
front line Photograph: Rodrigo Abd/AP

米蘇拉塔,利比亞(Misrata, Libya):一前線反對派武裝人員,正站在一輛由卡車改裝而來的裝甲戰鬥車旁,執行自己的武裝任務。(Photograph: Rodrigo Abd/AP ) 2Colombo, Sri Lanka: Children of Sri Lankan war veterans read through names of fallen soldiers on a memorial for those who died in the conflict against the Tamil Tigers Photograph: Ishara S Kodikara/AFP

科倫坡,斯里蘭卡(Colombo, Sri Lanka):斯里蘭卡戰爭老兵的孩子們在紀念碑前,讀著上面刻著的與泰米爾猛虎組織作戰中喪生的陣亡士兵的名字。(Photograph: Ishara S Kodikara/AFP ) 3Joplin, Missouri: A vault is all that remains of the Commerce Bank after a tornado tore through much of the city Photograph: Charlie Riedel/AP

喬普林,密蘇里州(Joplin, Missouri):龍捲風肆虐過後,整座城市大都成了一片廢墟。商業銀行所有的家當,也只剩下這孤伶伶的金庫一座了。(Photograph: Charlie Riedel/AP ) 4Cairo, Egypt: A woman watches from her balcony as demonstrators gather in Tahrir Square Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty

開羅,埃及(Cairo, Egypt):一老婦人正站在陽台上,觀看著下面聚集在塔利爾廣場上的示威人群。( Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty ) 5Jerusalem: Israeli police stand guard as peace activists protest outside the Jewish settler building of Ma"ale Hazeitim Photograph: Alessio Romenzi/AFP

耶路撒冷(Jerusalem):和平抗議人士正在Ma"ale Hazeitim猶太定居點的建築外舉行抗議活動時,以色列警察站列一旁,執行著警戒任務。(Photograph: Alessio Romenzi/AFP ) 6Sydney, Australia: Surfers return to the seas at Bronte beach as sea conditions return to normal following days of high tides Photograph: John Donegan/Getty

悉尼,澳大利亞(Sydney, Australia):數日濤天巨浪過後,海面一切恢復正常,衝浪者們逆著急流返回勃朗特海灘。(Photograph: John Donegan/Getty ) 7Kabul, Afghanistan: An Afghan police officer watches over the city from TV mountain Photograph: Punit Paranjpe/AFP

喀布爾,阿富汗(Kabul, Afghanistan):一阿富汗警察正站在高高的電視山上,注視著出下整座城市的動靜。(Photograph: Punit Paranjpe/AFP) 8Barcelona, Spain: Riot police officers stand next to demonstrators protesting against high unemployment Photograph: Emilio Morenatti/AP

巴塞羅那,西班牙(Barcelona, Spain):防暴警察正站立一旁,處於警戒狀態。他們的面前是抗議失業率居高不下的示威人群。(Photograph: Emilio Morenatti/AP ) 9Sydney, Australia: The Opera House sails are illuminated on opening night of the 2011 Vivid Sydney Festival Photograph: Mark Nolan/Getty

悉尼,澳大利亞(Sydney, Australia):「2011魅力悉尼節」大幕拉開的當夜,歌劇院船帆造型被點亮得奇光異彩,熒光閃耀。 10Paris, France: US President Barack Obama walks on to the tarmac at an airport near the city en route to Warsaw, Poland Photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP

巴黎,法國(Paris, France):美國總統奧巴馬正大步流星地走在城市附近機場的停機坪上,準備登機踏上其波蘭華沙之旅。(Photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP ) 11Tripoli, Libya: A street vendor sells kebabs Photograph: Ivan Sekretarev/AP

的黎波里,利比亞(Tripoli, Libya):一街頭小販正在街頭給來往行人兜售羊肉串。(Ivan Sekretarev/AP ) 12Langar, England: Labour Party Leader Ed Miiband and his wife Justine Thornton pose after their civil wedding Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty

蘭加爾,英國(Langar, England):英國工黨領袖埃德·米利班德和他的妻子賈斯汀·桑頓在參加完民間婚禮後,正在鏡頭前擺著POSE。(Photograph: Christopher Furlong/Getty )


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