
書面表達範例   邀請參加新年晚會Dear Mr.Green,On behalf of the Students』 Union,I』m writing this letter to invite you to participate in our New Year Evening.The party is going to be held in the school meeting hall from 7 pm. to 9 pm. next Friday. Many wonderful performances,presented by the teachers and students in our school,will be shown on the stage,such as the Chinese folk songs and dances,Chinese musical instruments,short plays of traditional style and so on. So it will surely offer you a good opportunity to obtain a clearer picture of Chinese traditional culture.We should be very delighted if you could come and give a performance.We are looking forward eagerly to your participation.Yours,Li Ming書面表達範例假如你是李華, 你所在的學校在下個月舉辦美國電影節(American Film Festival ) .請你根據以下要點給你的美國朋友Peter寫一封信., 邀請他給學生們作一次講座.信的內容包括: 1. 講座目的: 使學生對美國電影有所了解.2. 講座內容:簡要介紹電影(製片)業的歷史.3. 講座時間: 一個半小時左右.Dear Peter ,Our school is planning to hold An American Film Festival nest month. I』m writing to ask you to come and give a talk on the history of American films and film?making industry. It will help us understand how the industry has developed into a big business as it is today .This understanding should go a long way toward increasing our knowledge of American culture in general. Do you think one and half hour will be enough?Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.I』m looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.With best wishes.Yours,Li Hua書面表達範例 假設你是你校學生會主席王海。針對目前你校學生英語寫作中存在的問題,你準備邀請英語專家Frank Jason教授來你校做一次關於如何提高英語寫作水平的講座。請根據以下要點給Frank Jason 寫一封邀請信。要點: 邀請的目的;講座時間、地點;講座內容。Dear Professor Frank Jason,I am Wang Hai, the chairman of the Student Union of our school. I am writing to invite you to give a lecture to the students in our school on how to improve the English writing from 22nd to 25th, September, 2011.English writing has always been our headache and we』re trying every means to improve it but have little good result. It would be our great honor if you could come to give us a lecture on it. Enclosed in this letter is a time schedule for it. The school would cover the traveling and other expenses.Please let me know your date of arrival if you can come. If you have any questions, please don』t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your favorable reply.Yours,Wang Hai假設你是李華,暑假通常你會和Lisa一起去度假。今年你們打算邀請在北京學習的美國朋友Ben和你們去海南三亞度假。請根據下面的要點寫一封e-mail向Ben發出邀請。要點:海南三亞度假兩周;參加一周的潛水課程;周四之前回復是否加入; Lisa負責預訂航班和酒店。注意:1.詞數為100左右;2.可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫;Dear Ben,Time goes fast. Another summer is coming again. Lisa and I will go on vacation as usual. We always want to go to Sanya in Hainan Province and have planned to spend two weeks there. We would be delighted if you could join us onthis trip.The first week we will take a diving course. Just imagine swimming under water with the fishes! I can"t wait! Don"t worry about the details, as Lisa will take care of booking the plane tickets and reserving the hotel. If you want to participate then I need you to reply by Thursday.We hope you decide to come along. It will be wonderful to see you again and we will have a great time.Yours,Li Hua假定你是李華,在北京讀高中,暑假回河北承德老家看望爺爺奶奶。請你參照以下表格內容,給同學Peter 寫封信,介紹你家鄉的壩上草原並邀請他前來旅遊。注意:1.詞數100左右(開頭已寫好,不計入總詞數)2. 可以適當增加細節,以使行文連貫。名稱the Bashang Prairie位置北京以北5小時車程氣候夏季清涼宜人,7月份平均氣溫20°C左右風景藍天白雲、碧草黃花、湖水清澈、牛羊成群活動騎馬、看摔跤、吃烤羊肉等。寫作準備 1.why not do sth? 2.be located to…/lies to… 3.about(…)drive/walk4.pleasant(ly) (氣候)宜人的(地) 5.the average of… 6.or so/about7.be dotted with… 點綴著,布滿著 8.as well as… 9.lots of/…/herds of…成群的(馬牛羊等牲畜) 10.a variety of…/varieties of… 11.attractions12.not only…but also… 13. personally /in person/for oneself 14.wrestling competitions(摔跤比賽) 15.open fire(篝火)Dear Peter,How are you these days!I know it is very hot now in Beijing.As you know, my hometown,Chengde is a good place to spent summer holidays because it is pleasant in summer.Why not come over here to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bashang Prairie?The Bashang Prairie is located/ lies to the north of Beijing , about 5 hours』drive.The weather here in summer is pleasantly cool and the average of the temperature is (about) 20℃ or so in July. Standing on the grassland, you can see white clouds in the blue sky, green grass and wild flowers, clear water in the lake as well as herds of cattle and sheep.There are a variety of /varieties of attractions here-not only can you try ridinga horse / try the horse-riding in person/personally/for yourself and watch wrestling competitions, but also you can eat delicious roast mutton on the open fire.Isn』t it……Yours ,Li Hua2017邀請信學案及課件鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYHF66S密碼:nzcc


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