilometre east of Angkor Thom and on the southern edge of the East Baray, it was founded by the Khmer King Jayavarman VII as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery and university. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Ta Prohm is in much the same condition in which it was found: the photogenic and atmospheric combination of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Angkors most popular temples with visitors. UNESCO inscribed Ta Prohm on the World Heritage List in 1992. Today, it is one of the most visited complexes in Cambodia』s Angkor region. The conservation and restoration of Ta Prohm is a partnership project of the Archaeological Survey of India and the APSARA,The trees growing out of the ruins are perhaps the most distinctive feature of Ta Prohm, and "have prompted more writers to descriptive excess than any other feature of Angkor." Two species predominate, but sources disagree on their identification: the larger is either the silk-cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra) or thitpok Tetrameles nudiflora, and the smaller is either the strangler fig or gold apple. Angkor scholar Maurice Glaize observed, "On every side, in fantastic over-scale, the trunks of the silk-cotton trees soar skywards under a shadowy green canopy, their long spreading skirts trailing the ground and their endless roots coiling more like reptiles than plants."

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.40410:Banteai Kdeiis a Buddhist temple in Angkor, Cambodia. It is located southeast of Ta Prohm and east of Angkor Thom. Built in the mid-12th to early 13th centuries AD during the reign of Jayavarman VII, it is in the Bayon architectural style, similar in plan to Ta Prohm and Preah Khan, but less complex and smaller. Its structures are contained within two successive enclosure walls, and consist of two concentric galleries from which emerge towers, preceded to the east by a cloister.This Buddhist monastic complex is currently dilapidated due to faulty construction and poor quality of sandstone used in its buildings, and is now undergoing renovation. Banteay Kdei had been occupied by monks at various intervals over the centuries until the 1960s.

《Jumbo Heritage List》No.2222:Angkor Wat Sanctuary;Angkor Wat ????????? is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares , It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple of god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century. It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in Ya?odharapura, the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings, Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the countrys prime attraction for visitors.

Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the temple-mountain and the later galleried temple. It is designed to represent Mount Meru, home of the devas in Hindu mythology: within a moat and an outer wall 3.6 kilometres long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the centre of the temple stands a quincunx of towers. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat is oriented to the west; scholars are divided as to the significance of this. The temple is admired for the grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its extensive bas-reliefs, and for the numerous devatas adorning its walls.

7 Wakara St- Wat Damnak- Wat Bo Rd- Street 27-22.behind Wat Damnak Pagoda, between Psa Dey Hoy Market and Angkor High School, Closed on Monday, Siem Reap, 93000, Cambodia, Helistarcambodia.com, Scenic flight…



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