

  • 「沉醉知歸路」-------旅美畫家何岸油畫展

http://www.zhuokearts.com 2009-11-03 新聞來源:卓克藝術網藝

上個世紀八十年代,中國畫壇嶄露頭角的何岸遠涉重洋,赴美國去追尋夢想。二十多年後的今天他首次在國內舉辦個人畫展,這無疑又是一次圓夢之旅。旅美二十多年的生涯,為何岸提供了極為廣闊的視野,本次畫展的價值在於體現了這位華人藝術家穿越中西文化所進行的文化融合實踐。 何岸,1957年出生於藝術世家,自幼受傳統中國文化藝術的熏陶。70年代在海軍南海艦隊從事美術創作,1981年成為中國美術家協會最年輕的會員,其描繪水兵生活的浪漫抒情之作,在當時代影響深遠。定居美國後,至今已在美國各大城市舉行畫展多次,是活躍在當代美國重要的華人職業油畫家之一。 何岸海納百川,涉足廣泛。中西文化的反差,無疑對他的心理、思維和審美取向產生了潛移默化的作用。不論他本人是否自覺地意識到,他不可避免地吸收了兩種文化藝術的營養。從藝至今,他始終沉醉於描繪周遭之大美,保持抒情浪漫、唯美寫實的個人風格。 回歸故土尋找根和養分,在畫作中傳達這一理念和想法,是他不懈的藝術追求。近年來,何岸對表現歐美風情與中國元素題材情有獨鍾。其作品中吸取了中國文化元素,並融合西方寫實油畫技法而開始了中國傳統文化精神內涵的回歸之旅。乍看其芭蕾舞女系列作品,極富歐美風情,但細細品嘗,卻又不盡然,西方女性人物已經注入了東方神韻,如作品《琴夢》、《藍色旋律》、《提琴·玫瑰》等。因此,這些作品成為了海內外眾多藏家追逐的目標。善於營造戲劇般的環境氣氛,惟妙惟肖地展現特定環境中的特定人物內心世界,也是何岸繪畫藝術動人之所在。 本次展覽將力圖全面展示何岸的油畫藝術路程,但因其早期創作之成果或被收藏,或蹤跡難覓,我們將在編印的畫冊中盡量彌補這一缺失。本次展出的作品包括何岸近期創作的中國元素系列、歐美風情系列、肖像、人體和靜物等作品,它們將呈現貫穿畫家藝途優雅與高貴的追求。 我們陶醉於何岸先生所追求的唯美寫實、浪漫抒情之路,同時祝展覽圓滿成功! 藝海堂美術館2009年11月  Preoccupation with Art------ Oil Painting Exhibition of An He In the 1980s, just coming up in the China art circle, An He crossed the ocean and went to the United States for his dreams. Today, he will hold his first solo tour exhibition in China, obviously for fulfilling his dreams again. After settling down in the United States, An He has greatly widened his horizons. Surely, the exhibition is the practice of cultural fusion between China and the United States because of the painter An He』s effort.  In 1957, An He was born to an artistic family and grew up under the nurture of Chinese culture and art. He became an artistic creator in the Nanhai Fleet of China Navy since the 1970s, and the youngest member of China Artists Association in 1981 for his romantic and lyrical works on sailors, which have great influence on China art circle. After settling down in the United States, he has held plentiful exhibitions in many cites of the United States. Nowadays he is one of the important contemporary professional oil painters in the United States. An He has an open mind and wide interests. Therefore, great contrast between China and the United States has a potential impact on his mentality, thought and aesthetic taste. Consciously or not, he has absorbed the nutrition from both China and the United States. He is always intoxicated with the surrounding beauty by approaching it in a romantic, lyrical and aesthetic way. Returning to the homeland, seeking root and sources and expressing it on his paintings are the unremitting pursuit of An He. In recent years, An He has showed special preference to motifs concerning Chinese elements and western melody. The successful fusion between Chinese elements and western realistic skills indicates his way to the underlying soul of traditional Chinese culture. Ballet series painted by An He, have the western melody at first glance, but after further appreciation, they are not exactly so. Those female images have been injected into oriental verve. For example, Dream of Violin, Blue Cantus, Violin & Roses, etc… Therefore, his works have been the priority of collectors both home and abroad. An He is good at building dramatic ambience and vividly presenting figure』s inner world in certain surroundings. That』s why his works are attractive. The exhibition aims to totally demonstrate the artistic experience of An He. However, his works were either collected by official institutes or privates or nowhere to be found. We shall make up for it by printing an album of oil paintings. The exhibited works include Chinese elements, western melody, portraits, nudes and still life, which are elegant and noble. We are drunk with the aesthetic, romantic and lyrical way An He pursued. May the exhibition a complete success! YiHaiTang Art MuseumNovember, 2009.

白舞裙之一White Ballet shirt No.1 100x120cm 2007

白舞裙之四White Ballet shirt No.4 76.2x101cm 2006

第一課The first lesson101.6x76.2cm 2007

海邊絮語Seaside Gathering140x180cm  1984

崑曲經典青春版牡丹亭之圓夢Fulfil the Dream Kunqu Opera Youth Version of Peony Pavilion150X140cm 2008

琴夢 Dream of violin 101.6x76.2cm 2005

秋光 Autumn light 80x110cm 2009 年

山村之戀Peace Love160x130cm2009

庭院深深The Deep Courtyard 100x80cm 2008

夏日的映像之三Summer Reflection NO.3 76.2x101cm 2008

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