


美聯社8月23日發表了題為China rehearses for military parade with fighter jets, troops from Russia, Cuba (來自俄羅斯等國的戰鬥機和軍隊參加了中國閱兵綵排)的報道。這篇報道顯示出了美聯社對中國閱兵活動的一種複雜,甚至矛盾的角度。一方面,他們承認中國閱兵的合法性和正義性,但在另一方面卻自以為看到了閱兵是在展示肌肉(muscle),向鄰國以及在領土爭端方面顯示強硬立場。這種聯想力確實是吸引了民眾的眼球,但合理性和目的卻令人質疑。


The Sept. 3 parade will showcase the People"s Liberation Army"s rapidly growing capabilities at a time when Beijing is asserting territorial claims in the South China Sea and East China Sea.


China says the parade is about marking the 70th anniversary of Japan"s World War II surrender and demonstrating its commitment to peace. But it comes as other governments are expressing unease at Beijing"s confrontational stance toward territorial disputes. That has made taking part in the event politically charged.



More than 10,000 Chinese military personnel with more than 500 vehicles and some 200 aircraft took part in the rehearsal, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.The Chinese military plans to show seven types of long-, intermediate- and short-range missiles at the parade, Xinhua said. It cited a military official as saying 84 percent of armaments to be displayed have not been shown in public previously.

英國的《衛報》在閱兵綵排前的8月21日發表題為"Old-school tub-thumping": 12,000 Chinese troops prepare for WW2 parade(12000名中國軍人為抗戰大閱兵做準備)的報道文章。文章認為,本次閱兵的目標並非是鄰國或針對領土爭端,而是國內民眾,以增強他們民族認同感(Chinese national identity)。


1、It is an attempt to pile political pressure on regional rival Japan – with whom Beijing is embroiled in a festering territorial dispute in the East China Sea – by reminding the world of the horrific crimes its troops committed during the war years.


2、It is intended to use the country』s increasingly sophisticated military capabilities to flex China』s muscles on the world stage.


3、Xi』s key target audience is the Chinese public. 「It seems to me that the whole thing is really for internal consumption and is really part and parcel of this ramping up of the nationalist rhetoric in the story that Xi and co are pushing,」 said Nick Bisley, the executive director of La Trobe Asia. 「You are not doing this to impress the Pentagon.」

澳大利亞拉籌伯大學教授Nick Bisley認為,這次的閱兵主要針對國內民眾,一是提升國內的消費,二是推動民族主義情緒不可或缺的一部分。這與讓美國受驚無關。

牛津大學Dickson Poon China Centre的教授Rana Mitter則指出了中國閱兵的內涵,即there was a genuine desire among many Chinese to see their country』s contribution to the allied victory recognized.(中國人渴望西方國家承認中國對抗戰勝利作出的貢獻),同時政府希望藉此增強民族凝聚力(idea of Chinese national identification)和認同感(idea of identity)。

「[There is] this very strong sense that China』s contribution to the war effort is pretty much unknown in the west and underappreciated…But for me the emphasis [of the parade] is overwhelmingly domestic. It is very, very much about trying to solidify and put substance behind this growing idea of Chinese national identification: the idea of identity being created through the glorious events of the relatively recent past of which the second world war has become one.」

《南華早報》的觀點也與美聯社的類似。在 8月22日發表的Made in China: Beijing to show off 100s of new weapons at grand memorial war parade as rehearsals get under way報道中稱,此次閱兵被普遍視作高調展示中國人民解放軍快速增長的力量,而且正值中國在東海及南海爭議海域更為積極地宣稱主權之際。

中國的行動促使鄰國關注加強自身軍事力量,並促使美國恪守對區域盟國的承諾。文章用澳門軍事觀察員黃東(Antony Wong Dong)的話指出,中國正以史無前例的速度發展新型武器,閱兵式將令公眾確信中國軍隊力量的增長。

Macau-based military observer Antony Wong Dong said China was developing new arms at an unprecedented rate. "There is no doubt about the fast-growing armament industry," Wong said."New weapons come out every week. This parade will affirm to the public the military"s growing capability."

不過,《華盛頓郵報》集團下的英石網站(Quartz.com)在8月26日刊登了一篇華人Zheping Huang寫的文章。該文章指出,在二戰結束70年後,亞洲和歐洲對於這場戰爭的紀念方式完全不同:

The parade, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, will take place on Sept. 3, a newly created holiday to celebrate the allied forces victory over Japan. While Europe』s (arguably mostly successful) post-WWII reunification strategy might be summed up as 「don』t mention the war,」 in Asia unifying forces have lost out to rising nationalism in recent years. China』s plans to commemorate the 「War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression as well as the World Anti-Fascist War」 will be Xi Jinping』s first non-National Day parade since being declared president.

外媒還報道了為了保證閱兵活動的安全,政府採取的一些措施對北京民眾的生活造成了一些不便。石英的文章甚至用了Forbidden City這樣的小標題,誇張地描寫這些措施造成的影響。

1、During last weekend』s rehearsal, they were inconvenienced by the shutdown of roads, railway stations, and shopping streets, and a ban on hotel reservations and art events. The same restrictions will be in effect again on Sept. 3. Besides the city』s two airports, some public parks, wireless internet, and radio signals near the parade site will also be shut down on that day.

2、Beijing has banned aerial activities including light-weight helicopters, gliders, hot air balloons and aerostats from Aug. 22 to Sept. 4, state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

3、Starting on Aug. 20, private vehicle drivers will alternate days they can use Beijing』s roads, based on whether their license plates end with even or odd number. Most government vehicles are also banned entirely. Starting Aug. 28, some 10,000 factories will be shut down or reduce production, and over 40,000 construction sites will be closed in Beijing and its surrounding provinces,

此外,北京市政府採取的限制措施甚至包括禁止出售無人機(drones),快遞包裹要實名制(Anonymous package deliveries are also forbidden in the city),小型商業企業(如餐館)推出了「show your ID」policy。當然,北京各個區的「人民群眾」(local residents)也都調動(mobilizing)起來,在大街小巷巡邏(patrol):

The Beijing government has mobilized 850,000 citizens to patrol the city to ensure safety ahead of the parade. They will be sent to 「every street, every alley」 to look for signs of 「security hazards」 and report them to police.

這些措施其他也有另外一個附帶的好處,就是北京的天空繼「APEC Blue」之後出現了「Parade Blue」。《中國日報》對此進行了報道,並為「閱兵藍」正名。

According to a report by the environment protection authority, Beijing"s PM2.5 index remained excellent for six days from Aug 20 to Aug 25, and the media has called the blue sky in Beijing during this period "parade blue".




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