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After calls to change the Quran, Turkey moves to ban all things French

Even civil society must 『obey』



Second, the public feels that angry and hateful rhetoric against the West does not benefit them. A member of a prominent Muslim nongovernmental organization took Erdogan to task, telling Al-Monitor, 「Scolding the West and calling them names have lost their impact when you [still] go visit these countries and keep playing by their systems. There is no proper policy behind Erdogan』s anger. We have not forgot how he distanced himself from the Mavi Marmara [Gaza] flotilla victims by saying, 『Whom did they ask before they departed?』」 The suggestion that what happened to those on the flotilla was their fault galled Turks.



One of the rare good steps the Turkish government took lately was the reconciliation with Israel, which came after six years of low relations.

So, can we all be happy with this deal? Well, maybe yes, maybe no. Not too surprisingly, some Islamist circles, which normally support President Tayyip Erdo?an on most issues, proved to be not too happy with the deal with Israel. In particular the ?HH, the Islamist charity that spearheaded the Gaza flotilla back in 2010, did not seem content with the deal, which would nullify the criminal cases they supported against Israel for the killing of 10 civilians on the Mavi Marmara. That is why, a few days after the Turkish-Israeli deal, the ?HH released a critical statement that ended with a strong sentence: 「Those who cover themselves with Israel will find themselves naked.」

Erdo?an did not take this lightly, though. A day later, he gave a long speech at an iftar dinner, and after defending the deal with Israel, he turned his attention to the Gaza flotilla people. 「Did you ask me before you set sail?」 Erdo?an asked. 「Did you ask my permission?」 In other words, with just one stroke, Erdo?an disowned a campaign that he has passionately used in the past six years, in dozens of political speeches. Had he said, 「I respect the memory of the dead on the Gaza flotilla, but we need to be pragmatic with Israel,」 I would have totally agreed with him. But, as usual, the tone he preferred was perfectly conceited and intimidating.

There is a new cadre of Erdo?anists, he explained, who blame everybody who dares to disagree with Erdo?an, from writers to civil society organizations, for 「treason, 『coupism』 and oligarchy.」 To save yourself from their wrath, he explained, you just have to shut up and obey 「the state,」 which has no tolerance for any 「partner.」





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