公園中的公園 臨時公園(場地激活)| ASPECT M



關鍵詞 Keywords: ASPECT Studios Australia Park place scale Sydney wood 公園 場所尺度 悉尼 木材 澳大利亞

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Appreciation towardsASPECT Studiosfor providing the following description:


Metcalfe Park is situated on the waterfront in the commercial and technology cradle of Pyrmont in Sydney.Adjacent to the harbour, the existing park offers some of the most direct views of the rapidly transforming western city edge of Sydney, but with no facilities or public offering beyond its open grass area, it functions as a transitional place with most people simply passing through or around it.

▽濱水公園,Metcalfe Park is situated on the waterfront

為了改變現狀、打造一處停留的空間,當地商圈的店鋪主人共同出資合作,組建一個區域夥伴團隊,並聘請澳派景觀設計工作室ASPECT Studios打造了一個暫時公園,期望創造一種全新的公園體驗,不僅具有功能性,更能激發靈感創意,從而增強周邊社區之間的互動。

為了鼓勵更多的人們來到這裡,在這裡停留、鍛煉或玩耍,澳派景觀設計工作室ASPECT Studios在這座公園內設計了一個臨時公園,以場地研究調查、社區參與度和分析研究為基礎,將具有社交互動性的基礎設施設置在場地內,並測試這些設施是如何結合原有的功能豐富空間體驗。

With an appetite to do more and create a space to stay, a new project model was conceived of by the local business community. Several of the surrounding businesses have rallied together to establish a precinct partners working group and commission a temporary park with the goal of creating a useable and inspired park experience to encourage greater interaction by the surrounding communities.

To encourage more people to stay, exercise and play, ASPECT Studios designed a park within a park which was based on site research, community engagement and analysis, with the intent to introduce social infrastructure types and test the effectiveness of these in shifting existing patterns of use.

▽公園裡的暫時公園,「Park within a Park」

在開始設計前,澳派景觀設計工作室ASPECT Studios在炎熱的夏季開展了數天的現場觀察研究,建立資料庫,了解場地現有的功能使用情況,並測試設計成果。當時的數據調查結果如下:

1. 主要使用情況 – 使用公園的人數從工作日每天1500人到周末每天880人不等。在這些時間內,75%人群僅僅是穿過公園。2. 使用高峰 – 在工作日,高峰使用時段是早上8-10點,每小時300-500人經過這一區域。之後人數逐漸減少,在下午6-8點時,每小時達到50-150人的低點。周末的高峰使用時段則相反,在涼爽的夜晚,大約下午6-8點,每小時約200-400人會來到公園。3. 活動分析 – 了解場地人行流動和活動,掌握場地主要使用類型,如過道、集體運動和鍛煉活動、靜態活動、騎自行車、遛狗、家庭成員之間玩耍等。這些調查結果也決定了我們的空間劃分原則,即保留現有的功能和明確的自由活動中心,並增強人們停留的意願。

Priorto commencing the design process, ASPECT Studios conducted an onsite observation study over several daysduring the summer months, to establish a "base case』 and to setup key metrics and rigour around the current patterns of use,to ultimately test the design outcomes against. The key outcomes of the study are listed below.

1. Key usage –The population of people using the park fluctuates from an average of 1500 people per day during the working week to 880 on the weekend.Within these periods, 75% of people pass through the park.2. The peak usage – On weekdays the peak usage period was between 8-10am, with 300-500 people per hour moving through the space. This gradually reduced during the day to a low of 50-150 people per hour between 6-8pm. During the weekends this trend was reversed with key usage around 6-8pm with 200-400 people per hour using the park during the cooler evening period.3. Activity analysis – Mapping pedestrian movements and activity throughout the day provided an understanding of patterns of use for key uses These were noted as thoroughfare, organised sport and exercise, sedentary uses and other uses such as cycling, walking dogs, and incidental play by small family groups. This defined the spatial principles as retaining clear desire lines and a clear unprogrammed centre, and enhancing the existing patterns of keeping occupation to the edges.

Directly responding to the metrics of this observation study, ASPECT Studios was able to design outcomes for the park. The park tested play, health and wellbeing, emerging technologies, biophilia, social infrastructure, new working methods, seating, shade structures.

▽具有社交互動性的基礎設施,social infrastructure

更多社交互動性基礎設施 More Social infrastructure


To encourage more people to stay whether to eat,relax, exercise, play or work externally, the park accommodates the needs and desires of users by providing place specific bespoke furniture; outdoor tables; integrated planters;mature large trees; seating opportunities; ping pong tables; solar harvesting umbrellas to provide shading and smart phone and tablet charging facilities; and a wireless environment.

▽ 公園滿足了不同人群的不同需求和期望,the park accommodates the needs and desires of users

「看得見的」可持續 Visible Sustainability Initiatives


The new park takes responsibility for its environmental footprint and has separated waste collection, solar harvesting and used repurposed and renewable materials to build it.

▽回收利用材料打造的傢具,furnitures built byrenewable materials

▽ 植被標註,plantation

調查研究Research and Advocacy




The temporary nature of the park is to test and understand how people interact with the space and what aspects of the park could work for the future. It is being trialled over the Sydney summer, with all park components designed to allow for easy rearrangement and storage over the period. It tests various configurations and will ultimately determine the optimal solution for the urban space, which are people and site-specific driven-outcomes.

During this time the project is being documented (three x 21-day trials) to understand the success and shift in occupation depending on the physical environment and for the benefit for future work. The study process includes again mapping key usage, peak usage and an analysis of activity, whilst also aligning this with a communication strategy utilising web and social media platforms. This gives users the ability to provide direct feedback via the online "suggestion box』.

This summer park has been designed with a view to promote health and wellbeing and a better appreciation of the benefits of urban green space. The final solution will be a series of recommendations to landowner through ongoing stakeholder engagement to work towards a permanent solution.

▽人氣持續不斷的公園,dynamic park

地點:澳大利亞悉尼梅特卡夫公園項目管理:JLL、Margot Natoli項目管理區域夥伴:谷歌、The Star Sydney、Doltone House、GPT集團、Mirvac、Fairfax Media、悉尼海港管理局設計團隊:設計主創兼景觀設計:澳派景觀設計工作室ASPECT Studios製作工程及安裝:Fleetwood Urban攝影師:Florian Groehn時間:2015

Location: Metcalfe Park, Pyrmont, Sydney NSW, AustraliaProject Management: JLL, Margot Natoli Project ManagementPrecinct Partners: Google, The Star Sydney, Doltone House, The GPT Group, Mirvac, Fairfax Media, Sydney Harbour Foreshore AuthorityDesign Team:Lead Designers and Landscape Architects: ASPECT StudiosFabrication Engineering and Installation: Fleetwood UrbanPhotography: Florian GroehnYear: 2015

MORE:ASPECT Studios 更多關於他們:ASPECT Studios on gooood


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