(月運)Astro twins 2013年6月 雙魚座 概述、愛情...

魚魚們,在窩裡多貓幾周,趁著能宅著的時候就請盡情宅著吧。宇宙中的兩大能量體——太陽和火星正停留在你代表家庭的第四宮,也就是雙子座之中。這個六月里,會有許多事情發生在你的後院里(或者廚房,再或者你的薰衣草浴缸中哦),一些重大事件也有可能出現在你住的地方,比如重新裝修或者與你某位比較親近的女性親戚的關係問題。隨著火星的臨近, 某些緊張時刻會出現在你家門口,但這同樣是你針對個人生活問題而採取決定性行動的時機,甚至你內心深處的情感需求亦會噴涌而出。出現在6月8日的雙子座新月可能預示著你未來六個月會翻開有關家庭的新的一頁. 那好消息是什麼?你的內心將會比以往任何時候都更為強大。用1分鐘好好回憶一下過去一年的自己,你的內心正掀起了一場長達1年的革命。2012年6月11日起,代表消費的木星將在雙子座停留一年,屆時你生活中最私人的部分將迎來新的曙光與成長。許多魚魚會經歷喬遷、懷孕或花更多時間享受孤獨,沉澱心靈與情感。由於雙子座掌管著你代表女性的第四宮,某些 重大事件可能會發生在你母親、女兒、姐妹或你愛的某個女性親戚身上。如大部分魚魚一樣,如果你和媽媽關係非常親近,也許現在是時候保持一點點距離呼吸了(如果你是個溺愛子女的媽媽,那麼也應該這麼做哦)。也行你用心幫助的那個人不那麼重視家庭,更不用說他會成為你情感的依託了。 魚魚們請盡情享受慵懶咖啡時光和瑜伽吧,因為這樣的日子可快要結束了哦!6月25日起,木星進入了魅力地帶,跟隨著水相巨蟹座而閃耀一整年。燈光、攝像、開拍!巨蟹座掌管你代表激情、創造力與名譽的第五宮,因此你單調的生活將在短期內變得閃耀奪目。(木星從2001年7月到2002年8月一直停留在雙魚座,回首那時的經歷,你會有所啟發。)從現在到2014年7月16日,木星會為你燃起熊熊的愛火,重啟創造力或讓你名聲大振!你將會感到之前很久沒有過的想要表達自己、與人溝通的願望,幸運的是,對你來說實現這種願望的機遇可不少哦。 這個夏天也在躁動不安哦,因此魚魚們要打扮的帥帥的,打造迷人出街形象,收穫大把的回頭率吧!6月21日,太陽一旦進入巨蟹座,你便不會再想讓別人看你衣著普通逛沙灘的形象了。要不要換上性感的緊身衣和明星同款太陽鏡?當然要了!盡情在沙灘是展現你的魅力吧,因為六月末的你可能在夏威夷酒吧里打情罵俏或與某性感麗人在沙灘是漫步哦。6月23日摩羯座月盈會進入你掌管社交活動的第十一宮,因此那晚將會是歡聚派對的完美之夜,同時也會是你迷人的處子秀。音樂起,人見人愛花見花開的魚魚回來啦!再見了,小笨魚;萬歲,美人魚駕到! 要小心你吸引到的東西。6月26日到7月19日,水星將在巨蟹座內逆行,這有可能不利於出門旅行、從事技術和交通出行。同樣,逆行也會為你帶來過去的人物種種。你的前任可能再次出現,魅力難擋地向你示愛。但你真的想發展到那裡嗎,魚魚?三思而後行。謹慎收發愛意綿綿的郵件和信息,因為某些言語可能會讓你日後後悔不已哦。 所幸,上天會賜你時間好好思忖一下所有的改變。6月7日到11月12日,主宰你的海王星也會在雙魚座逆行。從2011年到2026年,海王星一直都會停留在雙魚座,儘管緩慢,但確實會幫助你擺脫過去的束縛,重新認識你心裡深處、有血有肉的「真我"。在巨蟹座的魅力催化作用下,你也可能想要逃離大家的視線(就像美人魚必須回到大海一樣),重啟自己。如果最近你改變的太快了,也許會需要回頭再看看哦。可能你洗完澡匆忙間,把寶貝兒子和洗澡水一起沖走了也說不定呢。去找回有價值的東西,用新方法把它們更加均衡地融入你的生活吧! 【愛與浪漫:translated by KKilluas】 雙魚們,磁性的金星在你的十五宮巨蟹宮大跳探戈馬力全開,不論你是在郵局寄信寄包裹呢還是在某個輕鬆愉快、無憂無慮的場合主持場面,誰都無法忽視你閃閃的身影。連附近快餐店的工作小哥都會感受到你這無邊的魅力(有什麼不好?反正只要一個微笑就給你的午餐加上額外附送的愛)。感謝這顆代表愛的行星光顧你星盤中愉快而精力充沛的區域,宇宙要給你的夏天一個超浪漫的開始。你的舞會行程都排滿了……所以委婉地拒絕你身後排下的那長串追求者們吧。正如咱們一位愛浮華的雙魚同胞liz tayor曾經說的一句名言:「我承認我被情感所掌控。」這正是雙魚們的生活方式。 如果你暫時還沒碰到那個人,或者剛剛結束某段戀情,別擔心。本月25號幸運木星行進巨蟹並停留一整年,這一年可能會是你十年內最快樂的一年。回想一下2001年7月到2002年8月間,上一次木星行到巨蟹宮時的事也許能發現一些與現在相關的信息。總而言之,準備好給你的戀情劇本加上新一章吧魚魚們。在木星擴大世界的魔法下,你可能會遇到一個有著截然不同文化或背景的人,又或者是來自遙遠的地方。在這個時候不要排除掉異地戀了。有伴兒的魚魚會感到愛火重燃。見鬼吶,要是你讓同事來你家,就算是無意的吸引都會促發出一場長期的關係(不用為在腦海里YY過這個而內疚,畢竟十五宮遮蓋三角相位增幅了心裡隱秘的有關「兩性活動」的想法)。 如果你是單身,你可能會想和好幾人約會,腳踩幾船,或者在本年得到那些你覺得你總是錯過的「經驗」——所以當你最後確實這麼做了後,就別再後悔或者回頭了,想著「要是是那樣又如何?」了。大概這就是為什麼像伊麗莎白.泰勒、德魯.巴里摩爾、露.麥克拉納罕這些雙魚們會結婚好多次的原因吧。為安全起見你們總是突然地作下承諾,而原因只是你們進展得太快。接下來的一年你們為愛而愛,為樂而樂,沉浸於與每個相遇者之間的縱慾。對於想深度閱讀和研討的讀者們,去我的朋友Kitty Cavalier的Charm and Cheek學校看看吧。 . 這些愛情魔法會讓你活的戲劇化,在戀情前面還有些未解決的事項,可能是EX又回來想用承諾挽回你(哎,那張讓你一次又一次陷落的你愛的臉)。交流者水星6.26到7.19在巨蟹逆行,掌管你浪漫的十五宮。就算EX並不那麼適合你,但重歷這份關係會幫你看到你已走了多遠,明白你想從愛中得到什麼,什麼又是你的底線。雙魚們,也許這次你會把這個人從「要是換一種方式又會如何?」類移到永久斷聯類了。結案了? 這個月也要注意你的言論。水星逆行,你有一種爭論的衝動,不想說的話也有可能會脫口而出,注意傷害人心的話語是無法在撤回的。為了避免這種情況,在說話、反應前停頓整理一下,因為你可能很隨便就大倒苦水,出口傷人。這種謹慎思考的態度可能會導致你暫時的忘記你的機智……先柔和地敷衍然後再問問題。要是你不好好注意,你的生活可能會隨便就一團糟。 在歡樂的強力擁抱之下,你可能會忽略感情這個東西是需要時間的。儘管你現在激情澎湃,還是請保持耐心。木星會在巨蟹待上一年,所以現在沒必要一頭就扎進十分嚴肅的事情,特別是你的情感如此強大,簡直可以照亮整個東海岸時。這些無法抵抗的情緒又美好又讓人沉醉,為什麼不好好享受一下當下的這些時光呢——然後慢慢等待故事自行展開? MONEY & CAREER: School』s out for the summer! Yep, you feel like kicking back a bit, as the Sun, motivator Mars and expansive Jupiter are all nesting in Gemini, your fourth house of domesticity and personal foundations. Your workflow may quiet down naturally during this phase, allowing you to turn your attention to home and other intimate matters. How rooted we are in our personal lives—and this includes our homes, where we physically live—has a direct correlation to how high we can fly, career-wise. So now is the time to tend to your own sanctuary. Do you have everything you need to feel secure, at the most essential levels? You might start to work on a nest egg, making concrete plans for your rainy day fund. (Dare to dream about taking a year off and spending it in Bali…) Or perhaps you have a property issue to deal with, possibly a move, sale or even purchase of your dream home. A great day to act on the residential front is June 8, when a Gemini new moon lights up your fourth house of home. Whether you pick up soulful new home accessories (like these from Brilliant Imports ) or embark on a more comprehensive renovation, do something that makes your house feel like a true reflection of you. If you occasionally work from home, spruce up your 「office」 (which might be more like your couch at this moment…). Or maybe even set up a cottage industry, like this woman did, when her obsession with interiors spilled into her home life and then professionally, most recently as proprietress of Mrs. Robertson, a quaint vintage store. If you work in an office outside your home, this might be a great time to personalize your workspace, adding framed photos of your loved ones or inspiring imagery (perhaps like this one from Doreen Virtue.) You get a reprieve from the cozy mood on June 23, when a full moon in Capricorn electrifies your eleventh house of group activity. This is a banner day for an important meeting of the minds or the culmination of a collaborative project. Spread your message far and wide…anything related to technology, broadcasting or digital media could be part of the package. In a perfect world, how might your work 「go viral,」 affecting the masses hopefully promoting positive change? Your naturally intuitive sign often has the finger on the collective pulse, and this gift makes you a very integral part of the group…so let your unique light shine, Pisces! A team effort you』ve been toiling away at since the January 11 Capricorn new moon could come together now. Two days later, optimistic Jupiter enters Cancer, your fifth house of creativity and fertility, for a yearlong stay. If you』ve been shying away from the spotlight, get set for your turn on the mic. Delve into your artistic talents and don』t be afraid to bring some warmth to the otherwise formal office environment. If you』ve been toying with the idea of exploring your own creativity more, you might actually take a leap this year, donning your artistic cap in a more formal way. Perhaps it』s time you get to work on that atmospheric Sofia Coppola-like film you』ve been dreaming about. Or maybe you』ll take a page from the late and infinitely great Alexander McQueen (who was also a Pisces) and channel your connection to dream-fantasy-worlds into stunning, otherworldly pieces of art. You can also find inspiration through instruction. Your water-loving sign might enjoy classes from this ocean-inspired artist, who runs a seaside painting retreat in Nantucket. Whatever you explore, take some daring risks and express yourself! HEALTH: MIND, BODY & SOUL: Roots, roots, roots. This month, your energy gets revved up around home and family matters, as the Sun, energizer Mars and expansive Jupiter tour Gemini, your fourth house of all things domestic. Even if the home front is a little intense right now—either because of family squabbles or renovations-gone-awry—you』re invested in working it out. To ward off conflict with family members (especially the female members of your clan) you might want to head out for a brisk beach walk together or another healthy outlet for some of the tension that assertive Mars can sometimes bring. On June 8, a new moon in Gemini is an excellent time to turn over a new leaf with your family. You』ll always be close to them, but if the way you relate is in need of an adjustment, now is the time to make it. You』re not living anyone』s life but your own, Pisces…even though sometimes it might feel otherwise. This isn』t about changing them, but owning who you are and how you want to operate. Nesting is your top priority, especially with driven Mars in this sector of your chart. Perhaps you and a partner will move in together, putting down some real roots, merging your bookshelves, and creating cozy nighttime routines. Pisces women might feel that so-called biological ticking of the clock, or even have an unexpected pregnancy. If you』ve been debating when to broach this topic with a partner, or even when to take action, the June 8 Gemini new moon is an excellent day to conceive, move in together or otherwise get that domestic ball rolling. This attention to the home front will help ground you as Neptune, your ruler, goes retrograde (backward) in Pisces, your first house of self, from June 7 to November 12. This is a period of intense soul-searching, as you』re learning to embody your new identity and grow into the Pisces 2.0 you』ve become, as opposed to wearing the uncomfortable (and erroneous) mantle others have bestowed on you. (This song, 「Don』t Let Me Be Understood,」 by your Pisces sister Nina Simone, needn』t be your theme song anymore.) Give yourself plenty of space to wade through these uncertain waters. Your ship has definitely left its port, only you』re not exactly sure where it』s going just yet. Trips to the ocean or another body of water will help soothe your nerves during this time. Turn off the 「need to know」 button and learn how to go with the flow, like only a Fish can.


唐詩 宋詞概述
第三單元 月經病 細目一 概述

TAG:愛情 | 雙魚座 | 2013年 | 2013 | 概述 |