
1. The Millionaire Next Door

1. 《鄰家的百萬富翁》

This classic which was first published in 1996 and written by Thomas J.Stanley and William D. Danko offers in-depth knowledge from the findings of theauthors of how America』s millionaires became rich in seven key steps.


One of the high points discussed was the simple and strategic method ofspending less than you earn. By doing this, you could avoid impulse buying anddiversify your investments.


2. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

2. 《富爸爸,窮爸爸》

Robert T. Kiyosaki』s book remains a stunner any day and anytime. It is a mustread if you want to start crafting a path to wealth while you are young. In thisbook, Kiyosaki was able to bring the habits of his father, who was a highlyeducated man yet poor, and his other father who was a dropout but became aself-made multimillionaire.


The focus follows what are termed the different 「quadrants」 of the differentclasses of people in society and how you can elevate yourself to the Investorquadrant which will make you super rich.


3. How Rich People Think

3. 《富人是如何思考的》

Steve Siebold author of 「How Rich People Think」 has spent 30 yearsinterviewing 1, 000 millionaires and billionaires to figure out whatdistinguished them from the average person.


In the book, Siebold offers concrete action steps to follow as an ambitiousperson to building your own wealth.


4. Think and Grow Rich

4. 《思考致富》

Written in an era of Great Depression, author and former adviser to PresidentFranklin Roosevelt interviewed over 500 successful people to discover the keysto good fortune.


A classic and bestselling book, it discusses how you should start planning bysetting your aim and desire of how much you really want to earn. It all startsfrom the power of your thoughts and then action.


5. You』re So Money

5. 《女人一定要有錢》

Directed towards the middle class earners, author Farnoosh Torabi talks abouthow you can save money in certain areas of your life.


The book is a great read and offers wonderful advice to young people. It hasa witty, funny and concise approach to explaining to people how they can handletheir finances appropriately on the road to becoming rich.



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