
Fashion has an import place in politics, especially when it comes to female political figures. Does this dress exude confidence? Does that red color make her look aggressive? What do pantsuits say?

在政壇上,時尚擁有重要的地位,尤其對女性政治人物而言。這件裙子散發出自信了嗎?紅色讓她覺得具有攻擊性嗎?這套褲裝怎麼樣?Good clothing choices help sell an image. And in return, political figures can also influence the way we dress and help domestic brand and designers grow.選好服裝有助於兜售形象。相反,政治人物也能夠影響我們穿著的方式,有助於國內品牌和設計師成長。Let"s have a quick review of last year"s strongest fashion influencers in the political world.讓我們快速瀏覽一下去年政壇的最強時尚影響者吧。

1.Theresa May


Since the UK"s new Prime Minister Theresa May took the position in July, much attention has been paid to her style, from her famous leopard print shoes to the infamous brown leather trousers she wore recently.

自今年七月英國新首相特雷莎·梅上任以來,她的時尚風格備受矚目,從她著名的豹紋鞋子到她最近穿的臭名昭著的棕色皮革長褲。May is not afraid to wear leather at 60. Despite the debate, she sparked a surge in sales of the pants, according to The Telegraph.梅並不害怕60歲時穿著皮革。據《電訊報》報道,儘管穿著飽受爭議,但是她的褲子的銷量仍在激增。

2.Hillary Clinton in her signature pantsuits


3.Michelle Obama


Michelle Obama has been a strong player in promoting American high street brands and young designers.

米歇爾·奧巴馬一直是美國高街品牌和年輕設計師的強大推動者。The gown she wore at the inauguration eight years ago helped the designer Jason Wu, then 26, start a fashion empire. American brands Naeem Khan, Christian Siriano and J.Crew have all benefited from the effect of the FLOTUS.八年前,她在奧巴馬就職時穿的禮服幫助那時26歲的設計師吳季剛創辦了一個時尚帝國。美國品牌Naeem Khan,Christian Siriano和J.Crew也都從第一夫人那裡獲了益。

4.The Duchess of Cambridge


Britain"s Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has a similar impact to Michelle Obama, and her go-to country labels include Alexander McQueen, Monica Vinader, L.K. Bennett and Temperley London.


5.The next FLOTUS, Melania Trump


Since her husband won the election last month, Melania Trump has got the country"s designers divided in whether they should be delighted to dress the next FLOTUS. After all, some of them had officially endorsed Hillary Clinton.

自梅蘭娜·特朗普的丈夫上月贏得選舉以來,她已經就是否樂於向下一屆第一夫人設計服飾給全國的設計師劃分了陣營。Nevertheless, some argued that people shouldn"t become too political about fashion. So we will wait and see Melania Trump"s real-life impact on the world"s fashion.不過一些人認為,人們不應該將時尚過於政治化。因此,我們可以拭目以待梅蘭娜·特朗普對世界時尚的真實影響。


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