
北京時間今天早上,第60屆格萊美頒獎典禮在紐約麥迪遜花園廣場順利舉辦。火星哥Bruno Mars橫掃本屆年度專輯、年度製作、年度歌曲、最佳R&B演唱、最佳R&B歌曲、最佳R&B專輯、最佳非古典工程專輯七項大獎,成為最大贏家。

The 60th annual Grammy Awards on Sunday gave its highest accolades to Bruno Mars, an upbeat master of danceable pop.

The 24K Magic singer cleaned up at the GRAMMYs on Sunday night, sweeping all seven categories he was up for -- Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, Best R&B Song, Best R&B Performance, Best R&B Album and Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical.

這簡直就是Adele 2.0啊…… 的確,這回火星哥成為了第7位在格萊美單屆包攬三大通項大獎(年度專輯 、年度歌曲、年度製作)的藝人。此前的六位分別是Paul Simon(1971)、Carole King(1972)、Christopher Cross(1981)、Eric Clapton(1993)、Dixie Chicks(2007)、Adele(2012和2017)。


Mars is the seventh person in GRAMMY history to win the "Big Three" -- Album, Song and Record -- and the first since Adele, who has a special distinction of being the only artist to do it twice.

而助他奪得如此多獎項的,就是他去年的熱門專輯《24K Magic》了。

此外,加拿大90後女歌手Alessia Cara獲最佳新人(Best New Artist)獎。

說唱類中,Kendrick Lamar包攬「最佳說唱專輯」 (Best Rap Album)、「最佳說唱歌手」四個獎項,完勝前輩Jay-Z。

Kendrick去年好評如潮的新專《DAMN.》擊敗了JAY-Z的《4:44》,奪得「最佳說唱專輯」(Best Rap Album)獎。獲獎感言里,Kendrick表達了對JAY-Z的敬意,之後又口出金句:「作為一個藝術家,最關鍵的本質就是要用真誠對待一切事物。」 最後還不忘喊了句「Jay for president!」,看來是對"嘻哈天王"前輩愛得深沉。

In his acceptance speech for best rap album at Sunday night』s Grammy Awards, Kendrick Lamar backed a Jay-Z presidential run. After receiving his award, Lamar, who is up for seven Grammys for his 「Damn」 album, gave his thanks and yelled, 「Jay for president!」 before leaving the stage. Lamar beat out Jay-Z』s 「4:44」 in the best rap album category after citing him as an inspiration.

專輯《DAMN.》中與日日Rihanna合作的熱單《Loyalty》 還獲得了最佳說唱表演獎(Best Rap/Sung Performance)。兩人在後台的合照很是開心哦~

嘎嘎Lady Gaga入圍的兩個獎項「最佳流行歌手」和「最佳流行專輯」均敗給了黃老闆Ed Sheeran。黃老闆的《Shape of You》作為在公告牌榜霸榜12周的冠單,助他得到最佳流行歌手獎(Best Pop Solo Performance)也是當之無愧。

此外,霉霉Taylor Swift入圍的最佳影視歌曲、最佳鄉村歌曲也都遺憾落選。比伯混音feat的大熱西語單曲《Despacito》也是3提0中。同時,Lorde呼聲很高的專輯《Melodrama》也未能pk過火星哥。


另外,作為本屆官方邀請的中國嘉賓,TF BOYS成員易烊千璽也在紅毯亮相,讓國內迷妹迷弟們激動萬分~ 這身裝扮夠青春帥氣不?

一大幫被冠單《Havana》圈粉的朋友表示,身穿如火紅裙的卡妹Camila Cabello實在太迷人了~

你鱉Lady Gaga的黑裙也是氣場全開了。


麥粒Miley Cyrus依舊那麼可愛。

打雷姐Lana Del Rey繼續走復古女神范。


-Kendrick Lamar霸氣開場-

作為一名有態度的說唱歌手,Kendrick這次在格萊美的開場是相當霸氣。這次不僅颱風一如既往的帥酷,盡情表達了自己的政治立場,還跟老牌樂隊U2一起帶來表演,串燒了《XXX》、《DNA.》、《New Freezer》和《King"s Dead》多首高口碑熱單,讓人心潮澎湃~

The 60th annual Grammy Awards opened with a striking conceptual performance by Kendrick Lamar and by Bono and the Edge of U2, with Dave Chappelle serving as a one-man Greek chorus.

- Lady Gaga羽翼造型驚艷獻唱-

雖然本屆格萊美Lady Gaga未能獲獎,但一貫獻身於藝術的她,在現場仍舊驚艷了一把。她表演了新專輯《Joanne》中的熱單《Joanne》和《Million Reasons》。其中《Joanne》是鋼琴新版,返璞歸真的感覺後,接上了《Million Reasons》堅定的力量。 「薄紗羽翼」造型真是美如畫,加上溫柔如福音般的歌聲,就是仙女本人沒錯了 ……


If I had a highway, I would run for the hills

縱使前路暢通無阻 但我願翻越群山萬壑

If you could find a dry way, I"d forever be still

縱使前路毫無生機 但我仍永不改變

But you"re giving me a million reasons


Give me a million reasons


Givin" me a million reasons


About a million reasons


I bow down to pray

我雙膝跪地 禱告著

I try to make the worst seem better


Lord, show me the way

天 求你為我指明方向

To cut through all his worn out leather

只求我能剝開所有殘破不堪的外表 看清真相

I"ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away


But baby, I just need one good one to stay

但親愛的 我只想依偎在你的懷裡


為響應2017年美國反對性騷擾的「#Metoo」運動,在Cyndi Lauper,Camila Cabello, Julia Michaels,Andra Day,Babe Rexha一眾女星助陣下,錢妞Kesha領唱了她的《Praying》。舞台上,大家一襲白衣,象徵著這個行業的女性們團結起來抵制騷擾與歧視。


錢妞演唱前,歌手、演員Janelle Monáe還獻上了一段充滿力量的開場白,為音樂行業的女性發聲,反對性騷擾及性別歧視。聽完她的演講再欣賞眾星的合唱,更為感動……

「And just as we have the power to shape culture,」 Ms. Monáe added, 「Wealso have the power to undo a culture that does not serve us well.」


In a forceful speech, the singer and actress Janelle Monáe spoke for the women of the music industry, calling for a unified response of the women in music against sexism and sexual harassent, saying, 「We come in peace but wemean business.」

Then Kesha sang 「Praying,」 her ballad of anger and redemption, surrounded by women all in white, including the singers Cyndi Lauper, Camila Cabello, Julia Michaels and Andra Day and the Resistance Revival Chorus, a collective of women who sing protest songs.


Well, you almost had me fooled

我必須承認 你的詭計幾乎讓我自墮志氣

Told me that I was nothing without you

你說我若無你相助 將一無是處

Oh, but after everything you"ve done


  I can thank you for how strong I have become

  我終究煉成銅筋鐵骨 堅不可摧

  "Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell

  你投我入地獄 在焚身烈焰中痛不欲生

  I had to learn how to fight for myself

  我卻誓死抗爭 在山窮水盡處鳳凰涅槃

And we both know all the truth I could tell

  我所說的真相 你我心知肚明

  I"ll just say this is I wish you farewell

  時過境遷 只餘下一句願你一路平安

  I hope you"re somewhere praying, praying


  I hope your soul is changing, changing


  I hope you find your peace


  Falling on your knees, praying

  降跽謝過 虔誠祈禱

  Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night

  有時 我在夜深人靜時為你禱告

  Someday, maybe you"ll see the light

  或許會有一天 你被黑暗囚禁的靈魂將掙開桎梏 擁抱光明

  Oh, some say, in life, you"re gonna get what you give

  有人說 生命中的喜悲寵辱終將各有回報

  But some things, only God can forgive

  可錐心之恨 豈是一介凡人可以釋懷原諒

  I hope you"re somewhere praying, praying


  I hope your soul is changing, changing


  I hope you find your peace


  Falling on your knees, praying

  降跽謝過 虔誠祈禱

-火星哥Bruno Mars和Cardi B熱舞-

火星哥Bruno Mars聯手Cardi B在現場表演了熱單《Finesse》,火星哥又大秀炫酷舞蹈,瞬間點燃全場氣氛。92年的美國新生代說唱女歌手Cardi B也超可愛~





Ooh, don"t we look good together?

噢 我們在一起不好么

There"s a reason why they watch all night long

他們這樣看著我們 想必理由只有一個

Yeah, know we"ll turn heads forever

對 就是知道我們會對他們視若無睹

So tonight I"m gonna show you off


When I"m walkin" with you


I watch the whole room change


Baby, that"s what you do

親愛的 都是因為你啊

No my baby don"t play

噢 我的女孩兒根本不用裝

Rainin" on my cover dance


Oh blame it on your bad romance


Shut that shit down on sight


That"s right

對 就這樣

We out here drippin" in finesse


It don"t make no sense


Out here drippin" in finesse


You know it, you know it


-Elton爵士和麥粒Miley Cyrus傾情合作-

Elton John聯手麥粒Miley Cyrus在頒獎典禮合唱了Elton的金曲《Tiny Dancer》。這是兩人首次同台,一個是傳奇級歌手,一個是當代流行女聲,新老的碰撞,擦出別樣火花。麥粒今晚裝扮也是超美~



Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band穿牛仔褲的寶貝,洛杉磯的小姐,你是樂隊的女裁縫Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you"ll marry a music man漂亮的眼睛,放肆的笑容,你會嫁給一個做音樂的Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand所有人一定都見過她在沙地上的獨舞And now she"s in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand現在她就和我在一起,永遠的,我的跳舞的妹妹But oh how it feels so real耶穌在街上狂奔Lying here with no one near為上帝散發門票Only you and you can hear me除了你,你聽不見我When I say softly, slowly我說得太輕太慢

-騷姆Sam Smith未獲提名也登台-

另外,騷姆Sam Smith也登台表演了新單《Pray》,極具穿透力的聲音又迷到一片聽眾。本屆騷姆並未獲得獎項提名,卻能作為表演嘉賓登台獻唱,這在格萊美歷史上很是罕見。看來主辦方是非常認可騷姆的演唱效果了~



I"m young and I"m foolish, I"ve made bad decisions

我做了糟糕的決定 如此愚蠢而氣盛

I block out the news, turn my back on religion

對所有消息充耳不聞 轉身對著宗教虔誠

Don"t have no degree, I"m somewhat naive

段位不夠的我 總是難免有點天真

I"ve made it this far on my own


But lately, that shit ain"t been getting me higher

但最近 生活不再能讓我愉悅興奮

I lift up my head and the world is on fire

我抬起頭 看到世界被火光包圍

There"s dread in my heart and fear in my bones

於是恐懼霸佔我心 深入骨髓

And I just don"t know what to say


Maybe I"ll pray, pray


Maybe I"ll pray


I"ve never believed, and you know, but I"m gonna pray

你也知道我從來不信教 但我此刻只能祈禱


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